
Baron Beltramko of Barren Sky

Character ID:1335736562092
Adventure Class:Темный рыцарь (125)
First Tradeskill:Provisioner (125)
Secondary Tradeskills:
Tinkering (15/625)
Adorning (3/625)
Ascension Class : ElementalistLevel: 20
Ascension Class : EtherealistLevel: 20
Ascension Class : GeomancerLevel: 20
Ascension Class : ThaumaturgistLevel: 25 - Active
Alternate Advancements:0
Deity:Rallos Zek
Last Seen:22.04.27
Played:49 days
Guild:Extrim (joined: 16.03.16)
Personal Status:38901887
Kills/Deaths Ratio:90.29
Max Melee Hit:5265820820557
Max Magic Hit:668828552651
Collections Completed:89
Items Crafted:4370
Quests completed:1065
Rare harvests:53
Block:70 (135%)
Crit Chance:3850%
Crit Bonus:27576%
Ability Modifier:46927200
Hate Gain Modifier:0
DPS Modifier:0
AE Autoattack:0%
Attack Speed:58
Double Attack:29%
Double Attack:0%
Weapon Auto Attack:0%
Weapon Attack Speed:0
Weapon Double Attack:0%
Weapon DPS:0
Weapon Flurry:0%
Ammomottled leather quiver
CharmShattered Charm of Skyward
CharmShattered Charm of Balance
ChestShattered Cuirass of Malleability
CloakShattered Cloak of Ammolite
DrinkVetrovia Midnight Vintage
EarShattered Stud of Willpower
EarShattered Stud of Dichroic
Event Slot
FeetShattered Sabatons of Malevolence
FingerShattered Band of Malevolence
FingerShattered Signet of Spirit
FoodKamapor Tea Brined Venison
ForearmsShattered Vambraces of Malleability
HandsShattered Gage of Aether
HeadShattered Barbute of Skyward
LegsShattered Chausses of Spirit
Mount Adornment
Mount Armor
NeckShattered Locket of Malleability
PrimaryShattered Club of Spirit
RangedShattered Longbow of Pride
SecondaryShattered Tower Shield of Pride
ShouldersShattered Pauldrons of Trickery
WaistShattered Belt of Pride
WristShattered Armlet of Trickery
WristShattered Armlet of Willpower
ChestBreastplate of Kunark Achievements
CloakVeeshan Loyalty Cloak
FeetBoots of Kunark Achievements
ForearmsBracers of Kunark Achievements
HandsGauntlets of Kunark Achievements
HeadHelmet of Kunark Achievements
LegsGreaves of Kunark Achievements
Mount Adornment
Mount Armor
ShouldersSpaulders of Kunark Achievements
3 / 625
5262 / 5262
5172 / 5172
Alcohol Tolerance:
17 / 625
129 / 129
654 / 654
129 / 129
5167 / 5167
5267 / 5267
0 / 0
5197 / 5197
625 / 625
189 / 625
179 / 179
5063 / 5063
472 / 625
675 / 675
0 / 625
129 / 129
129 / 129
675 / 675
5197 / 5197
5197 / 5197
5202 / 5202
5142 / 5142
5197 / 5197
129 / 129
179 / 179
25 / 625
5151 / 5151
4577 / 4577
625 / 625
129 / 129
15 / 625
13 / 625
521 / 625
100th Ranked Artisan:04.01.18
100th Season Adventurer:12.11.14
101st Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
102nd Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
103rd Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
104th Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
105th Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
105th Season Adventurer:08.12.17
106th Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
107th Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
108th Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
109th Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
10th Ranked Artisan:08.12.17
10th Season Adventurer:23.02.13
110th Planar Adventurer:29.06.18
110th Ranked Artisan:30.06.19
110th Season Adventurer:08.01.18
120th Ranked Artisan:22.02.20
120th Season Adventurer:15.02.20
125th Ranked Artisan:08.04.22
125th Season Adventurer:06.12.21
20th Ranked Artisan:10.12.17
20th Season Adventurer:23.02.13
30th Ranked Artisan:15.12.17
30th Season Adventurer:24.02.13
40th Ranked Artisan:23.12.17
40th Season Adventurer:24.02.13
50th Ranked Artisan:25.12.17
50th Season Adventurer:24.02.13
60th Ranked Artisan:25.12.17
60th Season Adventurer:25.02.13
70th Ranked Artisan:26.12.17
70th Season Adventurer:25.02.13
80th Ranked Artisan:02.01.18
80th Season Adventurer:27.02.13
85th Season Adventurer:03.03.13
90th Ranked Artisan:03.01.18
90th Season Adventurer:04.03.13
95th Season Adventurer:12.11.14
A Burghal in Our Midst:
A Collector's Collector:
A Dire Pyre is Made of Fire:22.11.21
A Foray a Day is Great:21.11.21
A Foray a Day is Mainly Okay:09.11.21
A God Playing Fool:
A Little Too Chaotic?:09.11.21
A Reason to Reserve:22.11.21
A Shiny in Hand is Worth Two In the Bush:
A Stitch in Time:30.06.19
Aberrant Annihilator:
Aberrant Destroyer:
Aberrant Executioner:
Aberrant Killer:06.01.16
Accomplished Aberrant Hunter:07.01.16
Accomplished Aberrant Slayer:
Accomplished Aerakyn Hunter:30.11.13
Accomplished Aerakyn Slayer:
Accomplished Akhevan Hunter:13.06.20
Accomplished Akhevan Slayer:
Accomplished Allu'thoa Hunter:
Accomplished Allu'thoa Slayer:
Accomplished Aviak Hunter:19.07.19
Accomplished Aviak Slayer:
Accomplished Bixie Hunter:18.11.13
Accomplished Bixie Slayer:
Accomplished Brownie Hunter:
Accomplished Brownie Slayer:
Accomplished Bugbear Hunter:
Accomplished Bugbear Slayer:
Accomplished Cepholex Hunter:
Accomplished Cepholex Slayer:
Accomplished Clockwork Hunter:11.11.15
Accomplished Clockwork Slayer:
Accomplished Cyclops Hunter:
Accomplished Cyclops Slayer:
Accomplished Di'Zok Hunter:06.03.13
Accomplished Di'Zok Slayer:
Accomplished Djinn Hunter:
Accomplished Djinn Slayer:
Accomplished Droag Hunter:25.02.13
Accomplished Droag Slayer:22.03.13
Accomplished Drolvarg Hunter:28.02.13
Accomplished Drolvarg Slayer:
Accomplished Elemental Hunter:15.03.13
Accomplished Elemental Slayer:22.01.22
Accomplished Fairy Hunter:
Accomplished Fairy Slayer:
Accomplished Froglok Hunter:08.03.13
Accomplished Froglok Slayer:
Accomplished Galorian Hunter:14.03.20
Accomplished Galorian Slayer:
Accomplished Giant Hunter:01.04.13
Accomplished Giant Slayer:
Accomplished Gnoll Hunter:
Accomplished Gnoll Slayer:
Accomplished Goblin Hunter:07.03.13
Accomplished Goblin Slayer:08.01.14
Accomplished Golem Hunter:04.07.19
Accomplished Golem Slayer:
Accomplished Grimling Hunter:25.05.20
Accomplished Grimling Slayer:
Accomplished Harpy Hunter:30.03.20
Accomplished Harpy Slayer:
Accomplished Hunter of Innocents:
Accomplished Immolated Hunter:
Accomplished Immolated Slayer:
Accomplished Kobold Hunter:
Accomplished Kobold Slayer:
Accomplished Lizardman Hunter:
Accomplished Lizardman Slayer:
Accomplished Marid Hunter:03.07.19
Accomplished Marid Slayer:
Accomplished Mephlin Hunter:25.06.19
Accomplished Mephlin Slayer:
Accomplished Nilborien Hunter:19.07.19
Accomplished Nilborien Slayer:
Accomplished Orc Hunter:24.02.13
Accomplished Orc Slayer:14.05.16
Accomplished Planar Elemental Hunter:18.06.19
Accomplished Planar Elemental Slayer:
Accomplished Ravasect Hunter:24.01.14
Accomplished Ravasect Slayer:
Accomplished Satyr Hunter:
Accomplished Satyr Slayer:
Accomplished Shiny Hunter:
Accomplished Shissar Hunter:29.05.20
Accomplished Shissar Slayer:
Accomplished Siren Hunter:21.06.19
Accomplished Siren Slayer:
Accomplished Slayer of Innocents:
Accomplished Slug Hunter:19.07.19
Accomplished Slug Slayer:
Accomplished Thought Horror Hunter:
Accomplished Thought Horror Slayer:
Accomplished Undead Hunter:25.02.13
Accomplished Undead Slayer:16.03.13
Accomplished Urzarach Hunter:
Accomplished Urzarach Slayer:
Accomplished Vampire Hunter:08.03.13
Accomplished Vampire Slayer:30.01.22
Accomplished Werewolf Hunter:11.11.15
Accomplished Werewolf Slayer:
Accomplished Wilder Hunter:28.08.19
Accomplished Wilder Slayer:
Accomplished Yha-lei Hunter:05.03.13
Accomplished Yha-lei Slayer:
Addicted to Quests:06.12.21
Advanced Dungeoneer:
Advancing Steadily:24.02.13
Aerakyn Annihilator:
Aerakyn Destroyer:
Aerakyn Executioner:
Aerakyn Killer:20.11.13
Aerie Adagio:
Agent of Freeport:12.12.17
Akhevan Annihilator:
Akhevan Destroyer:
Akhevan Executioner:
Akhevan Killer:12.12.17
Allu'thoa Annihilator:
Allu'thoa Destroyer:
Allu'thoa Executioner:
Allu'thoa Killer:
Ally of Ry'Gorr:23.03.13
Ally of Thurgadin:04.03.13
Also Made in Aurelian Coast:
An Air Apparent:
An Eye for an Eye...:03.03.13
Ancient Artifacts and Figures:
Ancient Discoveries:
Ancient Signature Pursuer:09.11.21
Ancient Signature Stalker:
Annihilator of Innocents:
Antiquities Exhibition:
Antonican Adventurer:
Archaeologist Anonymous:
Artisan's Soul:
Arx You Kidding Me?:
Arx You Serious?:15.02.20
Assisting the March:
At the Steps of Death:
Aurelian Coast Guard:
Aviak Annihilator:
Aviak Destroyer:
Aviak Executioner:
Aviak Killer:28.02.14
Baelon of Thule's Demise:06.03.13
Basic Understanding:25.02.13
Beast Wrangler:
Beginner Collector:27.02.13
Beginner Dungeoneer:05.06.14
Beginner Quester:25.02.13
Bestial Bellies Aside:08.04.22
Biggest Loser:19.03.13
Biggest Winner:05.03.13
Bixie Annihilator:
Bixie Destroyer:
Bixie Executioner:
Bixie Killer:14.11.13
Blinding Ambition:
Blood Pressures:
Bluster, Bluster:18.06.19
Bluster, Bluster, Bluster:05.07.19
Bonegrinder Butcher:10.03.13
Both Hands on Deck!:
Brawn for hire:
Breacher of Befallen:
Brendegor Bitelimb's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Bridged the Divide:
Bringer of Blight:08.03.13
Bringer of Death:05.03.13
Brownie Annihilator:
Brownie Destroyer:
Brownie Executioner:
Brownie Killer:
Bugbear Annihilator:
Bugbear Destroyer:
Bugbear Executioner:
Bugbear Killer:
Bunny Defender:12.11.14
Burning Passions in a Frigid Land:
Burning, Burning:16.06.19
Butcherblock Beachcomber:
Buzzer Beater:
Cairn You Spare Some Coin:09.04.22
Cairn You Spare a Copper:13.12.21
Came to Me in a Vision:
Can I have your autograph?:02.12.13
Can't Fool Me:12.12.17
Candy Crusher:
Celestial Elementalist:05.12.21
Celestial Etherealist:05.12.21
Celestial Geomancer:05.12.21
Celestial Thaumaturgist:05.12.21
Cepholex Annihilator:
Cepholex Destroyer:
Cepholex Executioner:
Cepholex Killer:07.01.16
Champion of Ro:
Champion of Tranquility:
Cleansing the Elements.:
Clockwork Annihilator:
Clockwork Destroyer:
Clockwork Executioner:
Clockwork Killer:09.11.15
Coasting through the Hills:
Codexicon Crusher:01.03.13
Collection Hoarder:
Collection Master:
Collection Obsessor:
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Solo):04.03.13
Commonlands Colonist:
Consider a Listless Chime:29.03.20
Contested: Defeat the Greater Bosses:
Contested: Defeat the Lesser Bosses:
Conundrum Keeper:
Convention of Elements [Raid]:
Craft the Night Away:
Craft until you drop!:25.07.19
Crypt Capturer:26.02.13
Curtain Cleaner:12.12.17
Custodian Culler:30.03.20
Cutting Straight Lines:
Cyclops Annihilator:
Cyclops Destroyer:
Cyclops Executioner:
Cyclops Killer:
Daredevil of Dawn:
Daring Zoo Keeper:
Darkhaven Cavedrifter Upgrade:
Darklight Drifter:
Dash the Dauntless:03.03.13
Decay By Any Other Name:
Dedication to the Arts:
Deep Thoughts:
Deep in the Thicket of Things:
Defeat All First Tier Difficulty Raid Bosses:
Defeat All Second Tier Difficulty Raid Bosses:
Defeating Baroddas:12.03.13
Defeating Bastion:26.03.13
Defeating Baz the Illusionist:13.05.16
Defeating Brunhildre the Wench:13.05.16
Defeating Brutas the Imbiber:17.05.16
Defeating Bull McCleran:17.05.16
Defeating Caerina the Lost:12.03.13
Defeating Captain Mergin:17.05.16
Defeating Charanda:13.05.16
Defeating Cronnin the Axe and Dellmun the Hammer:28.05.16
Defeating Danacio the Witchdoctor:13.05.16
Defeating Drinal with one Soulwell ability:23.05.13
Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater:18.04.13
Defeating Fitzpitzle:26.03.13
Defeating Gloust M'ra:19.03.13
Defeating Hovercopter Hingebot:27.05.16
Defeating Kiernun the Lyrical:28.05.16
Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord:18.04.13
Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob:16.03.13
Defeating Mazarine the Queen:30.05.13
Defeating Melanie Everling:12.03.13
Defeating Oligar of the Dead:23.05.13
Defeating Overlord Talan:06.05.13
Defeating Pharinich the Forlorn:07.03.13
Defeating Pirate Shaman Snaggletooth:13.05.16
Defeating Sarinich the Wretched:07.03.13
Defeating Silis On'Va:20.03.13
Defeating Sorrn Dontro:02.04.13
Defeating Swabber Rotgut:17.05.16
Defeating The Enraged Imp:07.03.13
Defeating The Fear Feaster:07.03.13
Defeating Tuzerk:17.12.13
Defeating Zzalazziz:17.12.13
Defeating the Ancient Sentinel:30.05.13
Defeating the Construct of Souls:12.03.13
Defeating the Siren Queen (Advanced Solo):06.05.13
Defeating the Tinkered Abomination:29.01.16
Delving the Ever Deep:09.01.16
Demitrik's Demise:15.03.13
Destiny in the Planes of Prophecy:04.01.18
Destiny of Velious Overachiever:
Destroyer of Innocents:
Dethroning the Spider King:19.04.13
Di'Zok Annihilator:
Di'Zok Destroyer:
Di'Zok Executioner:
Di'Zok Killer:27.02.13
Discovering Druid Rings: Faydwer:27.11.21
Discovering Druid Rings: Kunark:25.02.13
Divided We Fall:
Djinn Annihilator:
Djinn Destroyer:
Djinn Executioner:
Djinn Killer:
Do Not Throw Stones:
Domination of the Ossuary:14.01.16
Don't Put That in Your Mouth:15.02.20
Doom Lord Doomer:25.02.13
Dread Exarch Executor:01.03.13
Droag Annihilator:
Droag Destroyer:13.04.15
Droag Executioner:
Droag Killer:25.02.13
Drolvarg Annihilator:
Drolvarg Destroyer:
Drolvarg Executioner:
Drolvarg Killer:25.02.13
Drowning in Quests:
Drowning, Drowning:16.06.19
Drusella's Downfall:24.03.13
Dust, Dust:
Echoes In a Cavernous World:
Efreeti Enslaver:17.04.22
Elemental Annihilator:
Elemental Destroyer:
Elemental Executioner:
Elemental Killer:28.02.13
Elements of Destruction:18.06.19
Enchanted Lands Excursionist:
Eryslai Etcher:
Everfrost Explorer:
Executioner of Innocents:
Exploring the Eternal Broodlands:
Exploring the Ever Deep:
Exploring the Scourge Wastes [Solo]:15.05.16
Exploring the Woods:08.04.17
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Ahrmatal the Scorcher's Demise:12.04.14
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Bolgin Serilis's Demise:16.12.13
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Fherin the Ancient's Demise:28.11.13
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Gangel the Resurrected's Demise:26.11.13
Extreme Sense of Urgency: General Graknus's Demise:07.12.13
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Luminox Prime's Demise:20.11.13
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Queen Meacidaris's Demise:19.11.13
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Shazzak's Demise:09.12.13
Fairy Annihilator:
Fairy Destroyer:
Fairy Executioner:
Fairy Killer:08.06.16
Far Seas Bootlegger!:
Far Seas Requisitioner:04.01.18
February: Recipe Roundup:
Feerrott Floater:
Feral Things in the Thicket:09.11.21
Fight Firelords with Fire:28.02.13
Fighter of the Four:24.03.13
Fire, Fire:18.06.19
Firma, Firma:21.06.19
Firma, Firma, Firma:
First Planar Level!:03.08.19
Flawless Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna:15.07.19
Flawless Mythic Raid: Vegerogus:06.08.19
Flawless Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken:15.07.19
Flawless Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni:20.08.19
Flawless Raid: Derugoak:19.06.19
Flawless Raid: General Reparm:20.08.19
Flawless Raid: Gigadon:17.06.19
Flawless Raid: Hydrotha:24.06.19
Flawless Raid: Javonn the Overlord:20.08.19
Flawless Raid: Jopal the Thief:20.08.19
Flawless Raid: Magmaton:20.08.19
Flawless Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag:17.06.19
Flawless Raid: Pyronis:20.08.19
Flawless Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker:27.06.19
Flawless Raid: Servant of Krziik:16.07.19
Flawless Raid: The Chancellors:20.08.19
Flawless Raid: The Seventh Hammer:09.07.19
Flawless Raid: a Deepwater Kraken:24.06.19
Flawless Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken:24.06.19
Flawless Triumph: Accursed Sanctum:
Flawless Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Halls of the Betrayer:
Flawless Victory: Adkar Vyx:04.03.13
Flawless Victory: Caden and Keplin:19.04.20
Flawless Victory: Demetrius Crane:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Doomcoil:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Dreadlord D'Somni:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Druushk:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Ernax Heridion:11.04.15
Flawless Victory: Essedara and Jalkhir:19.04.20
Flawless Victory: Imzok's Revenge:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Iztapa Vyx:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Kigara the Blazewing and Kelana the Frostwing:19.04.20
Flawless Victory: Ludmilla Kystov:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Malevolence and Ire:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Master P'Tasa:18.03.13
Flawless Victory: Pawbuster:16.03.13
Flawless Victory: Rarthek the Swiftclaw:19.04.20
Flawless Victory: Rise of Kunark:
Flawless Victory: Sesria and Denani:18.05.14
Flawless Victory: Shard of Hate:
Flawless Victory: Subsistent Custodian:06.04.14
Flawless Victory: Tairiza the Widow Mistress:16.03.13
Flawless Victory: The Legionnaires:18.05.14
Flawless Victory: The Protector's Realm:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: The Temple of Kor'Sha:
Flawless Victory: Tower of Frozen Shadow:
Flawless Victory: Uzdrak the Invincible:16.03.13
Flawless Victory: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs:
Flawless Victory: Veeshan's Peak:
Flawless Victory: Wymbulu Vyx:12.03.13
Flawless Victory: Zykluk Vyx:07.03.13
Flawless: Baelon of Thule's Demise:06.03.13
Flawless: Corpsemongering:11.11.15
Flawless: Defeating Bastion:04.04.13
Flawless: Defeating Baz the Illusionist:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Brunhildre the Wench:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Brutas the Imbiber:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Bull McCleran:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Caerina the Lost:04.04.13
Flawless: Defeating Captain Mergin:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Charanda:13.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Danacio the Witchdoctor:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Hovercopter Hingebot:27.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Melanie Everling:17.03.13
Flawless: Defeating Pharinich the Forlorn:10.03.13
Flawless: Defeating Pirate Shaman Snaggletooth:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating Sarinich the Wretched:10.03.13
Flawless: Defeating Swabber Rotgut:17.05.16
Flawless: Defeating The Enraged Imp:10.03.13
Flawless: Defeating The Fear Feaster:14.03.13
Flawless: Defeating Tuzerk:13.04.14
Flawless: Defeating Zzalazziz :13.04.14
Flawless: Defeating the Construct of Souls:21.03.13
Flawless: Defeating the Tinkered Abomination:14.05.16
Flawless: Kreegar Krikneck's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Flawless: Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage:25.04.15
Flawless: Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise:12.12.17
Flawless: Redemption for Drinal:13.03.13
Flawless: Seven Years Bad Luck:11.11.15
Flawless: Spirit of the Deep's Demise:14.04.13
Flawless: Story Time with Tserrina!:11.11.15
Flawless: Tert Turganpuncher's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Flawless: The Butler Did It!:21.04.15
Flawless: The Tempest of Zek's Demise:14.04.13
Flawless: Turning a Frown Upside Down:11.11.15
Flawless: Xalgoti's Demise:21.04.15
Flawless: Zorglim the Departed's Demise:11.11.15
Follower of the Shiny:
Fordel Forgery:
Forlorn Fingerprint:
Fount of Power:25.12.17
Froglok Annihilator:
Froglok Destroyer:
Froglok Executioner:
Froglok Killer:25.02.13
Frontier Tamer:08.04.17
Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force:
Fuel to the Fire:
Fyst Finisher:24.02.13
Gadabout in Greater Faydark:
Galorian Annihilator:
Galorian Destroyer:
Galorian Executioner:
Galorian Killer:19.02.20
Gathering Disruptor:11.03.13
Get a Loda This Kai:22.11.21
Get out of the Kitchen:21.06.19
Ghoul Where We Want To:13.12.21
Giant Annihilator:
Giant Destroyer:
Giant Executioner:
Giant Killer:28.02.13
Gimme a Break, Gimme a Break!:
Glub, Glub:
Glub, Glub, Glub:
Gnoll Annihilator:
Gnoll Destroyer:
Gnoll Executioner:
Gnoll Killer:03.03.13
Goblin Annihilator:
Goblin Destroyer:
Goblin Executioner:
Goblin Killer:26.02.13
Golem Annihilator:
Golem Destroyer:
Golem Executioner:
Golem Killer:07.04.17
Grandmaster Elementalist:21.06.19
Grandmaster Etherealist:11.07.19
Grandmaster Geomancer:23.12.17
Grandmaster Thaumaturgist:22.06.19
Grasping Planar Knowledge:16.06.19
Greater Ascended:11.07.19
Grimling Annihilator:
Grimling Destroyer:
Grimling Executioner:
Grimling Killer:11.04.15
Habitual Flirt:
Hallmark Hunter:16.03.13
Harpy Annihilator:
Harpy Destroyer:
Harpy Executioner:
Harpy Killer:24.02.13
Have Shiny, Will Travel:
Heart of the Shattered Lands:
Herd Baron:
Herd Master:
Herd Wrangler:
Here Comes the Cursed:19.03.24
Heritage Hound:
Hero of Shadows and Secrets:09.11.21
Hero of the Odyssey:
High Keep Body Snatcher:
High Keep Carnage: Grulk, Thrott and Skurge:20.04.20
High Keep Carnage: Horrot, Parvazt, and Chaperon of Nightmares:24.04.20
High Keep Carnage: The Bloodless Incursion:
High Keep Carnage: The Bloodpack and Akur the Great Con:
High Keep Carnage: Tongusk, Gnawbone and Razzak:20.04.20
High Keep Carnage: Tunnelgorger and Tremorax:
High Keep Carnage: Vendeen, Brog and The War Committee:24.04.20
High Keep Carnage: Z'Kara, Zhakull, Xothox and Zothoz:17.04.20
High Planes Drifter:05.12.17
Higher Learning:16.06.19
Highland Hiker:
Historically Challenged:
History Buff:
Hive Hater:25.02.13
Hoarding Ancient Discoveries:
House Vahla:05.12.17
House Yrzu:07.12.17
I Dropped What I Was Doing:
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Shinies!:
I gotta have more... quests?:
I'll take that!:06.03.13
Icon of Kunark:
If you know what makes them tick...:03.03.13
Illustrious Signature Chaser:
Illustrious Signature Hunter:05.01.18
Immolated Annihilator:
Immolated Destroyer:
Immolated Executioner:
Immolated Killer:06.01.16
Immortal Incinerator:20.05.13
Imzok Immolator:12.03.13
In the Darkness, Slay Them!:12.07.19
In the Midst of Chaos:18.02.20
Infamous Signature Chaser:15.02.20
Infamous Signature Hunter:
Information Repository:
Initiate Aberrant Hunter:07.01.16
Initiate Aberrant Slayer:
Initiate Aerakyn Hunter:24.11.13
Initiate Aerakyn Slayer:
Initiate Akhevan Hunter:19.02.20
Initiate Akhevan Slayer:
Initiate Allu'thoa Hunter:
Initiate Allu'thoa Slayer:
Initiate Aviak Hunter:18.06.19
Initiate Aviak Slayer:
Initiate Bixie Hunter:14.11.13
Initiate Bixie Slayer:18.04.20
Initiate Brownie Hunter:
Initiate Brownie Slayer:
Initiate Bugbear Hunter:
Initiate Bugbear Slayer:
Initiate Cepholex Hunter:08.01.16
Initiate Cepholex Slayer:
Initiate Clockwork Hunter:09.11.15
Initiate Clockwork Slayer:08.01.18
Initiate Cyclops Hunter:
Initiate Cyclops Slayer:
Initiate Di'Zok Hunter:05.03.13
Initiate Di'Zok Slayer:
Initiate Djinn Hunter:
Initiate Djinn Slayer:
Initiate Droag Hunter:25.02.13
Initiate Droag Slayer:06.03.13
Initiate Drolvarg Hunter:27.02.13
Initiate Drolvarg Slayer:
Initiate Elemental Hunter:04.03.13
Initiate Elemental Slayer:03.02.14
Initiate Fairy Hunter:
Initiate Fairy Slayer:
Initiate Froglok Hunter:25.02.13
Initiate Froglok Slayer:
Initiate Galorian Hunter:23.02.20
Initiate Galorian Slayer:
Initiate Giant Hunter:03.03.13
Initiate Giant Slayer:23.02.20
Initiate Gnoll Hunter:
Initiate Gnoll Slayer:
Initiate Goblin Hunter:05.03.13
Initiate Goblin Slayer:21.05.13
Initiate Golem Hunter:12.12.17
Initiate Golem Slayer:06.10.21
Initiate Grimling Hunter:15.02.20
Initiate Grimling Slayer:
Initiate Harpy Hunter:08.03.13
Initiate Harpy Slayer:
Initiate Hunter of Innocents:
Initiate Immolated Hunter:17.01.16
Initiate Immolated Slayer:
Initiate Kobold Hunter:
Initiate Kobold Slayer:
Initiate Lizardman Hunter:
Initiate Lizardman Slayer:
Initiate Marid Hunter:21.06.19
Initiate Marid Slayer:
Initiate Mephlin Hunter:17.06.19
Initiate Mephlin Slayer:
Initiate Nilborien Hunter:22.06.19
Initiate Nilborien Slayer:
Initiate Orc Hunter:24.02.13
Initiate Orc Slayer:08.03.13
Initiate Planar Elemental Hunter:17.06.19
Initiate Planar Elemental Slayer:12.07.19
Initiate Ravasect Hunter:25.02.13
Initiate Ravasect Slayer:
Initiate Satyr Hunter:
Initiate Satyr Slayer:
Initiate Shissar Hunter:29.02.20
Initiate Shissar Slayer:
Initiate Siren Hunter:17.06.19
Initiate Siren Slayer:
Initiate Slayer of Innocents:
Initiate Slug Hunter:15.06.19
Initiate Slug Slayer:
Initiate Thought Horror Hunter:24.05.20
Initiate Thought Horror Slayer:
Initiate Undead Hunter:24.02.13
Initiate Undead Slayer:04.03.13
Initiate Urzarach Hunter:
Initiate Urzarach Slayer:
Initiate Vampire Hunter:25.02.13
Initiate Vampire Slayer:03.04.13
Initiate Werewolf Hunter:03.04.13
Initiate Werewolf Slayer:
Initiate Wilder Hunter:04.07.19
Initiate Wilder Slayer:
Initiate Yha-lei Hunter:28.02.13
Initiate Yha-lei Slayer:16.04.13
Iron Shatterer:07.03.13
Is Another Man's Treasure:
Is Any Body There? There?:21.11.21
Is it need or is it greed?:14.04.13
Isn't It Chaotic? Don't You Think?:25.11.21
It Always Lands on its Feet:
It Takes a Village:
It Wasn't My Vault:15.02.20
It's Over 9000!:
It's So Magical!:05.12.17
It's a City Way to Go:
It's a Rumble:02.08.20
It's an Expansive Expanse:08.04.22
It's an Expensive Expanse:09.04.22
It's an Extraneous Expanse:
It's an Extravagant Expanse:12.12.21
Items of the Past:
Jarsath Journeyman:
Jarsath's Javelin:
Journeyman Elementalist:05.02.18
Journeyman Etherealist:24.12.17
Journeyman Geomancer:22.04.17
Journeyman Thaumaturgist:18.06.19
Jungle Bungle, Act I:09.04.22
Jungle Bungle, Time to Rumble:13.12.21
Jungle Carnage:
Just gotta keep on Questin'!:
Karuupa Me Once:12.12.21
Killer of Innocents:28.03.20
Knee Deep in Quests:
Knowledge Hunter:
Kobold Annihilator:
Kobold Destroyer:
Kobold Executioner:
Kobold Killer:06.01.16
Kreegar Krikneck's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Kunark Ascending:08.04.17
Kunark Cavern Crawler:
Kunzar Wanderer:
Kunzar's Edge:
Kylong Wayfarer:
Kylong's Katana:26.02.13
Laboratory Liberator:09.03.13
Lavastorm Nomad:
Legacy of Power:04.01.18
Legend of Kunark:
Lesser Faydark Vagabond:
Let's Go Antiquing:
Level 10 Overseer:17.04.20
Level 15 Overseer:17.05.20
Level 20 Overseer:23.06.20
Level 25 Overseer:07.05.21
Level 30 Overseer:20.10.21
Level 35 Overseer:03.12.23
Level 40 Overseer:03.12.23
Level 45 Overseer:19.03.24
Level 5 Overseer:16.04.20
Light Dungeon Crawler:
Links to the Past:
Lizardman Annihilator:
Lizardman Destroyer:
Lizardman Executioner:
Lizardman Killer:08.04.20
Loping Plains Pilgrim:
Loping Plains Pursuer:
Lord of Faydwer:
Lord of the Dice:
Lord of the Quests:
Lore Delver in Terrors of Thalumbra:
Love Is Magic in the Planes of Prophecy:
Luminous Flora and Fauna:22.01.16
Lunar Harvester I:
Lunar Harvester II:
Lunar Harvester III:
Lunar Harvester IV:
Lunar Harvester V:
Lunar Harvester VI:
Made in Aurelian Coast:
Magic Quester:25.12.17
Magnificent Signature Pursuer:
Magnificent Signature Stalker:06.12.21
Majora's Misery:28.02.13
Maldura Daily Essentials:12.06.16
Malduran Defender:17.01.16
Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage:25.04.15
Marcus Masher:06.04.13
Marid Annihilator:
Marid Destroyer:
Marid Executioner:
Marid Killer:17.06.19
Master Aberrant Hunter:08.01.16
Master Aberrant Slayer:
Master Aerakyn Hunter:07.12.13
Master Aerakyn Slayer:
Master Akhevan Hunter:
Master Akhevan Slayer:
Master Allu'thoa Hunter:
Master Allu'thoa Slayer:
Master Aviak Hunter:
Master Aviak Slayer:
Master Bixie Hunter:29.12.13
Master Bixie Slayer:
Master Brownie Hunter:
Master Brownie Slayer:
Master Bugbear Hunter:
Master Bugbear Slayer:
Master Cepholex Hunter:
Master Cepholex Slayer:
Master Clockwork Hunter:25.12.17
Master Clockwork Slayer:
Master Collector of Shinies:
Master Cyclops Hunter:
Master Cyclops Slayer:
Master Di'Zok Hunter:
Master Di'Zok Slayer:
Master Djinn Hunter:
Master Djinn Slayer:
Master Droag Hunter:25.02.13
Master Droag Slayer:14.11.13
Master Drolvarg Hunter:
Master Drolvarg Slayer:
Master Elemental Hunter:19.04.13
Master Elemental Slayer:
Master Elementalist:19.06.19
Master Etherealist:06.01.18
Master Fairy Hunter:
Master Fairy Slayer:
Master Froglok Hunter:02.04.13
Master Froglok Slayer:
Master Galorian Hunter:27.05.20
Master Galorian Slayer:
Master Geomancer:07.12.17
Master Giant Hunter:04.01.18
Master Giant Slayer:
Master Gnoll Hunter:
Master Gnoll Slayer:
Master Goblin Hunter:07.03.13
Master Goblin Slayer:12.07.19
Master Golem Hunter:22.08.19
Master Golem Slayer:
Master Grimling Hunter:09.11.21
Master Grimling Slayer:
Master Harpy Hunter:
Master Harpy Slayer:
Master Hunter of Innocents:
Master Immolated Hunter:
Master Immolated Slayer:
Master Kobold Hunter:
Master Kobold Slayer:
Master Lizardman Hunter:
Master Lizardman Slayer:
Master Marid Hunter:21.07.19
Master Marid Slayer:
Master Mephlin Hunter:21.07.19
Master Mephlin Slayer:
Master Nilborien Hunter:
Master Nilborien Slayer:
Master Orc Hunter:24.02.13
Master Orc Slayer:24.04.20
Master Planar Elemental Hunter:22.06.19
Master Planar Elemental Slayer:
Master Ravasect Hunter:31.01.14
Master Ravasect Slayer:
Master Satyr Hunter:
Master Satyr Slayer:
Master Shiny Hunter:
Master Shissar Hunter:
Master Shissar Slayer:
Master Signature Pursuer:
Master Signature Stalker:
Master Siren Hunter:16.07.19
Master Siren Slayer:
Master Slayer of Innocents:
Master Slug Hunter:
Master Slug Slayer:
Master Strike Master:17.06.19
Master Thaumaturgist:19.06.19
Master Thought Horror Hunter:
Master Thought Horror Slayer:
Master Undead Hunter:27.02.13
Master Undead Slayer:21.05.13
Master Urzarach Hunter:
Master Urzarach Slayer:
Master Vampire Hunter:08.03.13
Master Vampire Slayer:
Master Werewolf Hunter:06.01.22
Master Werewolf Slayer:
Master Wilder Hunter:
Master Wilder Slayer:
Master Yha-lei Hunter:10.03.13
Master Yha-lei Slayer:
Master of Faydwer:
Master of Lore and Legends!:
Master of Mara:
Master of Miragul's Phylactery:01.03.13
Mauling Maulhammer:16.03.13
Menagerie Magnate:
Menagerie Master:
Mephlin Annihilator:
Mephlin Destroyer:
Mephlin Executioner:
Mephlin Killer:15.06.19
Mercenary Mouth to Mouth:23.02.13
Messing With the Nest:07.04.22
Messing with the Nest Part I:07.04.22
Messing with the Nest Part II:07.04.22
Messing with the Nest Part III:07.04.22
Messing with the Nest Part IV:07.04.22
Messing with the Nest Part V:07.04.22
Mission Controller:
Mission Critical:
Mission Impeccable:
Mission Imperceivable:
Mission Implausible:
Mission Impossible:
Mission Improbable:28.08.19
Missions Accomplished:
Mistmoore's Marauder:06.04.13
Mistmoore's Murderer:04.04.13
Monumental Signature Chaser:
Monumental Signature Pursuer:
Monumental Signature Stalker:
More Brawn for hire:
More Shinies Than Are Dreamt Of...:
Much Seru About Nothing:
Mullok Masher:25.02.13
Museum Now Opening!:
Must Kill Orcs:
Mystery Solver:
Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna:02.07.19
Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief:18.06.19
Mythic Raid: Magmaton:18.06.19
Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer:01.08.19
Mythic Raid: Vegerogus:17.07.19
Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken:15.07.19
Mythical Signature Hunter:18.06.19
Mythical Signature Pursuer:
Nathsarian Blade:
Nathsarian Rambler:
Native Soil:19.06.19
Neighborhood Watch:
Nektropos Annoyance:24.02.13
Nektulos Forest Mercenary:
Never Going to Lose It:07.01.22
Night Voyager:
Nilborien Annihilator:
Nilborien Destroyer:
Nilborien Executioner:
Nilborien Killer:17.06.19
No Quest for the Weary:
No Time to Scourge Wastes [Solo]:
Norrath Raconteur :
Norrath's Hope:16.03.13
Norrathian Air:23.02.13
Novice Dungeoneer:15.11.14
Obol Seeker:
Obsessive Collector:
Obsessive Compulsive:
Obsessive Questing Disorder:
Odds on Your Side:
Odusian Overachiever:
One Man's Trash...:
Opening the Books of Knowledge:15.06.19
Orc Annihilator:
Orc Destroyer:
Orc Executioner:
Orc Killer:24.02.13
Orcish Wastes Opportunist:
Order of Sequence:15.02.20
Over Achiever:27.02.13
Over the Moon:
Patriae Pounder:01.03.13
Pawbuster Pounder:16.03.13
Perceptive Collector:
Perfection Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni:20.08.19
Perfection Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed:
Perfection Raid: Coirnav:
Perfection Raid: Derugoak:19.06.19
Perfection Raid: Fennin Ro:
Perfection Raid: General Reparm:20.08.19
Perfection Raid: Gigadon:17.06.19
Perfection Raid: Hydrotha:24.06.19
Perfection Raid: Javonn the Overlord:20.08.19
Perfection Raid: Jopal the Thief:20.08.19
Perfection Raid: Krziik the Mighty:
Perfection Raid: Magmaton:20.08.19
Perfection Raid: Mudmyre:
Perfection Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag:17.06.19
Perfection Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike:
Perfection Raid: Pyronis:20.08.19
Perfection Raid: Sergie the Blade:
Perfection Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker:27.06.19
Perfection Raid: Servant of Krziik:16.07.19
Perfection Raid: The Chancellors:20.08.19
Perfection Raid: The Seventh Hammer:09.07.19
Perfection Raid: Vegerogus:
Perfection Raid: Xegony:
Perfection Raid: a Deepwater Kraken:24.06.19
Perfection Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken:24.06.19
Phantasmal Fun!:13.12.21
Phylactery Praetor's Plague:28.02.13
Piercing the Darkness:22.02.20
Pillars of Flame Pioneer:
Planar Elemental Annihilator:
Planar Elemental Destroyer:
Planar Elemental Executioner:
Planar Elemental Killer:15.06.19
Planar Signature Chaser:
Plunderer of Thalumbra:
Preventive Measure:12.12.17
Pride Pakiat:25.12.17
Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise:12.12.17
Primogen Punisher:06.04.13
Public Crusader:
Public Duty:
Public Quest: Long Live the Emperor!:08.04.17
Public: Descendants of Disease:06.01.18
Publicity Stunt:
Put Your Quest Foot Forward:
Queen Quieter:06.03.13
Quest 'Em All:
Quest Ascension in Kunark:08.04.17
Quest For Glory:
Quest Obsessed:
Quest Over-Achiever in Scourge Wastes [Solo]:
Quest Over-Achiever in Terrors of Thalumbra:17.01.16
Quest Over-Achiever in the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]:
Quest Side Story:
Raid Ding!:
Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni:20.08.19
Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed:21.08.19
Raid: Coirnav:18.06.19
Raid: Derugoak:19.06.19
Raid: Fennin Ro:31.07.19
Raid: General Reparm:20.08.19
Raid: Gigadon:17.06.19
Raid: Hydrotha:24.06.19
Raid: Javonn the Overlord:20.08.19
Raid: Jopal the Thief:20.08.19
Raid: Krziik the Mighty:17.06.19
Raid: Magmaton:20.08.19
Raid: Mudmyre:19.06.19
Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag:17.06.19
Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike:21.08.19
Raid: Pyronis:20.08.19
Raid: Sergie the Blade:19.06.19
Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker:17.06.19
Raid: Servant of Krziik:17.06.19
Raid: The Chancellors:20.08.19
Raid: The Seventh Hammer:18.06.19
Raid: Vegerogus:19.06.19
Raid: Xegony:17.07.19
Raid: a Deepwater Kraken:17.06.19
Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken:17.06.19
Raising Your Potential:12.11.14
Ravasect Annihilator:
Ravasect Destroyer:
Ravasect Executioner:
Ravasect Killer:25.02.13
Redemption for Drinal:13.03.13
Reformed Deformer:28.02.13
Reign of Heroics I:03.11.21
Reign of Heroics II:22.11.21
Reign of Heroics III:
Reign of Heroics IV:
Reign of Heroics V:
Reign of Shadows:10.11.21
Relic Collector:
Researcher's Helper I:
Researcher's Helper II:
Researcher's Helper III:
Researcher's Helper IV:
Researcher's Helper V:
Researcher's Helper VI:
Resplendent Signature Chaser:13.12.21
Resplendent Signature Hunter:
Resplendent Signature Stalker:
Restorer of Life:
Rude Guest of Castle Mistmoore:03.04.13
Ruins? What Ruins?:15.02.20
Rujark Ransacker:01.04.13
Rumbly in my Tumbly:15.02.20
Running a Fever:15.06.19
Sailing the Phantom Sea:
Sailing the Tranquil Sea:
Satyr Annihilator:
Satyr Destroyer:
Satyr Executioner:
Satyr Killer:
Scornfeather Scorner:24.02.13
Season 2 Overseer:18.04.20
Season 3 Overseer:02.04.21
Season 4 Overseer:15.04.22
Season 5 Overseer:03.12.23
Secret Agent:04.01.14
Seeker of Knowledge:
Seeker of the Past:
Seneschal Slayer:25.02.13
Sense of Urgency: Ahrmatal the Scorcher's Demise:12.04.14
Sense of Urgency: Baelon of Thule's Demise:06.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Bolgin Serilis's Demise:10.12.13
Sense of Urgency: Cavern of the Afflicted:10.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Chelsith:05.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob:16.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Overlord Talan:06.05.13
Sense of Urgency: Emperor's Athenaeum:24.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Arcane Research Halls:03.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Evernight Abbey:06.04.13
Sense of Urgency: F.S. Distillery: Beggars and Blighters:24.05.16
Sense of Urgency: Fherin the Ancient's Demise:24.11.13
Sense of Urgency: Frenetic Seeker of the Sentinel's Fate:
Sense of Urgency: Gangel the Resurrected's Demise:22.11.13
Sense of Urgency: General Graknus's Demise:07.12.13
Sense of Urgency: Here Comes the Cursed:19.03.24
Sense of Urgency: Heroic Harbinger of the Odyssey:
Sense of Urgency: Luminox Prime's Demise:20.11.13
Sense of Urgency: Maiden's Chamber:24.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Mauling Maulhammer:16.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Mistmyr Manor:06.04.13
Sense of Urgency: Najena's Hollow Tower:28.02.13
Sense of Urgency: Necrotic Asylum:01.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Obelisk of Ahkzul:28.02.13
Sense of Urgency: Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise:12.12.17
Sense of Urgency: Queen Meacidaris's Demise:14.11.13
Sense of Urgency: Ravenscale Repository:06.04.13
Sense of Urgency: Rise of Kunark:
Sense of Urgency: Risk Taker of the Rise of Kunark:
Sense of Urgency: Runnyeye: The Gathering:11.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Scion of Ice:01.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Shazzak's Demise:09.12.13
Sense of Urgency: Spectral Librarian Emiida:12.04.13
Sense of Urgency: The Anathema:01.03.13
Sense of Urgency: The Crucible:01.03.13
Sense of Urgency: The Crypt of Agony:26.02.13
Sense of Urgency: The Deep Forge:28.02.13
Sense of Urgency: The Executioner's Throne Room:16.03.13
Sense of Urgency: The Hole: Demitrik's Bastion:15.03.13
Sense of Urgency: The Hole: Spirit's Resonance:05.03.13
Sense of Urgency: The Protector's Realm:12.03.13
Sense of Urgency: The Tempest of Zek's Demise:14.04.13
Sense of Urgency: The Tomb of Thuuga:16.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Tower of Frozen Shadow:
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Laboratory:16.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Conservatory:03.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella:23.03.13
Sense of Urgency: Xalgoti's Demise:21.04.15
Seven Years Bad Luck:11.11.15
Shade Overshadower:01.03.13
Shadow Dungeon Crawler:09.11.21
Shadows Stalker:10.11.21
Shattered Dawn:15.02.20
Shin Swashbuckler:
Shiny Hunter:19.02.20
Shissar Annihilator:
Shissar Destroyer:
Shissar Executioner:
Shissar Killer:15.02.20
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna:02.07.19
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief:18.06.19
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Magmaton:18.06.19
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer:01.08.19
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Vegerogus:17.07.19
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken:15.07.19
Shorthanded Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni:20.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed:21.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Coirnav:18.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Derugoak:19.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Fennin Ro:31.07.19
Shorthanded Raid: General Reparm:20.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Gigadon:17.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Hydrotha:24.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Javonn the Overlord:20.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Jopal the Thief:20.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Krziik the Mighty:17.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Magmaton:20.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Mudmyre:19.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag:17.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike:21.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Pyronis:20.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: Sergie the Blade:19.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker:17.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Servant of Krziik:17.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: The Chancellors:20.08.19
Shorthanded Raid: The Seventh Hammer:18.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Vegerogus:19.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: Xegony:17.07.19
Shorthanded Raid: a Deepwater Kraken:17.06.19
Shorthanded Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken:17.06.19
Shorthanded Victory: Adkar Vyx:04.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Demetrius Crane:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Doomcoil:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Dreadlord D'Somni:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Druushk:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Ernax Heridion:11.04.15
Shorthanded Victory: Imzok's Revenge:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Iztapa Vyx:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Kluzen the Protector:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Kodux and Zarda:
Shorthanded Victory: Ludmilla Kystov:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Malevolence and Ire:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Master P'Tasa:18.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Pawbuster:16.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Rise of Kunark:
Shorthanded Victory: Shard of Hate:
Shorthanded Victory: Tairiza the Widow Mistress:16.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: The Protector's Realm:12.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: The Temple of Kor'Sha:
Shorthanded Victory: Tower of Frozen Shadow:
Shorthanded Victory: Uzdrak the Invincible:16.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Vasty Deep:
Shorthanded Victory: Veeshan's Peak:
Shorthanded Victory: Wymbulu Vyx:07.03.13
Shorthanded Victory: Zykluk Vyx:07.03.13
Shorthanded: Brendegor Bitelimb's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Shorthanded: Corpsemongering:11.11.15
Shorthanded: Defeating Baroddas:12.03.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Bastion:04.04.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Baz the Illusionist:13.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Brunhildre the Wench:13.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Brutas the Imbiber:17.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Bull McCleran:17.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Caerina the Lost:21.03.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Captain Mergin:17.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Charanda:13.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Cronnin the Axe and Dellmun the Hammer:28.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Danacio the Witchdoctor:13.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Drinal with one Soulwell ability:23.05.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Fitzpitzle:04.04.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Gloust M'ra:02.04.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Kiernun the Lyrical:28.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Melanie Everling:12.03.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Oligar of the Dead:23.05.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Pharinich the Forlorn:07.03.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Pirate Shaman Snaggletooth:13.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating Sarinich the Wretched:07.03.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Silis On'Va:16.05.13
Shorthanded: Defeating Swabber Rotgut:17.05.16
Shorthanded: Defeating The Enraged Imp:07.03.13
Shorthanded: Defeating The Fear Feaster:07.03.13
Shorthanded: Defeating the Construct of Souls:12.03.13
Shorthanded: Kreegar Krikneck's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Shorthanded: Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage:25.04.15
Shorthanded: Seven Years Bad Luck:11.11.15
Shorthanded: Story Time with Tserrina!:11.11.15
Shorthanded: Taaltak the Mighty's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Shorthanded: Tert Turganpuncher's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Shorthanded: The Butler Did It!:21.04.15
Shorthanded: Turning a Frown Upside Down:11.11.15
Shorthanded: Xalgoti:21.04.15
Shorthanded: Zorglim the Departed:11.11.15
Sign on the dotted line...:11.03.13
Signature Grandmaster:02.01.18
Silence the Scalekeeper:05.03.13
Sink, Sink:20.07.19
Sinking Sands Settler:
Siren Annihilator:
Siren Destroyer:
Siren Executioner:
Siren Killer:06.05.13
Sizzle, Sizzle:17.06.19
Sizzle, Sizzle, Sizzle:04.07.19
Skyshrine Souvenir Spotter:
Skyshrine: City of Dracur:13.04.13
Slug Annihilator:
Slug Destroyer:
Slug Executioner:
Slug Killer:06.04.17
Spectral Librarian Emiida:12.04.13
Spire Flier:
Spirit of the Deep's Demise:14.04.13
Spoils of Vetrovia:13.12.21
Stable Hand:04.04.13
Star Destroyer:07.03.13
Steamfont Searcher:
Story Time with Tserrina!:11.11.15
Sundered Frontiersman:
Superior Sense of Urgency: Ahrmatal the Scorcher's Demise:12.04.14
Superior Sense of Urgency: Bolgin Serilis's Demise:10.12.13
Superior Sense of Urgency: Fherin the Ancient's Demise:27.11.13
Superior Sense of Urgency: Gangel the Resurrected's Demise:22.11.13
Superior Sense of Urgency: General Graknus's Demise:07.12.13
Superior Sense of Urgency: Luminox Prime's Demise:20.11.13
Superior Sense of Urgency: Queen Meacidaris's Demise:14.11.13
Superior Sense of Urgency: Shazzak's Demise:09.12.13
Swimming Under The Influence:
T'Lon's Trasher:06.04.13
Taaltak the Mighty's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Tairiza Trouncer:16.03.13
Tending to the Scar:
Tenebrous Tangle Trailblazer:
Terra, Terra:17.06.19
Terra, Terra, Terra:05.07.19
Tert Turganpuncher's Demise (Challenge):25.03.13
Thalumbra Lovers Do It Deep:
The Ascended:19.06.19
The Avatar of Shinies:
The Butler Did It!:21.04.15
The Collection Agent:
The Collection Chaser:
The Collection Curator:
The Doctor is In:16.03.13
The Fewer, the Forlornly:07.01.22
The Fire is Dire, the Pyre is Higher:09.11.21
The Frillik Tide:08.04.17
The Gist of Things:06.01.22
The Lion Sleeps Tonight:08.04.22
The Origins of Dirt:
The Shining Example:
The Shiny Eyed Monster:
The Shiny Stalker:
The Sparkle Spotter:
The Sparkling Success:
The Tempest of Zek's Demise:14.04.13
They're No Fiends of Mine:09.04.22
This Achievement will self-destruct in five seconds.:01.12.13
Thought Horror Annihilator:
Thought Horror Destroyer:
Thought Horror Executioner:
Thought Horror Killer:23.02.20
Through the Blinding Light:
Thundering Steppes Scout:
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Solo):16.03.13
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Solo) (Sense of Urgency):16.03.13
Times' Self Made Audible:15.02.20
Timorous Deep Traveler:
Trapper of Twilight:
Traverse the Corrupted Forest:
Traverse the Divide:
Traverse the Eidolon Jungle:08.03.13
Traverse the Obol Plains:
Traverse the Wastes:
Tread Carefully:12.12.17
Treasure Quester:
Trifecta Trampler:06.03.13
Trinket Pursuer:
Triumph: A Tier Above:21.08.19
Triumph: A Tier Above Them All:31.07.19
Triumph: Accursed Sanctum:24.04.14
Triumph: Another Tier Above:
Triumph: Aurelian Coaster:
Triumph: Blindingly Killing:
Triumph: Brilliant Butcher:
Triumph: Brutal Coaster:
Triumph: Copper Cutthroat [Solo]:15.04.22
Triumph: Decimation of Malice:
Triumph: Decimation of Terror (Tier 1):
Triumph: Decimation of Thalumbra:
Triumph: Diaku Corral Deputy:15.04.20
Triumph: Diaku Corral Outlaw:
Triumph: Domination of Malice:
Triumph: Elite Elemental Researcher:
Triumph: Excursions in the Dark:
Triumph: Hero of Vesspyr:
Triumph: High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion:
Triumph: Hunting the Planes:05.08.19
Triumph: Illumination Annihilation:
Triumph: Master of Vetrovia:
Triumph: Moon Lander:
Triumph: Planar Explorer:05.08.19
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Expert]:
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Heroic]:
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Solo]:20.07.19
Triumph: Public Knowledge:
Triumph: Reign or Shine:
Triumph: Right as Reign:25.11.21
Triumph: Roil and Rumble:
Triumph: Seize the Keep [Advanced Solo]:
Triumph: Silencing the Scourge [Solo]:
Triumph: Silver Slayer [Heroic I]:17.04.22
Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Halls of the Betrayer:
Triumph: The Blood Seeker:
Triumph: The Merchant Murders:
Triumph: The Quest for Perfection!:
Triumph: Trial Run [Heroic II]:08.11.21
Triumph: Trial Run [Heroic I]:08.11.21
Triumph: Trial Run [Solo]:08.10.21
Triumph: Unmeltable!:20.08.19
Triumph: Vetrovian Traveler:08.04.22
Triumph: Vetrovian Visionary:
Triumph: Visions of Valor [Solo]:07.01.22
Triumph: Visions of Victory [Solo, Heroic I and II]:
Triumph: Visions of Virtue [Heroic I]:
Triumph: Walking on the Moon!:
Triumph: Weathering the Upheaval:
Triumph: Wherever I May Roam:
Triumph: Wracked!:
Triumph: Yet Another Tier Above:
Triumphant Champion of Faydwer:
Turning a Frown Upside Down:11.11.15
Udder Contempt for Trophies:17.11.23
Unblemished Oeuvre:
Uncharted Waters:29.06.19
Undead Annihilator:19.11.20
Undead Destroyer:15.02.20
Undead Executioner:15.01.22
Undead Killer:23.02.13
Underdepths Saga:07.01.16
Undivided Attention to Detail:
United We Stand:
Unlock: Audience with the Gods:
Unlock: Plane of Disease: Virulent Insurrection Access:
Unlock: Plane of Innovation: The Wasteyards Access:04.01.18
Unlock: Solusek Ro's Tower: Citadel of the Sun Access:
Unlock: The Mythic Adventure:
Unlock: Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge Access:
Untamed Lands For One:
Up, Up, and Away!:05.03.13
Urzarach Annihilator:
Urzarach Destroyer:
Urzarach Executioner:
Urzarach Killer:09.12.17
Valdoon Vanquisher:08.03.13
Vampire Annihilator:
Vampire Destroyer:
Vampire Executioner:
Vampire Killer:25.02.13
Vanquishing the Chaos Descending:18.06.19
Veeshan's Champion:
Veeshan's Crusader:
Venekor's Demise (Challenge):06.03.13
Vhodeka Prime's Demise:03.03.14
Victor of Vetrovia:13.12.21
Victor over Vark:28.02.13
Victory: A Greater Lightcrawler:16.02.20
Victory: A Residual Slime:07.04.17
Victory: A Spectral Beguiler:07.04.17
Victory: Accursed Custodian:07.01.14
Victory: Adherent Custodian:07.01.14
Victory: Aegaeon, the Violent:16.06.19
Victory: Aelero and Velos Skywing:04.07.19
Victory: Aga-Yagaba:07.01.22
Victory: Ageless Custodian:07.01.14
Victory: Aggregahn:17.06.19
Victory: Agrodemus and Sumedorga:12.12.21
Victory: Ahrmatal the Scorcher:12.04.14
Victory: Akur the Great Con:06.05.20
Victory: Alisha:19.02.20
Victory: Aluarenon:19.02.20
Victory: An'Kaas Fer'Zethon:21.11.21
Victory: Ancient Clockwork Prototype:25.12.17
Victory: Ancient Spectre:22.02.20
Victory: Anzarion:16.06.19
Victory: Arachlord Dyrraga:17.04.22
Victory: Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune and his disciples:12.12.17
Victory: Arch Nemesis Rhag'Nazza:15.02.20
Victory: Archmage Yaranni:19.06.19
Victory: Archon of Death:15.02.20
Victory: Archon of Life:15.02.20
Victory: Askibin the Darklord:19.06.19
Victory: Auliffe Chaoswind:03.01.18
Victory: Aurorax:16.06.19
Victory: Balrezu:04.01.18
Victory: Bartus Morrand:13.12.21
Victory: Bazaar Baron Brixwald:18.02.20
Victory: Beaknik:04.07.19
Victory: Beefcake:15.04.22
Victory: Bhaly Adan:26.12.17
Victory: Black Bolt:08.01.16
Victory: Blighthorn:25.12.17
Victory: Blistersnag:21.06.19
Victory: Bloodclaw:19.06.19
Victory: Bloodlord Durogan:07.01.22
Victory: Bloodmaiden Syvanti:07.01.22
Victory: Bluster:18.06.19
Victory: Bolgin Serilis:10.12.13
Victory: Brutal Bloodbath:25.11.21
Victory: Brutish Brog:17.04.20
Victory: Brutto Ucot [Solo]:15.04.20
Victory: Bzzkill the Honeymonger:16.06.19
Victory: Caden and Keplin:19.04.20
Victory: Cannibrea:13.12.21
Victory: Captain Twoshanks:15.04.22
Victory: Captain Tzzz:21.06.19
Victory: Captain Vhankmin:07.04.17
Victory: Captain of Fire:03.08.19
Victory: Cerio Vallain:15.02.20
Victory: Champion of E'ci:20.07.19
Victory: Champion of Marr:20.07.19
Victory: Champion of the Veiled One:20.07.19
Victory: Chaperon of Nightmares:17.04.20
Victory: Chatizad:12.04.17
Victory: Chatizad and Zannaska:12.04.17
Victory: Chief Broglyn:25.11.21
Victory: Chief Gadzuuks:22.11.21
Victory: Cindrax:04.01.18
Victory: Clobberock:16.02.20
Victory: Clockwork Scrounger XVII:25.12.17
Victory: Cluster:22.02.20
Victory: Colonel Gozier:07.04.17
Victory: Corpse Couple:12.12.21
Victory: Corpsetalon:09.04.22
Victory: Corrupted Construct:21.11.21
Victory: Council of Four:17.06.19
Victory: Count Valdoon Kel'Novar [Advanced Solo]:09.11.15
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle Combined:
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle I:17.01.16
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle II:12.12.17
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle III:17.01.16
Victory: Cyclono:20.07.19
Victory: Daedalus the Sunbird:04.07.19
Victory: Daishani:20.07.19
Victory: Darkmarr:19.06.19
Victory: Darwol Adan:26.12.17
Victory: Deathpetal:13.02.20
Victory: Dichromanus:15.02.20
Victory: Divine Prophet Buffo II:15.02.20
Victory: Do'om Calamitus:21.11.21
Victory: Doomfire Reaver:02.07.19
Victory: Dragoon Z'Koz:07.01.16
Victory: Dread Wraith:07.04.17
Victory: Dremaera Forsaken:13.12.21
Victory: Eegut Stonegut:15.02.20
Victory: Elder Furdock:17.04.22
Victory: Elga Upo [Solo]:15.04.20
Victory: Elif Whitewind:03.01.18
Victory: Emperor D'Vinn [Advanced Solo]:09.11.15
Victory: Enforcer Yisith:22.11.21
Victory: Ercel Bloodpaw:22.02.20
Victory: Escargore:05.07.19
Victory: Esmerelda Everghast:13.12.21
Victory: Essedara and Jalkhir:19.04.20
Victory: Estryxia:04.01.18
Victory: Etrigon Icefist:17.06.19
Victory: Famyra the Biblioghost:15.02.20
Victory: Felazhor Khan:09.04.22
Victory: Felgream the Fist:15.02.20
Victory: Felkruk:25.12.17
Victory: Felnir the Shadow Prowler:22.11.21
Victory: Fherin the Ancient:24.11.13
Victory: Fiery Spirit Phoenix Lord:19.06.19
Victory: Financier Fendilix:18.02.20
Victory: Fire Monger Baltar:15.02.20
Victory: Firemonger Rosnarga:17.06.19
Victory: Flame Overlord:15.06.19
Victory: Forblarg the Foul:09.11.21
Victory: Frindel Sporemiser:21.11.21
Victory: Fungus King Cremini:09.11.21
Victory: Galremos:04.01.18
Victory: Gangel the Resurrected:22.11.13
Victory: Gatekeeper Karatil:03.01.18
Victory: Gaukr Sandstorm:03.01.18
Victory: Gearclaw the Collector:25.12.17
Victory: Gelda Glintswift:17.04.22
Victory: Gemmed Guardian:16.06.19
Victory: General Graknus:07.12.13
Victory: General Janosz:07.04.17
Victory: Gharaka:12.12.21
Victory: Gharitsnel:19.06.19
Victory: Ghest Roppep:15.02.20
Victory: Glaucos of the Sink:16.06.19
Victory: Glimmerstone:17.06.19
Victory: Glitched Cell Keeper:25.12.17
Victory: Globjowls:19.02.20
Victory: Gloombeast Azrinax:15.02.20
Victory: Glorok, of the Mud:20.06.19
Victory: Glorpa the Ancient:19.06.19
Victory: Gnawbone:17.04.20
Victory: Goretilla:25.11.21
Victory: Gorgorah the Shadowmanic:15.02.20
Victory: Grand Cruciator Typhenon:15.02.20
Victory: Greeneyes:09.11.21
Victory: Grimalda Goodhand:15.04.22
Victory: Grobnor the Elder Orb:05.07.19
Victory: Grrrunk the Trunk:22.02.20
Victory: Grugnop, the Guard:22.02.20
Victory: Grulk the Ruthless:20.04.20
Victory: Grumblugtin and Friends:12.12.21
Victory: Grungrina the Mad:03.11.21
Victory: Gryme:25.12.17
Victory: Haggle Baron Dalnir:05.04.17
Victory: Halcyon:15.06.19
Victory: Harkor Longdraw:14.05.16
Victory: Heaper:17.06.19
Victory: High Dragoon V'Aliar:25.12.17
Victory: High Shikari Olyxa:12.12.21
Victory: Hinokawu:13.12.21
Victory: Hirpo the Frosted Spine:17.06.19
Victory: Hopper the Blood-Drenched:09.11.21
Victory: Horrot the Horrific:24.04.20
Victory: Hreidar and Torstien:03.01.18
Victory: Inquisitor Barol:03.01.18
Victory: Izanahm the Rooted:21.06.19
Victory: Izzak Sira:08.04.17
Victory: Jabloz:21.07.19
Victory: Jiva:04.01.18
Victory: Kaasssrelik the Afflicted:06.04.14
Victory: Kamara Zar:20.07.19
Victory: Kartur:13.12.21
Victory: Keeper of Past Lore:03.01.18
Victory: Khiron Spiritwind:21.06.19
Victory: Kigara the Blazewing and Kelana the Frostwing:19.04.20
Victory: Killmaster Kayzen:22.11.21
Victory: Killmodo:09.11.21
Victory: Klechin Darkfist:19.02.20
Victory: Koni Ferus and Pete Bog:17.06.19
Victory: Kor Va Xian:15.02.20
Victory: Kreigor:16.06.19
Victory: Krel Korek Mal:09.04.22
Victory: Krelburn:09.04.22
Victory: Krinas Bledso:07.01.22
Victory: Krogrock the Earthcrasher:21.06.19
Victory: Kwillix Quickshot:21.11.21
Victory: Lady Warglave:15.02.20
Victory: Laef Windfall:03.01.18
Victory: Lagrecia Vyl'Tayne:09.04.22
Victory: Lavec Conun'Stah:07.01.22
Victory: Lesha Needleleaf:05.07.19
Victory: Liegess Lavalle:15.04.22
Victory: Lord Triskian Seru:15.02.20
Victory: Luminox Prime:20.11.13
Victory: Lysander Mistmoore:13.12.21
Victory: Major Eghonz:07.04.17
Victory: Malavork:21.06.19
Victory: Manacrush:04.07.19
Victory: Mandee and Mannee Quin:18.02.20
Victory: Marsun Ledar:08.03.20
Victory: Matri Marn:03.04.14
Victory: Mawz Harak:08.06.16
Victory: Mean Green and Company:12.12.21
Victory: Moggtu the Mad:15.02.20
Victory: Moracar, the Fiend:16.06.19
Victory: Morbigog:09.11.21
Victory: Morgelon, the Wilder:16.06.19
Victory: Mrwar, the Destroyer:12.12.17
Victory: Mudmartigan:21.06.19
Victory: Nakka Nakka:12.12.21
Victory: Nazkra:05.04.17
Victory: Neh'Ashiir:07.04.17
Victory: Nehalenea Frostbringer:16.06.19
Victory: Nerobahan:15.02.20
Victory: Nev Dax'Thall:15.02.20
Victory: Nimble Rodderick:22.11.21
Victory: Nogrovska Vodlak:08.11.21
Victory: Nok Hakka:09.11.21
Victory: Nremum:19.02.20
Victory: Obscura Zun'Xakra:21.11.21
Victory: Oceanus the Titan:16.06.19
Victory: Old Witherby:15.02.20
Victory: Old Witherby [Challenge]:29.03.20
Victory: Oororr the Corrupted:13.12.21
Victory: Over-General Vihgoh:07.04.17
Victory: Overseer Razzak:17.04.20
Victory: Palovina Vodlak:24.10.21
Victory: Parvazt the Handler:17.04.20
Victory: Perisha, the Mistress of Flies:07.01.22
Victory: Pontis Aqueous:16.06.19
Victory: Potroxxious:21.06.19
Victory: Powered Mechanization:25.12.17
Victory: Prosperon the Tempest:05.07.19
Victory: Prysmerah, Arx Patrona:15.02.20
Victory: Pterrordax:13.12.21
Victory: Purpyron and Mrokor:22.02.20
Victory: Pygmy Cannibal Trio:13.12.21
Victory: Pyrefist, Dark Guardian:16.06.19
Victory: Quarez:20.07.19
Victory: Queen Meacidaris:14.11.13
Victory: Ra-Sekjet, the Molten:16.06.19
Victory: Raizyl Pajdu:15.02.20
Victory: Rallius Rattican:25.12.17
Victory: Rancine:25.12.17
Victory: Rarthek the Swiftclaw:19.04.20
Victory: Rath'Girosz and Rath'Argoth:15.02.20
Victory: Rector Droz'Kzar:07.04.17
Victory: Repair Bot 5000:25.12.17
Victory: Retribution of Ro:18.06.19
Victory: Revenant Sthzzzizt:19.02.20
Victory: Rhag'Sekez:15.02.20
Victory: Rhag'Voreth:15.02.20
Victory: Ribcracker:19.06.19
Victory: Ripperback:19.02.20
Victory: Rockskin:19.02.20
Victory: Ropscion Mindeye:15.02.20
Victory: Roseblood and Thornblood:13.12.21
Victory: Rotbeak:20.07.19
Victory: Rune Protector Gorok:13.12.21
Victory: Ryryrd of the Wind:22.02.20
Victory: Sacrificer Buran:01.04.14
Victory: Sanctus Eternus:15.02.20
Victory: Scabclot:19.06.19
Victory: Scarfeather:09.04.22
Victory: Scyphodon:09.11.21
Victory: Sergio [Solo]:15.04.20
Victory: Sesria and Denani:23.03.14
Victory: Shade of Vyzh'dra:15.02.20
Victory: Shadow Rhozth Ikeshzi:15.02.20
Victory: Shadowed Abomination:22.02.20
Victory: Shadowphage:09.11.21
Victory: Shazzak:09.12.13
Victory: Short Shift:18.02.20
Victory: Shred of Tashakhi:09.11.21
Victory: Skulkor:09.04.22
Victory: Skurge:17.04.20
Victory: Slurpgaloop:17.06.19
Victory: Smiley:15.02.20
Victory: So'Valiz:04.01.18
Victory: Sontalak:19.04.20
Victory: Sorceress Gwen'vae:12.04.17
Victory: Sotek:25.11.21
Victory: Soul Eater Muhg:13.12.21
Victory: Spikesnot the Gall:04.07.19
Victory: Spinetongue:15.06.19
Victory: Spinewidow:20.07.19
Victory: Spirit Lord Cinder Toad:21.06.19
Victory: Spiritist Karina:09.11.21
Victory: Sporefiend Zugu:09.11.21
Victory: Steena Dragonflyer:21.11.21
Victory: Stenkan, the Monster:07.01.22
Victory: Sterek:18.06.19
Victory: Stonehand:24.02.20
Victory: Subsistent Custodian:06.04.14
Victory: Sypheria the Shackled:09.04.22
Victory: T'valla Rilayne:13.12.21
Victory: Tabricky:30.06.19
Victory: Taja Verath:22.11.21
Victory: Taskmistress Devioth:07.01.22
Victory: Telrisa, of the Trees:19.06.19
Victory: Tethys All-Mother:05.07.19
Victory: The Abandoned Labomination:08.10.21
Victory: The Architect of Ruin:15.02.20
Victory: The Armor of Sul:12.04.17
Victory: The Black King:13.12.21
Victory: The Blood Iron Eater:15.05.16
Victory: The Carrion and Malarian Larvae:25.12.17
Victory: The Crumbling Emperor:24.04.14
Victory: The Crystallized Construct:12.04.17
Victory: The Deadly Dapperling:15.02.20
Victory: The Desolator:25.11.21
Victory: The Drudge Lord:22.02.20
Victory: The Enchanted Sword and Shield:05.04.17
Victory: The Fabled Halls of Fate:31.01.14
Victory: The Fabled Lord Vyemm and Alzid Prime:13.04.14
Victory: The Flesh Eater:25.12.17
Victory: The Frenzied Feeder:05.04.17
Victory: The Glitched Guardian 10101 :25.12.17
Victory: The Glutton:14.05.16
Victory: The Gooblin King:05.04.17
Victory: The Googantuan:05.04.17
Victory: The Great Gravelly One:05.07.19
Victory: The Hurricane:03.01.18
Victory: The Invisible Swordsman [Solo]:15.04.20
Victory: The Joro Siblings [Solo]:15.04.20
Victory: The Junk Beast:25.12.17
Victory: The Legionnaires:06.04.14
Victory: The Manaetic Behemoth:25.12.17
Victory: The Master Clockwork Protocol [Advanced Solo]:09.11.15
Victory: The Matron of Mists:16.06.19
Victory: The Meld of Haze:12.04.17
Victory: The Meld of Vapor:12.04.17
Victory: The Mist Reaver:12.04.17
Victory: The Molten Behemoth:04.01.18
Victory: The Monstrous Mudwalker:17.06.19
Victory: The Needlite Queen:09.11.21
Victory: The Poached Poacher:22.11.21
Victory: The Priestess and her Corpse:13.12.21
Victory: The Protector of Stone:01.04.14
Victory: The Rock Collector:05.04.17
Victory: The Sacrificed:07.04.17
Victory: The Shadow Overlord:22.02.20
Victory: The Spelobanzeothitem:25.11.21
Victory: The Vengeful Elder:07.01.16
Victory: The War Committee:24.04.20
Victory: The Werewolf Trio:13.12.21
Victory: Thraxinae:09.11.21
Victory: Thresinet:12.12.17
Victory: Thrott:20.04.20
Victory: Timberlake:18.06.19
Victory: Toa the Shiny:25.12.17
Victory: Tog Voil:15.02.20
Victory: Tongusk the Terrible:20.04.20
Victory: Tootooz the Cryptomaniac:05.04.17
Victory: Torrent of Awuidor:17.06.19
Victory: Trade Baroness Elsindir:18.02.20
Victory: Tremorax the Unearthed:17.04.20
Victory: Tzirathk:07.04.17
Victory: Ugweepai and Corrupted Embodiments:12.12.21
Victory: Ulosi and Ulcine Nacisroc:09.11.21
Victory: Umbral Lord Yzo:15.02.20
Victory: Undertaker Zemilox:22.11.21
Victory: Unhilynd:15.02.20
Victory: Va Dyn Kar:22.02.20
Victory: Vampire Dragon Leftovers:09.04.22
Victory: Vencine and Vincenz Kovari:09.11.21
Victory: Vendeen:24.04.20
Victory: Vengeance of Ro:18.06.19
Victory: Venomess Tshakez:22.11.21
Victory: Verlixa:04.01.18
Victory: Vesshtri the Swordfang:15.02.20
Victory: Viktor Vodlak:05.10.21
Victory: Vilepox:19.06.19
Victory: Vinzerah Ral'moor:21.11.21
Victory: Vleecan Fele [Solo]:15.04.20
Victory: Voltorak Razorclaw:05.08.19
Victory: Vorigan Mistmoore:09.04.22
Victory: Vulgrat Vilebones:08.11.21
Victory: War Master Ryzon:15.02.20
Victory: War Master Ryzon [Challenge]:29.03.20
Victory: Warhelm:08.03.20
Victory: Warlock Ren Bolor:13.12.21
Victory: Wavadozzik Adan:26.12.17
Victory: Wrath of Ro:18.06.19
Victory: Wrathflame the Chosen:17.06.19
Victory: Wretched Francine:08.11.21
Victory: Xanora Ghostmoon:03.11.21
Victory: Xias Dos Xan:09.11.21
Victory: Xochéntula:04.07.19
Victory: Xogerarda:18.06.19
Victory: Xothox and Zothoz:17.04.20
Victory: Xuzl:04.01.18
Victory: Xylox the Poisonous:22.02.20
Victory: Yallessulich:15.05.16
Victory: Yelloweyes:15.02.20
Victory: Yothshaval, Acolyte of Penumbra:08.06.16
Victory: Yveti Stormbrood:03.01.18
Victory: Z'Kara the Dreaded:17.04.20
Victory: Zaag the Unburied:12.12.21
Victory: Zannaska:12.04.17
Victory: Zhakull the Chooser:17.04.20
Victory: Ágilan and Háribon:13.12.21
Visionary Dungeon Master:13.12.21
Visions of Vetrovia:13.12.21
Void Voyager:
Voidwrought Chaos:18.07.19
Volcano Invader:01.04.13
Walking on Air:05.08.19
Wasting Away in the Wastes:08.04.22
Wayward Souls:15.02.20
We Want a Shrubbery:
Welcome to the Jungle:
Welcome, Overseer.:27.02.20
Werewolf Annihilator:
Werewolf Destroyer:
Werewolf Executioner:
Werewolf Killer:08.03.13
Which Were, Where?:08.04.22
Whiff, Whiff:20.07.19
Whoosh, Whoosh:
Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh:
Wild Wild Quest:
Wilder Annihilator:
Wilder Destroyer:
Wilder Executioner:
Wilder Killer:17.06.19
Will Break for Shinies:
Will Wipe Groups for Shinies!:
Wing and A Prayer:
Wonderous Wild Weald:
Wracked Exploration:
Wrek Shop:12.12.17
Wyrm Twynk:03.03.13
Xalgoti's Demise:21.04.15
Xalgoz Exterminator:27.02.13
Yha-lei Annihilator:
Yha-lei Destroyer:
Yha-lei Executioner:
Yha-lei Killer:27.02.13
Ykeshan Trekker:
You can learn how to take them down!:04.03.13
Your Fiends Don't Trance:13.12.21
Your mission is...:04.03.13
Zoo Keeper:
Zorglim the Departed:11.11.15
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Bobbin' For Goblins:
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Gob Stopper:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Boarkeeper Malleg:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Burrtoe the Gorged:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Kanar:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Siltsea:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: High Shaman Vohan:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Mayka Rukus:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Memnmamar Marrowgut:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Slamhammer:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Snok Eyegouger:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Xorxx:19.06.19
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: a Golden Scarab:20.06.19
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Decimate Hate:
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 1):
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Anarchic Obscenity:08.06.20
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Skimp the Imp:08.06.20
Death's Whisper
Fleshless Tongue
Beltramko's EstateMistmoore Crags Estates
Anashti Sul:0
Arcanists of Tunaria:-50000
Bathezid's Watch:-16400
Caertaxian Legion:-8250
Citizens of Maldura:36000
Clan Crushbone:-50000
Clan Grobb:-39800
Clan Ry'Gorr:40015
Clan Skleross:-40275
Clan Thrael'Gorr:750
Claws of Veeshan:44500
Crusaders of Greenmist:-35000
Dalnir's Wheel Taskmasters:-39500
Defenders of the Seal:-50000
Drednever Expedition:-2460
Exiles of Droga:-34375
Far Seas Supply Division:50000
Fordel Midst Trade Commission:10000
Goblins of Fire Peak:-39901
Guardians of the Underfoot:-26925
Guktan Guard:-39800
Hidden Plunderers' Camp:-40500
House Vahla:20000
House Yrzu:20000
Iceclad Pirates:10000
Ironblood Sprouts:10000
Kunzar Jungle Villagers:-30500
Legion of Danak:-45600
Maj'Dul Citizens:50000
New Tunarian Citizens:-50000
Othmir Artisans:29550
Othmir of Velious:3450
Outer Sebilis Residents:-40400
Pirates of Gunthak:-41100
Pride Pakiat:50000
Rallos Zek:49650
Residents of Teren's Grasp:50000
Ry'zilk's Renegades:-39900
Scholars of Myrist:21000
Shields of Maldura:21000
Snowfang Gnolls:700
Survival Accord:-9300
Synod Reet:-50000
The Aravu Naga:975
The Ashen Disciples:-31490
The Ashen Order:-29440
The Blackshield Smugglers:350
The Blacktalon:-41000
The Bloodskull Orcs:-40100
The City of Freeport:5000
The City of Gorowyn:-15000
The City of Jinisk:39400
The City of Kelethin:-50000
The City of Neriak:40000
The City of New Halas:-50000
The City of Qeynos:-50000
The City of Thurgadin:42715
The D'Vinnian Court:-50000
The Dark Bargainers:25000
The Deathfist Orcs:-50000
The Dervish Cutthroats:-42500
The Dreadnaughts:-1500
The Enchanted Reapers:-43200
The Far Seas Trading Company:1450
The Freeport Militia:4400
The Fugutr Tribe :-18720
The Great Herd:-41890
The Green Hoods:50000
The Guardians of Thyr:-50000
The Guardians of the Vale:50000
The Irontoe Brigade:20200
The Krulkiel Bugbears:-44700
The Lost Children of Marr:50000
The Lyrech:50000
The Muckflick Goblins:-44700
The Myntr Tribe :-18720
The Mystic Guardians:550
The Ree Orcs:-46600
The Rujarkian Orcs:-50000
The Runnyeye Goblins:-50000
The Sabertooth Gnolls:-39050
The Sandscrawlers:-44025
The Seafury Buccaneers:0
The Seamist Faeries:1600
The Spirits of Marr:-40000
The Steppes Settlers:-9050
The Thexians:-50000
The Windgazer:3850
The Windsisters:-48900
The Yarpsnarl Kobolds:-44700
Thulian Knights:-41500
 Critical Chance:3850%
 Casting Speed:125%
 Reuse Speed:60%
 Recovery Speed:0%
 Myth Buff:Epic Repercussions Completed
 Deity:Rallos Zek
 Singular Focus:Singular Focus Obtained
 Alternate AdvancementTotal # AA Points350
 PrestigeTotal # Prestige Points70
 Arcane Resists:Minimum Requirement = 1,734,123
 Noxious Resists:Minimum Requirement = 1,790,903
 Elemental Resists:Minimum Requirement = 1,733,810
Equipped FoodKamapor Tea Brined Venison
Equipped DrinkVetrovia Midnight Vintage

DKP Информация

Показать информацию очков для этого персонажа

Название группы локаций Получено Потрачено Изменение Текущее значение Рейдов (за 30 дней) Рейдов (за 60 дней) Рейдов (за 90 дней) Рейдов (за всё время)
ДКП 2762 2595 -42 125 0% (0/6) 0% (0/17) 0% (0/30) 50% (362/725)
... записей найдено: 1

История участия в рейдах

Дата Название Примечание Значение
06.05.24 [BoZ] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid] + Тунаре + Марр 8
25.04.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] + Chamber + Марр 8
24.04.24 Нет определенной локации 2
22.04.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Delves 8
18.04.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] + Chamber 8
17.04.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] 8
15.04.24 Нет определенной локации Марр 8
11.04.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] + Chamber + Марр 8
10.04.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] 8
08.04.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
04.04.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber + Иннорук 8
03.04.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Эролизя 8
01.04.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Иннорук, Марр, Эролизя 8
28.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Delves 8
25.03.24 [BoZ] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid] 8
21.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] 8
18.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Delves + Берт 8
14.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Берт 8
11.03.24 [BoZ] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid] + Берт 8
07.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] 8
04.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Delves 8
29.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Chamber 8
28.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Эролизя 8
26.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
22.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] 8
19.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber + Марр 8
15.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Expanse 8
12.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Ёська 8
08.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
05.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
01.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
29.01.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
25.01.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Марр 8
22.01.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] 8
19.07.22 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid] Чуть порейдили 4
18.07.22 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] 8
18.05.22 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid] 8
26.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] 8
25.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] 8
21.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] + Vacrul 8
20.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] + Vacrul 8
19.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] + Vacrul 8
18.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] 8
14.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] 8
13.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] + Deceit 8
11.04.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
07.04.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
06.04.22 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] 8
05.04.22 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] 8
04.04.22 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] 8
31.03.22 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] + Deceit 8
30.03.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
29.03.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
28.03.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
24.03.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
21.03.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
17.03.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
16.03.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
14.03.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
10.03.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
02.03.22 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] 8
01.03.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] + Deceit 8
28.02.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
21.02.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] + Wastes 8
17.02.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
16.02.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
14.02.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] + Wastes 8
10.02.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
09.02.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
08.02.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
07.02.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
03.02.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
02.02.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
31.01.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
26.01.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
25.01.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
19.01.22 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] 8
18.01.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
11.01.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
10.01.22 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] 8
06.01.22 Нет определенной локации Собрались 2
29.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] 8
25.11.21 Нет определенной локации Собрались 2
24.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Challenge Raid] 8
23.11.21 Нет определенной локации Собрались 2
22.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Challenge Raid] 8
18.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
17.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
16.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
15.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
11.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
10.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
08.11.21 Нет определенной локации Собрались 2
03.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
02.11.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
01.11.21 Нет определенной локации Собрались 2
28.10.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
27.10.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
26.10.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] 8
25.10.21 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Challenge Raid] 8
... 100 записей найдено / 369 показано

История покупки предметов

Дата Покупатель Название Рейд Группа предметов Стоимость
01.03.22 Beltramko Nearly Hex-Proof Helmet [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] default 100
28.02.22 Beltramko Unbounded Lines Reflex Bow [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] default 80
10.03.22 Beltramko Gadsin's Bracelet of Trophy Bones [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] default 70
02.02.22 Beltramko Persepherators [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] default 5
28.02.22 Beltramko Forsaken Light Chainmail Bracers [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] default 20
10.02.22 Beltramko Amulet of the Jungle Spirits [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] default 80
21.02.22 Beltramko Vetrovian Mantrap Machete [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] default 20
29.03.22 Beltramko Severed Hand Bracelet [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] default 70
21.04.22 Beltramko The Bloodtender's Pruning Fistblade [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] default 5
06.04.22 Beltramko Mistmoore Crested Family Chestguard [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] default 80
11.05.21 Beltramko Void Etched Rune: Chorus of Night [RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] default 10
23.03.21 Beltramko Unseen Phantomsnatcher's Coif [RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] default 60
05.05.21 Beltramko Cometglow [RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] default 30
19.10.21 Beltramko Shadesteel Neckguard [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] default 25
28.09.21 Beltramko Abyssal Hidden Legguards [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] default 5
28.09.21 Beltramko Stolen Ssraeshzian Plans - Flinger [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] default 5
12.04.21 Beltramko Shadowed Tyranny Chain Bracers [RoS] Shadeweaver Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid] default 20
01.04.21 Beltramko Shadowed Tyranny Chain Handguards [RoS] Shadeweaver Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid] default 70
25.05.21 Beltramko Crystallized Shadow Pearl Earring [RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] default 10
20.05.21 Beltramko Living Embodiment of Shadow [RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] default 15
26.04.21 Beltramko Elemental Avatar (Celestial) [RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] default 15
26.04.21 Beltramko Shaded Grimling Helmet of Gnitrat [RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] default 25
19.04.21 Beltramko Heroically Recovered Piercing [RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] default 40
08.02.21 Beltramko Ancient Burrower Beast Chainmail Bracers [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] default 5
02.02.21 Beltramko Jerrek's Illuminous Chainmail [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] default 40
27.01.21 Beltramko Needlite Chiten Coif [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] default 40
18.03.21 Beltramko Lazeratus, Sacred Spirit [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] default 20
25.01.21 Beltramko Needlite Chiten Footguards [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] default 40
25.01.21 Beltramko Unseen Darkprowler's Chain Gloves [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] default 60
13.08.19 Beltramko Vegerogus' Vintage of the Earthen Titan [CD] Vegarlson: Upheaval default 15
19.06.19 Beltramko Earring of Defeated Foes [CD] Vegarlson: Upheaval default 5
06.08.19 Beltramko Vegerogus' Band of the Earthen Titan [CD] Vegarlson: Upheaval default 20
05.08.19 Beltramko Pending Judgement Earring [CD] Reef of Coirnav default 30
24.07.19 Beltramko Deathless Stoneshaped Boot Pattern [CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid] default 5
27.06.19 Beltramko Confiscated Shortspear of Judgement [CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid] default 5
27.06.19 Beltramko CD Armor Voucher: Enlightened Glimmerstone Pant [CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid] default 5
02.07.19 Beltramko Deathless Stoneshaped Helm Pattern [CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid] default 5
29.07.19 Beltramko Celestial Rune: Symphony of the Void [CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid] default 20
18.07.19 Beltramko Faal'Armanna's Aery Crossbow [CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid] default 10
17.07.19 Beltramko Xegony's Emerald Gemstone Necklace [CD] Eryslai: The Aether Vale default 5
17.07.19 Beltramko Vegerogus' Blade of the Earthen Titan [CD] Eryslai: The Aether Vale default 5
20.08.19 Beltramko Faal'Armanna's Aery Cloak [CD] Doomfire: The Molten Caldera default 30
14.08.19 Beltramko 7th Girdle of Justice [CD] Doomfire: The Broken Throne default 5
17.06.19 Beltramko Llyr, Colossus of Water [CD] Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths (Contested) default 5
04.04.24 Beltramko Hippocampic Acuity Cloak [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] default 80
01.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] default 20
08.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Spaulders of the Breadth [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] default 30
05.02.24 Beltramko Cloak of the Chromon Titan [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] default 10
19.02.24 Beltramko Earring of the Krayte Titan [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] default 5
19.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Spaulders of the Breadth [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] default 5
18.04.24 Beltramko Galeistria's Polished Peridot [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] default 35
25.01.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 5
21.03.24 Beltramko Aurous' Banishment Crux [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 20
15.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Boots of the Breadth [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 10
18.03.24 Beltramko Equestrian Liege's Souvenir [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 15
29.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Krayte Wrap [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 15
15.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 5
15.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 5
22.02.24 Beltramko Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 10
22.02.24 Beltramko Polished Sovereign Stud [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] default 30
30.03.20 Beltramko Empyral Rune: Ascension of Life [BoL] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens default 15
30.03.20 Beltramko Heart Piercer of Ro [BoL] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens default 25
15.07.20 Beltramko Magnetic Bracelet of Grul Baku [BoL] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens default 80
30.03.20 Beltramko Icon of the Overfiend [BoL] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens default 20
14.04.20 Beltramko Regal Cloak of Rallos [BoL] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens default 10
19.03.20 Beltramko Empyral Rune: Chorus of Night [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista default 5
19.03.20 Beltramko Galorian Veil [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista default 15
09.03.20 Beltramko Praetorian's Edged Dirk [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista default 10
16.03.20 Beltramko Empyral Rune: Firmament of Growth [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista default 20
22.06.20 Beltramko Preator's Longbow [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista default 5
27.07.20 Beltramko Bow of the Servant [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista default 25
04.03.20 Beltramko Badge of Seru Loyalty [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista default 50
20.04.20 Beltramko Crackling Shadows Knuckles [BoL] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls default 5
04.05.20 Beltramko Shadowmail Mitts of the Deathless [BoL] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls default 60
07.04.20 Beltramko Spire Lord's Ire [BoL] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls default 25
31.03.20 Beltramko Shadowchain Breastplate Pattern of the Deathless [BoL] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls default 30
31.03.20 Beltramko Satchel of Hardened Rubble [BoL] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls default 5
10.03.20 Beltramko Shadowchain Greaves Pattern of the Deathless [BoL] Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches default 25
03.03.20 Beltramko Icon of the Overfiend [BoL] Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches default 30
11.05.20 Beltramko Shadowmail Coif of the Deathless [BoL] Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches default 30
23.04.20 Beltramko Broker's Waist Clasp [BoL] Fordel Midst: Remembrance default 10
11.03.20 Beltramko Spiked Spectral Whip [BoL] Fordel Midst: Remembrance default 10
30.07.20 Beltramko Crimson Ring of Fallen Havens [BoL] Fordel Midst: Remembrance default 70
09.04.20 Beltramko Azure Pearl Earring [BoL] Fordel Midst: Remembrance default 10
08.06.20 Beltramko Indigo Signet of Seru [BoL] Aurelian Coast: The Emerging Eclipse default 5
01.07.20 Beltramko The Broker's Dangling Finger Earring [BoL] Aurelian Coast: The Emerging Eclipse default 120
19.11.20 Beltramko Lucid Shard of Summoning [BoL] Aurelian Coast: The Emerging Eclipse default 50
03.02.20 Beltramko Bladed-Knuckles of Unflinching Loyalty [BoL] Aurelian Coast: The Emerging Eclipse default 5
14.12.20 Beltramko Tiger Raptor Claws [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling default 5
08.12.20 Beltramko Lord Kargurak's Dominion [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling default 70
22.09.20 Beltramko Flesh Render's Chainlink Chain Bracers of the Deathless [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling default 40
17.11.20 Beltramko Lucid Shard of Dawn [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling default 100
30.11.20 Beltramko Flamecaller's Shield of Ro [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling default 5
03.12.20 Beltramko Eye of the Unleashed [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling default 30
08.12.20 Beltramko Scorion's Extinguished Face [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling default 40
... записей найдено: 95

История индивидуальных изменений

Дата Причина Значение
11.03.21 Поздний приход -2
01.04.21 Поздний приход -2
21.04.22 Поздний приход -2
25.04.22 Ранний уход -2
18.07.19 Поздний приход (до 1 ч.) -4
02.09.20 Поздний приход -4
26.01.21 Поздний приход -4
26.04.22 Поздний приход -4
19.01.22 Поздний приход -6
20.04.22 Ранний уход -6
22.04.24 Поздний приход -6
... записей найдено: 11
Иконка Событие Рейдов (за всё время)
eventicon93 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid]
89.00% (8/9)
eventicon80 [BoL] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls
100.00% (12/12)
eventicon98 [RoR] Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid]
0.00% (0/25)
Святилище Виишан: Обитель Стража
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon82 [BoL-RtF] The Fabled Plane of War
82.00% (14/17)
eventicon78 [BoL] Fordel Midst: Remembrance
100.00% (15/15)
eventicon73 [CD] Doomfire: The Broken Throne
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon96 [VoV] The Fabled Trakanon's Lair [Raid]
0.00% (0/3)
eventicon106 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid]
14.00% (4/29)
[CD] Vegarlson: Upheaval
67.00% (4/6)
[CD] Reef of Coirnav
50.00% (1/2)
Алтарь Гнусности
0.00% (0/0)
Эпический Мутант-изгой
0.00% (0/0)
Храм Шшраеза: Эхо Времени
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Plane of Innovation: The Wasteyards
0.00% (0/0)
Грот Сирен: Нисхождение
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge
0.00% (0/0)
Святилище Виишан: Пасть Ужасной Чешуи
0.00% (0/0)
Эпическая Лаборатория Лорда Виемма
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon79 [BoL] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens
80.00% (8/10)
eventicon103 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid]
54.00% (13/24)
eventicon99 [RoR] Takish Badlands: The Boundless Gulf [Raid]
0.00% (0/15)
eventicon91 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid]
89.00% (8/9)
eventicon77 [BoL] Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches
88.00% (7/8)
eventicon94 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid]
9.00% (2/23)
Эпические Принцы
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon76 [BoL] Aurelian Coast: The Emerging Eclipse
91.00% (21/23)
eventicon104 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid]
86.00% (12/14)
[PoP] The Fabled Ykeshas Inner Stronghold
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon84 [RoS] Shadeweaver Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid]
83.00% (15/18)
eventicon72 [CD] Eryslai: The Aether Vale
100.00% (3/3)
eventicon95 [VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid]
0.00% (0/24)
eventicon81 [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling
83.00% (38/46)
Край Мучений
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes
100.00% (2/2)
Zek, the Scourge Wasters: The Siege
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon75 [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista
93.00% (28/30)
eventicon101 [RoR] Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]
0.00% (0/6)
eventicon83 [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure]
80.00% (20/25)
eventicon90 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid]
85.00% (11/13)
eventicon105 [BoZ] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid]
25.00% (3/12)
Эпическое Тайное Укрытие Вольнодумцев (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid]
71.00% (15/21)
Эпическое Тайное Укрытие Вольнодумцев
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Plane of Disease: Virulent Insurrection
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate
0.00% (0/0)
Шепчущие Острова: Владения Драазака
0.00% (0/0)
Оссуарий: Собор Костей
0.00% (0/0)
[CD-LU] Castle Mischief
0.00% (0/0)
Stygian Threshold: Edge of the Underfoot
0.00% (0/0)
ЗавитЛоа: Магмовые Озера
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Doomfire: The Molten Caldera
14.00% (1/7)
[PoP] Solusek Ros Tower: Citadel of the Sun
0.00% (0/0)
Храм Неба: Предательство в Глубинах
0.00% (0/0)
Проклятое Святилище
0.00% (0/0)
Нагорная крепость: Бескровное вторжение
0.00% (0/0)
Нагорная Твердыня: Пощады не будет
0.00% (0/0)
Оссуарий: Алтарь Злобы
0.00% (0/0)
Арена Богов
0.00% (0/0)
Мир войн
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon92 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid]
21.00% (5/24)
eventicon88 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Challenge Raid]
100.00% (4/4)
eventicon87 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid]
81.00% (21/26)
Бухта Череполомов: Ярость Проклятых
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon89 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid]
80.00% (12/15)
eventicon100 [RoR] Buried Takish'Hiz: Emergence from Stone [Raid]
0.00% (0/24)
eventicon85 [RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid]
44.00% (17/39)
eventicon97 [RoR] Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Hunt [Raid]
0.00% (0/27)
eventicon102 [RoR] Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn [Raid]
0.00% (0/13)
eventicon86 [RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid]
56.00% (14/25)
Гробница Спящего: Прыжок во времени
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon74 [CD] Fabled Throne of Storms: Hall of Legends
100.00% (3/3)
Храм Раллоса Зека: Каменный Фундамент (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Башня Валлона (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Бастион Таллона (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Шпиль Суллон (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Эпическая Обитель Смерти
0.00% (0/0)
Гробница Спящего: Раскопки
0.00% (0/0)
Пропасть Могущества
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths (Contested)
100.00% (3/3)
[CD] Ragrax, the Sepulcher of The Twelve
0.00% (0/0)
The Fabled Xuxlaios Roost
0.00% (0/0)
Эпическая Призма Повелителя Джиннов
0.00% (0/0)
Maldura: Forge of Ashes
0.00% (0/0)
Kralet Penumbra: The Hive Mind
0.00% (0/0)
The Fabled Antechamber of Fate
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Chamber of Rejuvenation
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Vaedenmoor: Heart of Nightmares
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Vaedenmoor: Realm of Despair
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Lost City of Torsis: Ashirian Court (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Shard of Hate: Reignited Hatred
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Lost City of Torsis: Ashirian Court
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Arcannase Spire: Order and Chaos (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Arcannase Spire: Order and Chaos
0.00% (0/0)
Винокурня Далеких Морей: Нищие и попрошайки
0.00% (0/0)
Паром Трепета: Короли пиратов
0.00% (0/0)
Расцвет Дракура: Вискудра Древняя
0.00% (0/0)
Расцвет Дракура: Пробуждение Севалака
0.00% (0/0)
Эпический Небесный Пьедестал
0.00% (0/0)
Нет определенной локации
31.00% (24/77)
... записей найдено: 104



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