: | |
100th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
101st Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
102nd Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
103rd Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
104th Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
105th Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
105th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
106th Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
107th Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
108th Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
109th Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
10th Ranked Artisan: | 06.02.24 |
10th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
110th Planar Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
110th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
120th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
125th Season Adventurer: | 29.12.21 |
130 Ballads of Zimara on the Achievement Wall: | 12.02.24 |
130th Season Adventurer: | 12.02.24 |
20th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
30th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
40th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
50th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
60th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
70th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
80th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
85th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
90th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
95th Season Adventurer: | 23.12.21 |
A Burghal in Our Midst: | |
A Collector's Collector: | |
A Jubilee Spectacularly II: | |
A Jubilee for You and Me II: | |
A Plethora of Plateaus: | 24.12.22 |
A Shiny in Hand is Worth Two In the Bush: | |
Accomplished Akhevan Hunter: | |
Accomplished Akhevan Slayer: | |
Accomplished Allu'thoa Hunter: | |
Accomplished Allu'thoa Slayer: | |
Accomplished Aurai Hunter: | 10.02.24 |
Accomplished Aurai Slayer: | 06.04.24 |
Accomplished Aviak Hunter: | 15.02.24 |
Accomplished Aviak Slayer: | |
Accomplished Bixie Hunter: | |
Accomplished Bixie Slayer: | |
Accomplished Bugbear Hunter: | 08.10.22 |
Accomplished Bugbear Slayer: | |
Accomplished Cepholex Hunter: | |
Accomplished Cepholex Slayer: | |
Accomplished Clockwork Hunter: | 17.06.24 |
Accomplished Clockwork Slayer: | |
Accomplished Cursed Elddar Hunter: | 21.01.23 |
Accomplished Cursed Elddar Slayer: | |
Accomplished Cyclops Hunter: | 29.12.22 |
Accomplished Cyclops Slayer: | |
Accomplished Di'Zok Hunter: | |
Accomplished Di'Zok Slayer: | |
Accomplished Djinn Hunter: | 07.02.24 |
Accomplished Djinn Slayer: | 15.03.24 |
Accomplished Droag Hunter: | 04.03.22 |
Accomplished Droag Slayer: | |
Accomplished Drolvarg Hunter: | 04.10.22 |
Accomplished Drolvarg Slayer: | |
Accomplished Elemental Hunter: | 07.01.22 |
Accomplished Elemental Slayer: | 21.01.23 |
Accomplished Fairy Hunter: | 14.04.24 |
Accomplished Fairy Slayer: | |
Accomplished Florphilim Hunter: | 20.01.23 |
Accomplished Florphilim Slayer: | |
Accomplished Froglok Hunter: | 20.02.22 |
Accomplished Froglok Slayer: | |
Accomplished Galorian Hunter: | |
Accomplished Galorian Slayer: | |
Accomplished Giant Hunter: | 02.03.22 |
Accomplished Giant Slayer: | |
Accomplished Gnoll Hunter: | 09.04.24 |
Accomplished Gnoll Slayer: | |
Accomplished Goblin Hunter: | 21.01.23 |
Accomplished Goblin Slayer: | |
Accomplished Golem Hunter: | 03.02.22 |
Accomplished Golem Slayer: | |
Accomplished Grimling Hunter: | |
Accomplished Grimling Slayer: | |
Accomplished Harpy Hunter: | 20.03.22 |
Accomplished Harpy Slayer: | |
Accomplished Kobold Hunter: | |
Accomplished Kobold Slayer: | |
Accomplished Maedjinn Hunter: | 07.02.24 |
Accomplished Maedjinn Slayer: | 09.03.24 |
Accomplished Marid Hunter: | |
Accomplished Marid Slayer: | |
Accomplished Mephlin Hunter: | 29.06.24 |
Accomplished Mephlin Slayer: | |
Accomplished Nilborien Hunter: | 25.02.24 |
Accomplished Nilborien Slayer: | |
Accomplished Orc Hunter: | 09.01.22 |
Accomplished Orc Slayer: | 10.05.22 |
Accomplished Patchcraft Hunter: | |
Accomplished Patchcraft Slayer: | |
Accomplished Planar Elemental Hunter: | 03.02.24 |
Accomplished Planar Elemental Slayer: | |
Accomplished Ravasect Hunter: | |
Accomplished Ravasect Slayer: | |
Accomplished Shik'Nar Hunter: | |
Accomplished Shik'Nar Slayer: | |
Accomplished Shiny Hunter: | |
Accomplished Shissar Hunter: | |
Accomplished Shissar Slayer: | |
Accomplished Siren Hunter: | |
Accomplished Siren Slayer: | |
Accomplished Slug Hunter: | |
Accomplished Slug Slayer: | |
Accomplished Thought Horror Hunter: | |
Accomplished Thought Horror Slayer: | |
Accomplished Undead Hunter: | 29.12.21 |
Accomplished Undead Slayer: | 05.01.22 |
Accomplished Vampire Hunter: | 03.01.22 |
Accomplished Vampire Slayer: | 09.02.22 |
Accomplished Werewolf Hunter: | 07.01.22 |
Accomplished Werewolf Slayer: | |
Accomplished Wilder Hunter: | |
Accomplished Wilder Slayer: | |
Accomplished Yha-lei Hunter: | |
Accomplished Yha-lei Slayer: | |
Addicted to Quests: | |
Advancing Steadily: | 28.12.21 |
Adventure Andante: | |
Aerie Adagio: | |
Aether Aria: | |
Aether Delver: Part I: | 08.04.24 |
Aether Delver: Part II: | 16.05.24 |
Afraid in the Glade: | 29.12.22 |
Akhevan Annihilator: | |
Akhevan Destroyer: | |
Akhevan Executioner: | |
Akhevan Killer: | |
Alcazar Assailant: Part I: | 18.04.24 |
All Dusting and Busting: | 26.12.22 |
All Wrapped Up: | 12.02.24 |
Allu'thoa Annihilator: | |
Allu'thoa Destroyer: | |
Allu'thoa Executioner: | |
Allu'thoa Killer: | |
An Eye for an Eye...: | 22.02.22 |
Ancient Artifacts and Figures: | |
Ancient Discoveries: | |
Ancient Signature Pursuer: | |
Ancient Signature Stalker: | |
Ancient Table Annihilator: | 07.01.22 |
Anniversary Artisan: | |
Antiquities Exhibition: | |
Antonican Adventurer: | |
Archaeologist Anonymous: | |
Argent Accelerando: | 06.04.24 |
Argent Allegretto: | 07.02.24 |
Argent Allegro: | 02.04.24 |
Artisan's Soul: | |
Aurai Annihilator: | |
Aurai Destroyer: | |
Aurai Executioner: | |
Aurai Killer: | 04.02.24 |
Avatar Assassin: | 03.05.22 |
Aviak Annihilator: | |
Aviak Destroyer: | |
Aviak Executioner: | |
Aviak Killer: | 08.10.22 |
Ballad of Antiquities: | 13.02.24 |
Ballads of Zimara: | 07.02.24 |
Band of the Five Maws: | 13.02.24 |
Basic Understanding: | |
Beast Wrangler: | |
Beastmaster: | |
Beginner Collector: | 08.01.22 |
Beginner Quester: | 28.12.21 |
Bestial Bellies Aside: | |
Big Badda Trouble: | 29.12.21 |
Biggest Loser: | 19.09.22 |
Biggest Winner: | 03.01.22 |
Birds of a Pink Feather: | |
Bixie Annihilator: | |
Bixie Destroyer: | |
Bixie Executioner: | |
Bixie Killer: | |
Blown Away: | 29.12.22 |
Both Hands on Deck!: | |
Breadth Cantata: | 12.02.24 |
Breadth of One's Brand: | |
Bringer of Death: | 26.02.22 |
Bugbear Annihilator: | |
Bugbear Destroyer: | |
Bugbear Executioner: | |
Bugbear Killer: | 03.05.22 |
Burning Passions in a Frigid Land: | |
Butcherblock Beachcomber: | |
Cairn You Spare Some Coin: | 14.02.24 |
Cairn You Spare a Copper: | 30.12.21 |
Can I Help Ya, Help Ya, Help Ya: | 07.01.23 |
Can I have your autograph?: | 26.12.22 |
Carpetbagger: | |
Carpets Away: | 26.12.22 |
Cazel's Conqueror: | 07.01.22 |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Contributor I: | 29.03.24 |
Celebrated Contributor II: | 07.04.24 |
Celebrated Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Contributor IX: | |
Celebrated Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Contributor X: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor I: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor II: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor III: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor V: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor I: | 17.04.24 |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor I: | 16.04.24 |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Karana Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Karana Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Karana Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Karana Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Karana Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Karana Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Karana Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor I: | 07.04.24 |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VIII: | |
Cepholex Annihilator: | |
Cepholex Destroyer: | |
Cepholex Executioner: | |
Cepholex Killer: | |
Champion of Renewal: | 04.01.23 |
Champion of Ro: | |
Chaotic Cadence: | 02.04.24 |
Chaotic Cadenza: | 10.02.24 |
Clockwork Annihilator: | |
Clockwork Destroyer: | |
Clockwork Executioner: | |
Clockwork Killer: | 04.04.22 |
Coasting through the Hills: | |
Collection Hoarder: | |
Collection Master: | |
Collection Obsessor: | |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise: | 03.01.25 |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Sense of Urgency): | 03.01.25 |
Commonlands Colonist: | |
Craft the Night Away: | |
Craft until you drop!: | |
Crypt Capturer: | 07.01.22 |
Cryptographer: | |
Cursed Elddar Annihilator: | |
Cursed Elddar Destroyer: | |
Cursed Elddar Executioner: | |
Cursed Elddar Killer: | 26.12.22 |
Cyclops Annihilator: | |
Cyclops Destroyer: | |
Cyclops Executioner: | |
Cyclops Killer: | 07.01.22 |
Daredevil of Dawn: | |
Daring Zoo Keeper: | |
Darklight Drifter: | |
Dash the Dauntless: | 13.02.24 |
Dawn's Avenger: | |
Dedication to the Arts: | |
Deep in the Thicket of Things: | |
Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob: | 22.02.22 |
Defeating Overlord Talan: | 22.06.22 |
Desert Dungeon Crawler: | 29.12.22 |
Desert of Fame: | 04.01.23 |
Destiny of Velious Overachiever: | |
Di'Zok Annihilator: | |
Di'Zok Destroyer: | |
Di'Zok Executioner: | |
Di'Zok Killer: | |
Ding-a-ling: | |
Discovering Druid Rings: Faydwer: | |
Discovering Druid Rings: Kunark: | 26.02.22 |
Discovering Druid Rings: Shattered Lands: | |
Divided We Fall: | |
Divine Relic Hunter II: | 29.02.24 |
Divine Relic Hunter III: | 02.04.24 |
Divine Relic Hunter IV: | 29.06.24 |
Divine Relic Hunter V: | |
Divine Relic Hunter VI: | |
Djinn Annihilator: | |
Djinn Destroyer: | |
Djinn Executioner: | |
Djinn Killer: | 03.02.24 |
Don't Forget Your Shades: | |
Doomed Lovers: | |
Droag Annihilator: | |
Droag Destroyer: | |
Droag Executioner: | |
Droag Killer: | 26.02.22 |
Drolvarg Annihilator: | |
Drolvarg Destroyer: | |
Drolvarg Executioner: | |
Drolvarg Killer: | 26.02.22 |
Drowning in Quests: | |
Echoes In a Cavernous World: | |
Elemental Annihilator: | |
Elemental Destroyer: | |
Elemental Executioner: | |
Elemental Foray: | 10.06.24 |
Elemental Killer: | 29.12.21 |
Enchanted Lands Excursionist: | |
Equestrian: | 19.02.24 |
Etymologist: | |
EverQuester: | |
Everfrost Explorer: | |
Every Ensemble: | 02.04.24 |
Every Etude: | 07.02.24 |
Exemplar of Retribution: | 13.02.24 |
Experimental Reconstruction: | 12.02.24 |
Explainer: | |
Exploring the Eternal Broodlands: | |
Extinguish El'Arad: | 22.02.22 |
Fabled Time Traveler: | |
Fairy Annihilator: | |
Fairy Destroyer: | |
Fairy Executioner: | |
Fairy Killer: | 07.01.22 |
Feerrott Floater: | |
Ferric Flat: | 09.02.24 |
Ferric Form: | 02.04.24 |
Ferric Fugue: | 06.04.24 |
Festive Spirit: | |
Flawless Aether Delver: Part I: | 22.04.24 |
Flawless Aether Delver: Part II: | 16.05.24 |
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part I: | 23.05.24 |
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part I: | 18.04.24 |
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part II: | 18.04.24 |
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part III: | 18.04.24 |
Flawless Victory: Doomcoil: | 07.01.22 |
Flawless Victory: Ernax Heridion: | 15.11.22 |
Flawless Victory: Haraakat the Seer: | 15.11.22 |
Flawless Victory: Imzok's Revenge: | 07.01.22 |
Flawless Victory: Iztapa Vyx: | 07.01.22 |
Flawless Victory: Ludmilla Kystov: | 07.01.22 |
Flawless Victory: Perah'Celsis: | 15.11.22 |
Flawless Victory: Sara Greenheart: | 15.11.22 |
Flawless Victory: The Protector's Realm: | |
Flawless Victory: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs: | |
Flawless Victory: Vernox the Insatiable: | 15.11.22 |
Flawless Victory: Wymbulu Vyx: | 07.01.22 |
Flawless Victory: Xilaxis the Explorer: | 15.11.22 |
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part I: | 16.05.24 |
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part II: | 22.05.24 |
Flawlessly Successful Aether Delver [Cleared!]: | |
Flawlessly Successful Alcazar Assailant [Cleared!]: | |
Flawlessly Successful Breadth Raider [Cleared!]: | |
Flawlessly Successful Chamber Raider [Cleared!]: | 18.04.24 |
Florphilim Annihilator: | |
Florphilim Destroyer: | |
Florphilim Executioner: | |
Florphilim Killer: | 28.12.22 |
Follower of the Shiny: | |
Foundations of Stone: | 04.04.24 |
Froglok Annihilator: | |
Froglok Destroyer: | |
Froglok Executioner: | |
Froglok Killer: | 07.01.22 |
Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force: | |
Full Dual Renewal: | |
Gadabout in Greater Faydark: | |
Gallant Hero of Guk: | |
Galorian Annihilator: | |
Galorian Destroyer: | |
Galorian Executioner: | |
Galorian Killer: | |
Gatebreacher: | 11.04.22 |
Ghoul Where We Want To: | 02.01.22 |
Giant Annihilator: | |
Giant Destroyer: | |
Giant Executioner: | |
Giant Killer: | 06.01.22 |
Globetrotter: | |
Gnoll Annihilator: | |
Gnoll Destroyer: | |
Gnoll Executioner: | |
Gnoll Killer: | 07.01.22 |
Gnolls No Bounds: | |
Goblin Annihilator: | |
Goblin Destroyer: | |
Goblin Executioner: | |
Goblin Killer: | 03.05.22 |
Golden Gliss: | 07.02.24 |
Golden Glissandi: | 02.04.24 |
Golden Glissando: | 06.04.24 |
Golem Annihilator: | |
Golem Destroyer: | |
Golem Executioner: | |
Golem Killer: | 29.12.21 |
Grimling Annihilator: | |
Grimling Destroyer: | |
Grimling Executioner: | |
Grimling Killer: | |
Halfling Helper: | 03.05.22 |
Harpy Annihilator: | |
Harpy Destroyer: | |
Harpy Executioner: | |
Harpy Killer: | 03.01.22 |
Have Shiny, Will Travel: | |
Herd Baron: | |
Herd Master: | |
Herd Wrangler: | |
Here Comes the Cursed: | 10.04.24 |
Heritage Hound: | |
Hexes, Charms, and Protections: | 12.02.24 |
High Keep Body Snatcher: | |
High Keep Carnage: Grulk, Thrott and Skurge: | |
High Keep Carnage: Horrot, Parvazt, and Chaperon of Nightmares: | 09.01.22 |
High Keep Carnage: The Bloodless Incursion: | |
High Keep Carnage: The Bloodpack and Akur the Great Con: | 22.02.22 |
High Keep Carnage: Tongusk, Gnawbone and Razzak: | 12.01.22 |
High Keep Carnage: Tunnelgorger and Tremorax: | |
High Keep Carnage: Vendeen, Brog and The War Committee: | 09.01.22 |
High Keep Carnage: Z'Kara, Zhakull, Xothox and Zothoz: | 09.01.22 |
Higher Learning: | |
Highland Hiker: | |
Historically Challenged: | |
History Buff: | 05.04.24 |
Hoarding Ancient Discoveries: | |
Hooluk Nest Hero: | 28.03.24 |
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Shinies!: | |
I gotta have more... quests?: | |
I'll take that!: | 01.01.22 |
Idol of Rallos Zek: | 02.03.22 |
If you know what makes them tick...: | |
Illustrious Signature Chaser: | |
Illustrious Signature Hunter: | |
Imzok Immolator: | 07.01.22 |
In Your General Direction: | 02.01.22 |
Infamous Signature Chaser: | |
Infamous Signature Hunter: | |
Initiate Akhevan Hunter: | |
Initiate Akhevan Slayer: | |
Initiate Allu'thoa Hunter: | |
Initiate Allu'thoa Slayer: | |
Initiate Aurai Hunter: | 04.02.24 |
Initiate Aurai Slayer: | 18.02.24 |
Initiate Aviak Hunter: | 09.02.24 |
Initiate Aviak Slayer: | 06.04.24 |
Initiate Bixie Hunter: | |
Initiate Bixie Slayer: | |
Initiate Bugbear Hunter: | 04.10.22 |
Initiate Bugbear Slayer: | |
Initiate Cepholex Hunter: | |
Initiate Cepholex Slayer: | |
Initiate Clockwork Hunter: | 10.06.24 |
Initiate Clockwork Slayer: | |
Initiate Cursed Elddar Hunter: | 27.12.22 |
Initiate Cursed Elddar Slayer: | |
Initiate Cyclops Hunter: | 07.01.22 |
Initiate Cyclops Slayer: | |
Initiate Di'Zok Hunter: | |
Initiate Di'Zok Slayer: | |
Initiate Djinn Hunter: | 04.02.24 |
Initiate Djinn Slayer: | 16.02.24 |
Initiate Droag Hunter: | 26.02.22 |
Initiate Droag Slayer: | 04.10.22 |
Initiate Drolvarg Hunter: | 12.07.22 |
Initiate Drolvarg Slayer: | |
Initiate Elemental Hunter: | 29.12.21 |
Initiate Elemental Slayer: | 23.04.22 |
Initiate Fairy Hunter: | 04.02.24 |
Initiate Fairy Slayer: | |
Initiate Florphilim Hunter: | 29.12.22 |
Initiate Florphilim Slayer: | |
Initiate Froglok Hunter: | 07.01.22 |
Initiate Froglok Slayer: | |
Initiate Galorian Hunter: | |
Initiate Galorian Slayer: | |
Initiate Giant Hunter: | 02.03.22 |
Initiate Giant Slayer: | |
Initiate Gnoll Hunter: | 26.02.22 |
Initiate Gnoll Slayer: | 13.04.24 |
Initiate Goblin Hunter: | 08.10.22 |
Initiate Goblin Slayer: | |
Initiate Golem Hunter: | 03.01.22 |
Initiate Golem Slayer: | 15.06.22 |
Initiate Grimling Hunter: | |
Initiate Grimling Slayer: | |
Initiate Harpy Hunter: | 07.01.22 |
Initiate Harpy Slayer: | |
Initiate Kobold Hunter: | 08.10.22 |
Initiate Kobold Slayer: | |
Initiate Maedjinn Hunter: | 04.02.24 |
Initiate Maedjinn Slayer: | 14.02.24 |
Initiate Marid Hunter: | |
Initiate Marid Slayer: | |
Initiate Mephlin Hunter: | 29.03.24 |
Initiate Mephlin Slayer: | |
Initiate Nilborien Hunter: | 10.02.24 |
Initiate Nilborien Slayer: | |
Initiate Orc Hunter: | 09.01.22 |
Initiate Orc Slayer: | 24.02.22 |
Initiate Patchcraft Hunter: | |
Initiate Patchcraft Slayer: | |
Initiate Planar Elemental Hunter: | 05.04.22 |
Initiate Planar Elemental Slayer: | 29.03.24 |
Initiate Ravasect Hunter: | |
Initiate Ravasect Slayer: | |
Initiate Shik'Nar Hunter: | 21.01.23 |
Initiate Shik'Nar Slayer: | |
Initiate Shissar Hunter: | |
Initiate Shissar Slayer: | |
Initiate Siren Hunter: | |
Initiate Siren Slayer: | |
Initiate Slug Hunter: | 09.03.24 |
Initiate Slug Slayer: | |
Initiate Thought Horror Hunter: | |
Initiate Thought Horror Slayer: | |
Initiate Undead Hunter: | 28.12.21 |
Initiate Undead Slayer: | 02.01.22 |
Initiate Vampire Hunter: | 02.01.22 |
Initiate Vampire Slayer: | 07.01.22 |
Initiate Werewolf Hunter: | 03.01.22 |
Initiate Werewolf Slayer: | 16.04.22 |
Initiate Wilder Hunter: | 02.04.24 |
Initiate Wilder Slayer: | |
Initiate Yha-lei Hunter: | 29.12.22 |
Initiate Yha-lei Slayer: | |
Innovator: | |
Interpreter: | |
Is Another Man's Treasure: | |
Is it need or is it greed?: | 04.02.24 |
It's Over 9000!: | |
It's So Magical!: | |
It's a City Way to Go: | |
It's an Expansive Expanse: | |
It's an Expensive Expanse: | 13.02.24 |
It's an Extraneous Expanse: | |
It's an Extravagant Expanse: | 28.12.21 |
Items of the Past: | |
Jungle Bungle, Act I: | 14.02.24 |
Jungle Bungle, Time to Rumble: | 29.12.21 |
Just gotta keep on Questin'!: | |
Karuupa Communique: | |
Karuupa Me Once: | 03.01.22 |
Karuupa Me Twice: | 14.02.24 |
Knee Deep in Quests: | |
Knee Deep in the Hoopla: | 21.01.23 |
Knowledge Hunter: | |
Kobold Annihilator: | |
Kobold Destroyer: | |
Kobold Executioner: | |
Kobold Killer: | 03.05.22 |
Kunark Cavern Crawler: | |
Kunzar Wanderer: | |
Kurpep Killer: | 08.01.22 |
Kylong Wayfarer: | |
Lavastorm Nomad: | |
Leave Your Fiends Behind: | |
Lesser Faydark Vagabond: | |
Let's Go Antiquing: | |
Level 10 Overseer: | 23.12.21 |
Level 15 Overseer: | 23.12.21 |
Level 20 Overseer: | 23.12.21 |
Level 25 Overseer: | 16.03.22 |
Level 30 Overseer: | 08.06.22 |
Level 35 Overseer: | 16.09.22 |
Level 40 Overseer: | 03.02.24 |
Level 45 Overseer: | 29.05.24 |
Level 5 Overseer: | 23.12.21 |
Level 50 Overseer: | 17.07.24 |
Level 55 Overseer: | 08.09.24 |
Level 60 Overseer: | 06.11.24 |
Lexicographer: | |
Linguist: | |
Links to the Past: | |
Live Free or Sky Hard: | 10.02.24 |
Loping Plains Pilgrim: | |
Loping Plains Pursuer: | |
Lord of Faydwer: | |
Lord of the Dice: | |
Lord of the Quests: | |
Lost Dwarven Caravan: | 17.05.24 |
Love Is Magic in the Planes of Prophecy: | |
Love Is Such a Beautiful Chaos: | |
Love Renewed: | |
Maedjinn Annihilator: | |
Maedjinn Destroyer: | |
Maedjinn Executioner: | |
Maedjinn Killer: | 03.02.24 |
Magnificent Signature Pursuer: | |
Magnificent Signature Stalker: | |
Magnum Opus: | |
Maj'Dul Madcap: | |
Marid Annihilator: | |
Marid Destroyer: | |
Marid Executioner: | |
Marid Killer: | |
Marshlands Molto: | 02.04.24 |
Marshlands Mosso: | 03.02.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Bristlebane [Instanced]: | 23.05.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Drinal [Instanced]: | 05.06.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: E'Ci [Instanced]: | 06.06.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Erollisi Marr [Instanced]: | 03.04.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Innoruuk [Instanced]: | 01.04.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Tarew Marr [Contested]: | 27.05.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Tarew Marr [Instanced]: | 01.04.24 |
Master Akhevan Hunter: | |
Master Akhevan Slayer: | |
Master Allu'thoa Hunter: | |
Master Allu'thoa Slayer: | |
Master Aurai Hunter: | 12.02.24 |
Master Aurai Slayer: | |
Master Aviak Hunter: | 29.02.24 |
Master Aviak Slayer: | |
Master Bixie Hunter: | |
Master Bixie Slayer: | |
Master Bugbear Hunter: | |
Master Bugbear Slayer: | |
Master Cepholex Hunter: | |
Master Cepholex Slayer: | |
Master Clockwork Hunter: | 29.06.24 |
Master Clockwork Slayer: | |
Master Collector of Shinies: | |
Master Cursed Elddar Hunter: | |
Master Cursed Elddar Slayer: | |
Master Cyclops Hunter: | 22.01.23 |
Master Cyclops Slayer: | |
Master Di'Zok Hunter: | |
Master Di'Zok Slayer: | |
Master Djinn Hunter: | 10.02.24 |
Master Djinn Slayer: | 02.06.24 |
Master Droag Hunter: | 11.04.22 |
Master Droag Slayer: | |
Master Drolvarg Hunter: | 19.07.24 |
Master Drolvarg Slayer: | |
Master Elemental Hunter: | 08.02.22 |
Master Elemental Slayer: | |
Master Fairy Hunter: | |
Master Fairy Slayer: | |
Master Florphilim Hunter: | 21.01.23 |
Master Florphilim Slayer: | |
Master Froglok Hunter: | 11.04.22 |
Master Froglok Slayer: | |
Master Galorian Hunter: | |
Master Galorian Slayer: | |
Master Giant Hunter: | |
Master Giant Slayer: | |
Master Gnoll Hunter: | 10.04.24 |
Master Gnoll Slayer: | |
Master Goblin Hunter: | |
Master Goblin Slayer: | |
Master Golem Hunter: | 04.03.22 |
Master Golem Slayer: | |
Master Grimling Hunter: | |
Master Grimling Slayer: | |
Master Harpy Hunter: | 19.09.22 |
Master Harpy Slayer: | |
Master Kobold Hunter: | |
Master Kobold Slayer: | |
Master Maedjinn Hunter: | 10.02.24 |
Master Maedjinn Slayer: | 19.04.24 |
Master Marid Hunter: | |
Master Marid Slayer: | |
Master Mephlin Hunter: | |
Master Mephlin Slayer: | |
Master Nilborien Hunter: | 05.04.24 |
Master Nilborien Slayer: | |
Master Orc Hunter: | 12.01.22 |
Master Orc Slayer: | |
Master Patchcraft Hunter: | |
Master Patchcraft Slayer: | |
Master Planar Elemental Hunter: | 12.02.24 |
Master Planar Elemental Slayer: | |
Master Ravasect Hunter: | |
Master Ravasect Slayer: | |
Master Shik'Nar Hunter: | |
Master Shik'Nar Slayer: | |
Master Shiny Hunter: | |
Master Shissar Hunter: | |
Master Shissar Slayer: | |
Master Signature Pursuer: | |
Master Signature Stalker: | |
Master Siren Hunter: | |
Master Siren Slayer: | |
Master Slug Hunter: | |
Master Slug Slayer: | |
Master Strike Master: | |
Master Thought Horror Hunter: | |
Master Thought Horror Slayer: | |
Master Undead Hunter: | 29.12.21 |
Master Undead Slayer: | 12.01.22 |
Master Vampire Hunter: | 03.01.22 |
Master Vampire Slayer: | 29.04.22 |
Master Werewolf Hunter: | 03.02.22 |
Master Werewolf Slayer: | |
Master Wilder Hunter: | |
Master Wilder Slayer: | |
Master Yha-lei Hunter: | |
Master Yha-lei Slayer: | |
Master of Faydwer: | |
Master of Lore and Legends!: | |
Medley of the Lost: | 13.02.24 |
Menagerie Magnate: | |
Menagerie Master: | |
Mental Floss: | |
Mephlin Annihilator: | |
Mephlin Destroyer: | |
Mephlin Executioner: | |
Mephlin Killer: | 14.02.24 |
Mercenary Mouth to Mouth: | 04.04.22 |
Mission Controller: | |
Mission Critical: | |
Mission Impeccable: | |
Mission Imperceivable: | |
Mission Implausible: | |
Mission Impossible: | 15.04.24 |
Mission Improbable: | 25.09.22 |
Missions Accomplished: | |
Mistmoore's Marauder: | |
Monumental Signature Chaser: | |
Monumental Signature Pursuer: | |
Monumental Signature Stalker: | |
More Shinies Than Are Dreamt Of...: | |
Much Seru About Nothing: | |
Mullok Masher: | 07.01.22 |
Museum Now Opening!: | |
Mythical Signature Hunter: | |
Mythical Signature Pursuer: | |
NOW who's the Dummy?: | 07.01.22 |
Nathsarian Rambler: | |
Neighborhood Watch: | |
Nektulos Forest Flatfoot: | |
Nektulos Forest Mercenary: | |
Never Going to Lose It: | 02.01.22 |
Night Voyager: | |
Nilborien Annihilator: | |
Nilborien Destroyer: | |
Nilborien Executioner: | |
Nilborien Killer: | 07.02.24 |
No Quest for the Weary: | |
Norrath's Hope: | |
Norrathian Air: | 23.12.21 |
Obsessive Collector: | |
Obsessive Compulsive: | |
Obsessive Questing Disorder: | |
Odds on Your Side: | |
Odusian Overachiever: | |
Of Duty and Fate: Lineage of the Felfeathers: | 03.04.24 |
Of Duty and Fate: My Brother's Keeper: | 04.04.24 |
Of Duty and Fate: Prepared for the Worst: | 05.04.24 |
Of Duty and Fate: The Imprint of Balance: | 04.04.24 |
One Man's Trash...: | |
Orc Annihilator: | |
Orc Destroyer: | |
Orc Executioner: | |
Orc Killer: | 09.01.22 |
Orcish Wastes Opportunist: | |
Origins of the Felfeather: Mindful Metals: | |
Over Achiever: | 28.12.21 |
Overgrowth For Growth: | 29.12.22 |
Patchcraft Annihilator: | |
Patchcraft Destroyer: | |
Patchcraft Executioner: | |
Patchcraft Killer: | |
Patience is Also a Virtue I: | 04.03.24 |
Patience is Also a Virtue II: | 07.03.24 |
Patience is Also a Virtue III: | |
Perceptive Collector: | |
Phantasmal Fun!: | 13.02.22 |
Phantoms of Theo Pera: | 03.01.22 |
Pillars of Flame Pioneer: | |
Planar Elemental Annihilator: | |
Planar Elemental Destroyer: | |
Planar Elemental Executioner: | |
Planar Elemental Killer: | 15.01.22 |
Planar Signature Chaser: | |
Please Don't Diatonic: | 21.01.23 |
Praefectus Kriegr's Demise: | 02.03.22 |
Primogen Punisher: | 26.05.24 |
Prismatic Prison Break: Part I: | 28.03.24 |
Prismatic Prison Break: Part II: | 28.03.24 |
Prismatic Prison Break: Part III: | 28.03.24 |
Protect the Water: | 26.12.22 |
Public Crusader: | |
Public Duty: | |
Publicity Stunt: | |
Put Your Quest Foot Forward: | |
Quest 'Em All: | |
Quest For Glory: | |
Quest Obsessed: | |
Quest Side Story: | |
Quest-a-holic: | |
Quester: | 26.12.22 |
Raising Your Potential: | 29.12.21 |
Raj'Dur Register: | |
Ravasect Annihilator: | |
Ravasect Destroyer: | |
Ravasect Executioner: | |
Ravasect Killer: | |
Razing Rallentando: | 06.04.24 |
Razing Ritenuto: | 02.04.24 |
Razing Rondo: | 04.02.24 |
Relentless Sky Righter: | 10.02.24 |
Relic Collector: | |
Renewal Fuel Too: | 04.04.24 |
Renewal of Ro: | 04.01.23 |
Resplendent Signature Chaser: | |
Resplendent Signature Hunter: | |
Resplendent Signature Stalker: | |
Ro Your Own Way: | |
Rude Guest of Castle Mistmoore: | 07.01.22 |
Sacred and Safe: | 26.12.22 |
Sailing the Phantom Sea: | |
Sailing the Tranquil Sea: | |
Scornfeather Scorner: | 07.01.22 |
Season 2 Overseer: | 23.12.21 |
Season 3 Overseer: | 23.12.21 |
Season 4 Overseer: | 08.06.22 |
Season 5 Overseer: | 03.02.24 |
Season 6 Overseer: | 17.07.24 |
Secret Agent: | 03.02.22 |
Seeker of Knowledge: | |
Seeker of the Past: | |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob: | 22.02.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Overlord Talan: | 22.06.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Arcane Research Halls: | 22.02.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Royal Palace: | 22.02.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Frenetic Seeker of the Sentinel's Fate: | |
Sense of Urgency: Halls of the Fallen: | 08.01.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Here Comes the Cursed: | 20.04.24 |
Sense of Urgency: Heroic Harbinger of the Odyssey: | |
Sense of Urgency: Idol of Rallos Zek: | 02.03.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Mistmyr Manor: | 26.05.24 |
Sense of Urgency: Obelisk of Ahkzul: | 07.01.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Praefectus Kriegr's Demise: | 02.03.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Rise of Kunark: | |
Sense of Urgency: Risk Taker of the Rise of Kunark: | |
Sense of Urgency: Spectral Librarian Emiida: | 22.02.22 |
Sense of Urgency: The Crypt of Agony: | 07.01.22 |
Sense of Urgency: The Protector's Realm: | 07.01.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Tower of Frozen Shadow: | |
Sense of Urgency: Tribunus-Prime Hagandr's Demise: | 02.03.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Laboratory: | 22.02.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs: | 15.11.22 |
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Conservatory: | 13.02.24 |
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella: | 22.02.22 |
Sextet Symphonies: | 06.04.24 |
Shadows of the Night: | |
Sharked the Jump: | |
Shik'Nar Annihilator: | |
Shik'Nar Destroyer: | |
Shik'Nar Executioner: | |
Shik'Nar Killer: | 29.12.22 |
Shin Swashbuckler: | |
Shiny Hunter: | 11.07.22 |
Shissar Annihilator: | |
Shissar Destroyer: | |
Shissar Executioner: | |
Shissar Killer: | |
Shorthanded Victory: Adkar Vyx: | 07.01.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Doomcoil: | 07.01.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ernax Heridion: | 15.11.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Haraakat the Seer: | 15.11.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Imzok's Revenge: | 07.01.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Iztapa Vyx: | 07.01.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ludmilla Kystov: | 07.01.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Perah'Celsis: | 15.11.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Rise of Kunark: | |
Shorthanded Victory: Sara Greenheart: | 15.11.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: The Protector's Realm: | 07.01.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: The Scavanator: | 15.11.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Vasty Deep: | |
Shorthanded Victory: Vernox the Insatiable: | 15.11.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Wymbulu Vyx: | 07.01.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Xilaxis the Explorer: | 15.11.22 |
Shorthanded Victory: Zykluk Vyx: | 07.01.22 |
Sign on the dotted line...: | 03.01.22 |
Signature Grandmaster: | |
Sinking Sands Settler: | |
Siren Annihilator: | |
Siren Destroyer: | |
Siren Executioner: | |
Siren Killer: | |
Sky Another Day: | 10.02.24 |
Skyshrine: City of Dracur: | |
Slug Annihilator: | |
Slug Destroyer: | |
Slug Executioner: | |
Slug Killer: | 21.01.23 |
Solo Sonatas: | 10.02.24 |
Spectral Librarian Emiida: | 22.02.22 |
Spire Flier: | |
Spiritreaver: | 04.10.22 |
Splendor Sky Signatures: | |
Spoils of Vetrovia: | |
Stable Hand: | 23.01.23 |
Star Destroyer: | 28.12.21 |
Strungstone Sempre: | 02.04.24 |
Strungstone Senza: | 06.04.24 |
Strungstone Sonata: | 07.02.24 |
Subdue Perah'Celsis: | 15.11.22 |
Successful Aether Delver [Cleared!]: | |
Successful Alcazar Assailant [Cleared!]: | |
Successful Breadth Raider [Cleared!]: | 17.04.24 |
Successful Chamber Raider [Cleared!]: | 28.03.24 |
Sundered Frontiersman: | |
Svarni Scrawl: | |
Swimming Under The Influence: | |
Tall Tale Protagonist: | |
Tarnished Tacet: | 09.02.24 |
Tarnished Tempo: | 05.04.24 |
Tarnished Tonality: | 06.04.24 |
Tending to the Scar: | |
Tenebrous Tangle Trailblazer: | |
The Avatar of Shinies: | |
The Best Part Is the Perch: | |
The Collection Agent: | |
The Collection Chaser: | |
The Collection Curator: | |
The Doctor is In: | 22.02.22 |
The Few, The Forlorn: | 25.02.24 |
The Fewer, the Forlornly: | 02.01.22 |
The Gist of Things: | |
The Lion Sleeps Tonight: | |
The Shining Example: | |
The Shiny Eyed Monster: | |
The Shiny Stalker: | |
The Sparkle Spotter: | |
The Sparkling Success: | |
They're No Fiends of Mine: | 25.02.24 |
This Achievement will self-destruct in five seconds.: | 07.01.22 |
Thought Horror Annihilator: | |
Thought Horror Destroyer: | |
Thought Horror Executioner: | |
Thought Horror Killer: | |
Through the Blinding Light: | |
Thundering Steppes Scout: | |
Time Traveler: | |
Timorous Deep Traveler: | |
Translator: | |
Traverse the Divide: | |
Traverse the Eidolon Jungle: | |
Traverse the Obol Plains: | |
Traverse the Wastes: | |
Treasure Quester: | |
Tribunus-Prime Hagandr: | 02.03.22 |
Trifecta Trampler: | |
Trinket Pursuer: | |
Triumph: Aether Wastelands: | |
Triumph: All Ducks in a Ro [Solo, Heroic I and II]: | |
Triumph: Blight Upon the Badlands: | |
Triumph: Copper Cutthroat [Solo]: | 13.04.22 |
Triumph: Couplet Cacophony: | 06.04.24 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Raid Bosses: | |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 1 Raid Bosses: | 28.03.24 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 2 Raid Bosses: | 16.05.24 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 3 Raid Bosses: | |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 4 Raid Bosses: | |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Raid Bosses: | |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 1 Raid Bosses: | 18.04.24 |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 2 Raid Bosses: | 23.05.24 |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 3 Raid Bosses: | |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 4 Raid Bosses: | |
Triumph: From Vetrovia With Love: | 14.01.22 |
Triumph: Gnoll Holds Barred [Heroic II]: | |
Triumph: Gnoll Place Like Home [Solo]: | |
Triumph: High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion: | |
Triumph: I Know Iamb: | 02.04.24 |
Triumph: Kill Everything with One Sandstone: | |
Triumph: Kromzek Killer [Fabled]: | |
Triumph: Master of Vetrovia: | |
Triumph: Memory Serves [Solo]: | 28.03.24 |
Triumph: Moon Lander: | |
Triumph: Null and Void [Solo]: | 12.08.22 |
Triumph: Pinnacle of Perfection: | |
Triumph: Raggedy Rhapsody: | |
Triumph: Reign of Refrain: | |
Triumph: Rhyme Slayer: | |
Triumph: Ro, Ro, Ro Your Gloat [Solo]: | 07.01.23 |
Triumph: Silver Slayer [Heroic I]: | 25.02.24 |
Triumph: Splendor Sky Kablooey: | 13.02.24 |
Triumph: Stanza Bonanza: | 10.02.24 |
Triumph: Terror of Trimeter: | 06.04.24 |
Triumph: The Gods Must Be Crazy!: | |
Triumph: The Merchant Murders: | |
Triumph: Vaunted Archivist: | |
Triumph: Vetrovian Visionary: | |
Triumph: Visions of Valor [Solo]: | 02.01.22 |
Triumph: Visions of Vehemence [Heroic I and II]: | |
Triumph: Visions of Victory [Solo, Heroic I and II]: | |
Triumph: Visions of Violence [Heroic II]: | |
Triumph: Visions of Virtue [Heroic I]: | 25.02.24 |
Triumph: Woe is Plateaus: | |
Triumph: Wracked!: | |
Triumph: Zimara's Last Breadth: | 24.02.24 |
Udder Contempt for Trophies: | 26.10.22 |
Unblemished Oeuvre: | |
Undead Annihilator: | 17.03.22 |
Undead Destroyer: | 20.02.22 |
Undead Executioner: | 23.04.22 |
Undead Killer: | 28.12.21 |
United We Stand: | |
Up, Up, and Away!: | 28.12.21 |
Valdoon Vanquisher: | 07.01.22 |
Vale Overture: | 03.02.24 |
Vale Vivace: | 02.04.24 |
Valtith's Thirsting Tome: | 12.02.24 |
Vampire Annihilator: | |
Vampire Destroyer: | 25.02.24 |
Vampire Executioner: | |
Vampire Killer: | 02.01.22 |
Vaunted Knowledge [Solo]: | 27.12.22 |
Veeshan's Crusader: | |
Vetrovia is for Lovers: | |
Victor of Vetrovia: | |
Victor over Vark: | 07.01.22 |
Victory: Abin'Ebi the Awkward: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Aga-Yagaba: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Agmork the Almighty Angler: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Agrodemus and Sumedorga: | 13.02.24 |
Victory: Ahuttam the Sword's Breeze: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Akur the Great Con: | 22.02.22 |
Victory: Akuzut: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Albusat Alsihriu: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Ancient Clockwork Prototype: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: Anima of Gashok: | 08.05.24 |
Victory: Anirath Andirin: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Aqile Akalay: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Arachlord Dyrraga: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: Ashnu: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Auliffe Chaoswind: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Baka: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Balimon: | 10.02.24 |
Victory: Balrezu: | 05.04.22 |
Victory: Barlanka: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Baron Bromz: | 10.06.24 |
Victory: Bartus Morrand: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Bashida the Blade: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Beefcake: | 13.04.22 |
Victory: Bhaly Adan: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Blackbane: | 11.02.24 |
Victory: Blighthorn: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Bloodcomb: | 03.02.24 |
Victory: Bloodlord Durogan: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Bloodmaiden Syvanti: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Bolagehera: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Borahaz: | 22.01.23 |
Victory: Bosin: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Brutish Brog: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Cannibrea: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Canta Slug: | 07.04.24 |
Victory: Captain Twoshanks: | 13.04.22 |
Victory: Carrionpicker: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Chaperon of Nightmares: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Chief Dunesea: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Cindrax: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: Cleavespine: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Clockwork Scrounger XVII: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: Corpse Couple: | 28.12.21 |
Victory: Corpsetalon: | 13.02.24 |
Victory: Cracklebones: | 08.05.24 |
Victory: Cragnok: | 09.02.24 |
Victory: Crisj'Jen the Bold: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Crusader Palaendor: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Darwol Adan: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Davi'Th: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Dedroz the Decomposer: | 07.01.23 |
Victory: Derussah the Deceptive: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Dhalzzom: | 17.02.24 |
Victory: Doda K'Bael: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Dreadhusk: | 03.02.24 |
Victory: Dremaera Forsaken: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Droseraceae: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Eaglovok: | 04.02.24 |
Victory: Edrigen the Empowered: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Elder Furdock: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: Elif Whitewind: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Esmerelda Everghast: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Etosh the Electrifying: | 10.02.24 |
Victory: Exorax: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Farid: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Farzun the Forerunner: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Felazhor Khan: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Firethrone: | 09.02.24 |
Victory: Florafang: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Fuejenyrus: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Fushuga and Hargan: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Gallopagus: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Galremos: | 05.04.22 |
Victory: Ganadan: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Gatekeeper Karatil: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Gaukr Sandstorm: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Gazu'Taz the Gradual: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Gearclaw the Collector: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: Gelda Glintswift: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: General Ra'Zaal: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Gharaka: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Gilded Back Demolisher: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Ginbal: | 04.02.24 |
Victory: Glimmerclaw: | 04.02.24 |
Victory: Glisterfist Prime: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Glitched Cell Keeper: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: Globjowls: | 27.03.24 |
Victory: Gloomclaw: | 03.02.24 |
Victory: Gnawbone: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Granight and Company: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Grimalda Goodhand: | 13.04.22 |
Victory: Grimhop: | 11.02.24 |
Victory: Grotglutton: | 17.05.24 |
Victory: Grulk the Ruthless: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Grumblugtin and Friends: | 28.12.21 |
Victory: Gryme: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Hamlet: | 10.04.24 |
Victory: Hasira the Hawk: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Hezodhan: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: High Dragoon V'Aliar: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: High Shaman Rakada Darkpaw: | 08.05.24 |
Victory: High Shikari Olyxa: | 28.12.21 |
Victory: Hinokawu: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Horrot the Horrific: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Hreidar and Torstien: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Inquisitor Barol: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Ironrot: | 12.02.24 |
Victory: Isos: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Jennre Warsinger: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Jopal Darkbriar: | 07.04.24 |
Victory: Kartur: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Katakir the Cruel: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Keeper of Past Lore: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Kerem B'ayet: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Khadra Chatt: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Khaiza: | 16.02.24 |
Victory: Khosrow Al'Vaz: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Kigathor Stonebark: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Killer Quack: | 07.04.24 |
Victory: Krel Korek Mal: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Krelburn: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Krinas Bledso: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: Krogon: | 24.12.22 |
Victory: Kujex: | 24.12.22 |
Victory: Kuklik: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Kurixtho: | 12.02.24 |
Victory: Kusala'Din: | 03.02.24 |
Victory: Laef Windfall: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Lagrecia Vyl'Tayne: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Lavec Conun'Stah: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Lazzoss: | 21.01.23 |
Victory: Leafjaw: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Liegess Lavalle: | 13.04.22 |
Victory: Lopik Runtbottom: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Lysander Mistmoore: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Madpaw Mixl: | 10.04.24 |
Victory: Magmalatorr: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Malachiel Caedor: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Malblaze: | 03.02.24 |
Victory: Manifestation of Ilk: | 28.03.24 |
Victory: Manifestation of Nurturing: | 28.03.24 |
Victory: Marsun Ledar: | 27.03.24 |
Victory: Master of Elemental Dawn: | 28.03.24 |
Victory: Master of Elemental Dusk: | 28.03.24 |
Victory: Maulok: | 24.02.24 |
Victory: Mean Green and Company: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Metalloid: | 09.02.24 |
Victory: Miasmasula: | 03.02.24 |
Victory: Migral Strongfeet: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Mister Tickster: | 07.01.23 |
Victory: Mouth of Metals: | 28.03.24 |
Victory: Mungo the Misshapen: | 07.01.23 |
Victory: Mustapha Droughtbringer: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Nakka Nakka: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Nenmioseh the Night's Eye: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Nerjehl Khaneh: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Nexion the Warmind and Zevorg the Warmonger: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Nezri En'Sallef: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Oororr the Corrupted: | 30.12.21 |
Victory: Overseer Razzak: | 12.01.22 |
Victory: Ozani: | 10.06.24 |
Victory: Parvazt the Handler: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Perilaxous: | 08.05.24 |
Victory: Perisha, the Mistress of Flies: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Platimus: | 09.03.24 |
Victory: Psamtic the Sour: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Pterrordax: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Pygmy Cannibal Trio: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Quartermaster Hamid: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Queen Era'selka: | 04.02.24 |
Victory: Ragehorn: | 12.02.24 |
Victory: Ragnarock: | 16.02.24 |
Victory: Rallius Rattican: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Rancine: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Roseblood and Thornblood: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Roughbeak: | 24.12.22 |
Victory: Rubblethrong: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Rune Protector Gorok: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Saian the Submariness: | 10.06.24 |
Victory: Sansobog and Akharys: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Sanum Ordast: | 27.12.22 |
Victory: Satashi the Staggering: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Sawclaw: | 10.06.24 |
Victory: Sawmaw: | 10.04.24 |
Victory: Scarfeather: | 14.02.24 |
Victory: Shadowscum: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Shanrazad the Spared: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Shiroth Avinox: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Sina A'rak: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: Skulkor: | 13.02.24 |
Victory: Soku'Aos the Sturdy: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Soul Eater Muhg: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Sporky: | 08.05.24 |
Victory: Stenkan, the Monster: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: Stormy Withers: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Sven the Exactor: | 06.01.22 |
Victory: Syadun: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Sypheria the Shackled: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: T'valla Rilayne: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Takujo: | 21.01.23 |
Victory: Tarsisk the Tainted: | 09.02.24 |
Victory: Taskmistress Devioth: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: Tawerek: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Tazir Tanziri: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Team Terratha: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Telvorsinn and Thovalakk: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Terranus: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: The Ancient Void-Touched Wumpus: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: The Black King: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: The Bloodpack: | 12.01.22 |
Victory: The Carrion and Malarian Larvae: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: The Delving Departed: | 27.12.22 |
Victory: The Flesh Eater: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: The Glitched Guardian 10101 : | 04.04.22 |
Victory: The Gobbler: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: The Harrower: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: The Haunting of Tualanan: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: The Hurricane: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: The Junk Beast: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: The Key to Knowledge: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: The Manaetic Behemoth: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: The Molten Behemoth: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: The Priestess and her Corpse: | 02.01.22 |
Victory: The Prophets Three: | 08.05.24 |
Victory: The Storm Mistress: | 06.04.24 |
Victory: The War Committee: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: The Werewolf Trio: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: Theliphon: | 04.02.24 |
Victory: Theya Shen'Safa: | 09.02.24 |
Victory: Thread Baron: | 26.12.22 |
Victory: Thrott: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Thunji'Mok: | 20.01.23 |
Victory: Tickrupt: | 24.12.22 |
Victory: Tidalax: | 10.06.24 |
Victory: Tigrok: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Tinchela: | 13.02.24 |
Victory: Tkesh'Tura: | 03.02.24 |
Victory: Toa the Shiny: | 04.04.22 |
Victory: Tongusk the Terrible: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Tremorax the Unearthed: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Uah'Lu the Unhallowed: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Ugweepai and Corrupted Embodiments: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Ungreka: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Vampire Dragon Leftovers: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: Vashtu the Volatile: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Vendeen: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Verlixa: | 05.04.22 |
Victory: Vmork The Voracious: | 10.04.24 |
Victory: Vorigan Mistmoore: | 25.02.24 |
Victory: Wa'la'kra'na and Pri'ki'ori'ki: | 29.12.22 |
Victory: Warlock Ren Bolor: | 30.12.21 |
Victory: Wavadozzik Adan: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Xothox and Zothoz: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Xukon: | 04.02.24 |
Victory: Xuxuquaxul: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Xuzut: | 24.12.22 |
Victory: Yveti Stormbrood: | 17.07.22 |
Victory: Yynzik the Scornridden: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Z'Kara the Dreaded: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Zaag the Unburied: | 29.12.21 |
Victory: Zhakull the Chooser: | 09.01.22 |
Victory: Zox: | 07.02.24 |
Victory: Zozklaw: | 16.02.24 |
Victory: Ágilan and Háribon: | 14.02.24 |
Visionary Dungeon Master: | 03.01.22 |
Visions of Vetrovia: | 03.01.22 |
Void Voyager: | |
Vying For Growth: | 04.04.24 |
Wasting Away in the Wastes: | |
We Want a Shrubbery: | |
Welcome, Overseer.: | 28.12.21 |
Werewolf Annihilator: | |
Werewolf Destroyer: | |
Werewolf Executioner: | |
Werewolf Killer: | 02.01.22 |
What a Concoctive Octave: | 21.01.23 |
Wide Breadth: Part I: | 03.04.24 |
Wide Breadth: Part II: | 04.04.24 |
Wide Breadth: Part III: | 17.04.24 |
Wild Wild Quest: | |
Wilder Annihilator: | |
Wilder Destroyer: | |
Wilder Executioner: | |
Wilder Killer: | 16.02.24 |
Will Break for Shinies: | |
Will Wipe Groups for Shinies!: | |
Wisdom's Waltz: | 02.04.24 |
Wisdom's Waltzers: | 07.02.24 |
Wonderous Wild Weald: | |
Wracked Exploration: | |
Wrangler: | |
Wrought Written: | |
Wyrm Twynk: | 22.02.22 |
Yha-lei Annihilator: | |
Yha-lei Destroyer: | |
Yha-lei Executioner: | |
Yha-lei Killer: | 28.12.22 |
Ykeshan Trekker: | |
You Shall Not Crossbones: | 14.01.22 |
You can learn how to take them down!: | |
Your Fiends Don't Trance: | 03.01.22 |
Your mission is...: | 02.01.22 |
Zimara to Love: | |
Zoo Keeper: | |