: | |
10 Scourge Keep Arena Kills: | 09.05.16 |
100th Ranked Artisan: | 12.11.14 |
100th Season Adventurer: | 12.11.14 |
101st Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
102nd Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
103rd Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
104th Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
105th Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
105th Season Adventurer: | 29.11.17 |
106th Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
107th Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
108th Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
109th Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
10th Ranked Artisan: | 08.01.14 |
10th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
110th Planar Adventurer: | 24.05.18 |
110th Ranked Artisan: | 11.12.17 |
110th Season Adventurer: | 30.11.17 |
120th Ranked Artisan: | 20.12.19 |
120th Season Adventurer: | 18.12.19 |
125th Ranked Artisan: | 02.12.21 |
125th Season Adventurer: | 03.12.21 |
130 Ballads of Zimara on the Achievement Wall: | 04.12.23 |
130th Ranked Artisan: | 02.12.23 |
130th Season Adventurer: | 04.12.23 |
20 Scourge Keep Arena Kills: | 09.05.16 |
20th Ranked Artisan: | 09.01.14 |
20th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
30 Scourge Keep Arena Kills: | 13.05.16 |
300 Stakes Through the Heart: | 09.07.15 |
30th Ranked Artisan: | 13.01.14 |
30th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
40 Scourge Keep Arena Kills: | 24.05.16 |
40th Ranked Artisan: | 05.02.14 |
40th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
50 Scourge Keep Arena Kills: | 27.05.16 |
50th Ranked Artisan: | 11.02.14 |
50th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
60 Scourge Keep Arena Kills: | 27.05.16 |
60th Ranked Artisan: | 18.02.14 |
60th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
70th Ranked Artisan: | 23.02.14 |
70th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
80th Ranked Artisan: | 03.03.14 |
80th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
85th Season Adventurer: | 05.10.13 |
90th Ranked Artisan: | 14.03.14 |
90th Season Adventurer: | 02.01.14 |
95th Season Adventurer: | 12.11.14 |
A Brawl is a Brawl, Y'all, Y'all: | |
A Bridge To The Moon: | 23.12.19 |
A Burghal in Our Midst: | 16.12.20 |
A Collector's Collector: | 10.12.18 |
A Day in the Life of Odus: | |
A Dire Pyre is Made of Fire: | 22.12.20 |
A Flawless Stone's Throw: | 06.04.21 |
A Foray a Day is Great: | 21.12.20 |
A Foray a Day is Mainly Okay: | 16.12.20 |
A God Playing Fool: | 26.12.19 |
A Grizzled Veteran: | 22.01.14 |
A Jubilee Spectacularly: | 14.06.23 |
A Jubilee Spectacularly II: | 12.06.24 |
A Jubilee for You and Me: | 08.06.23 |
A Jubilee for You and Me II: | 10.06.24 |
A Little Too Chaotic?: | 17.12.20 |
A Plethora of Plateaus: | 01.12.22 |
A Reason to Reserve: | 23.12.20 |
A Restitch in Time: | 25.05.18 |
A Rose by Any Other Name...: | 07.02.14 |
A Sea of Roses: | 19.02.19 |
A Shiny in Hand is Worth Two In the Bush: | 31.01.17 |
A Stitch in Time: | 22.02.18 |
A Stone's Throw: | 10.03.21 |
A Ticket to the Thicket: | 18.12.20 |
Aaaafternoon Delightcrawler: | 22.12.19 |
Aberrant Annihilator: | |
Aberrant Camp Remnants: | 21.01.16 |
Aberrant Destroyer: | 18.02.16 |
Aberrant Equipment: | 21.01.16 |
Aberrant Executioner: | |
Aberrant Killer: | 18.11.15 |
Abyss Dragon Destroyer: | 05.02.14 |
Abyssal Lurkers: | 26.01.16 |
Accomplished Aberrant Hunter: | 24.11.15 |
Accomplished Aberrant Slayer: | 07.12.15 |
Accomplished Adorner: | 11.01.15 |
Accomplished Aerakyn Hunter: | 14.01.14 |
Accomplished Aerakyn Slayer: | 04.06.14 |
Accomplished Akhevan Hunter: | 22.11.14 |
Accomplished Akhevan Slayer: | 25.03.15 |
Accomplished Allu'thoa Hunter: | 13.11.14 |
Accomplished Allu'thoa Slayer: | 20.12.14 |
Accomplished Aurai Hunter: | 03.12.23 |
Accomplished Aurai Slayer: | 21.01.24 |
Accomplished Aviak Hunter: | 05.09.15 |
Accomplished Aviak Slayer: | 18.06.19 |
Accomplished Bixie Hunter: | 09.01.14 |
Accomplished Bixie Slayer: | 14.04.14 |
Accomplished Brownie Hunter: | 07.05.15 |
Accomplished Brownie Slayer: | 16.12.15 |
Accomplished Bugbear Hunter: | |
Accomplished Bugbear Slayer: | |
Accomplished Cepholex Hunter: | 29.11.15 |
Accomplished Cepholex Slayer: | 01.03.16 |
Accomplished Clockwork Hunter: | 24.06.15 |
Accomplished Clockwork Slayer: | 01.07.15 |
Accomplished Cursed Elddar Hunter: | 03.12.22 |
Accomplished Cursed Elddar Slayer: | 25.01.23 |
Accomplished Cyclops Hunter: | 03.12.22 |
Accomplished Cyclops Slayer: | 04.03.23 |
Accomplished Defender of Innocents: | 28.01.20 |
Accomplished Di'Zok Hunter: | |
Accomplished Di'Zok Slayer: | |
Accomplished Djinn Hunter: | 16.07.19 |
Accomplished Djinn Slayer: | 16.12.23 |
Accomplished Droag Hunter: | 02.01.14 |
Accomplished Droag Slayer: | 11.01.14 |
Accomplished Drolvarg Hunter: | 30.12.23 |
Accomplished Drolvarg Slayer: | |
Accomplished Elemental Hunter: | 18.01.14 |
Accomplished Elemental Slayer: | 09.06.14 |
Accomplished Fairy Hunter: | 13.02.14 |
Accomplished Fairy Slayer: | 28.05.17 |
Accomplished Florphilim Hunter: | 02.12.22 |
Accomplished Florphilim Slayer: | 24.01.23 |
Accomplished Froglok Hunter: | 02.01.14 |
Accomplished Froglok Slayer: | 31.08.18 |
Accomplished Galorian Hunter: | 24.12.19 |
Accomplished Galorian Slayer: | 18.01.20 |
Accomplished Giant Hunter: | 12.09.14 |
Accomplished Giant Slayer: | 17.01.18 |
Accomplished Gnoll Hunter: | 27.11.14 |
Accomplished Gnoll Slayer: | 13.04.24 |
Accomplished Goblin Hunter: | 08.01.14 |
Accomplished Goblin Slayer: | 28.01.14 |
Accomplished Golem Hunter: | 04.05.16 |
Accomplished Golem Slayer: | 10.10.16 |
Accomplished Grimling Hunter: | 21.11.14 |
Accomplished Grimling Slayer: | 28.12.14 |
Accomplished Harpy Hunter: | 19.01.21 |
Accomplished Harpy Slayer: | |
Accomplished Hunter of Innocents: | 18.01.20 |
Accomplished Immolated Hunter: | 24.11.15 |
Accomplished Immolated Slayer: | 04.02.16 |
Accomplished Kobold Hunter: | 27.11.15 |
Accomplished Kobold Slayer: | |
Accomplished Lizardman Hunter: | 02.05.16 |
Accomplished Lizardman Slayer: | |
Accomplished Maedjinn Hunter: | 02.12.23 |
Accomplished Maedjinn Slayer: | 06.01.24 |
Accomplished Mandoko Hunter: | 09.01.25 |
Accomplished Mandoko Slayer: | |
Accomplished Marid Hunter: | 19.11.18 |
Accomplished Marid Slayer: | 09.12.18 |
Accomplished Mephlin Hunter: | 17.11.18 |
Accomplished Mephlin Slayer: | 04.12.18 |
Accomplished Nilborien Hunter: | 18.11.18 |
Accomplished Nilborien Slayer: | 18.12.18 |
Accomplished Orc Hunter: | 09.04.14 |
Accomplished Orc Slayer: | 02.12.14 |
Accomplished Patchcraft Hunter: | |
Accomplished Patchcraft Slayer: | |
Accomplished Planar Elemental Hunter: | 16.11.18 |
Accomplished Planar Elemental Slayer: | 25.11.18 |
Accomplished Protector of Innocents: | 21.02.20 |
Accomplished Ravasect Hunter: | 25.01.14 |
Accomplished Ravasect Slayer: | 12.03.14 |
Accomplished Satyr Hunter: | 19.04.23 |
Accomplished Satyr Slayer: | |
Accomplished Shik'Nar Hunter: | 13.02.20 |
Accomplished Shik'Nar Slayer: | |
Accomplished Shiny Hunter: | |
Accomplished Shissar Hunter: | 23.12.19 |
Accomplished Shissar Slayer: | 13.02.20 |
Accomplished Siren Hunter: | 19.07.14 |
Accomplished Siren Slayer: | 09.12.18 |
Accomplished Slayer of Innocents: | |
Accomplished Slug Hunter: | 26.11.15 |
Accomplished Slug Slayer: | 19.02.16 |
Accomplished Thought Horror Hunter: | 02.01.20 |
Accomplished Thought Horror Slayer: | 17.04.20 |
Accomplished Undead Hunter: | 02.01.14 |
Accomplished Undead Slayer: | 05.02.14 |
Accomplished Urzarach Hunter: | 16.11.14 |
Accomplished Urzarach Slayer: | 20.01.15 |
Accomplished Vampire Hunter: | 24.06.15 |
Accomplished Vampire Slayer: | 09.08.15 |
Accomplished Werewolf Hunter: | 26.06.15 |
Accomplished Werewolf Slayer: | 10.09.21 |
Accomplished Wilder Hunter: | 23.11.18 |
Accomplished Wilder Slayer: | 08.02.20 |
Accomplished Yha-lei Hunter: | 09.04.17 |
Accomplished Yha-lei Slayer: | |
Addicted to Quests: | 17.04.16 |
Adroit Adorner: | 11.01.15 |
Advanced Adventure Collector: | |
Advanced Dungeoneer: | |
Advancing Steadily: | 05.10.13 |
Adventure Andante: | 05.12.23 |
Adventure Rising: | 15.05.24 |
Adventure and Anguish: | 04.12.24 |
Aerakyn Annihilator: | |
Aerakyn Destroyer: | |
Aerakyn Executioner: | |
Aerakyn Killer: | 05.01.14 |
Aerie Accompaniment: | 14.02.24 |
Aerie Adagio: | 30.11.23 |
Aether Aria: | 05.12.23 |
Aether Delver: Part I: | 29.02.24 |
Aether Delver: Part II: | 11.03.24 |
Aether Delver: Part III: | 25.03.24 |
Aether Delver: Part IV: | 26.06.24 |
Aether Delver: Part V: | 13.11.24 |
Afraid in the Glade: | 02.12.22 |
Age's End: | 12.08.14 |
Agent of Antonica: | |
Agent of Freeport: | 28.12.16 |
Aiden Assaulter: | 02.02.14 |
Aim For the Scars: | 24.11.24 |
Akashic Accomplishment Part I: | 13.04.22 |
Akashic Accomplishment Part II: | 13.04.22 |
Akashic Accomplishment Part III: | 13.04.22 |
Akashic Accomplishment Part IV: | 14.04.22 |
Akashic Accomplishment Part V: | 26.04.22 |
Akashic Accomplishment Part VI: | 26.04.22 |
Akashic Accomplishment Part VII: | 27.04.22 |
Akhevan Annihilator: | 28.05.21 |
Akhevan Destroyer: | 07.02.21 |
Akhevan Executioner: | |
Akhevan Killer: | 19.11.14 |
Alcazar Assailant: Part I: | 18.04.24 |
Alcazar Assailant: Part II: | 10.07.24 |
Alcazar Assailant: Part III: | 29.07.24 |
Alcazar Assailant: Part IV: | 25.11.24 |
Alcazar Assailant: Part V: | 28.11.24 |
Alcove of Reason Collection: | 21.01.16 |
All Dragon Slaying, All the Time: | 12.11.23 |
All Dragon Slaying, All the Time (Fabled): | 16.05.15 |
All Dusting and Busting: | 01.12.22 |
All Hands Off Deck: | 29.04.15 |
All Wrapped Up: | 06.12.23 |
Allu'thoa Annihilator: | |
Allu'thoa Destroyer: | |
Allu'thoa Executioner: | |
Allu'thoa Killer: | 12.11.14 |
Ally of Hizite Nomads of Ro: | 01.12.22 |
Ally of Thurgadin Crafters: | 27.09.14 |
Also Made in Aurelian Coast: | 26.12.19 |
Amok in the Desert: | 05.01.23 |
An Air Apparent: | 08.12.18 |
Anashti Sul Annihilator: | 05.02.14 |
Ancient Artifacts and Figures: | |
Ancient Discoveries: | |
Ancient Signature Pursuer: | 05.02.17 |
Ancient Signature Stalker: | 30.11.23 |
Annihilator of Innocents: | |
Anniversary Artisan: | 09.05.24 |
Another Runner In The Night: | 23.12.19 |
Antiquities Exhibition: | |
Antonican Adventurer: | |
Apex Predator: | 15.01.25 |
Apostle Betrayal I: | 27.04.21 |
April: Child's Play: | 01.04.24 |
Arborian Assassination: | 05.12.18 |
Arch Magistor Modrfrost's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise: | 17.03.14 |
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Challenge): | 10.04.14 |
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Challenge) (Sense of Urgency): | 10.04.14 |
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Sense of Urgency): | 10.04.14 |
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Solo): | 17.03.14 |
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Solo) (Sense of Urgency): | 17.03.14 |
Archaeologist Anonymous: | 28.11.24 |
Argent Accelerando: | 09.12.23 |
Argent Allegretto: | 02.12.23 |
Argent Allegro: | 08.12.23 |
Artisan's Soul: | |
Arx You Kidding Me?: | 30.12.19 |
Arx You Serious?: | 21.12.19 |
Assisting the March: | |
At One with the Darkness (Challenge): | |
At the Steps of Death: | |
August: Withered Lands and Makers Hands: | 01.08.24 |
Aurai Annihilator: | |
Aurai Destroyer: | |
Aurai Executioner: | |
Aurai Killer: | 01.12.23 |
Aurelian Coast Guard: | 21.12.19 |
Automation at it's Best: | 16.04.14 |
Avenge the Jaggedpine: | 02.05.16 |
Aviak Annihilator: | |
Aviak Destroyer: | |
Aviak Executioner: | |
Aviak Killer: | 02.02.14 |
Awakened Weapon Master: | 05.02.17 |
Awuidor's Aww'right: | 19.08.22 |
B-B-B-Badlands!: | 19.06.23 |
Bad to the Crushbone: | 06.07.15 |
Badge of Heroics: | |
Badlands Battler: Part I: | 17.05.23 |
Badlands Battler: Part II: | 18.05.23 |
Badlands Battler: Part III: | 22.05.23 |
Badlands Battler: Part IV: | 24.05.23 |
Badlands Battler: Part V: | 22.05.23 |
Badlands Battler: Part VI: | 19.06.23 |
Badlands Biographer: | |
Baelon's Reprise: | 12.11.14 |
Ballad of Antiquities: | 06.12.23 |
Ballads of Zimara: | 02.12.23 |
Balor the Primeval's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Band of the Five Maws: | 04.12.23 |
Bannerman I: | |
Bannerman II: | |
Bannerman III: | |
Bannerman IV: | |
Bannerman IX: | |
Bannerman V: | |
Bannerman VI: | |
Bannerman VII: | |
Bannerman VIII: | |
Bannerman X: | |
Barrel Barrager: | 22.05.15 |
Barreling Basin Blue Ribbon: | 08.12.21 |
Basic Understanding: | 05.01.14 |
Battle of Storm Gorge: | 12.09.14 |
Battlegrounds Conquest I: | 22.01.14 |
Battlegrounds Conquest II: | 22.02.15 |
Battlegrounds Conquest III: | |
Battlegrounds Conquest IV: | |
Battlegrounds Conquest IX: | |
Battlegrounds Conquest V: | |
Battlegrounds Conquest VI: | |
Battlegrounds Conquest VII: | |
Battlegrounds Conquest VIII: | |
Battlegrounds Conquest X: | |
Beast Wrangler: | |
Beastmaster: | 15.03.17 |
Beating the Rum Master at Her Own Game: | 29.04.15 |
Beginner Adventure Collector: | |
Beginner Collector: | 09.01.14 |
Beginner Dungeoneer: | 12.11.14 |
Beginner Quester: | 03.01.14 |
Behemoth Buster: | 25.02.15 |
Beholder of Battle (Contested Avatar): | 20.10.14 |
Being and Reason: | 14.12.22 |
Belkreiz Blazeclaw's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Best Seat In the House: | 11.01.15 |
Bestial Bellies Aside: | 14.12.21 |
Big Badda Trouble: | 05.12.21 |
Biggest Loser: | 08.01.14 |
Biggest Winner: | 02.01.14 |
Birds of a Pink Feather: | 25.06.23 |
Bite Your Thumb: | |
Bixie Annihilator: | |
Bixie Destroyer: | |
Bixie Executioner: | |
Bixie Killer: | 05.01.14 |
Blaze a Trail: | |
Blinding Ambition: | 23.12.19 |
Blinding Write: | 14.01.20 |
Blood Pressures: | 23.12.19 |
Blood and Sand: | 09.12.22 |
Blood of Luclin Collection Completion: | 27.07.20 |
Blood of My Blood: | 25.12.19 |
Blown Away: | 02.12.22 |
Bluster, Bluster: | 14.11.18 |
Bluster, Bluster, Bluster: | 22.11.18 |
Bog Slog: | 21.12.19 |
Boneafied Threat: | |
Bootylicious: | 06.03.15 |
Both Hands on Deck!: | 24.11.16 |
Brawn for hire: | |
Breadth Cantata: | 02.12.23 |
Breadth of One's Brand: | 21.03.24 |
Break Me Off a Piece!: | 24.12.20 |
Bridged the Divide: | |
Brineterror Ally: | 12.12.14 |
Bringer of Death: | 02.01.14 |
Broken Barrels Broken Skulls: | 30.04.15 |
Broken Temple Sculptures: | 21.01.16 |
Bronze Keymaster: | 09.04.14 |
Brood Pool Samples: | 21.01.16 |
Brownie Annihilator: | |
Brownie Destroyer: | |
Brownie Executioner: | |
Brownie Killer: | 01.05.15 |
Bugbear Annihilator: | |
Bugbear Destroyer: | |
Bugbear Executioner: | |
Bugbear Killer: | 24.11.21 |
Bullseye: | 17.06.15 |
Bunny Defender: | 12.11.14 |
Bunny Hoarder: | |
Buried Takish'Hiz Treasures: | 30.04.23 |
Burning Passions in a Frigid Land: | |
Burning, Burning: | 14.11.18 |
Burning, Burning, Burning: | 16.11.18 |
Burying the Buried: | 04.09.23 |
Burying the Buried Flawlessly: | |
Butcherblock Beachcomber: | |
Buzzer Beater: | |
Caella of the Pearl's Demise: | 11.04.14 |
Cairn You Spare Some Coin: | 10.12.21 |
Cairn You Spare a Copper: | 05.12.21 |
Calm Before the Storm: | 11.12.22 |
Came to Me in a Vision: | 05.12.21 |
Can I Help Ya, Help Ya, Help Ya: | 07.12.22 |
Can I have your autograph?: | 12.02.14 |
Can You Solo This Kai?: | 20.12.20 |
Can't Fool Me: | 11.12.14 |
Candy Crusher: | |
Carpetbagger: | 25.07.14 |
Carpets Away: | 01.12.22 |
Cat Scratch: | 03.04.21 |
Cataloging the Elemental Elites: | 28.11.18 |
Cataloging the Elemental Planes: | 21.11.18 |
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor I: | 16.03.24 |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Contributor I: | 12.01.24 |
Celebrated Contributor II: | 23.01.24 |
Celebrated Contributor III: | 28.02.24 |
Celebrated Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Contributor IX: | |
Celebrated Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Contributor X: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor I: | 27.01.24 |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor II: | 10.02.24 |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor III: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor V: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor I: | 12.02.24 |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor II: | 15.03.24 |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor I: | |
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor I: | 12.01.24 |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor II: | 27.01.24 |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VIII: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor I: | 13.06.24 |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor II: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor III: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor IV: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor V: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VI: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VII: | |
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VIII: | |
Celestial Disorder: | 09.05.17 |
Celestial Elementalist: | 02.12.21 |
Celestial Etherealist: | 02.12.21 |
Celestial Geomancer: | 02.12.21 |
Celestial Thaumaturgist: | 02.12.21 |
Cepholex Annihilator: | |
Cepholex Destroyer: | |
Cepholex Executioner: | |
Cepholex Killer: | 18.11.15 |
Cepholex Scraps: | 26.01.16 |
Challenge Victory: Sanctifier Yegigoth and the Spirit Princes: | 21.05.16 |
Challenge: Aldys, Sultan of Daggers: | 25.10.23 |
Challenge: Nirag, Boundless Titan: | 13.09.23 |
Challenge: Poacher Paol the Persistent: | 07.09.23 |
Challenge: Raaijs Viruniq, Rath'Mana Incarnate: | 11.09.23 |
Challenge: Stonesong, Death's Throes : | 14.09.23 |
Challenge: Veagth the Unnatural: | 14.09.23 |
Champion of Innocents: | |
Champion of Renewal: | 03.12.22 |
Champion of Ro: | |
Champion of Tranquility: | 13.11.14 |
Chandelier Maker: | 22.12.14 |
Change of Tides: | 13.04.14 |
Chaotic Cadence: | 06.12.23 |
Chaotic Cadenza: | 05.12.23 |
Cherished Confections: | |
Choral Concerto: | 08.01.24 |
Clean Freak: | 11.05.15 |
Cleansing the Elements.: | |
Clefts of Rujark Champion: | |
Clefts of Rujark Hero: | |
Clockwork Annihilator: | 10.12.20 |
Clockwork Champion I: | |
Clockwork Champion II: | |
Clockwork Champion III: | |
Clockwork Champion IV: | |
Clockwork Champion IX: | |
Clockwork Champion V: | |
Clockwork Champion VI: | |
Clockwork Champion VII: | |
Clockwork Champion VIII: | |
Clockwork Champion X: | |
Clockwork Destroyer: | 27.11.16 |
Clockwork Executioner: | 17.06.23 |
Clockwork Killer: | 08.08.14 |
Clues About Blues: | 13.05.23 |
Coast Verbose: | 13.01.20 |
Coasting through the Hills: | 23.12.19 |
Collection Hoarder: | |
Collection Master: | 19.08.15 |
Collection Obsessor: | 26.01.16 |
Collector's Paradise: | 04.08.15 |
Colossal Conundrum: | 01.04.21 |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise: | 10.04.14 |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Challenge): | 10.04.14 |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Challenge) (Sense of Urgency): | 10.04.14 |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Sense of Urgency): | 10.04.14 |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Solo): | 18.03.14 |
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Solo) (Sense of Urgency): | 18.03.14 |
Committed to Growth: | 04.05.23 |
Commonlands Colonist: | |
Commonlands Conqueror: | |
Complete 10 Proving Grounds matches: | 13.05.17 |
Complete 100 Proving Grounds matches: | 19.05.17 |
Complete 20 Proving Grounds matches: | 14.05.17 |
Complete 30 Proving Grounds matches: | 14.05.17 |
Complete 40 Proving Grounds matches: | 14.05.17 |
Complete 5 Proving Grounds matches: | 13.05.17 |
Complete 50 Proving Grounds matches: | 15.05.17 |
Complete 75 Proving Grounds matches: | 17.05.17 |
Complete a Proving Grounds match: | 12.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe: | 12.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 10 times: | 13.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 100 times: | 25.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 20 times: | 14.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 30 times: | 14.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 40 times: | 14.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 5 times: | 13.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 50 times: | 15.05.17 |
Complete the Battle for Felwithe 75 times: | 17.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas: | 19.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 10 times: | 20.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 100 times: | |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 20 times: | 21.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 30 times: | 22.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 40 times: | 23.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 5 times: | 20.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 50 times: | 24.05.17 |
Complete the Battle upon the High Seas 75 times: | 06.06.17 |
Complete the Nexus Challenge: | 09.06.17 |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 10 times: | 15.03.19 |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 100 times: | |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 20 times: | |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 30 times: | |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 40 times: | |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 5 times: | 09.06.17 |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 50 times: | |
Complete the Nexus Challenge 75 times: | |
Compy Stomp: | 18.11.14 |
Consider a Listless Chime: | 02.01.20 |
Contested: Defeat the Greater Bosses: | 14.01.16 |
Contested: Defeat the Lesser Bosses: | 08.12.15 |
Contested: Titanious, Essence of Reviviscence: | 08.11.23 |
Conundrum Keeper: | |
Convention of Elements [Heroic]: | |
Convention of Elements [Raid]: | 29.04.19 |
Convention of Elements [Solo]: | |
Corpsemongering: | 04.02.14 |
Corrupt Mechanics: | 26.01.16 |
Cottontail Collector: | |
Craft the Night Away: | |
Craft until you drop!: | 24.02.14 |
Crafting Disease: | 04.02.18 |
Crafting Fire: | 22.01.18 |
Crafting Innovation: | 30.01.18 |
Crafting Thunder: | 12.01.18 |
Craftkeeper Completionist: | 21.10.14 |
Crafty Cloak Collector: | |
Crimini!: | 18.12.20 |
Crowd Control: | 31.05.15 |
Crowning Victory: | 21.09.21 |
Crypt Capturer: | 02.01.14 |
Cryptographer: | 04.03.16 |
Curse Them!: | 01.12.24 |
Cursed Elddar Annihilator: | |
Cursed Elddar Destroyer: | |
Cursed Elddar Executioner: | |
Cursed Elddar Killer: | 01.12.22 |
Curtain Cleaner: | 15.11.14 |
Cutting Straight Lines: | 24.12.20 |
Cyclops Annihilator: | |
Cyclops Destroyer: | |
Cyclops Executioner: | |
Cyclops Killer: | 21.01.14 |
Dabbling in the Darkside: | 18.11.21 |
Dagarn's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Dagarn's Demise (Challenge): | 30.12.14 |
Darathar's Reprise: | 12.11.14 |
Daredevil of Dawn: | |
Daring Zoo Keeper: | |
Darkhaven Cavedrifter Upgrade: | |
Darklight Drifter: | |
Darkpaw Ascends: | 11.11.24 |
Darkpaw Remains!: | 25.11.24 |
Dawn's Avenger: | |
Dead Wringer: | |
Deadeye Dozer: | 19.04.20 |
Dealing with the Antphibian Menace: | 27.01.21 |
Dealings with the Spirit: Khati Sha: | 04.03.21 |
Death Raider: | |
Decay By Any Other Name: | 06.12.18 |
December: Top of Your Class: | 01.12.24 |
Decorin Bonewing: | 19.03.16 |
Decorin Bonewing [Challenge]: | 03.02.14 |
Dedicant of the Deepforge.: | 11.02.16 |
Dedicated Ethereal Hunter: Breastplate: | 01.09.18 |
Dedicated Ethereal Hunter: Pauldrons: | 17.07.18 |
Dedication to the Arts: | |
Deep Dive: | 16.08.22 |
Deep in the Thicket of Things: | 20.12.20 |
Deepforge Delver: | 25.11.15 |
Deepforge Founder: | 06.12.15 |
Defeat All First Tier Difficulty Raid Bosses: | 02.02.22 |
Defeat All Fourth Tier Difficulty Raid Bosses: | 18.05.22 |
Defeat All Raid Bosses: | 14.11.22 |
Defeat All Second Tier Difficulty Raid Bosses: | 14.03.22 |
Defeat All Third Tier Difficulty Raid Bosses: | 04.04.22 |
Defeated Mark of the Many: | 05.05.21 |
Defeating "Setri Lureth": | 18.10.17 |
Defeating Aaranae Acrimae (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Amalgamon: | 31.03.15 |
Defeating Ambassador Grindstone (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Anaheed the Dreamkeeper: | 16.03.17 |
Defeating Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune: | 02.03.15 |
Defeating Baliath, Harbinger of Nightmares: | 11.03.18 |
Defeating Bastion (Challenge): | 26.04.16 |
Defeating Baz the Illusionist: | 18.05.15 |
Defeating Bereth Mathias: | 02.12.15 |
Defeating Berik Bloodfist (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating Bhoughbh Model XVII: | 20.11.15 |
Defeating Bhoughbh Nova-Prime: | 05.12.15 |
Defeating Botanist Heridal: | 04.01.17 |
Defeating Brunhildre the Wench: | 05.05.15 |
Defeating Brutas the Imbiber: | 29.04.15 |
Defeating Brutius the Skulk: | 01.12.16 |
Defeating Bull McCleran: | 03.05.15 |
Defeating Caerina the Lost: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating Captain Ashenfell: | 24.05.16 |
Defeating Captain Graybeard: | 11.07.16 |
Defeating Captain Krasnok: | 02.02.15 |
Defeating Captain Mergin: | 29.04.15 |
Defeating Charanda: | 05.05.15 |
Defeating Charrid the Mindwarper: | 30.11.15 |
Defeating Chomp: | 04.01.17 |
Defeating Commander Corpsemaul (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating Commander Goreslaughter (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating Crohp the Mighty: | 22.11.15 |
Defeating Cronnin the Axe and Dellmun the Hammer: | 23.11.15 |
Defeating Danacio the Witchdoctor: | 05.05.15 |
Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper: | 04.01.17 |
Defeating Diabo, Va, and Centi Kela'Set: | 24.12.14 |
Defeating Drels Ma'Gor: | 31.03.15 |
Defeating Drinal with two Soulwell abilities: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating Electroshock Grinder VIII: | 27.11.15 |
Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Defeating Eriak the Fetid (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating Farozth Ssravizh: | 22.12.14 |
Defeating Fitzpitzle: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating General Teku (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating Gindan Commander Angler (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Glokus Windhelm (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating Gloust M'ra: | 31.03.15 |
Defeating Gomrim, Zwebek, Tonnin, and Yermon: | 16.12.14 |
Defeating Gorius the Gray: | 13.04.17 |
Defeating Grethah the Frenzied: | 14.01.15 |
Defeating Grevog the Punisher: | 19.11.14 |
Defeating Hand of Vallon (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Hovercopter Hingebot: | 28.11.15 |
Defeating Hragdold the Frenzied (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Inquisitor Soronigus: | 17.12.14 |
Defeating Jessip Daggerheart: | 01.12.14 |
Defeating Jorik the Scourge: | 25.11.15 |
Defeating Ka'Rah Ferun: | 25.02.15 |
Defeating Karith'Ta: | 16.12.15 |
Defeating Kerridicus Searskin: | 14.11.14 |
Defeating Kiernun the Lyrical: | 23.11.15 |
Defeating Kildiun the Drunkard: | 08.06.15 |
Defeating King Lockt: | 19.11.15 |
Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Defeating Kraletus: | 10.04.17 |
Defeating Kyrus of the Old Ways: | 28.12.15 |
Defeating Lichlord Skulldugger (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Lieutenant Klaatuus (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob: | 13.02.14 |
Defeating Lord Ghiosk: | 17.04.17 |
Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir: | 14.06.17 |
Defeating MCP-Powered Pulsar: | 28.11.15 |
Defeating Malkonis D'Morte: | 23.06.15 |
Defeating Malkonis D'Morte (Challenge): | 25.06.15 |
Defeating Master of the Guard: | 03.02.14 |
Defeating Mazarine the Queen: | 31.03.15 |
Defeating Melanie Everling: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating Milas the Ancient : | 20.11.15 |
Defeating Milas the Ancient (Challenge): | 17.12.15 |
Defeating Morin the Swindler and Barin the Brute: | 25.11.14 |
Defeating Mrogr Bloodtaint (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Mystikus Terrorwing (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Ojuti the Vile: | 20.12.15 |
Defeating Oligar of the Dead (Challenge): | 26.04.16 |
Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating Othysis Muravian: | 23.06.15 |
Defeating Othysis Muravian (Challenge): | 23.06.15 |
Defeating Perador the Mighty: | 23.11.14 |
Defeating Pirate Shaman Snaggletooth: | 05.05.15 |
Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Defeating Raenha, Sister of Remorse: | 20.04.17 |
Defeating Ragebourne Gregor Haldane (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Ritual Keeper V'derin: | 20.10.15 |
Defeating Sacrificer Aevila D'Serin: | 16.02.15 |
Defeating Sath'Oprusk: | 30.06.16 |
Defeating Sentinel Primatious: | 24.04.17 |
Defeating Sentinel XXI: | 27.11.15 |
Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger: | 04.01.17 |
Defeating Shanaira the Prestigious: | 05.10.17 |
Defeating Short-Circuited Construct Bot: | 25.11.15 |
Defeating Silis On'Va: | 31.03.15 |
Defeating Sorrn Dontro: | 31.03.15 |
Defeating Sullon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Swabber Rotgut: | 03.05.15 |
Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Defeating Tagrin Maldric (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating Tallon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Teraradus the Gorer: | 14.11.14 |
Defeating Territus, the Deathbringer: | 16.11.17 |
Defeating The Crumbling Icon: | 18.11.14 |
Defeating The Enraged Warboar (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Defeating The Forge Golem: | 08.09.16 |
Defeating Tollen'Eod, Achen'Lomgill, Rhea'pla, and Lean'Odro: | 29.06.16 |
Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith: | 23.06.15 |
Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith (Challenge): | 24.06.15 |
Defeating Tserrina Syl'tor: | 22.10.15 |
Defeating Tuzerk: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating Tyrax Terrolus (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Uigirf, Htardlem, and Omzzem: | 03.12.15 |
Defeating Valigez, the Entomber: | 26.12.16 |
Defeating Vallon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating Vhaksiz the Shade: | 15.06.17 |
Defeating Virtuoso Edgar V'Zann: | 28.01.15 |
Defeating Wedge Tinderton: | 22.11.15 |
Defeating Xalgoz: | 04.09.17 |
Defeating Ynonngozzz'Koolbh: | 30.06.16 |
Defeating Zebrun the Torso: | 24.11.14 |
Defeating Zylphax the Shredder: | 23.06.15 |
Defeating Zylphax the Shredder (Challenge): | 23.06.15 |
Defeating Zzalazziz: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime: | 21.12.16 |
Defeating the Amalgams of Order and Chaos: | 04.05.17 |
Defeating the Ancient Sentinel: | 31.03.15 |
Defeating the Avatar of Cazic-Thule: | 20.01.16 |
Defeating the Avatar of Karana: | 06.10.15 |
Defeating the Avatar of the Tribunal: | 09.11.15 |
Defeating the Black Reaver: | 21.12.16 |
Defeating the Black Reaver Over and Over Again!: | 22.03.17 |
Defeating the Captain of the Guard: | 07.12.16 |
Defeating the Construct of Malice: | 10.12.15 |
Defeating the Construct of Souls: | 26.04.16 |
Defeating the Final Arbiter: | 09.02.14 |
Defeating the Final Arbiter (Challenge): | 06.02.14 |
Defeating the Generals (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se: | 01.03.17 |
Defeating the Hobgoblin Anguish Lord: | 16.03.17 |
Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs: | 30.11.15 |
Defeating the Kly: | 14.06.17 |
Defeating the Lumpy Goo: | 04.01.17 |
Defeating the Malfunctioning Slaver: | 28.11.15 |
Defeating the Memory of the Stolen: | 08.03.17 |
Defeating the Polliwog: | 30.06.16 |
Defeating the Primordial Ritualist Villandre V'Zher: | 23.04.15 |
Defeating the Protector of Bones: | 23.03.15 |
Defeating the Rejuvenating One: | 21.02.18 |
Defeating the Strathbone Runelord: | 22.12.16 |
Defeating the Summoned Ones: | 25.02.18 |
Defeating the Tinkered Abomination: | 28.11.15 |
Defeating the Warden of Nightmares: | 15.11.17 |
Defend the Spires!: | 08.11.19 |
Deino-Ninja: | 06.09.15 |
Delta Destroyer: | 12.04.23 |
Delta Destroyer with cheese: | 01.05.23 |
Delta Force: Part I: | 08.02.23 |
Delta Force: Part II: | 20.03.23 |
Delta Force: Part III: | 23.03.23 |
Delta Force: Part IV: | 23.03.23 |
Delta Force: Part V: | 10.04.23 |
Delta Force: Part VI: | 12.04.23 |
Delta, Delta, Delta: | 28.12.22 |
Delving Dead: | 03.08.15 |
Delving the Ever Deep: | 24.11.15 |
Depth Charge: | 19.08.22 |
Desert Dungeon Crawler: | 03.12.22 |
Desert Researcher: | 01.12.22 |
Desert of Fame: | 03.12.22 |
Destiny in the Planes of Prophecy: | 03.12.17 |
Destiny of Velious Overachiever: | |
Destiny of Velious Vanquished: | |
Destiny of Velious Victor: | |
Destroyer of Innocents: | |
Detroxxulous Stitcher: | |
Di'Zok Annihilator: | |
Di'Zok Destroyer: | |
Di'Zok Executioner: | |
Di'Zok Killer: | 10.10.16 |
Diakaroo Rouser: | 19.04.20 |
Ding-a-ling: | 02.09.15 |
Discovering Druid Rings: Faydwer: | 01.12.22 |
Discovering Druid Rings: Kunark: | 14.10.16 |
Discovering Druid Rings: Shattered Lands: | 07.02.14 |
Discovering the Withered Lands: | |
Divided We Fall: | 05.01.21 |
Divine Relic Hunter II: | 19.01.24 |
Divine Relic Hunter III: | 26.01.24 |
Divine Relic Hunter IV: | 25.02.24 |
Divine Relic Hunter V: | 18.06.24 |
Divine Relic Hunter VI: | 28.10.24 |
Diviner Gelerin and Persecutor Barid's Demise: | 26.04.14 |
Divinity in Disguise: | 07.01.20 |
Djinn Annihilator: | |
Djinn Destroyer: | 14.03.24 |
Djinn Executioner: | |
Djinn Killer: | 02.04.14 |
Djinn Master Demolisher: | 12.11.23 |
Do Not Throw Stones: | 24.12.20 |
Domination of the Ossuary: | 07.12.14 |
Don't Forget Your Shades: | 12.12.21 |
Don't Put That in Your Mouth: | 20.12.19 |
Doom. Doom! DOOM!: | 18.12.20 |
Doomed Lovers: | |
Doomfire Brander: | |
Dozekar's Demise: | 18.06.15 |
Dozekar's Demise (Challenge): | 23.05.15 |
Dozekar's Demise (Challenge) (Sense of Urgency): | 23.05.15 |
Dozekar's Demise (Sense of Urgency): | 18.06.15 |
Drinal (Avatar): | 03.07.14 |
Droag Annihilator: | |
Droag Destroyer: | 05.03.14 |
Droag Executioner: | |
Droag Killer: | 02.01.14 |
Drolvarg Annihilator: | |
Drolvarg Destroyer: | |
Drolvarg Executioner: | |
Drolvarg Killer: | 22.10.14 |
Drowning in Quests: | |
Drowning, Drowning: | 14.11.18 |
Drowning, Drowning, Drowning: | 26.11.18 |
Drunder Raids Vanquished (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Drunk Level: Dwarf: | 05.03.16 |
Duelist: | |
Dust, Dust: | 23.11.18 |
Dust, Dust, Dust: | 23.11.18 |
Echo Etchings: | 07.04.21 |
Echoes In a Cavernous World: | 20.12.20 |
Echoes of Mortality: | 19.12.20 |
Efreeti Enslaver: | 10.11.14 |
Eidolon of the Shattered Lands: | |
El Avatar: | 17.02.15 |
Elemental Annihilator: | 25.01.20 |
Elemental Destroyer: | 28.01.16 |
Elemental Executioner: | 30.11.14 |
Elemental Foray: | 05.06.23 |
Elemental Killer: | 05.01.14 |
Elements of Chaos: | 09.12.18 |
Elements of Destruction: | 14.11.18 |
Emotion Commotion Notion: | 03.05.23 |
Enchanted Lands Excursionist: | 19.08.15 |
Ensuring the Destruction of Fehdu, Rehdu, and Pehdu: | 03.02.21 |
Ensuring the Destruction of Fehdu, Rehdu, and Pehdu Flawlessly: | 03.02.21 |
Entrancer Lisha and the Enslaver Eels' Demise: | 25.04.14 |
Equestrian: | 01.03.14 |
Eryslai Etcher: | |
Escape from Klick'Anon: | 26.01.16 |
Escaping the Shadows: | 17.03.16 |
Ethereal Hunter: Planar Mastery: | 21.08.18 |
Etymologist: | 15.11.16 |
EverQuester: | |
Everfrost Espionager: | |
Everfrost Explorer: | |
Every Ensemble: | 06.12.23 |
Every Etude: | 02.12.23 |
Every Failure is a Learning Experience: | 30.07.15 |
Executioner of Innocents: | |
Exemplar of Retribution: | 06.12.23 |
Exit Stage Right: | 19.03.19 |
Expecting the Unexpected: | 04.12.24 |
Experimental Reconstruction: | 02.12.23 |
Expert Adventure Collector: | |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Botanist Heridal: | 06.07.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Brutius the Skulk: | 10.05.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Chomp: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper: | 19.06.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Gorius the Gray: | 05.10.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Lord Ghiosk: | 21.09.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Sentinel Primatious: | 11.09.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger: | 06.07.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Black Reaver: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Captain of the Guard: | 31.08.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Lumpy Goo: | 19.06.17 |
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Hatred: | 24.05.18 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Botanist Heridal: | 06.07.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Brutius the Skulk: | 29.05.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Chomp: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper: | 03.07.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Gorius the Gray: | 09.10.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Lord Ghiosk: | 06.09.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Sentinel Primatious: | 11.09.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger: | 06.07.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Black Reaver: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Captain of the Guard: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Lumpy Goo: | 03.07.17 |
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord: | 28.08.17 |
Expert Victory: A Residual Slime (Challenge): | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: A Spectral Beguiler (Challenge): | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Caelan'Gael, Keeper of Growth: | 14.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Captain Vhankmin: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Chatizad: | 26.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Chatizad and Zannaska: | 27.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Colonel Gozier: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Dread Wraith (Challenge): | 19.06.17 |
Expert Victory: General Janosz: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Grand Master Glox: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Iacopa'Lahah: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Izzak Sira: | 30.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Kael'Val: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Lachina, Defender of Magics: | 14.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Major Eghonz: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Merchant Caniz: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Naamah'Fah: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Nazkra: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Ongnissim the Unseen: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Over-General Vihgoh: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Queshaun, Keeper of Pestilence: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Rector Droz'Kzar: | 30.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Sabellah'Xen Keeper of Fire: | 14.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Sentinel Goor: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Smithy Xzatik: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Sorceress Gwen'vae: | 25.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Tabor'Zaai: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: The Algae Fiend: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: The Armor of Sul: | 25.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Crystallized Construct: | 25.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Gooblin King: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Kly: | 30.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Meld of Haze: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Meld of Vapor: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Mist Reaver: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Rock Collector: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Sacrificed: | 30.03.17 |
Expert Victory: The Torsis Champion: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Triad Golems: | 30.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Tzirathk (Challenge): | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: War Baron Eator: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: War Historian Kobl: | 03.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Wraith of Jaxion: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Xerxes'Kade: | 04.06.17 |
Expert Victory: Zaida'Rai, Keeper of Passions: | 13.03.17 |
Expert Victory: Zannaska: | 26.03.17 |
Expert: Defeating Botanist Heridal: | 19.06.17 |
Expert: Defeating Brutius the Skulk: | 10.05.17 |
Expert: Defeating Chomp: | 28.08.17 |
Expert: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper: | 19.06.17 |
Expert: Defeating Gorius the Gray: | 05.10.17 |
Expert: Defeating Lord Ghiosk: | 06.09.17 |
Expert: Defeating Sentinel Primatious: | 11.09.17 |
Expert: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger: | 19.06.17 |
Expert: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber: | 28.08.17 |
Expert: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime: | 28.08.17 |
Expert: Defeating the Black Reaver: | 28.08.17 |
Expert: Defeating the Captain of the Guard: | 28.08.17 |
Expert: Defeating the Lumpy Goo: | 19.06.17 |
Expert: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord: | 28.08.17 |
Explainer: | 09.01.14 |
Exploration Realization: | 10.01.25 |
Exploration: All Scars of Destruction Dungeons: | 10.01.25 |
Exploration: All Scars of Destruction Dungeons [Heroic II]: | 09.01.25 |
Exploration: All Scars of Destruction Dungeons [Heroic I]: | 10.01.25 |
Exploration: All Scars of Destruction Dungeons [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Exploration: All Scars of Destruction Overlands: | 04.12.24 |
Exploration: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic II]: | 22.12.24 |
Exploration: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic I]: | 26.11.24 |
Exploration: Blackhook Badlands [Solo]: | 21.11.24 |
Exploration: Charnel Scar [Heroic II]: | 19.12.24 |
Exploration: Charnel Scar [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Exploration: Charnel Scar [Solo]: | 22.11.24 |
Exploration: Chetari Warrens [Heroic II]: | 10.12.24 |
Exploration: Chetari Warrens [Heroic I]: | 03.12.24 |
Exploration: Chetari Warrens [Solo]: | 23.11.24 |
Exploration: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic II]: | 13.12.24 |
Exploration: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic I]: | 26.11.24 |
Exploration: Corrupted Caldera [Solo]: | 22.11.24 |
Exploration: Darkened Passages [Heroic II]: | 14.12.24 |
Exploration: Darkened Passages [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Exploration: Darkened Passages [Solo]: | 23.11.24 |
Exploration: Fort Sunder [Heroic II]: | 23.12.24 |
Exploration: Fort Sunder [Heroic I]: | 26.11.24 |
Exploration: Fort Sunder [Solo]: | 21.11.24 |
Exploration: Return to Deepwater Watch [Heroic II]: | 08.12.24 |
Exploration: Return to Deepwater Watch [Heroic I]: | 26.11.24 |
Exploration: Return to Deepwater Watch [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Exploration: Sodden Archipelago: | 04.12.24 |
Exploration: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic II]: | 09.01.25 |
Exploration: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic I]: | 10.01.25 |
Exploration: Stonebrunt Defile [Solo]: | 21.11.24 |
Exploration: The Forsaken Isle [Heroic II]: | 08.12.24 |
Exploration: The Forsaken Isle [Heroic I]: | 26.11.24 |
Exploration: The Forsaken Isle [Solo]: | 21.11.24 |
Exploration: The Warming Warfields [Heroic II]: | 17.12.24 |
Exploration: The Warming Warfields [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Exploration: The Warming Warfields [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Exploration: Tombs of Enlightenment [Heroic II]: | 22.12.24 |
Exploration: Tombs of Enlightenment [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Exploration: Tombs of Enlightenment [Solo]: | 23.11.24 |
Exploration: Vaults of Veneration [Heroic II]: | 16.12.24 |
Exploration: Vaults of Veneration [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Exploration: Vaults of Veneration [Solo]: | 23.11.24 |
Exploration: Western Wastes: | 04.12.24 |
Exploring the Eternal Broodlands: | 07.01.14 |
Exploring the Ever Deep: | 29.11.15 |
Exploring the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]: | 29.04.16 |
Exploring the Scourge Wastes [Solo]: | 29.04.16 |
Exploring the Woods: | 16.11.16 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Ahrmatal the Scorcher's Demise: | 09.02.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Bolgin Serilis's Demise: | 14.01.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Fherin the Ancient's Demise: | 11.01.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Gangel the Resurrected's Demise: | 11.01.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: General Graknus's Demise: | 07.01.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Luminox Prime's Demise: | 08.01.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Queen Meacidaris's Demise: | 07.01.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: Shazzak's Demise: | 17.01.14 |
Extreme Sense of Urgency: The Chamber Warden's Demise: | 17.01.14 |
F-F-F-Flawless B-B-B-Badlands!: | 20.07.23 |
Fabled Time Traveler: | |
Fabled Veeshan's Peak: Above and Beyond!: | 31.10.22 |
Fabled Veeshan's Peak: Clear!: | 19.09.22 |
Fabled Veeshan's Peak: First Wing Complete: | 11.08.22 |
Fabled Veeshan's Peak: Second Wing Complete: | 19.09.22 |
Fabled Veeshan's Peak: Third Wing Complete: | 19.09.22 |
Fabled: Rallos' Chosen: | 09.01.20 |
Fairy Annihilator: | |
Fairy Destroyer: | |
Fairy Executioner: | |
Fairy Killer: | 07.02.14 |
Fanatical Betrayal IV: | 02.06.21 |
Far Seas Avenger: | 30.04.15 |
Far Seas Bootlegger!: | 18.05.15 |
Far Seas Requisitioner: | 14.11.14 |
February: Recipe Roundup: | |
Feel the Burn: | |
Feerrott Floater: | |
Feral Things in the Thicket: | 17.12.20 |
Ferric Flat: | 02.12.23 |
Ferric Form: | 08.12.23 |
Ferric Fugue: | 10.12.23 |
Festive Spirit: | 26.03.16 |
Field General Uktap: | 07.08.18 |
Fight in the Night: | 28.12.22 |
Fighter Conquest I: | 22.02.15 |
Fighter Conquest II: | |
Fighter Conquest III: | |
Fighter Conquest IV: | |
Fighter Conquest IX: | |
Fighter Conquest V: | |
Fighter Conquest VI: | |
Fighter Conquest VII: | |
Fighter Conquest VIII: | |
Fighter Conquest X: | |
Fire, Fire: | 16.11.18 |
Fire, Fire, Fire: | 16.11.18 |
Firma, Firma: | 17.11.18 |
Firma, Firma, Firma: | 19.11.18 |
First Light: Avatar of the Sun: | 09.12.17 |
First Planar Level!: | 07.12.17 |
First in the Village: | 05.01.20 |
Flawless Aether Delver: Part I: | 22.04.24 |
Flawless Aether Delver: Part II: | 16.05.24 |
Flawless Aether Delver: Part III: | 30.09.24 |
Flawless Aether Delver: Part IV: | 09.10.24 |
Flawless Aether Delver: Part V: | 02.12.24 |
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part I: | 23.05.24 |
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part II: | 03.10.24 |
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part III: | 14.10.24 |
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part IV: | 25.11.24 |
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part V: | 28.11.24 |
Flawless Apostle Betrayal I: | 27.04.21 |
Flawless Badlands Battler: Part I: | 17.07.23 |
Flawless Badlands Battler: Part II: | 17.07.23 |
Flawless Badlands Battler: Part III: | 19.07.23 |
Flawless Badlands Battler: Part IV: | 19.07.23 |
Flawless Badlands Battler: Part V: | 19.07.23 |
Flawless Badlands Battler: Part VI: | 20.07.23 |
Flawless Challenge: Nirag, Boundless Titan: | 23.10.23 |
Flawless Challenge: Stonesong, Death's Throes : | 23.10.23 |
Flawless Challenge: Veagth the Unnatural: | 14.09.23 |
Flawless Delta Force: Part I: | 09.02.23 |
Flawless Delta Force: Part II: | 20.03.23 |
Flawless Delta Force: Part III: | 23.03.23 |
Flawless Delta Force: Part IV: | 23.03.23 |
Flawless Delta Force: Part V: | 24.04.23 |
Flawless Delta Force: Part VI: | 01.05.23 |
Flawless Druushk: | 12.09.22 |
Flawless Elder Ekron: | 10.08.22 |
Flawless Hoshkar: | 15.09.22 |
Flawless Maniacal Betrayal II: | 18.05.21 |
Flawless Milyex Vioren: | 15.09.22 |
Flawless Monstrous Shadows: | 12.05.21 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni: | 31.01.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed: | 18.02.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Derugoak: | 21.01.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: General Reparm: | 25.02.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna: | 15.07.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief: | 28.01.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Magmaton: | 22.01.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Mudmyre: | 31.01.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike: | 30.01.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Pyronis: | 06.02.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Vegerogus: | 06.08.19 |
Flawless Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken: | 15.07.19 |
Flawless Phara Dar: | 19.09.22 |
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part I: | 08.01.24 |
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part II: | 08.01.24 |
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part III: | 08.01.24 |
Flawless Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni: | 28.01.19 |
Flawless Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed: | 24.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Berik Bloodfist [Fabled]: | 09.11.20 |
Flawless Raid: Burrowing Without Getting Dirty: | 22.09.21 |
Flawless Raid: Chicken Noodle for the Careful Raider: | 27.05.21 |
Flawless Raid: Chief Babagoosh: | 13.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Coercer T'vala: | 26.06.18 |
Flawless Raid: Coirnav: | 17.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: Demetrius Crane: | 16.08.18 |
Flawless Raid: Derugoak: | 17.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Dread Lady Vezarra: | 13.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Dreadlord D'Somni: | 23.08.18 |
Flawless Raid: Elemental Masterpiece: | 24.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Eriak the Fetid [Fabled]: | 30.08.21 |
Flawless Raid: Galadoon: | 14.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: General Reparm: | 29.01.19 |
Flawless Raid: General Teku [Fabled]: | 23.08.21 |
Flawless Raid: Gigadon: | 27.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: Glokus Windhelm [Fabled]: | 24.03.21 |
Flawless Raid: Grandmaster R'Tal: | 03.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna: | 20.03.19 |
Flawless Raid: High Priest M'kari: | 24.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: Hortu the Scorched: | 19.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Hydrotha: | 01.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: Javonn the Overlord: | 29.01.19 |
Flawless Raid: Jopal the Thief: | 22.01.19 |
Flawless Raid: Lord Kargurak: | 19.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Lord Triskian Seru: | 10.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Luminary Cohortis Emon: | 30.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Luminary Hertu Asundri: | 30.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Luminary Percontorius Felvin: | 10.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Magmaton: | 17.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Mudmyre: | 21.01.19 |
Flawless Raid: Nhekrin: | 02.04.20 |
Flawless Raid: Not Once Bitten: | 13.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Novinctus the Unleashed: | 13.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag: | 13.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Onakoome: | 23.11.20 |
Flawless Raid: Palomidiar Allakhaji: | 26.11.20 |
Flawless Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike: | 18.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Pli Va Liako Vess: | 10.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Praetorian K'Tikrn : | 09.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Pyreduke Surtaug: | 12.10.20 |
Flawless Raid: Pyronis: | 18.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Qaaron the Usurper: | 19.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: R'thessil and Zeltheen: | 07.04.20 |
Flawless Raid: Rinturion Windblade: | 24.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Rockhopper Pouncer: | 20.05.20 |
Flawless Raid: Roris Lacea: | 15.07.20 |
Flawless Raid: Scald: | 19.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Sergie the Blade: | 18.03.19 |
Flawless Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker: | 01.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: Servant of Krziik: | 16.07.19 |
Flawless Raid: Shik'Nar Imperiatrix: | 02.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Stonegrabber Colossus: | 09.03.20 |
Flawless Raid: Tagrin Maldric [Fabled]: | 02.02.21 |
Flawless Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth: | 24.12.18 |
Flawless Raid: Tegu, Pegu, and Regu: | 19.10.20 |
Flawless Raid: The Arch Bonefiend: | 24.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Ashenbone Broodmaster: | 12.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Avatar of Abhorrence: | 18.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Avatars of Air: | 10.01.19 |
Flawless Raid: The Bleeder of Ire: | 31.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Chancellors: | 23.01.19 |
Flawless Raid: The Commanders Goreslaughter and Corpsemaul [Fabled]: | 23.08.21 |
Flawless Raid: The Culler of Bones: | 31.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Deathrot Knight: | 04.06.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Deathspinner K'dora: | 11.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Dino Duo: | 13.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: The Enraged War Boar [Fabled]: | 21.10.20 |
Flawless Raid: The Hand of Maestro: | 01.08.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Hoarder P'Lewt: | 05.06.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Invaders Three: | 13.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: The Iron Widow: | 25.08.20 |
Flawless Raid: The Lord of Decay: | 06.08.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Lord of Ire: | 24.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Lord of Loathing: | 11.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Master P'Tasa: | 16.08.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Master of Spite: | 15.08.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Mistress of Scorn: | 31.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Phantom Wraith: | 24.07.18 |
Flawless Raid: The Seventh Hammer: | 09.07.19 |
Flawless Raid: The Torched Twosome: | 19.01.21 |
Flawless Raid: Thought Horror Overfiend: | 03.02.20 |
Flawless Raid: Time in the Lime Light: | 10.05.21 |
Flawless Raid: Vegerogus: | 19.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: Warlord Gintolaken: | 19.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: Xi Xia Xius: | 15.04.20 |
Flawless Raid: a Deepwater Kraken: | 21.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken: | 20.02.19 |
Flawless Raid: the Enraged Shik'Nar Imperiatrix [Challenge]: | 22.06.20 |
Flawless Raj'Dur Raiders: Part I: | 08.02.23 |
Flawless Raj'Dur Raiders: Part II: | 23.03.23 |
Flawless Raj'Dur Raiders: Part III: | 27.03.23 |
Flawless Raj'Dur Raiders: Part IV: | 29.03.23 |
Flawless Raj'Dur Raiders: Part V: | 30.03.23 |
Flawless Raj'Dur Raiders: Part VI: | 31.05.23 |
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Azure-Leafed Maneater: | 30.10.24 |
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Crimson-Leafed Maneater: | 14.10.24 |
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Emerald-Leafed Maneater: | 23.10.24 |
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Indigo-Leafed Maneater: | 17.10.24 |
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Smee the Iron Sprite: | 23.09.24 |
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Smol the Golden Sprite: | 18.07.24 |
Flawless Triumph: Accursed Sanctum: | |
Flawless Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Halls of the Betrayer: | |
Flawless Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Laboratory of Mutation: | |
Flawless Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Outer Halls: | |
Flawless Triumph: Unkillable!: | 21.09.16 |
Flawless Victory: Absatalius: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Accursed Custodian: | 29.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Adkar Vyx: | 22.10.16 |
Flawless Victory: Ageless Custodian: | 15.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Aiden: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Anashti Sul: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Andreis the Culler: | 14.04.16 |
Flawless Victory: Benach Aglebar: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Caden and Keplin: | 09.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Captain Grush: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Captain Ikalus: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Consumer of Bones: | 21.10.14 |
Flawless Victory: Controller Ervin and Pyrelord Kullis: | 14.10.14 |
Flawless Victory: Dayakara: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Derig the Prime Executioner: | 11.08.14 |
Flawless Victory: Digg: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Doomcoil: | 22.10.16 |
Flawless Victory: Druushk: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Elder Ekron: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Essedara and Jalkhir: | 12.06.14 |
Flawless Victory: Fabled Amorphous Drake: | 25.02.17 |
Flawless Victory: Fabled Fitzpitzle: | 24.02.17 |
Flawless Victory: Fabled Yitzik the Hurler: | 29.12.16 |
Flawless Victory: Gelidus Ventus: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Gozak: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Gynok Moltor: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Haggle Baron Klok: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Haggle Baron Klok [Group]: | 25.10.22 |
Flawless Victory: Haggle Baron Klok [Raid]: | 25.10.22 |
Flawless Victory: Hoshkar: | 22.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Ilenee's Betrayal and Despair [Group]: | 10.09.22 |
Flawless Victory: Ilenee's Betrayal and Despair [Raid]: | 10.09.22 |
Flawless Victory: Ilenee's Betrayal and Ilenee's Despair: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Imperator Ignus: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Ione the Lifebringer: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Ione the Lifebringer [Group]: | 22.09.22 |
Flawless Victory: Ione the Lifebringer [Raid]: | 22.09.22 |
Flawless Victory: Jardin the Conqueror: | 14.04.16 |
Flawless Victory: Kaasssrelik the Afflicted: | 11.04.14 |
Flawless Victory: Kael: | |
Flawless Victory: Khost Alur: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Kigara the Blazewing and Kelana the Frostwing: | 11.04.16 |
Flawless Victory: Klandicar: | 05.10.14 |
Flawless Victory: Kluzen the Protector: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Kurn's Tower: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Leviathan: | 16.04.16 |
Flawless Victory: Ludmilla Kystov: | 22.10.16 |
Flawless Victory: Mandoril, Medorius, and Mikla: | 12.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Matri Marn: | 13.06.14 |
Flawless Victory: Milyex Vioren: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Munzok: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Munzok's Material Bastion: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Mynzak: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Nexona: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Ozyk: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Palace of the Ancient One: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Pentaclypse: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Phara Dar: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Qunard Ashenclaw: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Rarthek the Swiftclaw: | 24.07.14 |
Flawless Victory: Rise of Kunark: | |
Flawless Victory: Sacrificer Buran: | 22.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Senior Loyalist Tilas: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Sesria and Denani: | 15.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Silverwing: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Sir Rouland: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Sir Rouland [Group]: | 09.09.22 |
Flawless Victory: Sir Rouland [Raid]: | 09.09.22 |
Flawless Victory: Sontalak: | 21.10.14 |
Flawless Victory: Subsistent Custodian: | 07.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Switchmaster Zaxlyz: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Taskmaster Nichok: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Tavekalem: | 11.04.16 |
Flawless Victory: The Aerakyn Commanders: | 21.04.16 |
Flawless Victory: The Legionnaires: | 07.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: The Protector of Stone: | 16.05.14 |
Flawless Victory: The Protector's Realm: | |
Flawless Victory: The Shadow Odyssey: | |
Flawless Victory: Thet-em-aua: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Tomb of the Mad Crusader: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Tower of Frozen Shadow: | 09.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Trakanon: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Travenro the Skygazer: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Tythus Tinzok: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Ultaclypse: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Umzok: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Veeshan's Peak: | 22.03.14 |
Flawless Victory: Ward of Elements: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Warlord Kurn Machta [Group]: | 23.11.22 |
Flawless Victory: Warlord Kurn Machta [Raid]: | 23.11.22 |
Flawless Victory: Wymbulu Vyx: | 22.10.16 |
Flawless Victory: Xebnok the Wretched: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Xygoz: | 14.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Xythus Davian and Xythus Aransta: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Yzlak: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Zarrakon: | 05.02.14 |
Flawless Victory: Zykluk Vyx: | 22.10.16 |
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part I: | 16.05.24 |
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part II: | 22.05.24 |
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part III: | 07.08.24 |
Flawless Xygoz: | 19.09.22 |
Flawless Zealot Betrayal III: | 25.05.21 |
Flawless: Arch Magistor Modrfrost's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Balor the Primeval's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Flawless: Belkreiz Blazeclaw's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Flawless: Caella of the Pearl's Demise: | 11.04.14 |
Flawless: Colossal Conundrum: | 19.04.21 |
Flawless: Corpsemongering: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Dabbling in the Darkside: | 18.11.21 |
Flawless: Dagarn's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Flawless: Dagarn's Demise (Challenge): | 30.12.14 |
Flawless: Defeating "Setri Lureth": | 18.10.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Aaranae Acrimae (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Amalgamon: | 31.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Ambassador Grindstone (Challenge): | 10.08.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Anaheed the Dreamkeeper: | 08.05.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune: | 18.05.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Baliath, Harbinger of Nightmares: | 11.03.18 |
Flawless: Defeating Bastion (Challenge): | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Baz the Illusionist: | 31.05.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Bereth Mathias: | 22.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Berik Bloodfist (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Bhoughbh Model XVII: | 29.03.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Bhoughbh Nova-Prime: | 26.02.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Botanist Heridal: | 04.01.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Brunhildre the Wench: | 05.05.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Brutas the Imbiber: | 29.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Brutius the Skulk: | 01.12.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Bull McCleran: | 03.05.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Caerina the Lost: | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Captain Ashenfell: | 07.09.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Captain Krasnok: | 05.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Captain Mergin: | 29.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Charanda: | 15.12.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Charrid the Mindwarper: | 29.06.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Chomp: | 15.03.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Commander Corpsemaul (Challenge): | 16.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Commander Goreslaughter (Challenge): | 16.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Crohp the Mighty: | 16.06.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Cronnin the Axe and Dellmun the Hammer: | 15.03.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Danacio the Witchdoctor: | 25.05.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper: | 04.01.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Diabo, Va, and Centi Kela'Set: | 30.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Drels Ma'Gor: | 31.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Electroshock Grinder VIII: | 27.11.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Eriak the Fetid (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Farozth Ssravizh: | 12.01.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Fitzpitzle: | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating General Teku (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Gindan Commander Angler (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Glokus Windhelm (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Gloust M'ra: | 31.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Gomrim, Zwebek, Tonnin, and Yermon: | 30.12.14 |
Flawless: Defeating Gorius the Gray: | 10.05.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Grethah the Frenzied: | 25.01.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Grevog the Punisher: | 19.11.14 |
Flawless: Defeating Hovercopter Hingebot: | 28.11.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Hragdold the Frenzied (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Inquisitor Soronigus: | 14.01.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Jessip Daggerheart: | 02.02.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Jorik the Scourge: | 06.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Ka'Rah Ferun: | 27.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Karith'Ta: | 21.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Kerridicus Searskin: | 05.12.14 |
Flawless: Defeating Kiernun the Lyrical: | 30.05.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Kildiun the Drunkard: | 20.10.16 |
Flawless: Defeating King Lockt: | 18.01.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Kraletus: | 20.04.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Lichlord Skulldugger (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Lieutenant Klaatuus (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Lord Ghiosk: | 11.05.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir: | 05.10.17 |
Flawless: Defeating MCP-Powered Pulsar: | 17.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte: | 06.07.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte (Challenge): | 29.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Mazarine the Queen: | 31.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Melanie Everling: | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Milas the Ancient: | 20.11.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Morin the Swindler and Barin the Brute: | 21.01.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Mrogr Bloodtaint (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Mystikus Terrorwing (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Ojuti the Vile: | 26.05.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Oligar of the Dead (Challenge): | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg: | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Othysis Muravian: | 23.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Othysis Muravian (Challenge): | 19.08.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Pirate Shaman Snaggletooth: | 05.05.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Raenha, Sister of Remorse: | 11.05.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Ragebourne Gregor Haldane (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Ritual Keeper V'derin: | 23.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Sacrificer Aevila D'Serin: | 30.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Sath'Oprusk: | 25.07.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Sentinel Primatious: | 11.05.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Sentinel XXI: | 27.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger: | 23.03.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Shanaira the Prestigious: | 22.11.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Short-Circuited Construct Bot: | 05.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Sorrn Dontro: | 31.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Sullon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Swabber Rotgut: | 03.05.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Tagrin Maldric (Challenge): | 20.03.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Tallon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Teraradus the Gorer: | 16.01.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Territus, the Deathbringer: | 11.03.18 |
Flawless: Defeating The Crumbling Icon: | 09.04.15 |
Flawless: Defeating The Enraged Warboar (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Flawless: Defeating The Forge Golem: | 08.09.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Tollen'Eod, Achen'Lomgill, Rhea'pla, and Lean'Odro: | 30.11.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith: | 23.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Tserrina Syl'tor: | 23.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Tuzerk: | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Tyrax Terrolus (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Uigirf, Htardlem, and Omzzem: | 13.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber: | 26.12.16 |
Flawless: Defeating Vallon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Vhaksiz the Shade: | 20.06.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Virtuoso Edgar V'Zann: | 17.02.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Wedge Tinderton: | 22.11.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Xalgoz: | 04.09.17 |
Flawless: Defeating Zebrun the Torso: | 24.11.14 |
Flawless: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder: | 26.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder (Challenge): | 13.07.15 |
Flawless: Defeating Zzalazziz : | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime: | 04.01.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Amalgams of Order and Chaos: | 20.06.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Ancient Sentinel: | 31.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating the Avatar of Cazic-Thule: | 04.02.16 |
Flawless: Defeating the Avatar of the Tribunal: | 02.03.16 |
Flawless: Defeating the Black Reaver: | 02.01.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Captain of the Guard: | 02.01.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Construct of Malice: | 21.09.16 |
Flawless: Defeating the Construct of Souls: | 26.04.16 |
Flawless: Defeating the Generals (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Flawless: Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se: | 01.03.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Hobgoblin Anguish Lord: | 02.05.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs: | 02.12.15 |
Flawless: Defeating the Kly: | 21.06.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Lumpy Goo: | 02.02.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Malfunctioning Slaver: | 28.11.15 |
Flawless: Defeating the Memory of the Stolen: | 24.05.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Polliwog: | 04.07.16 |
Flawless: Defeating the Primordial Ritualist Villandre V'Zher: | 19.10.15 |
Flawless: Defeating the Protector of Bones: | 23.03.15 |
Flawless: Defeating the Rejuvenating One: | 11.03.18 |
Flawless: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord: | 22.02.17 |
Flawless: Defeating the Summoned Foes: | 11.03.18 |
Flawless: Defeating the Tinkered Abomination: | 28.11.15 |
Flawless: Defeating the Warden of Nightmares: | 15.11.17 |
Flawless: Diviner Gelerin and Persecutor Barid's Demise: | 06.05.14 |
Flawless: Durtung the Arm of War: | 10.10.16 |
Flawless: Entrancer Lisha and the Enslaver Eels' Demise: | 18.03.16 |
Flawless: Fergul the Protector: | 15.08.16 |
Flawless: Gen'ra and the Warcouncil's Demise (Challenge): | 18.03.16 |
Flawless: Gen'ris Demise: | 11.03.16 |
Flawless: Gnitrat's Last Stand: | 15.04.21 |
Flawless: Grim Tidings: | 15.04.21 |
Flawless: Guardian at the Gates: | 02.11.21 |
Flawless: Ikatiar's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Flawless: Ikatiar's Demise (Challenge): | 08.04.16 |
Flawless: Imperator Kolskeggr's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: It Came From Beyond: | 31.03.21 |
Flawless: Kelorek'Dar's Demise: | 11.03.16 |
Flawless: Kreelit, the Caller of Hounds: | 26.05.16 |
Flawless: Krelgrek Crag-Chair's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Flawless: Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Malteor Flamecaller's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Flawless: Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Overlord Talan's Demise: | 04.06.14 |
Flawless: Overlord Talan's Demise (Challenge): | 26.09.14 |
Flawless: Priestess Denerva Vah'lis' Demise: | 25.04.14 |
Flawless: Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Flawless: Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Psyllon'Ris' Demise (Challenge): | 29.06.14 |
Flawless: Reborn in Darkness: | 20.10.21 |
Flawless: Redemption for Drinal: | 02.02.14 |
Flawless: Seeking the Golden Paw: | 09.02.23 |
Flawless: Sevalak of Storms' Demise: | 08.04.16 |
Flawless: Sevalor Gorescale's Demise: | 23.05.15 |
Flawless: Seven Years Bad Luck: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Spirit of the Deep's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Flawless: Stone Silence: Part I: | 03.07.23 |
Flawless: Stone Silence: Part II: | 24.07.23 |
Flawless: Stone Silence: Part III: | 24.07.23 |
Flawless: Stone Silence: Part IV: | 27.07.23 |
Flawless: Stone Silence: Part V: | 27.07.23 |
Flawless: Stone Silence: Part VI: | 03.08.23 |
Flawless: Stone Silence: Part VII: | 10.08.23 |
Flawless: Story Time with Tserrina!: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Tel'koran Bloodmaw's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Flawless: The Butler Did It!: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: The Curse is Broken: | 09.02.14 |
Flawless: The Tempest of Zek's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Flawless: Theldek the Stinger's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Flawless: Turning a Frown Upside Down: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Unmasking the Truth: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Venekor's Demise: | 29.01.17 |
Flawless: Xalgoti's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Flawless: Zorglim the Departed's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Flawlessly Dealing with the Antphibian Menace: | 03.03.21 |
Flawlessly Dealings with the Spirit: Khati Sha: | 04.03.21 |
Flawlessly Defeated Mark of the Many: | 22.07.21 |
Flawlessly Having Fu'un: | 03.05.21 |
Flawlessly Snuffing Out the Eternal Cinder: | 23.03.21 |
Flawlessly Successful Aether Delver [Cleared!]: | 02.12.24 |
Flawlessly Successful Alcazar Assailant [Cleared!]: | 28.11.24 |
Flawlessly Successful Breadth Raider [Cleared!]: | 07.08.24 |
Flawlessly Successful Chamber Raider [Cleared!]: | 08.01.24 |
Flight of the Nibbler: | 29.04.15 |
Florphilim Annihilator: | |
Florphilim Destroyer: | 11.09.23 |
Florphilim Executioner: | |
Florphilim Killer: | 01.12.22 |
Flying Through Ro: | 07.12.22 |
Follower of the Shiny: | 10.02.24 |
Fordel Forgery: | 11.02.21 |
Foremost Malice Raider: | 10.12.15 |
Forlorn Fingerprint: | 11.01.22 |
Forlorn Foundations: | 21.03.22 |
Forlorn Foundations Part I: | 01.03.22 |
Forlorn Foundations Part II: | 14.03.22 |
Forlorn Foundations Part III: | 15.03.22 |
Forlorn Foundations Part IV: | 16.03.22 |
Forlorn Foundations Part V: | 21.03.22 |
Foundations of Stone: | 13.12.22 |
Founder of Anchorage!: | 18.03.19 |
Fount of Power: | 06.12.17 |
Froglok Annihilator: | 21.12.18 |
Froglok Destroyer: | 14.12.18 |
Froglok Executioner: | |
Froglok Killer: | 02.01.14 |
Frontier Fortune-hunter: | 05.01.17 |
Frontier Tamer: | 17.11.16 |
Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force: | 29.10.23 |
Frostfell Fanatic!: | |
Frostfell Feast Delights: | |
Fuel to the Fire: | 09.12.18 |
Full Dual Renewal: | 07.12.22 |
Fur Finder: | |
Furiously Fast: | |
Fyst Finisher: | 18.04.16 |
Gadabout in Greater Faydark: | |
Galorian Annihilator: | |
Galorian Destroyer: | 26.05.20 |
Galorian Executioner: | |
Galorian Killer: | 18.12.19 |
Gangbuster: | 19.05.15 |
Garanel Garroter: | 23.10.14 |
Gardening Fanatic: | 20.11.16 |
Gatebreacher: | 22.03.20 |
Gen'ra and the Warcouncil's Demise (Challenge): | 26.04.14 |
Gen'ris' Demise: | 11.03.16 |
General Velryyn: | 12.08.14 |
General Velryyn (Challenge): | 26.08.14 |
Get On Board!: | 19.12.20 |
Get a Loda This Kai: | 23.12.20 |
Get out of the Kitchen: | 17.11.18 |
Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire: | 12.10.14 |
Ghoul Where We Want To: | 04.12.21 |
Giant Annihilator: | |
Giant Destroyer: | 02.11.19 |
Giant Executioner: | |
Giant Killer: | 04.01.14 |
Gilzin's Glory: | 26.01.16 |
Gimme a Break, Gimme a Break!: | 23.12.20 |
Glaufaye Memories: | 26.01.16 |
Globetrotter: | 11.05.17 |
Glory Rising: | 18.10.24 |
Glub, Glub: | 24.11.18 |
Glub, Glub, Glub: | 23.11.18 |
Glutton for Punishment: | 29.04.15 |
Gnitrat's Last Stand: | 31.03.21 |
Gnoll Annihilator: | |
Gnoll Destroyer: | 22.09.24 |
Gnoll Executioner: | |
Gnoll Killer: | 19.10.14 |
Gnolls No Bounds: | 18.04.24 |
Gnolls Rising: | 11.11.24 |
Gnomachine Too Complicated: | |
Goblin Annihilator: | 03.12.24 |
Goblin Destroyer: | 18.03.19 |
Goblin Executioner: | |
Goblin Killer: | 04.01.14 |
Goblinfriend: | 02.12.16 |
Golden Gliss: | 02.12.23 |
Golden Glissandi: | 08.12.23 |
Golden Glissando: | 11.12.23 |
Golem Annihilator: | 20.04.20 |
Golem Destroyer: | 03.01.17 |
Golem Executioner: | 06.05.21 |
Golem Killer: | 02.05.16 |
Governor of War (Contested Avatar): | 07.04.15 |
Graceless Victory: Agmork the Almighty Angler: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Ahuttam the Sword's Breeze: | 04.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Albusat Alsihriu: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Anirath Andirin: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Aqile Akalay: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Baka: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Bashida the Blade: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Carrionpicker: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Chief Dunesea: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Cleavespine: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Crusader Palaendor: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Dedroz the Decomposer: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Edrigen the Empowered: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Exorax: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Farid: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Florafang: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Fushuga and Hargan: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Gallopagus: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Ganadan: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Granight and Company: | 04.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Kerem B'ayet: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Khadra Chatt: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Kigathor Stonebark: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Leafjaw: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Lopik Runtbottom: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Malachiel Caedor: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Malachiel Caedor, Again: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Migral Strongfeet: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Mister Tickster: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Mungo the Misshapen: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Mustapha Droughtbringer: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Nenmioseh the Night's Eye: | 04.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Quartermaster Hamid: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Sanum Ordast: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Shadowscum: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Shiroth Avinox: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Stormy Withers: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Tawerek: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Team Terratha: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Terranus: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: The Delving Departed: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: The Gobbler: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: The Harrower: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: The Haunting of Tualanan: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: The Key to Knowledge: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Thread Baron: | 03.01.23 |
Graceless Victory: Wa'la'kra'na and Pri'ki'ori'ki: | 03.01.23 |
Grandmaster Elementalist: | 06.12.17 |
Grandmaster Etherealist: | 06.12.17 |
Grandmaster Geomancer: | 17.12.17 |
Grandmaster Thaumaturgist: | 24.12.17 |
Grasping Planar Knowledge: | 15.11.18 |
Great Candy Grabber: | 14.12.14 |
Great Space Coaster: | 25.12.19 |
Greater Ascended: | 24.12.17 |
Greater Malice Raider: | 02.02.15 |
Green With Envy: | 13.05.23 |
Grim Spelunking: | 18.12.20 |
Grim Tidings: | 01.04.21 |
Grimling Annihilator: | 06.01.21 |
Grimling Destroyer: | 02.04.20 |
Grimling Executioner: | 09.02.21 |
Grimling Killer: | 12.11.14 |
Grog Hog: | 02.05.15 |
Grog Snob: | 31.05.15 |
Grolla Skullwielder's Demise: | 02.02.14 |
Guardian at the Gates: | 08.09.21 |
Guardian at the Gates (Challenge): | 22.11.21 |
Gynok Moltor Mutilator: | 04.02.14 |
Habitual Flirt: | |
Hackin' the Pack: | 03.07.15 |
Hall of Famer: | 12.08.16 |
Hall of Famer II: | |
Hall of Famer III: | |
Hall of Famer IV: | |
Hall of Famer IX: | |
Hall of Famer V: | |
Hall of Famer VI: | |
Hall of Famer VII: | |
Hall of Famer VIII: | |
Hall of Famer X: | |
Hallmark Hunter: | 12.09.14 |
Hard Days Night: | 25.03.23 |
Hard Habit to Break: | 08.03.23 |
Hard Knock Life: | 29.04.15 |
Hard To Say Goodbye: | 12.02.23 |
Hard to Handle: | 05.03.23 |
Harden My Heart: | 15.03.23 |
Hardwired to Self-Destruct: | 17.02.23 |
Hare Wrangler: | |
Harpy Annihilator: | |
Harpy Destroyer: | |
Harpy Executioner: | |
Harpy Killer: | 10.11.14 |
Harvesting in the Dark I: | 17.01.21 |
Harvesting in the Dark II: | 05.02.21 |
Harvesting in the Dark III: | |
Harvesting in the Dark IV: | |
Harvesting in the Dark V: | |
Harvesting in the Dark VI: | |
Have Shiny, Will Travel: | 28.08.14 |
Having Fu'un: | 27.04.21 |
Heart of the Shattered Lands: | 02.04.16 |
Hearts Across Faydwer: | |
Herd Baron: | |
Herd Master: | 02.07.19 |
Herd Wrangler: | |
Here Comes the Cursed: | 17.03.16 |
Heritage Hound: | |
Hero of Halas: | |
Hero of Innocents: | |
Hero of Karan: | |
Hero of Light and Magic: | 23.12.19 |
Hero of Shadows and Secrets: | 18.12.20 |
Hero of the Far Seas Supply Division : | |
Heroic Harmonies: | 11.03.24 |
Heroic Hymns: | 15.02.24 |
Heroic: The Fabled Nizara Plunderer: | 24.02.17 |
Heroics in the Desert: | 29.01.23 |
Hexes, Charms, and Protections: | 02.12.23 |
High Keep Body Snatcher: | |
High Keep Carnage: Grulk, Thrott and Skurge: | 07.05.14 |
High Keep Carnage: Horrot, Parvazt, and Chaperon of Nightmares: | 03.08.14 |
High Keep Carnage: The Bloodless Incursion: | 03.08.14 |
High Keep Carnage: The Bloodpack and Akur the Great Con: | 11.04.15 |
High Keep Carnage: Tongusk, Gnawbone and Razzak: | 27.05.14 |
High Keep Carnage: Tunnelgorger and Tremorax: | |
High Keep Carnage: Vendeen, Brog and The War Committee: | 21.07.14 |
High Keep Carnage: Z'Kara, Zhakull, Xothox and Zothoz: | 28.05.14 |
High Keep Tactician: | |
High Planes Drifter: | 29.11.17 |
High Priest Implements: | 21.01.16 |
Higher Learning: | 17.11.18 |
Highland Hiker: | |
Historically Challenged: | |
History Buff: | 22.03.14 |
Hive Away from Hive: | 12.12.18 |
Hoarding Ancient Discoveries: | |
Hold Fast: | 17.05.15 |
Holiday Lights: | |
Honorary Gigglegibber: | |
Hooluk Nest Hero: | 08.12.23 |
Hot Air Buffoon: | 25.11.18 |
House Vahla: | 29.11.17 |
House Yrzu: | 30.11.17 |
Humanizing the Inhuman: | 04.12.24 |
Hunter of Keys: | |
I Dropped What I Was Doing: | 05.12.21 |
I Left My Heart In Vetrovia: | 05.12.21 |
I Most Certainly Shall Pass: | 12.12.14 |
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Shinies!: | 24.02.18 |
I gotta have more... quests?: | 09.05.17 |
I'll take that!: | 02.01.14 |
Icon of Kunark: | |
If They Don't Trance: | 18.12.21 |
If You Can Dodge a Missile...: | 18.11.14 |
If you know what makes them tick...: | 05.02.14 |
Ikatiar's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Ikatiar's Demise (Challenge): | 08.04.16 |
Illustrious Signature Chaser: | |
Illustrious Signature Hunter: | 20.11.15 |
Immolated Annihilator: | |
Immolated Destroyer: | 22.09.24 |
Immolated Executioner: | |
Immolated Killer: | 18.11.15 |
Immortal Highlander: | |
Immortal Incinerator: | 08.01.14 |
Imperator Kolskeggr's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
In Deep Water: | 20.06.15 |
In Your General Direction: | 04.12.21 |
In the Darkness, Slay Them!: | 21.11.18 |
In the Midst of Battle: | 08.01.20 |
In the Midst of Chaos: | 21.12.19 |
In the Nick of Time: | |
Infamous Signature Chaser: | 16.11.16 |
Infamous Signature Hunter: | 02.12.23 |
Infesting the Investigation Part V: | 17.02.22 |
Information Repository: | |
Initiate Aberrant Hunter: | 19.11.15 |
Initiate Aberrant Slayer: | 29.11.15 |
Initiate Aerakyn Hunter: | 09.01.14 |
Initiate Aerakyn Slayer: | 05.03.14 |
Initiate Akhevan Hunter: | 19.11.14 |
Initiate Akhevan Slayer: | 16.12.14 |
Initiate Allu'thoa Hunter: | 12.11.14 |
Initiate Allu'thoa Slayer: | 21.11.14 |
Initiate Aurai Hunter: | 01.12.23 |
Initiate Aurai Slayer: | 27.12.23 |
Initiate Aviak Hunter: | 03.04.14 |
Initiate Aviak Slayer: | 22.11.18 |
Initiate Bixie Hunter: | 07.01.14 |
Initiate Bixie Slayer: | 27.01.14 |
Initiate Brownie Hunter: | 05.05.15 |
Initiate Brownie Slayer: | 13.06.15 |
Initiate Bugbear Hunter: | 03.09.24 |
Initiate Bugbear Slayer: | |
Initiate Cepholex Hunter: | 21.11.15 |
Initiate Cepholex Slayer: | 17.12.15 |
Initiate Clockwork Hunter: | 17.03.15 |
Initiate Clockwork Slayer: | 27.06.15 |
Initiate Cursed Elddar Hunter: | 03.12.22 |
Initiate Cursed Elddar Slayer: | 17.12.22 |
Initiate Cyclops Hunter: | 02.12.22 |
Initiate Cyclops Slayer: | 27.12.22 |
Initiate Defender of Innocents: | 27.01.20 |
Initiate Di'Zok Hunter: | 05.02.17 |
Initiate Di'Zok Slayer: | |
Initiate Djinn Hunter: | 22.01.17 |
Initiate Djinn Slayer: | 11.11.23 |
Initiate Droag Hunter: | 02.01.14 |
Initiate Droag Slayer: | 02.01.14 |
Initiate Drolvarg Hunter: | 09.10.16 |
Initiate Drolvarg Slayer: | |
Initiate Elemental Hunter: | 09.01.14 |
Initiate Elemental Slayer: | 21.02.14 |
Initiate Fairy Hunter: | 07.02.14 |
Initiate Fairy Slayer: | 23.08.16 |
Initiate Florphilim Hunter: | 02.12.22 |
Initiate Florphilim Slayer: | 18.12.22 |
Initiate Froglok Hunter: | 02.01.14 |
Initiate Froglok Slayer: | 09.08.18 |
Initiate Galorian Hunter: | 20.12.19 |
Initiate Galorian Slayer: | 05.01.20 |
Initiate Giant Hunter: | 22.01.14 |
Initiate Giant Slayer: | 21.02.17 |
Initiate Gnoll Hunter: | 15.11.14 |
Initiate Gnoll Slayer: | 10.02.15 |
Initiate Goblin Hunter: | 07.01.14 |
Initiate Goblin Slayer: | 14.01.14 |
Initiate Golem Hunter: | 02.05.16 |
Initiate Golem Slayer: | 29.05.16 |
Initiate Grimling Hunter: | 13.11.14 |
Initiate Grimling Slayer: | 02.12.14 |
Initiate Harpy Hunter: | 10.11.14 |
Initiate Harpy Slayer: | 12.02.22 |
Initiate Hunter of Innocents: | 07.01.20 |
Initiate Immolated Hunter: | 20.11.15 |
Initiate Immolated Slayer: | 06.12.15 |
Initiate Kobold Hunter: | 20.06.15 |
Initiate Kobold Slayer: | 26.01.16 |
Initiate Lizardman Hunter: | 02.05.16 |
Initiate Lizardman Slayer: | 12.05.16 |
Initiate Maedjinn Hunter: | 01.12.23 |
Initiate Maedjinn Slayer: | 08.12.23 |
Initiate Mandoko Hunter: | 19.12.24 |
Initiate Mandoko Slayer: | |
Initiate Marid Hunter: | 16.11.18 |
Initiate Marid Slayer: | 26.11.18 |
Initiate Mephlin Hunter: | 14.11.18 |
Initiate Mephlin Slayer: | 23.11.18 |
Initiate Nilborien Hunter: | 16.11.18 |
Initiate Nilborien Slayer: | 28.11.18 |
Initiate Orc Hunter: | 09.04.14 |
Initiate Orc Slayer: | 21.07.14 |
Initiate Patchcraft Hunter: | |
Initiate Patchcraft Slayer: | |
Initiate Planar Elemental Hunter: | 14.11.18 |
Initiate Planar Elemental Slayer: | 19.11.18 |
Initiate Protector of Innocents: | 06.02.20 |
Initiate Ravasect Hunter: | 25.01.14 |
Initiate Ravasect Slayer: | 06.02.14 |
Initiate Satyr Hunter: | 09.03.15 |
Initiate Satyr Slayer: | |
Initiate Shik'Nar Hunter: | 08.01.20 |
Initiate Shik'Nar Slayer: | 08.01.23 |
Initiate Shissar Hunter: | 20.12.19 |
Initiate Shissar Slayer: | 08.01.20 |
Initiate Siren Hunter: | 06.06.14 |
Initiate Siren Slayer: | 16.11.18 |
Initiate Slayer of Innocents: | 31.03.20 |
Initiate Slug Hunter: | 24.11.15 |
Initiate Slug Slayer: | 09.12.15 |
Initiate Thought Horror Hunter: | 25.12.19 |
Initiate Thought Horror Slayer: | 25.01.20 |
Initiate Undead Hunter: | 02.01.14 |
Initiate Undead Slayer: | 14.01.14 |
Initiate Urzarach Hunter: | 14.11.14 |
Initiate Urzarach Slayer: | 08.12.14 |
Initiate Vampire Hunter: | 23.06.15 |
Initiate Vampire Slayer: | 29.06.15 |
Initiate Werewolf Hunter: | 24.06.15 |
Initiate Werewolf Slayer: | 13.07.15 |
Initiate Wilder Hunter: | 17.11.18 |
Initiate Wilder Slayer: | 09.12.18 |
Initiate Yha-lei Hunter: | 28.09.14 |
Initiate Yha-lei Slayer: | 03.02.23 |
Innothule's Own: | |
Innovator: | |
Intercepted!: | 03.07.15 |
Interpreter: | 10.11.14 |
Investigating the Infestation: | 17.02.22 |
Investigating the Infestation Part I: | 19.01.22 |
Investigating the Infestation Part II: | 02.02.22 |
Investigating the Infestation Part III: | 27.01.22 |
Investigating the Infestation Part IV: | 09.02.22 |
Ione's Lifetaker: | 05.02.14 |
Is Another Man's Treasure: | |
Is Any Body There? There?: | 22.12.20 |
Is There Anybody Up There?: | 23.12.19 |
Is it need or is it greed?: | 14.01.14 |
Isn't It Chaotic? Don't You Think?: | 22.12.20 |
It Always Lands on its Feet: | 24.12.20 |
It Came From Beyond: | 31.03.21 |
It Takes a Village: | 26.12.19 |
It Wasn't My Vault: | 20.12.19 |
It's Over 9000!: | 28.08.18 |
It's So Magical!: | 29.11.17 |
It's a City Way to Go: | 20.12.20 |
It's a Rumble: | 02.01.20 |
It's an Expansive Expanse: | 04.12.21 |
It's an Expensive Expanse: | 09.12.21 |
It's an Extraneous Expanse: | 19.12.21 |
It's an Extravagant Expanse: | 02.12.21 |
Items of the Past: | |
Jarsath Journeyman: | 18.02.17 |
Jarsath's Javelin: | |
Jeweled Bird: | 03.08.15 |
Journeyman Elementalist: | 28.02.17 |
Journeyman Etherealist: | 16.12.16 |
Journeyman Geomancer: | 22.04.17 |
Journeyman Thaumaturgist: | 01.04.17 |
July: Crafty Sentinels: | 01.07.24 |
June: Essential Equipment: | 01.06.24 |
Jungle Bungle, Act I: | 07.12.21 |
Jungle Bungle, Act II: | 19.12.21 |
Jungle Bungle, Time to Rumble: | 03.12.21 |
Jungle Carnage: | |
Just gotta keep on Questin'!: | 02.12.21 |
Karuupa Communique: | 11.01.22 |
Karuupa Me Once: | 02.12.21 |
Karuupa Me One More Time: | 28.12.21 |
Karuupa Me Twice: | 06.12.21 |
Kelorek'Dar's Demise: | 11.03.16 |
Kerran Krafter: | 21.10.14 |
Kildrukaun the Ancient's Demise: | 21.10.14 |
Killer of Innocents: | 29.12.19 |
King Tormax's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Knee Deep in Quests: | |
Knee Deep in the Hoopla: | 05.12.22 |
Knocked Around: | 19.11.14 |
Knowledge Hunter: | 11.09.14 |
Kobold Annihilator: | |
Kobold Destroyer: | |
Kobold Executioner: | |
Kobold Killer: | 19.09.14 |
Krelgrek Crag-Chair's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Kultak the Cruel: | 06.08.18 |
Kunark Ascending: | 16.11.16 |
Kunark Cavern Crawler: | |
Kunzar Wanderer: | |
Kunzar's Edge: | |
Kylong Wayfarer: | |
Landlubber: | 30.04.15 |
Lavastorm Lover: | |
Lavastorm Nomad: | |
Leashing the Hounds of War: | |
Leave Your Fiends Behind: | 12.12.21 |
Leechy Keen: | 18.12.20 |
Legacy of Power: | 01.12.17 |
Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Legend of Kunark: | |
Lesser Faydark Vagabond: | |
Let Go Of My Echo: | 18.12.20 |
Let's Go Antiquing: | 29.01.17 |
Level 10 Overseer: | 17.04.20 |
Level 15 Overseer: | 16.05.20 |
Level 20 Overseer: | 30.06.20 |
Level 25 Overseer: | 04.05.21 |
Level 30 Overseer: | 15.06.21 |
Level 35 Overseer: | 15.06.22 |
Level 40 Overseer: | 04.09.22 |
Level 45 Overseer: | 27.05.23 |
Level 5 Overseer: | 16.04.20 |
Level 50 Overseer: | 15.07.23 |
Level 55 Overseer: | 06.06.24 |
Level 60 Overseer: | 22.09.24 |
Leviathan Lacerator: | 16.04.16 |
Lexicographer: | 10.10.16 |
Light Dungeon Crawler: | 22.12.19 |
Like a Bull in a Pirate Shop: | 06.06.15 |
Linguist: | 09.01.14 |
Links to the Past: | 08.12.23 |
Live Free or Sky Hard: | 05.12.23 |
Lizardman Annihilator: | |
Lizardman Destroyer: | |
Lizardman Executioner: | |
Lizardman Killer: | 02.05.16 |
Long as We Abuse It: | 13.12.21 |
Lookie What I Found!: | 11.01.20 |
Loping Plains Pilgrim: | |
Loping Plains Pursuer: | |
Lord of the Dice: | 13.05.14 |
Lord of the Quests: | |
Lore Delver in Terrors of Thalumbra: | 25.11.15 |
Lost Dwarven Caravan: | 23.01.16 |
Lost Gnemlin Remains: | 26.01.16 |
Lost Travelers' Gear: | 21.01.16 |
Love Is Eternal: | |
Love Is Magic in the Planes of Prophecy: | |
Love Is Such a Beautiful Chaos: | |
Love Renewed: | |
Love on an Elevator: | 16.12.15 |
Love on the Shattered Seas: | |
Love's Avenger: | 07.02.14 |
Lovely Lacquer: | |
Luminous Flora and Fauna: | 21.01.16 |
Lunar Harvester I: | 18.12.19 |
Lunar Harvester II: | 13.01.20 |
Lunar Harvester III: | |
Lunar Harvester IV: | |
Lunar Harvester V: | |
Lunar Harvester VI: | |
Made in Aurelian Coast: | 05.01.20 |
Maedjinn Annihilator: | |
Maedjinn Destroyer: | 22.08.24 |
Maedjinn Executioner: | |
Maedjinn Killer: | 01.12.23 |
Mage Conquest I: | 22.01.14 |
Mage Conquest II: | 22.01.14 |
Mage Conquest III: | |
Mage Conquest IV: | |
Mage Conquest IX: | |
Mage Conquest V: | |
Mage Conquest VI: | |
Mage Conquest VII: | |
Mage Conquest VIII: | |
Mage Conquest X: | |
Magic Quester: | 03.12.17 |
Magnificent Signature Pursuer: | 22.11.24 |
Magnificent Signature Stalker: | 01.12.17 |
Magnum Opus: | 25.12.23 |
Mahngavi Missive: | 11.01.22 |
Maj'Dul Madcap: | 11.11.23 |
Maj'Dul Monitor: | |
Major Akashic Accomplishment: | 27.04.22 |
Make That A Bouquet: | 09.02.19 |
Maldura Daily Essentials: | 27.01.16 |
Malduran Defender: | 22.11.15 |
Malduran Forge Ruins: | 23.01.16 |
Malduran Lost Possessions: | 21.01.16 |
Malice Raider: | 18.11.14 |
Malteor Flamecaller's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Mandoko Annihilator: | |
Mandoko Destroyer: | |
Mandoko Executioner: | |
Mandoko Killer: | 13.12.24 |
Maniacal Betrayal II: | 18.05.21 |
Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage: | 04.02.14 |
Marid Annihilator: | |
Marid Destroyer: | 12.01.20 |
Marid Executioner: | |
Marid Killer: | 14.11.18 |
Marks of Heracyne: | 03.02.16 |
Marsh Mud Samples: | 25.01.16 |
Marshlands Molto: | 06.12.23 |
Marshlands Mosso: | 30.11.23 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Anashti Sul [Contested]: | 17.10.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Anashti Sul [Instanced]: | 14.08.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Bertoxxulous [Instanced]: | 18.03.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Brell Serilis [Instanced]: | 12.06.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Bristlebane [Instanced]: | 23.05.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Cazic-Thule [Instanced]: | 30.10.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Drinal [Instanced]: | 05.06.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: E'Ci [Instanced]: | 12.02.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Erollisi Marr [Contested]: | 15.08.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Erollisi Marr [Instanced]: | 29.02.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Innoruuk [Instanced]: | 01.04.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Karana [Instanced]: | 04.07.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Mithaniel Marr [Contested]: | 30.10.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Mithaniel Marr [Instanced]: | 04.07.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Morell-Thule [Contested]: | 17.09.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Morell-Thule [Instanced]: | 29.07.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Prexus [Instanced]: | 24.10.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Roehn Theer [0 Runes]: | 06.11.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Solusek Ro [Contested]: | 24.10.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Solusek Ro [Instanced]: | 15.08.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Tarew Marr [Contested]: | 27.05.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Tarew Marr [Instanced]: | 25.01.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Terris-Thule [Instanced]: | 31.10.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: The Tribunal [Instanced]: | 23.10.24 |
Masquerades of Divinity: Tunare [Instanced]: | 22.07.24 |
Master Aberrant Hunter: | 27.11.15 |
Master Aberrant Slayer: | 18.12.15 |
Master Aerakyn Hunter: | 26.01.14 |
Master Aerakyn Slayer: | 03.09.14 |
Master Akhevan Hunter: | 28.11.14 |
Master Akhevan Slayer: | 12.02.20 |
Master Allu'thoa Hunter: | 14.11.14 |
Master Allu'thoa Slayer: | 18.04.15 |
Master Aurai Hunter: | 12.12.23 |
Master Aurai Slayer: | 14.09.24 |
Master Aviak Hunter: | 02.03.18 |
Master Aviak Slayer: | 12.01.24 |
Master Bixie Hunter: | 14.01.14 |
Master Bixie Slayer: | 09.02.19 |
Master Brownie Hunter: | 18.05.15 |
Master Brownie Slayer: | |
Master Bugbear Hunter: | |
Master Bugbear Slayer: | |
Master Cepholex Hunter: | 03.12.15 |
Master Cepholex Slayer: | 12.08.16 |
Master Clockwork Hunter: | 25.06.15 |
Master Clockwork Slayer: | 24.08.15 |
Master Collector of Shinies: | |
Master Cursed Elddar Hunter: | 08.12.22 |
Master Cursed Elddar Slayer: | 15.07.23 |
Master Cyclops Hunter: | 10.12.22 |
Master Cyclops Slayer: | |
Master Defender of Innocents: | 01.02.20 |
Master Di'Zok Hunter: | |
Master Di'Zok Slayer: | |
Master Djinn Hunter: | 17.06.23 |
Master Djinn Slayer: | 20.01.24 |
Master Droag Hunter: | 02.01.14 |
Master Droag Slayer: | 05.02.14 |
Master Drolvarg Hunter: | 16.03.24 |
Master Drolvarg Slayer: | |
Master Elemental Hunter: | 30.01.14 |
Master Elemental Slayer: | 15.09.15 |
Master Elementalist: | 24.03.17 |
Master Etherealist: | 18.02.17 |
Master Fairy Hunter: | 17.02.16 |
Master Fairy Slayer: | 04.08.23 |
Master Florphilim Hunter: | 08.12.22 |
Master Florphilim Slayer: | 27.02.23 |
Master Froglok Hunter: | 01.08.18 |
Master Froglok Slayer: | 08.12.18 |
Master Galorian Hunter: | 28.12.19 |
Master Galorian Slayer: | 03.02.20 |
Master Geomancer: | 30.04.17 |
Master Giant Hunter: | 25.11.16 |
Master Giant Slayer: | 14.04.18 |
Master Gnoll Hunter: | 16.12.14 |
Master Gnoll Slayer: | 23.04.24 |
Master Goblin Hunter: | 10.01.14 |
Master Goblin Slayer: | 05.03.14 |
Master Golem Hunter: | 08.05.16 |
Master Golem Slayer: | 04.11.16 |
Master Grimling Hunter: | 26.11.14 |
Master Grimling Slayer: | 19.01.15 |
Master Harpy Hunter: | 13.12.21 |
Master Harpy Slayer: | |
Master Hunter of Innocents: | 31.01.20 |
Master Immolated Hunter: | 29.11.15 |
Master Immolated Slayer: | 05.07.16 |
Master Kobold Hunter: | 07.12.15 |
Master Kobold Slayer: | |
Master Lizardman Hunter: | 04.05.16 |
Master Lizardman Slayer: | |
Master Maedjinn Hunter: | 02.12.23 |
Master Maedjinn Slayer: | 27.01.24 |
Master Mandoko Hunter: | |
Master Mandoko Slayer: | |
Master Marid Hunter: | 21.11.18 |
Master Marid Slayer: | 28.02.19 |
Master Mephlin Hunter: | 19.11.18 |
Master Mephlin Slayer: | 30.01.19 |
Master Nilborien Hunter: | 21.11.18 |
Master Nilborien Slayer: | 22.07.19 |
Master Orc Hunter: | 30.04.14 |
Master Orc Slayer: | 11.04.15 |
Master Patchcraft Hunter: | |
Master Patchcraft Slayer: | |
Master Planar Elemental Hunter: | 17.11.18 |
Master Planar Elemental Slayer: | 03.12.18 |
Master Protector of Innocents: | |
Master Ravasect Hunter: | 27.01.14 |
Master Ravasect Slayer: | |
Master Satyr Hunter: | 03.05.23 |
Master Satyr Slayer: | |
Master Shik'Nar Hunter: | 21.09.20 |
Master Shik'Nar Slayer: | |
Master Shiny Hunter: | |
Master Shissar Hunter: | 04.01.20 |
Master Shissar Slayer: | 02.07.20 |
Master Signature Pursuer: | |
Master Signature Stalker: | 16.12.20 |
Master Siren Hunter: | 03.05.16 |
Master Siren Slayer: | 26.03.19 |
Master Slayer of Innocents: | |
Master Slug Hunter: | 01.12.15 |
Master Slug Slayer: | 16.02.17 |
Master Strike Master: | 07.11.14 |
Master Thaumaturgist: | 15.04.17 |
Master Thought Horror Hunter: | 15.01.20 |
Master Thought Horror Slayer: | 26.12.20 |
Master Undead Hunter: | 03.01.14 |
Master Undead Slayer: | 12.03.14 |
Master Urzarach Hunter: | 19.11.14 |
Master Urzarach Slayer: | 22.08.15 |
Master Vampire Hunter: | 26.06.15 |
Master Vampire Slayer: | 15.05.17 |
Master Werewolf Hunter: | 28.06.15 |
Master Werewolf Slayer: | 07.03.22 |
Master Wilder Hunter: | 25.11.18 |
Master Wilder Slayer: | |
Master Yha-lei Hunter: | 03.12.22 |
Master Yha-lei Slayer: | |
Master of Faydwer: | |
Master of Lore and Legends!: | 16.11.14 |
Master of Mara: | 21.03.14 |
Master of Miragul's Phylactery: | |
Mauling Maulhammer: | 13.02.14 |
Medley of the Lost: | 06.12.23 |
Menager-weeeee: | 10.10.24 |
Menagerie Magnate: | |
Menagerie Master: | 05.01.25 |
Mental Floss: | 03.12.22 |
Mephlin Annihilator: | |
Mephlin Destroyer: | |
Mephlin Executioner: | |
Mephlin Killer: | 14.11.18 |
Mercenary Mouth to Mouth: | 02.01.14 |
Messing With the Nest: | 10.02.22 |
Messing with the Nest Part I: | 10.01.22 |
Messing with the Nest Part II: | 26.01.22 |
Messing with the Nest Part III: | 25.01.22 |
Messing with the Nest Part IV: | 10.02.22 |
Messing with the Nest Part V: | 10.02.22 |
Might in the Night: | 12.12.22 |
Mine Remainders: | 26.01.16 |
Mischeva's Champion: | 12.11.14 |
Mission Controller: | 08.10.16 |
Mission Critical: | 26.07.23 |
Mission Impeccable: | 23.05.20 |
Mission Imperceivable: | 13.03.20 |
Mission Implausible: | 30.06.15 |
Mission Impossible: | 27.08.14 |
Mission Improbable: | 14.03.14 |
Missions Accomplished: | 12.08.22 |
Mithaniel Marr (Contested Avatar): | 02.02.15 |
Monkey Business: | 02.02.23 |
Monstrous Shadows: | 12.05.21 |
Monumental Signature Chaser: | 02.12.22 |
Monumental Signature Pursuer: | 19.12.19 |
Monumental Signature Stalker: | |
Moon Marooned: | 22.12.19 |
More Brawn for hire: | |
More Shinies Than Are Dreamt Of...: | 29.12.19 |
Much Seru About Nothing: | 19.12.19 |
Munzok Mangler: | 02.02.14 |
Museum Now Opening!: | 21.10.16 |
Must Kill Orcs: | 29.04.16 |
My Future Is So Bright!: | 18.12.20 |
Myconid Traces: | 27.01.16 |
Mystery Solver: | 04.12.20 |
Mystically Delightful: | 01.12.15 |
Mythic Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni: | 22.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed: | 30.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: Derugoak: | 21.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: General Reparm: | 25.02.19 |
Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna: | 20.06.19 |
Mythic Raid: Javonn the Overlord: | 27.02.19 |
Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief: | 22.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: Magmaton: | 22.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: Mudmyre: | 21.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike: | 30.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: Pyronis: | 23.01.19 |
Mythic Raid: Rinturion Windblade: | 06.03.19 |
Mythic Raid: Sergie the Blade: | 06.03.19 |
Mythic Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth: | 06.03.19 |
Mythic Raid: The Chancellors: | 28.03.19 |
Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer: | 01.08.19 |
Mythic Raid: Vegerogus: | 25.06.19 |
Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken: | 04.02.19 |
Mythical Signature Hunter: | 11.10.16 |
Mythical Signature Pursuer: | 04.12.21 |
NOW who's the Dummy?: | 08.01.14 |
Nathsarian Blade: | |
Nathsarian Rambler: | |
Native Soil: | 17.11.18 |
Neighborhood Watch: | 17.12.16 |
Nektropos Annoyance: | 12.09.14 |
Nektulos Forest Flatfoot: | |
Nektulos Forest Mercenary: | |
Netherbian Beatin': | 21.12.19 |
Never Going to Lose It: | 06.12.21 |
New Soles for the March: | 13.09.14 |
Night Voyager: | |
Nights of the Dead Devotee: | 19.10.14 |
Nilborien Annihilator: | |
Nilborien Destroyer: | |
Nilborien Executioner: | |
Nilborien Killer: | 14.11.18 |
No Love Lost Here: | 15.02.19 |
No One But Me! Me!: | 21.12.20 |
No Quest for the Weary: | |
No Time to Scourge Wastes [Heroic]: | |
No Time to Scourge Wastes [Solo]: | |
Norrath Raconteur : | |
Norrath's Fate: | 14.02.14 |
Norrathian Air: | 05.10.13 |
November: To the Moon, Alice!: | 02.11.24 |
Novice Adventure Collector: | |
Novice Dungeoneer: | 12.11.14 |
Obol Seeker: | |
Obsessive Collector: | |
Obsessive Compulsive: | 03.02.22 |
Obsessive Questing Disorder: | |
Obsidian Forest Samples: | 02.02.16 |
Obulus Artisan: | 18.11.16 |
Obviously Has a Deathwish: | 25.01.22 |
Octagorgon Assassin: | 04.01.14 |
October: Prophecies and Chaos: | 01.10.24 |
Odds on Your Side: | 01.02.17 |
Odus Operandi: | |
Odusian Overachiever: | |
Of Duty and Fate: Closing the Loop: | 28.11.24 |
Of Duty and Fate: Lineage of the Felfeathers: | 08.12.23 |
Of Duty and Fate: My Brother's Keeper: | 09.12.23 |
Of Duty and Fate: Prepared for the Worst: | 08.01.24 |
Of Duty and Fate: The Imprint of Balance: | 10.12.23 |
On a Rumpage: | 30.04.15 |
On the Shoulders of Giants: | 11.01.15 |
One Man's Trash...: | |
Onus of Odus: | |
Opening the Books of Knowledge: | 15.11.18 |
Orc Annihilator: | 07.04.23 |
Orc Destroyer: | 01.05.16 |
Orc Executioner: | 10.01.25 |
Orc Killer: | 09.04.14 |
Orcish Wastes Opportunist: | |
Order of Sequence: | 18.12.19 |
Order of Succession: | 09.01.20 |
Origins of the Felfeather: Mindful Metals: | 24.09.23 |
Out Sweat the Sweatshop: | 07.07.22 |
Outthinking the Usurper: | 23.06.15 |
Over Achiever: | 02.01.14 |
Over the Moon: | |
Overgrowth For Both: | 11.12.22 |
Overgrowth For Growth: | 02.12.22 |
Overlord Talan's Demise: | 04.06.14 |
Overlord Talan's Demise (Challenge): | 26.03.14 |
Palace Dragon Polisher: | 08.12.23 |
Panda People Person: | 21.10.14 |
Passions of Kunark: | |
Patchcraft Annihilator: | |
Patchcraft Destroyer: | |
Patchcraft Executioner: | |
Patchcraft Killer: | 28.03.16 |
Patience is Also a Virtue I: | 02.03.24 |
Patience is Also a Virtue II: | 03.03.24 |
Patience is Also a Virtue III: | 05.03.24 |
Patriae Pounder: | 13.02.14 |
Perceptive Collector: | 04.12.14 |
Perfect Raid: Aurelian Coast: The Emergent Eclipse: | |
Perfect Raid: Blood of Luclin: | |
Perfect Raid: Fordel Midst: Remembrance: | |
Perfect Raid: Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches: | 30.03.20 |
Perfect Raid: Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Raid]: | 19.01.21 |
Perfect Raid: The Blinding: Twisted Vista: | 20.05.20 |
Perfect Raid: The Blinding: Twisted Vista [Challenge]: | |
Perfect Raid: The Fabled Flames of War: | 30.08.21 |
Perfect Raid: Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens: | |
Perfection Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni: | 28.01.19 |
Perfection Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed: | 20.03.19 |
Perfection Raid: Byzola: | |
Perfection Raid: Coercer T'vala: | 08.08.18 |
Perfection Raid: Coirnav: | 17.02.19 |
Perfection Raid: Demetrius Crane: | 16.08.18 |
Perfection Raid: Derugoak: | 20.12.18 |
Perfection Raid: Dreadlord D'Somni: | |
Perfection Raid: Elemental Masterpiece: | 01.04.19 |
Perfection Raid: Fennin Ro: | |
Perfection Raid: General Reparm: | 29.01.19 |
Perfection Raid: Gigadon: | 27.02.19 |
Perfection Raid: Grandmaster R'Tal: | |
Perfection Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna: | 01.04.19 |
Perfection Raid: High Priest M'kari: | 24.07.18 |
Perfection Raid: Hydrotha: | 01.02.19 |
Perfection Raid: Innoruuk, God of Hate: | |
Perfection Raid: Javonn the Overlord: | 29.01.19 |
Perfection Raid: Jopal the Thief: | 29.01.19 |
Perfection Raid: Kpul D'Vngur, Maestro of Rancor: | |
Perfection Raid: Krziik the Mighty: | |
Perfection Raid: Magmaton: | 17.12.18 |
Perfection Raid: Mudmyre: | 21.01.19 |
Perfection Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag: | 01.02.19 |
Perfection Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike: | 01.04.19 |
Perfection Raid: Pyronis: | 21.12.18 |
Perfection Raid: Rinturion Windblade: | 01.04.19 |
Perfection Raid: Sergie the Blade: | 25.03.19 |
Perfection Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker: | 01.02.19 |
Perfection Raid: Servant of Krziik: | 16.07.19 |
Perfection Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth: | 25.03.19 |
Perfection Raid: The Arch Bonefiend: | 24.07.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Ashenbone Broodmaster: | 13.08.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Avatar of Abhorrence: | |
Perfection Raid: The Avatar of Bone: | |
Perfection Raid: The Avatars of Air: | 20.03.19 |
Perfection Raid: The Bleeder of Ire: | |
Perfection Raid: The Chancellors: | 29.01.19 |
Perfection Raid: The Culler of Bones: | 31.07.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Deathrot Knight: | 08.11.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Deathspinner K'dora: | 07.08.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Hand of Maestro: | 11.12.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Hoarder P'Lewt: | 07.08.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Lord of Decay: | |
Perfection Raid: The Lord of Ire: | 24.07.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Lord of Loathing: | 05.10.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Master P'Tasa: | 16.08.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Master of Spite: | 11.12.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Mistress of Scorn: | |
Perfection Raid: The Phantom Wraith: | 24.07.18 |
Perfection Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 1): | |
Perfection Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 2): | |
Perfection Raid: The Seventh Hammer: | 09.07.19 |
Perfection Raid: Vegerogus: | 25.03.19 |
Perfection Raid: Warlord Gintolaken: | 27.03.19 |
Perfection Raid: Xegony: | |
Perfection Raid: a Deepwater Kraken: | 21.02.19 |
Perfection Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken: | 20.02.19 |
Perfection: Amohn: | 10.05.18 |
Perfection: Arlyxir: | |
Perfection: Bertoxxulous: | |
Perfection: Bling: | 22.01.18 |
Perfection: Brundin of the Guard: | |
Perfection: Construct Automaton: | 03.04.18 |
Perfection: Corpulus: | 20.08.18 |
Perfection: Dyronis, Harbinger of E'ci: | |
Perfection: Dysperitia: | 24.01.18 |
Perfection: Eindride Icestorm: | |
Perfection: Erech Eyford: | |
Perfection: Eurold, Harbinger of Povar: | |
Perfection: Feridus Emberblaze: | |
Perfection: Ferris: | 29.01.18 |
Perfection: Gearbox the Energy Siphon: | 03.04.18 |
Perfection: Grezou: | |
Perfection: Grummus: | |
Perfection: Guardian and Protector of Dresolik: | |
Perfection: Junkyard Mawg: | 03.08.18 |
Perfection: Karnah of the Source: | 14.02.18 |
Perfection: Kuanbyr Hailstorm: | |
Perfection: Manaetic Prototype IX: | 08.01.18 |
Perfection: Manaetic Prototype XI: | 08.01.18 |
Perfection: Meldrath the Malignant: | |
Perfection: Meldrath the Mechanized: | 30.03.18 |
Perfection: Nightlure the Fleshfeaster: | |
Perfection: Operator Figl: | 02.08.18 |
Perfection: Plaguen the Piper: | 14.05.18 |
Perfection: Pox: | |
Perfection: Rankle: | 17.01.18 |
Perfection: Resnak and Rythrak: | 24.01.18 |
Perfection: Rheumus, Harbinger of Tarew Marr: | |
Perfection: Rizlona: | |
Perfection: Sandstorm, Steelthorn, Sutherland, and Stormseer: | 08.05.18 |
Perfection: Skal'sli the Wretched: | |
Perfection: Solusek Ro: | |
Perfection: Stormtide and Sandstorm: | |
Perfection: Thangbrand and Valbrand: | 12.03.18 |
Perfection: The Junk Beast: | 17.04.18 |
Perfection: The Manaetic Behemoth: | |
Perfection: Thundercall and Cyclone: | |
Perfection: Thunderclap and Skyfury: | |
Perfection: Tin Overseer Alpha: | 15.01.18 |
Perfection: Tin Overseer Omega: | 15.01.18 |
Perfection: Veleroth and Zrexul: | 01.02.18 |
Perfection: Wavecrasher and Firestorm: | |
Perfection: Wretch: | 05.04.18 |
Perfection: Wybjorn: | 17.01.18 |
Phantasm: | |
Phantasmal Fun!: | 03.12.21 |
Phantom Adventurer: | 21.11.14 |
Phantoms of Theo Pera: | 08.12.21 |
Phylactery Praetor's Plague: | 21.10.16 |
Piercing the Darkness: | 21.12.19 |
Pillars of Flame Pioneer: | |
Planar Crafting Completionist: | 04.02.18 |
Planar Elemental Annihilator: | 01.04.19 |
Planar Elemental Destroyer: | 13.01.19 |
Planar Elemental Executioner: | 23.07.19 |
Planar Elemental Killer: | 14.11.18 |
Planar Level 10!: | 05.02.19 |
Planar Signature Chaser: | |
Play with Fire: | |
Please Don't Diatonic: | 05.12.22 |
Plug It In, Plug It In: | 11.12.22 |
Plunderer of Blood of Luclin: | 31.01.20 |
Plunderer of Reign of Shadows: | 08.01.21 |
Plunderer of Thalumbra: | |
Plundering Vetrovia: | 22.01.22 |
Poet's Palace Provoker: | 29.03.16 |
Portal Repairman: | 11.11.14 |
Potent Potioner: | 04.01.17 |
Power Up!: | 05.07.15 |
Preventive Measure: | 11.12.14 |
Pride Pakiat: | 03.12.17 |
Priest Conquest I: | |
Priest Conquest II: | |
Priest Conquest III: | |
Priest Conquest IV: | |
Priest Conquest IX: | |
Priest Conquest V: | |
Priest Conquest VI: | |
Priest Conquest VII: | |
Priest Conquest VIII: | |
Priest Conquest X: | |
Priestess Denerva Vah'lis' Demise: | 25.04.14 |
Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Prismatic Prison Break: Part I: | 08.01.24 |
Prismatic Prison Break: Part II: | 08.01.24 |
Prismatic Prison Break: Part III: | 08.01.24 |
Progressing Exquisitely!: | 10.08.23 |
Progressing Flawlessly I: | 09.02.23 |
Progressing Flawlessly II: | 30.03.23 |
Progressing Flawlessly III: | 19.07.23 |
Progressing Flawlessly IV: | 10.08.23 |
Progressing Hard Core!: | 25.10.23 |
Progressing Nicely!: | 30.03.23 |
Progressing Supremely!: | 24.05.23 |
Progressing Thoroughly!: | 25.10.23 |
Prophecy of Power Gem Grinder: | 31.10.18 |
Prophecy of Power Prismatic Purveyor: | 31.10.18 |
Protect the Water: | 01.12.22 |
Psyllon'Ris' Demise (Challenge): | 08.06.14 |
Public Crusader: | |
Public Duty: | 23.11.16 |
Public Quest Crusader: | |
Public Quest: Battlement Bound: | 29.11.16 |
Public Quest: Ill Omen: | 10.02.17 |
Public Quest: Kralet Penumbra Attacks!: | 23.08.16 |
Public Quest: Long Live the Emperor!: | 16.11.16 |
Public Quest: Search and Destroy: | 26.08.16 |
Public Quest: Shade of the First Brood: | 29.11.16 |
Public: Descendants of Disease: | 30.11.17 |
Public: Echoes of Innovation: | 01.12.17 |
Public: Floodgates of Hate: | 24.04.18 |
Public: Here Comes the Sun: | 01.12.17 |
Publicity Stunt: | 21.05.17 |
Pulling up Roots: | 23.11.18 |
Pumpkin Pulper: | 12.10.14 |
Pus and Stuff: | 16.12.18 |
Put Your Quest Foot Forward: | |
Quel'ule Quester: | 21.10.14 |
Quest 'Em All: | |
Quest Ascension in Kunark: | 17.11.16 |
Quest For Glory: | |
Quest Obsessed: | |
Quest Over-Achiever in Scourge Wastes [Solo]: | 01.05.16 |
Quest Over-Achiever in Terrors of Thalumbra: | 24.11.15 |
Quest Over-Achiever in the Scourge Wastes: | 06.05.16 |
Quest Over-Achiever in the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]: | 02.05.16 |
Quest Side Story: | |
Quest-a-holic: | 19.10.14 |
Quester: | 20.01.14 |
Quieter than an elephant!: | 02.05.15 |
Rabbit Nabber: | |
Raid Ding!: | 17.02.22 |
Raid: Amohn: | 28.03.18 |
Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni: | 18.12.18 |
Raid: Arlyxir: | 10.07.18 |
Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed: | 18.12.18 |
Raid: Berenz, the Shattered Blades: | 30.03.20 |
Raid: Berik Bloodfist [Fabled]: | 09.09.20 |
Raid: Bertoxxulous: | 11.10.18 |
Raid: Bling: | 17.01.18 |
Raid: Blood of Luclin Sense of Urgency: | |
Raid: Brundin of the Guard: | 28.03.18 |
Raid: Burrowing Your Way to Success: | 11.01.21 |
Raid: Byzola: | 30.08.18 |
Raid: Chicken Noodle for the Raider: | 27.01.21 |
Raid: Chief Babagoosh: | 01.09.20 |
Raid: Coercer T'vala: | 26.06.18 |
Raid: Coirnav: | 07.02.19 |
Raid: Construct Automaton: | 15.03.18 |
Raid: Corpulus: | 21.03.18 |
Raid: Corrupted Shadow Assassin [Challenge]: | 22.06.20 |
Raid: Corrupted Shadow Summoner [Challenge]: | 23.06.20 |
Raid: Dark Xius Lord [Challenge]: | 28.05.20 |
Raid: Deactivated Blood of Ssraeshza: | 09.04.20 |
Raid: Demetrius Crane: | 26.06.18 |
Raid: Derugoak: | 10.12.18 |
Raid: Dread Lady Vezarra: | 01.09.20 |
Raid: Dreadlord D'Somni: | 23.08.18 |
Raid: Dyronis, Harbinger of E'ci: | 30.08.18 |
Raid: Dysperitia: | 10.01.18 |
Raid: Eindride Icestorm: | 22.03.18 |
Raid: Elemental Masterpiece: | 24.12.18 |
Raid: Eom Va Liako Vess [Challenge]: | 08.07.20 |
Raid: Erech Eyford: | 26.03.18 |
Raid: Eriak the Fetid [Fabled]: | 11.11.20 |
Raid: Eurold, Harbinger of Povar: | 28.08.18 |
Raid: Fennin Ro: | 31.07.19 |
Raid: Feridus Emberblaze: | 24.10.18 |
Raid: Ferris: | 11.01.18 |
Raid: Galadoon: | 14.10.20 |
Raid: Gearbox the Energy Siphon: | 15.03.18 |
Raid: General Reparm: | 11.01.19 |
Raid: General Teku [Fabled]: | 26.01.21 |
Raid: Gigadon: | 01.02.19 |
Raid: Glokus Windhelm [Fabled]: | 12.11.20 |
Raid: Grandmaster R'Tal: | 03.07.18 |
Raid: Grezou: | 24.10.18 |
Raid: Grummus: | 19.07.18 |
Raid: Guardian and Protector of Dresolik: | 28.03.18 |
Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna: | 06.02.19 |
Raid: High Priest M'kari: | 02.07.18 |
Raid: Hortu the Scorched: | 15.10.20 |
Raid: Hydrotha: | 13.12.18 |
Raid: Innoruuk, God of Hate: | 24.10.18 |
Raid: Is there such a thing as Lemonstone?: | 12.01.21 |
Raid: Itty Bitty: | 19.03.19 |
Raid: Javonn the Overlord: | 11.01.19 |
Raid: Jopal the Thief: | 18.12.18 |
Raid: Junkyard Mawg: | 14.06.18 |
Raid: Karnah of the Source: | 14.02.18 |
Raid: Kpul D'Vngur, Maestro of Rancor: | 19.10.18 |
Raid: Krziik the Mighty: | 07.02.19 |
Raid: Kua, Watcher of Wanes: | 07.04.20 |
Raid: Kuanbyr Hailstorm: | 27.08.18 |
Raid: Linneas the Stitcher: | 19.03.19 |
Raid: Lord Kargurak: | 30.10.20 |
Raid: Lord Triskian Seru: | 04.03.20 |
Raid: Luminary Cohortis Emon: | 03.03.20 |
Raid: Luminary Hertu Asundri: | 03.03.20 |
Raid: Luminary Percontorius Felvin: | 03.03.20 |
Raid: Luminary Percontorius Felvin [Challenge]: | 16.06.20 |
Raid: Magmaton: | 10.12.18 |
Raid: Manaetic Prototype IX: | 11.12.17 |
Raid: Manaetic Prototype XI: | 12.12.17 |
Raid: Maxima Kierran: | 19.03.19 |
Raid: Meldrath the Malignant: | 13.06.18 |
Raid: Meldrath the Mechanized: | 15.03.18 |
Raid: Mudmyre: | 10.12.18 |
Raid: Nhekrin: | 05.03.20 |
Raid: Nightlure the Fleshfeaster: | 19.07.18 |
Raid: Novinctus the Unleashed: | 25.08.20 |
Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag: | 13.12.18 |
Raid: Onakoome: | 05.10.20 |
Raid: Operator Figl: | 13.06.18 |
Raid: Palomidiar Allakhaji: | 24.03.20 |
Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike: | 18.12.18 |
Raid: Plaguen the Piper: | 21.03.18 |
Raid: Pli Va Liako Vess: | 03.03.20 |
Raid: Portabellius Shrieker: | 11.03.20 |
Raid: Pox: | 16.07.18 |
Raid: Praetorian K'Tikrn : | 20.01.20 |
Raid: Praetorian K'Tikrn [Challenge]: | 13.05.20 |
Raid: Pyreduke Surtaug: | 01.10.20 |
Raid: Pyronis: | 18.12.18 |
Raid: Qaaron the Usurper: | 02.11.20 |
Raid: R'thessil and Zeltheen: | 07.04.20 |
Raid: Rankle: | 10.01.18 |
Raid: Remnant Ferahhal: | 31.03.20 |
Raid: Resnak and Rythrak: | 10.01.18 |
Raid: Rheumus, Harbinger of Tarew Marr: | 26.09.18 |
Raid: Rinturion Windblade: | 24.12.18 |
Raid: Rizlona: | 09.07.18 |
Raid: Rockhopper Pouncer: | 20.01.20 |
Raid: Roris Lacea: | 25.03.20 |
Raid: Rougad the Jokester: | 18.03.19 |
Raid: Sandstorm, Steelthorn, Sutherland, and Stormseer: | 26.03.18 |
Raid: Scald: | 14.01.21 |
Raid: Scrawl: | 12.03.20 |
Raid: Sergie the Blade: | 24.12.18 |
Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker: | 01.02.19 |
Raid: Servant of Krziik: | 01.02.19 |
Raid: Shik'Nar Imperiatrix: | 02.03.20 |
Raid: Skal'sli the Wretched: | 20.07.18 |
Raid: Solusek Ro: | 30.10.18 |
Raid: Ssyre, the Fading Fire: | 08.04.20 |
Raid: Stonegrabber Colossus: | 27.01.20 |
Raid: Stonegrabber Colossus [Challenge]: | 27.05.20 |
Raid: Stormtide and Sandstorm: | 27.08.18 |
Raid: Tagrin Maldric [Fabled]: | 09.11.20 |
Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth: | 24.12.18 |
Raid: Tegu, Pegu, and Regu: | 26.03.20 |
Raid: Thangbrand and Valbrand: | 11.01.18 |
Raid: The Arch Bonefiend: | 25.06.18 |
Raid: The Ashenbone Broodmaster: | 26.06.18 |
Raid: The Avatar of Abhorrence: | 18.07.18 |
Raid: The Avatar of Bone: | 17.10.18 |
Raid: The Avatars of Air: | 24.12.18 |
Raid: The Bleeder of Ire: | 26.06.18 |
Raid: The Chancellors: | 11.01.19 |
Raid: The Commanders Goreslaughter and Corpsemaul [Fabled]: | 26.01.21 |
Raid: The Culler of Bones: | 31.07.18 |
Raid: The Deathrot Knight: | 04.06.18 |
Raid: The Deathspinner K'dora: | 11.07.18 |
Raid: The Dino Duo: | 28.09.20 |
Raid: The Enraged War Boar [Fabled]: | 07.09.20 |
Raid: The Hand of Maestro: | 05.07.18 |
Raid: The Hoarder P'Lewt: | 05.06.18 |
Raid: The Invaders Three: | 01.10.20 |
Raid: The Iron Widow: | 25.08.20 |
Raid: The Junk Beast: | 15.02.18 |
Raid: The Lord of Decay: | 02.07.18 |
Raid: The Lord of Ire: | 05.06.18 |
Raid: The Lord of Loathing: | 02.07.18 |
Raid: The Manaetic Behemoth: | 26.09.18 |
Raid: The Master P'Tasa: | 04.07.18 |
Raid: The Master of Spite: | 25.06.18 |
Raid: The Mistress of Scorn: | 03.07.18 |
Raid: The Phantom Wraith: | 11.07.18 |
Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 1): | 17.01.19 |
Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 2): | 06.05.19 |
Raid: The Sambata Champion: | 12.02.20 |
Raid: The Sambata Mutant [Challenge]: | 07.07.20 |
Raid: The Seventh Hammer: | 02.04.19 |
Raid: The Silent Killer Killer: | 11.01.21 |
Raid: The Torched Twosome: | 29.10.20 |
Raid: Thought Horror Aberration [Challenge]: | 21.05.20 |
Raid: Thought Horror Overfiend: | 21.01.20 |
Raid: Thundercall and Cyclone: | 27.08.18 |
Raid: Thunderclap and Skyfury: | 23.03.18 |
Raid: Tin Overseer Alpha: | 13.12.17 |
Raid: Tin Overseer Omega: | 08.01.18 |
Raid: Vegerogus: | 05.02.19 |
Raid: Veleroth and Zrexul: | 11.01.18 |
Raid: Vestigial Broker: | 11.03.20 |
Raid: Vyzh'dra the Unleashed [Normal Mode]: | 05.05.20 |
Raid: Warlord Gintolaken: | 12.02.19 |
Raid: Wavecrasher and Firestorm: | 27.08.18 |
Raid: Wretch: | 21.03.18 |
Raid: Wybjorn: | 11.01.18 |
Raid: Xegony: | 17.07.19 |
Raid: Xi Xia Xius: | 27.01.20 |
Raid: a Deepwater Kraken: | 01.02.19 |
Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken: | 01.02.19 |
Raid: the Enraged Rockhopper Pouncer [Challenge]: | 07.05.20 |
Raid: the Enraged Shik'Nar Imperiatrix [Challenge]: | 25.05.20 |
Raid: the Timeless Golem: | 07.04.20 |
Raising Your Potential: | 12.11.14 |
Raj'Dur Raiders: Part I: | 27.01.23 |
Raj'Dur Raiders: Part II: | 13.03.23 |
Raj'Dur Raiders: Part III: | 27.03.23 |
Raj'Dur Raiders: Part IV: | 29.03.23 |
Raj'Dur Raiders: Part V: | 30.03.23 |
Raj'Dur Raiders: Part VI: | 19.04.23 |
Raj'Dur Register: | |
Rallos' Chosen: | 04.06.15 |
Ravasect Annihilator: | |
Ravasect Destroyer: | |
Ravasect Executioner: | |
Ravasect Killer: | 25.01.14 |
Razing Rallentando: | 10.12.23 |
Razing Ritenuto: | 07.12.23 |
Razing Rondo: | 01.12.23 |
Reborn in Darkness: | 28.09.21 |
Redemption for Drinal: | 02.02.14 |
Reign of Heroics I: | 23.12.20 |
Reign of Heroics II: | 02.01.21 |
Reign of Heroics III: | 02.01.21 |
Reign of Heroics IV: | 02.01.21 |
Reign of Heroics V: | 02.01.21 |
Reign of Raiding: | 08.02.21 |
Reign of Shadows: | 17.12.20 |
Reign of Solos I: | 17.12.20 |
Reign of Solos II: | 22.12.20 |
Reign of Solos III: | 22.12.20 |
Reign of Solos IV: | 22.12.20 |
Reign of Solos V: | 22.12.20 |
Relentless Sky Righter: | 05.12.23 |
Relic Collector: | 12.09.14 |
Remnants of Evacuation: | 21.01.16 |
Remnants of the Forgotten: | 27.01.16 |
Renew the Plundering: | 25.01.23 |
Renewal Fuel Too: | 13.12.22 |
Renewal of Ro: | 03.12.22 |
Renewal of Ro - Above and Beyond!!: | 25.10.23 |
Renewal of the Desert: | 07.12.22 |
Repulse Roehn Theer: | 12.03.14 |
Rescuer of Innocents: | 27.01.20 |
Researcher's Helper I: | 30.03.19 |
Researcher's Helper II: | 28.05.19 |
Researcher's Helper III: | 02.02.20 |
Researcher's Helper IV: | |
Researcher's Helper V: | |
Researcher's Helper VI: | |
Researching 10 Recipes: | 14.03.14 |
Researching 100 Recipes: | |
Researching 1000 Recipes: | |
Researching 25 Recipes: | 10.11.14 |
Researching 5 Recipes: | 09.02.14 |
Researching 50 Recipes: | 18.03.16 |
Researching 500 Recipes: | |
Researching Coach C: | 12.12.14 |
Researching Coach D: | |
Researching Coach L: | 10.10.14 |
Researching Coach M: | |
Researching Coach V: | 20.01.14 |
Researching Coach X: | 07.02.14 |
Researching Coach XXV: | 27.03.14 |
Resplendent Signature Chaser: | 14.11.18 |
Resplendent Signature Hunter: | 02.12.21 |
Resplendent Signature Stalker: | |
Restored Empyral Quintessence: | 04.01.20 |
Restorer of Life: | |
Ring of Scale: Druushk: | 11.08.22 |
Ring of Scale: Elder Ekron: | 10.08.22 |
Ring of Scale: Hoshkar: | 15.09.22 |
Ring of Scale: Kluzen the Protector: | 10.08.22 |
Ring of Scale: Milyex Vioren: | 15.09.22 |
Ring of Scale: Nexona: | 10.08.22 |
Ring of Scale: Phara Dar: | 19.09.22 |
Ring of Scale: Qunard Ashenclaw: | 05.09.22 |
Ring of Scale: Silverwing: | 19.09.22 |
Ring of Scale: Taskmaster Nichok: | 11.08.22 |
Ring of Scale: Trakanon: | 31.10.22 |
Ring of Scale: Travenro the Skygazer: | 19.09.22 |
Ring of Scale: Xygoz: | 19.09.22 |
Ro Your Own Way: | 28.12.22 |
Rockhop to It: | 22.12.19 |
Roehn Theer: | 08.08.14 |
Roehn Theer (Challenge): | 26.08.14 |
Roehn Theer's Reprise: | 12.11.14 |
Romeo's Got Nothin' on Me: | |
Root of All Evil: | 18.12.20 |
Rose-Tinted Obsession: | |
Rotting Herd: | 05.12.18 |
Ruins? What Ruins?: | 20.12.19 |
Ruler of Ruination I: | |
Ruler of Ruination II: | |
Ruler of Ruination III: | |
Ruler of Ruination IV: | |
Ruler of Ruination IX: | |
Ruler of Ruination V: | |
Ruler of Ruination VI: | |
Ruler of Ruination VII: | |
Ruler of Ruination VIII: | |
Ruler of Ruination X: | |
Rum Dummy: | 29.04.15 |
Rumbly in my Tumbly: | 22.12.19 |
Running a Fever: | 16.11.18 |
Rusted Battle Relics: | 25.01.16 |
Sabaron's Demise: | 02.04.14 |
Sacred and Safe: | 01.12.22 |
Said I'll Be Waiting: | 18.12.20 |
Sailing the Phantom Sea: | 25.11.14 |
Sailing the Tranquil Sea: | 19.11.14 |
Sanctus Signus: | 13.01.20 |
Satyr Annihilator: | |
Satyr Destroyer: | |
Satyr Executioner: | |
Satyr Killer: | 07.02.14 |
Savior of Innocents: | |
Savior of Ro: | |
Savior of the Odyssey: | |
Scar Tactics: | 23.11.24 |
Scars For Life: | 24.11.24 |
Scars of Destruction: | 23.11.24 |
Scars of Destruction: A Weapon for the Ages: | 24.11.24 |
Scars of Destruction: A Weapon for the Ages: Bronze Gallery: | 14.12.24 |
Scars of Destruction: A Weapon for the Ages: Copper Gallery: | 28.11.24 |
Scars of Plundering: | 06.12.24 |
Scorched Fields: | 05.12.18 |
Scout Conquest I: | 22.01.14 |
Scout Conquest II: | |
Scout Conquest III: | |
Scout Conquest IV: | |
Scout Conquest IX: | |
Scout Conquest V: | |
Scout Conquest VI: | |
Scout Conquest VII: | |
Scout Conquest VIII: | |
Scout Conquest X: | |
Season 2 Overseer: | 18.04.20 |
Season 3 Overseer: | 01.04.21 |
Season 4 Overseer: | 14.04.22 |
Season 5 Overseer: | 11.04.23 |
Season 6 Overseer: | 09.04.24 |
Secret Agent: | 20.01.14 |
Seeker of Knowledge: | |
Seeker of the Past: | 24.03.14 |
Seeking the Golden Paw: | 02.02.23 |
Sensation and Science: | 28.12.22 |
Sense of Urgency Raid Complete: Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Raid]: | 10.02.21 |
Sense of Urgency Raid Tier 1: Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Raid]: | 13.01.21 |
Sense of Urgency Raid Tier 2: Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Raid]: | 10.02.21 |
Sense of Urgency Raid Tier 3: Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Raid]: | 10.02.21 |
Sense of Urgency Raid: Aurelian Coast: The Emergent Eclipse: | 15.04.20 |
Sense of Urgency Raid: Fordel Midst: Remembrance: | 07.05.20 |
Sense of Urgency Raid: Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches: | 31.03.20 |
Sense of Urgency Raid: The Blinding: Twisted Vista: | 09.03.20 |
Sense of Urgency Raid: Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens: | 20.10.20 |
Sense of Urgency: Ahrmatal the Scorcher's Demise: | 09.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Bolgin Serilis's Demise: | 08.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Castle Highhold: No Quarter: | 11.05.15 |
Sense of Urgency: Clearing the Mist: | 11.10.17 |
Sense of Urgency: Colossal Quickness: | 22.04.21 |
Sense of Urgency: Dealings with the Spirit: | 15.04.21 |
Sense of Urgency: Debone Bonewing: | 19.03.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Bhoughbh Nova-Prime: | 12.09.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob: | 13.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg: | 26.04.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Sullon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Tallon's Stronghold (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Vallon's Tower (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Sense of Urgency: Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs: | 13.10.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Drunder: | 02.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Raid: | 12.03.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Raid (Hard Mode): | 12.03.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Escaping the Shadows: | 17.03.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure]: | 25.03.21 |
Sense of Urgency: F.S. Distillery: Beggars and Blighters: | 20.10.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Fherin the Ancient's Demise: | 11.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Frenetic Seeker of the Sentinel's Fate: | |
Sense of Urgency: Gangel the Resurrected's Demise: | 09.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: General Graknus's Demise: | 07.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Grolla Skullwielder's Demise: | 02.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Harrowed Soul: | 26.04.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Here Comes the Cursed: | 17.03.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Heroic Harbinger of the Odyssey: | |
Sense of Urgency: King Tormax's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Krelgrek Crag-Chair's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Sense of Urgency: Kurn's Tower: | 05.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Luminox Prime's Demise: | 06.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Mauling Maulhammer: | 13.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Munzok's Material Bastion: | 02.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Palace of Sabaron: | 02.04.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Palace of the Ancient One: | 05.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Sense of Urgency: Psyllon'Ris' Demise (Challenge): | 26.03.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Queen Meacidaris's Demise: | 05.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Redemption for Drinal: | 02.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Rise of Kunark: | |
Sense of Urgency: Risk Taker of the Rise of Kunark: | |
Sense of Urgency: Scion of Ice: | 05.12.23 |
Sense of Urgency: Sentinel's Fate: | |
Sense of Urgency: Shazzak's Demise: | 17.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Silencing Xalgoz: | 18.01.18 |
Sense of Urgency: Silent City: The Delving Dead: | 03.08.15 |
Sense of Urgency: Spirit of the Deep's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Sense of Urgency: The Anathema: | 13.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: The Chamber Warden's Demise: | 17.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: The Chamber of Destiny: | 16.04.16 |
Sense of Urgency: The Crumbling Emperor's Demise: | 22.03.14 |
Sense of Urgency: The Crypt of Agony: | 02.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: The Curse is Broken: | 09.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: The Shadow Odyssey: | |
Sense of Urgency: The Tempest of Zek's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Sense of Urgency: Tomb of the Mad Crusader: | 04.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Tower of Frozen Shadow: | |
Sense of Urgency: Trakanon's Lair: | 14.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Unbalancing of Order and Chaos: | 25.10.17 |
Sense of Urgency: Uncovering the Truth: | 18.10.17 |
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella: | 03.01.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Vaults of Eternal Sleep: | 21.10.16 |
Sense of Urgency: Veeshan's Peak: | 14.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Venekor's Demise: | 29.01.17 |
Sense of Urgency: Ward of Elements: | 02.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Warmaster Deynka Packlasher's Demise: | 02.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Warmaster Korok Hai's Demise: | 02.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Xalgoti's Demise: | 09.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Zarrakon's Abyssal Lair: | 05.02.14 |
Sense of Urgency: Zavith'loa: The Molten Pools: | 17.02.15 |
September: Moors Mayhem: | |
Serilian Essentials: | 26.01.16 |
Serilian Offerings: | 21.01.16 |
Serving in the Name of Sul: | 07.05.23 |
Sevalak of Storms' Demise: | 08.04.16 |
Sevalak of Storms' Demise (Sense of Urgency): | 08.04.16 |
Sevalor Gorescale's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Seven Years Bad Luck: | 04.02.14 |
Sextet Symphonies: | 25.12.23 |
Shade Overshadower: | 05.12.23 |
Shade Signer: | 03.04.21 |
Shadow Dungeon Crawler: | 17.12.20 |
Shadow of Love: | |
Shadows Stalker: | 18.12.20 |
Shadows of the Night: | 03.12.22 |
Shared Responsibility: | 08.06.15 |
Shark Bait: | 29.04.15 |
Sharked the Jump: | |
Shattered Dawn: | 20.12.19 |
Shattered Seas: | 19.11.14 |
Shik'Nar Annihilator: | |
Shik'Nar Destroyer: | |
Shik'Nar Executioner: | |
Shik'Nar Killer: | 07.01.20 |
Shin Swashbuckler: | 27.10.20 |
Shinies Beneath the Moonlight: | 19.08.14 |
Shiny Hunter: | 10.03.14 |
Shissar Annihilator: | |
Shissar Destroyer: | 16.05.21 |
Shissar Executioner: | |
Shissar Killer: | 20.12.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Derugoak: | 13.05.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: General Reparm: | 10.04.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna: | 20.06.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief: | 04.04.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Magmaton: | 21.05.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Mudmyre: | 13.03.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Pyronis: | 10.04.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer: | 01.08.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Vegerogus: | 25.06.19 |
Shorthanded Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken: | 19.06.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni: | 20.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed: | 20.03.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Berenz, the Shattered Blades: | 30.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Chief Babagoosh: | 01.09.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Coercer T'vala: | 08.08.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Coirnav: | 07.02.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Corrupted Shadow Summoner [Challenge]: | 28.07.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Dark Xius Lord [Challenge]: | 08.07.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Deactivated Blood of Ssraeshza: | 09.04.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Demetrius Crane: | 16.08.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Derugoak: | 20.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Dread Lady Vezarra: | 01.09.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Elemental Masterpiece: | 01.04.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Fennin Ro: | 31.07.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Galadoon: | 14.10.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: General Reparm: | 29.01.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Gigadon: | 01.02.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna: | 01.04.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: High Priest M'kari: | 24.07.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Hortu the Scorched: | 17.05.21 |
Shorthanded Raid: Hydrotha: | 13.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Innoruuk, God of Hate: | 05.11.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Javonn the Overlord: | 29.01.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Jopal the Thief: | 29.01.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Krziik the Mighty: | 08.05.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Kua, Watcher of Wanes: | 27.04.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Lord Kargurak: | 30.10.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Lord Triskian Seru: | 04.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Luminary Cohortis Emon: | 10.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Luminary Hertu Asundri: | 30.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Luminary Percontorius Felvin: | 30.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Magmaton: | 10.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Mudmyre: | 20.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Nhekrin: | 05.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Novinctus the Unleashed: | 25.08.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag: | 01.02.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Onakoome: | 17.05.21 |
Shorthanded Raid: Palomidiar Allakhaji: | 30.04.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike: | 01.04.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Pli Va Liako Vess: | 10.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Portabellius Shrieker: | 18.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Praetorian K'Tikrn : | 20.01.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Pyreduke Surtaug: | 01.10.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Pyronis: | 21.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: Qaaron the Usurper: | 02.11.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: R'thessil and Zeltheen: | 04.05.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Remnant Ferahhal: | 04.05.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Rinturion Windblade: | 01.04.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Rockhopper Pouncer: | 20.01.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Roris Lacea: | 15.07.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Scald: | 17.05.21 |
Shorthanded Raid: Scrawl: | 15.07.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Sergie the Blade: | 25.03.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker: | 01.02.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Servant of Krziik: | 01.02.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Shik'Nar Imperiatrix: | 02.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Ssyre, the Fading Fire: | 08.04.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Stonegrabber Colossus: | 03.02.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth: | 25.03.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Tegu, Pegu, and Regu: | 15.07.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Arch Bonefiend: | 24.07.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Ashenbone Broodmaster: | 13.08.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Avatars of Air: | 20.03.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Chancellors: | 29.01.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Culler of Bones: | 31.07.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Deathrot Knight: | 08.11.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Deathspinner K'dora: | 07.08.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Dino Duo: | 28.09.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Hand of Maestro: | 11.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Hoarder P'Lewt: | 07.08.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Invaders Three: | 01.10.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Iron Widow: | 25.08.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Lord of Ire: | 24.07.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Lord of Loathing: | 05.10.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Master P'Tasa: | 16.08.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Master of Spite: | 11.12.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Phantom Wraith: | 24.07.18 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Sambata Champion: | 10.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Seventh Hammer: | 11.04.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: The Torched Twosome: | 17.05.21 |
Shorthanded Raid: Thought Horror Overfiend: | 21.01.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Vegerogus: | 25.03.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Vestigial Broker: | 18.03.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: Warlord Gintolaken: | 27.03.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Xegony: | 17.07.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: Xi Xia Xius: | 03.02.20 |
Shorthanded Raid: a Deepwater Kraken: | 01.02.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken: | 01.02.19 |
Shorthanded Raid: the Timeless Golem: | 04.05.20 |
Shorthanded Victory: Absatalius: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Adkar Vyx: | 22.10.16 |
Shorthanded Victory: Aiden: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Anashti Sul: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Benach Aglebar: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Captain Grush: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Captain Ikalus: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Dayakara: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Digg: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Doomcoil: | 22.10.16 |
Shorthanded Victory: Druushk: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Elder Ekron: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Erudin Palace: | |
Shorthanded Victory: Fabled Amorphous Drake: | 25.02.17 |
Shorthanded Victory: Fabled Fitzpitzle: | 24.02.17 |
Shorthanded Victory: Fabled Yitzik the Hurler: | 29.12.16 |
Shorthanded Victory: Gelidus Ventus: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Gozak: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Gynok Moltor: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Haggle Baron Klok: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Hoshkar: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ilenee's Betrayal and Ilenee's Despair: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Imperator Ignus: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ione the Lifebringer: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Iztapa Vyx: | 22.10.16 |
Shorthanded Victory: Kael: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Khost Alur: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Kluzen the Protector: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Kurn's Tower: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Leviathan: | 16.04.16 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ludmilla Kystov: | 22.10.16 |
Shorthanded Victory: Mandoril, Medorius, and Mikla: | 12.03.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Milyex Vioren: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Munzok: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Munzok's Material Bastion: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Mynzak: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Nexona: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ozyk: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Palace of the Ancient One: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Pentaclypse: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Phara Dar: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Qunard Ashenclaw: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Rise of Kunark: | |
Shorthanded Victory: Roehn Theer (Chaos): | 12.03.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Roehn Theer (Order): | 12.03.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Senior Loyalist Tilas: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Silverwing: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Sir Rouland: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Switchmaster Zaxlyz: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Taskmaster Nichok: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: The Protector's Realm: | |
Shorthanded Victory: The Shadow Odyssey: | |
Shorthanded Victory: Thet-em-aua: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Tomb of the Mad Crusader: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Tower of Frozen Shadow: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Trakanon: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Travenro the Skygazer: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Tythus Tinzok: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ultaclypse: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Umzok: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Veeshan's Peak: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Ward of Elements: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Wymbulu Vyx: | 22.10.16 |
Shorthanded Victory: Xebnok the Wretched: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Xygoz: | 14.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Xythus Davian and Xythus Aransta: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Yzlak: | 02.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Zarrakon: | 05.02.14 |
Shorthanded Victory: Zykluk Vyx: | 22.10.16 |
Shorthanded: Arch Magistor Modrfrost's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Balor the Primeval's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Shorthanded: Belkreiz Blazeclaw's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Shorthanded: Caella of the Pearl's Demise: | 18.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Corpsemongering: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Dagarn's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Dagarn's Demise (Challenge): | 30.12.14 |
Shorthanded: Defeating "Setri Lureth": | 30.10.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Aaranae Acrimae (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Amalgamon: | 31.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Ambassador Grindstone (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Anaheed the Dreamkeeper: | 16.03.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Bastion (Challenge): | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Baz the Illusionist: | 11.08.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Bereth Mathias: | 27.01.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Berik Bloodfist (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Bhoughbh Model XVII: | 13.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Bhoughbh Nova-Prime: | 30.09.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Botanist Heridal: | 04.01.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Brunhildre the Wench: | 15.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Brutas the Imbiber: | 29.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Brutius the Skulk: | 01.12.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Bull McCleran: | 21.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Caerina the Lost: | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Captain Ashenfell: | 05.07.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Captain Graybeard: | 11.07.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Captain Krasnok: | 11.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Captain Mergin: | 29.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Charanda: | 15.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Charrid the Mindwarper: | 16.12.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Chomp: | 04.01.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Commander Corpsemaul (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Commander Goreslaughter (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Crohp the Mighty: | 26.11.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Cronnin the Axe and Dellmun the Hammer: | 19.01.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Danacio the Witchdoctor: | 15.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper: | 04.01.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Diabo, Va, and Centi Kela'Set: | 11.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Drels Ma'Gor: | 31.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Drinal with two Soulwell abilities: | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Electroshock Grinder VIII: | 13.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Eriak the Fetid (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Farozth Ssravizh: | 10.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Fitzpitzle: | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating General Teku (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Gindan Commander Angler (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Glokus Windhelm (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Gloust M'ra: | 31.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Gomrim, Zwebek, Tonnin, and Yermon: | 05.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Gorius the Gray: | 24.05.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Grethah the Frenzied: | 05.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Grevog the Punisher: | 14.12.14 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Hand of Vallon (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Hovercopter Hingebot: | 13.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Hragdold the Frenzied (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Inquisitor Soronigus: | 22.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Jessip Daggerheart: | 10.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Jorik the Scourge: | 18.01.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Ka'Rah Ferun: | 11.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Karith'Ta: | 25.05.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Kerridicus Searskin: | 15.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Kiernun the Lyrical: | 11.01.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Kildiun the Drunkard with less than : | 20.10.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating King Lockt: | 26.11.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Kraletus: | 24.04.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Lichlord Skulldugger (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Lieutenant Klaatuus (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Lord Ghiosk: | 25.05.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir: | 14.06.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating MCP-Powered Pulsar: | 19.02.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte: | 01.07.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte (Challenge): | 28.07.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Master of the Guard: | 03.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Mazarine the Queen: | 31.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Melanie Everling: | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Milas the Ancient: | 20.11.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Morin the Swindler and Barin the Brute: | 10.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Mrogr Bloodtaint (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Mystikus Terrorwing (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Ojuti the Vile: | 20.12.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Oligar of the Dead (Challenge): | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg: | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Othysis Muravian: | 01.07.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Othysis Muravian (Challenge): | 28.07.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Pirate Shaman Snaggletooth: | 15.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Raenha, Sister of Remorse: | 29.05.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Ragebourne Gregor Haldane (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Ritual Keeper V'derin: | 15.09.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Sacrificer Aevila D'Serin: | 10.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Sath'Oprusk: | 13.07.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Sentinel Primatious: | 07.06.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Sentinel XXI: | 13.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger: | 04.01.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Shanaira the Prestigious: | 05.10.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Short-Circuited Construct Bot: | 31.01.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Silis On'Va: | 31.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Sorrn Dontro: | 31.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Sullon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Swabber Rotgut: | 21.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun (Challenge): | 08.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Tagrin Maldric (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Tallon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Teraradus the Gorer: | 30.11.14 |
Shorthanded: Defeating The Crumbling Icon: | 17.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating The Enraged Warboar (Challenge): | 05.09.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating The Forge Golem: | 08.09.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Tollen'Eod, Achen'Lomgill, Rhea'pla, and Lean'Odro: | 13.07.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith: | 01.07.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith (Challenge): | 24.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Tserrina Syl'tor: | 20.09.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Tuzerk: | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Tyrax Terrolus (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Uigirf, Htardlem, and Omzzem: | 10.02.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber: | 26.12.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Vallon Zek (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Vhaksiz the Shade: | 15.06.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Virtuoso Edgar V'Zann: | 22.05.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Wedge Tinderton: | 22.11.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Ynonngozzz'Koolbh: | 20.07.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Zebrun the Torso: | 14.12.14 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder: | 26.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder (Challenge): | 03.07.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating Zzalazziz : | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime: | 21.12.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Amalgams of Order and Chaos: | 25.05.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Ancient Sentinel: | 31.03.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Avatar of the Tribunal: | 02.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Black Reaver: | 21.12.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Captain of the Guard: | 07.12.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Construct of Malice: | 21.09.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Construct of Souls: | 26.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Generals (Challenge): | 20.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se: | 01.03.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Hobgoblin Anguish Lord: | 16.03.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs: | 19.01.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Kly: | 15.06.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Lumpy Goo: | 04.01.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Malfunctioning Slaver: | 25.02.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Memory of the Stolen: | 08.03.17 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Polliwog: | 20.07.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Protector of Bones: | 10.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Rejuvenating One: | 31.01.21 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord: | 22.12.16 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Summoned Foes: | 31.01.21 |
Shorthanded: Defeating the Tinkered Abomination: | 29.09.16 |
Shorthanded: Diviner Gelerin and Persecutor Barid's Demise: | 04.07.14 |
Shorthanded: Durtung the Arm of War: | 24.08.16 |
Shorthanded: Entrancer Lisha and the Enslaver Eels' Demise: | 18.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Fabled Venekor: | 22.06.16 |
Shorthanded: Fergul the Protector: | 23.05.16 |
Shorthanded: Gen'ra and the Warcouncil's Demise (Challenge): | 18.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Gen'ris' Demise: | 11.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Ikatiar's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Ikatiar's Demise (Challenge): | 18.06.15 |
Shorthanded: Imperator Kolskeggr's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Kelorek'Dar's Demise: | 11.03.16 |
Shorthanded: King Tormax's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Kreelit, the Caller of Hounds: | 11.07.16 |
Shorthanded: Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Malteor Flamecaller's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Shorthanded: Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Overlord Talan's Demise: | 23.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Overlord Talan's Demise (Challenge): | 14.08.14 |
Shorthanded: Priestess Denerva Vah'lis' Demise: | 18.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Psyllon'Ris' Demise (Challenge): | 18.03.16 |
Shorthanded: Sevalak of Storms' Demise: | 08.04.16 |
Shorthanded: Sevalor Gorescale's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Seven Years Bad Luck: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Story Time with Tserrina!: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Tel'koran Bloodmaw's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Shorthanded: The Butler Did It!: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: The Curse is Broken: | 09.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Theldek the Stinger's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
Shorthanded: Turning a Frown Upside Down: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Unmasking the Truth: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Xalgoti: | 04.02.14 |
Shorthanded: Zorglim the Departed: | 04.02.14 |
Sight But No Vision: | 25.12.19 |
Sign on the dotted line...: | 05.02.14 |
Signature Grandmaster: | 19.11.14 |
Singing In The Reign: | 19.12.20 |
Sink, Sink: | 17.11.18 |
Sink, Sink, Sink: | 18.11.18 |
Sinking Sands Settler: | |
Siren Annihilator: | |
Siren Destroyer: | |
Siren Executioner: | |
Siren Killer: | 04.02.14 |
Sizzle, Sizzle: | 14.11.18 |
Sizzle, Sizzle, Sizzle: | 23.11.18 |
Skeleton Crew: | |
Sky Another Day: | 05.12.23 |
Skyshrine Savior: | 06.02.14 |
Skyshrine Souvenir Spotter: | 07.04.14 |
Skyshrine: City of Dracur: | 08.02.14 |
Sleeper's Tomb: The Awakening: | 06.02.14 |
Slug Annihilator: | |
Slug Destroyer: | 21.01.24 |
Slug Executioner: | |
Slug Killer: | 18.11.15 |
Snack Attack: | 30.03.15 |
Snuffing Out the Eternal Cinder: | 28.01.21 |
Soddenly Yours: | |
Solo Sonatas: | 05.12.23 |
Solo: The Fabled Nizara Plunderer: | 26.08.16 |
Solusek Ro (Avatar): | 26.05.14 |
Sovereign Secrets: Escape the Labyrinth of Colors: | 30.07.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Friend to the Golden Merchants Guild of the Alcazar: | 10.07.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Friend to the Iron Merchants Guild of the Alcazar: | 25.07.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Azure-Leafed Maneater: | 05.08.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Crimson-Leafed Maneater: | 12.08.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Emerald-Leafed Maneater: | 31.07.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Indigo-Leafed Maneater: | 22.08.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Smee the Iron Sprite: | 10.07.24 |
Sovereign Secrets: Smol the Golden Sprite: | 18.07.24 |
Spectral Librarian Emiida: | 17.03.16 |
Spire Flier: | |
Spirit Swords: | 02.07.15 |
Spirit of the Deep's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
Spiritual Experience: | 04.03.21 |
Splendor Sky Signatures: | 21.03.24 |
Splitiron Mining Equipment: | 24.01.16 |
Spoils of Vetrovia: | 04.12.21 |
Spoor of Clan Barkgut: | 31.01.16 |
Squire Afire: | 05.12.18 |
Stable Hand: | 02.02.14 |
Star Destroyer: | 07.01.14 |
Star of Ro: | |
Stay on Target: | 30.04.15 |
Stealthy Supplier: | 25.11.24 |
Steamfont Searcher: | |
Stoking the Forge: | 23.04.14 |
Stone Silence: Part I: | 03.07.23 |
Stone Silence: Part II: | 05.07.23 |
Stone Silence: Part III: | 06.07.23 |
Stone Silence: Part IV: | 07.07.23 |
Stone Silence: Part V: | 10.07.23 |
Stone Silence: Part VI: | 13.07.23 |
Stone Silence: Part VII: | 10.08.23 |
Stone Silence: Part VIII: | 04.09.23 |
Stopping the Creation: | 31.08.21 |
Story Time with Tserrina!: | 04.02.14 |
Stowaways' Fortune: | 05.05.15 |
Stowaways' Fortune [Challenge]: | 05.05.15 |
Stowaways' Misfortune: | 04.05.15 |
Stowaways' Misfortune [Challenge]: | 06.07.15 |
Strungstone Sempre: | 07.12.23 |
Strungstone Senza: | 12.12.23 |
Strungstone Sonata: | 02.12.23 |
Successful Aether Delver [Cleared!]: | 13.11.24 |
Successful Alcazar Assailant [Cleared!]: | 28.11.24 |
Successful Breadth Raider [Cleared!]: | 28.02.24 |
Successful Chamber Raider [Cleared!]: | 08.01.24 |
Successful Raj'Dur Raider: | 19.04.23 |
Sugary Goodness: | 21.05.15 |
Sundered Frontiersman: | 05.01.17 |
Superior Malice Raider: | 23.03.15 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: Ahrmatal the Scorcher's Demise: | 09.02.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: Bolgin Serilis's Demise: | 08.01.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: Fherin the Ancient's Demise: | 11.01.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: Gangel the Resurrected's Demise: | 09.01.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: General Graknus's Demise: | 07.01.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: Luminox Prime's Demise: | 06.01.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: Queen Meacidaris's Demise: | 05.01.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: Shazzak's Demise: | 17.01.14 |
Superior Sense of Urgency: The Chamber Warden's Demise: | 17.01.14 |
Svarni Scrawl: | 11.01.22 |
Sweet Sassy Molassy: | 29.04.15 |
Swimming Under The Influence: | 06.12.15 |
Symbols of the Temple: | 21.01.16 |
Takish'Hiz to the Limit: | 07.05.23 |
Talented Tinkerer: | 22.10.14 |
Tales of the Scars: | 22.12.24 |
Tall Tale Protagonist: | 05.04.24 |
Tarnished Battle Remains: | 29.01.16 |
Tarnished Tacet: | 02.12.23 |
Tarnished Tempo: | 25.12.23 |
Tarnished Tonality: | 12.12.23 |
Tel'koran Bloodmaw's Demise: | 30.12.14 |
Tempered by Flame: | 01.07.23 |
Temple Vestiges: | 21.01.16 |
Tender Traps in Obulus Frontier: | |
Tending to the Scar: | |
Tenebrous Tangle Trailblazer: | |
Terra, Terra: | 14.11.18 |
Terra, Terra, Terra: | 23.11.18 |
Thalumbra Lovers Do It Deep: | |
That Thing is Poison: | 02.01.20 |
The Arcanna'se Crafter: | 18.11.16 |
The Ascended: | 30.04.17 |
The Avatar of Shinies: | 21.12.24 |
The Best Part Is the Perch: | 01.01.22 |
The Butler Did It!: | 04.02.14 |
The Collection Agent: | |
The Collection Chaser: | |
The Collection Curator: | |
The Curse is Broken: | 09.02.14 |
The Djinn Master's Reprise: | 12.11.14 |
The Efflorescent Event: | 02.05.23 |
The Fabled Bonesnapper Snapper: | 24.08.16 |
The Fabled Feather Plucker: | 02.11.16 |
The Fabled Spirit Hunter: | 17.07.15 |
The Fabled Turtle Dragon Thrasher: | 05.10.16 |
The Fast and the Furriest: | |
The Few, The Forlorn: | 12.12.21 |
The Fewer, the Forlornly: | 06.12.21 |
The Fire is Dire, the Pyre is Higher: | 17.12.20 |
The Fire is So Delightful: | 01.02.15 |
The Frillik Tide: | 16.11.16 |
The Gift That Keeps on Giving: | 28.12.22 |
The Gist of Things: | 05.12.21 |
The Great Brewday Pub Crawl: | 05.03.16 |
The Lion Sleeps Tonight: | 05.12.21 |
The Long Dark: | 19.12.20 |
The Mission is the Mission: | 02.12.22 |
The Mountaineer: | 27.11.14 |
The Not-So-Endless Caverns: | |
The Origins of Dirt: | 07.12.18 |
The Pinnacle: | 29.11.14 |
The Raffik Tide?: | 19.11.16 |
The Ring War: | 11.09.14 |
The Shining Example: | |
The Shiny Eyed Monster: | 02.09.21 |
The Shiny Stalker: | |
The Sparkle Spotter: | 29.01.23 |
The Sparkling Success: | |
The Spills of Battle: | 25.01.16 |
The Strange Stalker: | 07.08.18 |
The Sultan's Dagger: | 12.12.22 |
The Task of Tome: | 19.12.20 |
The Tempest of Zek's Demise: | 09.04.17 |
The Wind That Shakes the Melee: | 29.04.15 |
The Year of Darkpaw Crafter: | |
Theldek the Stinger's Demise: | 26.04.15 |
There Can Be Only One: | |
These Boots Were Made For Squashing: | 14.11.14 |
They're No Fiends of Mine: | 09.12.21 |
This Achievement will self-destruct in five seconds.: | 12.01.14 |
Those Ruins Over There.: | 08.01.20 |
Thought Horror Annihilator: | |
Thought Horror Destroyer: | |
Thought Horror Executioner: | |
Thought Horror Killer: | 20.12.19 |
Threats From Below: | |
Through the Belly of the Beast: | 19.12.20 |
Through the Blinding Light: | 23.12.19 |
Thundering Steppes Scout: | 11.09.18 |
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise: | 10.04.14 |
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Challenge): | 15.12.24 |
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Challenge) (Sense of Urgency): | 15.12.24 |
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Sense of Urgency): | 10.04.14 |
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Solo): | 18.03.14 |
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Solo) (Sense of Urgency): | 18.03.14 |
Time Traveler: | 20.03.15 |
Times' Self Made Audible: | 19.12.19 |
Timorous Deep Traveler: | |
Tinkerer's Trial Terminated: | 07.06.22 |
Tip the Sentinel of Balance (Hard Mode): | 12.03.14 |
Too Cruel Renewal: | 28.12.22 |
Too Much Bust to Dust: | 09.12.22 |
Too Much Dust to Bust: | 28.12.22 |
Tools of the Dark Gears: | 21.01.16 |
Tortoise No Moor: | 18.12.20 |
Tower Guard I: | |
Tower Guard II: | |
Tower Guard III: | |
Tower Guard IV: | |
Tower Guard IX: | |
Tower Guard V: | |
Tower Guard VI: | |
Tower Guard VII: | |
Tower Guard VIII: | |
Tower Guard X: | |
Trakanon's Reprise: | 12.11.14 |
Trakanon's Tormenter: | 14.02.14 |
Trance if We Want To: | 26.12.21 |
Tranquility: | 28.12.14 |
Translator: | 25.08.14 |
Traverse the Corrupted Forest: | |
Traverse the Divide: | 01.01.17 |
Traverse the Eidolon Jungle: | 23.03.14 |
Traverse the Obol Plains: | |
Traverse the Wastes: | |
Tread Carefully: | 29.11.14 |
Treasure Quester: | 25.09.14 |
Tree? I Am No Tree!: | 23.12.19 |
Tricky Treats: | 19.10.14 |
Trifecta Trampler: | |
Trinket Pursuer: | 19.03.16 |
Trinket Tinkerer: | 21.10.14 |
Triumph: A Tier Above: | 18.12.18 |
Triumph: A Tier Above Them All: | 31.07.19 |
Triumph: Accursed Sanctum: | 08.03.14 |
Triumph: Aether Wastelands: | 06.12.23 |
Triumph: All Ducks in a Ro [Solo, Heroic I and II]: | 28.12.22 |
Triumph: All Together Now: | 23.12.19 |
Triumph: All of a Sodden: | |
Triumph: Ancient Annihilator: | 01.07.23 |
Triumph: Another Tier Above: | 11.01.19 |
Triumph: Answer the Call: | 27.08.20 |
Triumph: Antiquity Obsession: | 13.05.23 |
Triumph: At Death's Door: | |
Triumph: Aurelian Coaster: | 21.12.19 |
Triumph: Backwoods Beat Down: | 14.03.21 |
Triumph: Beyond the Grave: | 23.12.24 |
Triumph: Blame It on the Reign: | 14.02.21 |
Triumph: Blight Upon the Badlands: | |
Triumph: Blinded by the Light [Heroic + Challenge]: | 08.11.20 |
Triumph: Blinding Destroyer: | 13.02.20 |
Triumph: Blindingly Killing: | 22.12.19 |
Triumph: Blow This Hot Gob Stand: | |
Triumph: Brilliant Butcher: | 07.01.20 |
Triumph: Brutal Coaster: | 08.01.20 |
Triumph: Brutally Wracked!: | 25.02.20 |
Triumph: Burned to a Gob: | |
Triumph: Burning Down the House: | 14.01.21 |
Triumph: Can't Reign All The Time: | 01.05.21 |
Triumph: Cavern Caper: | 16.04.23 |
Triumph: Complete all Ballads of Zimara Collections: | 11.03.24 |
Triumph: Complete all Renewal of Ro Collections: | 29.01.23 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred: | 19.10.18 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred (All): | 24.10.18 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred (Tier 1): | 31.07.18 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred (Tier 1) Flawlessly: | 06.08.18 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred (Tier 2): | 23.08.18 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred (Tier 2) Flawlessly: | 23.08.18 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred (Tier 3): | 19.10.18 |
Triumph: Conquering the Hatred (Tier 3) Flawlessly: | |
Triumph: Copper Cutthroat [Solo]: | 12.04.22 |
Triumph: Couplet Cacophony: | 12.12.23 |
Triumph: Dark Doodles: | |
Triumph: Dark Side Researcher: | 13.02.21 |
Triumph: Darkside Explorer: | 20.12.20 |
Triumph: Decimation of Kunark (Tier 1): | 16.03.17 |
Triumph: Decimation of Kunark (Tier 2): | 04.05.17 |
Triumph: Decimation of Kunark (Tier 3): | 15.11.17 |
Triumph: Decimation of Kunark (Tier 4): | 11.03.18 |
Triumph: Decimation of Malice: | 05.12.14 |
Triumph: Decimation of Terror (Tier 1): | 30.11.15 |
Triumph: Decimation of Terror (Tier 2): | 20.12.15 |
Triumph: Decimation of Terror (Tier 3): | |
Triumph: Decimation of Thalumbra: | 22.12.15 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Raid Bosses: | 28.11.24 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 1 Raid Bosses: | 08.01.24 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 2 Raid Bosses: | 18.04.24 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 3 Raid Bosses: | 22.08.24 |
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 4 Raid Bosses: | 25.11.24 |
Triumph: Desert Dessert: | 13.12.22 |
Triumph: Deserted Deserts: | |
Triumph: Diaku Corral Deputy: | 14.04.20 |
Triumph: Diaku Corral Marshal: | 19.09.20 |
Triumph: Diaku Corral Outlaw: | 19.09.20 |
Triumph: Diaku Corral Sheriff: | 18.04.20 |
Triumph: Domination of Malice: | 07.12.14 |
Triumph: Echo K.O.: | 07.02.21 |
Triumph: Elite Elemental Researcher: | 05.12.18 |
Triumph: Excursions in the Dark: | 24.12.20 |
Triumph: Expert Decimation: | |
Triumph: Fabled Deathtoll: | |
Triumph: Flawless All Raid Encounters: | |
Triumph: Flawless all Raid encounters: | |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Raid Bosses: | 02.12.24 |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 1 Raid Bosses: | 08.01.24 |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 2 Raid Bosses: | 23.05.24 |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 3 Raid Bosses: | 30.10.24 |
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 4 Raid Bosses: | 02.12.24 |
Triumph: From Vetrovia With Love: | 08.12.21 |
Triumph: Front Ro Seat [Heroic I]: | 12.12.22 |
Triumph: Gnoll Holds Barred [Heroic II]: | 08.05.24 |
Triumph: Gnoll Pain, Gnoll Gain [Heroic]: | 12.05.24 |
Triumph: Gnoll Place Like Home [Solo]: | 11.05.24 |
Triumph: Gold Dead Hands [Heroic II]: | 15.04.22 |
Triumph: Gold Metal: | 02.04.24 |
Triumph: Hero of Vesspyr: | 17.01.14 |
Triumph: High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion: | |
Triumph: Hot Under the Goblin: | |
Triumph: Hunting the Planes: | 05.12.18 |
Triumph: I Know Iamb: | 08.12.23 |
Triumph: Illumination Annihilation: | 08.11.20 |
Triumph: Just Deserts: | |
Triumph: Kill Everything with One Sandstone: | 13.12.22 |
Triumph: Kromzek Killer [Fabled]: | 02.11.19 |
Triumph: Laid to Unrest [Heroic I]: | 29.09.23 |
Triumph: Leapin And Hoppin!: | 19.12.20 |
Triumph: Lights Out!: | 15.01.20 |
Triumph: Lightside Explorer: | 23.12.19 |
Triumph: Lyrical Decomposition: | |
Triumph: Manic Operatic: | 14.12.23 |
Triumph: Master of Vetrovia: | 10.02.22 |
Triumph: Memory Serves [Heroic]: | 22.09.23 |
Triumph: Memory Serves [Solo]: | 13.09.23 |
Triumph: Menagerie Madness [Solo]: | 10.10.24 |
Triumph: Menagerie Mayhem [Duo]: | |
Triumph: Menagerie Multiversarie: | |
Triumph: Moon Lander: | 22.12.19 |
Triumph: Moon Markings: | 14.01.20 |
Triumph: Moonage Daydream!: | 25.12.19 |
Triumph: Night of the Microknights: | |
Triumph: No Unrest for the Weary [Heroic II]: | 08.10.23 |
Triumph: Null and Void [Heroic II]: | 14.08.22 |
Triumph: Null and Void [Heroic I]: | 11.08.22 |
Triumph: Null and Void [Solo]: | 09.08.22 |
Triumph: Nullified and Voidified [Group]: | 25.10.22 |
Triumph: Nullified and Voidified [Raid]: | 25.10.22 |
Triumph: Once in a Blood Moon: | 08.11.20 |
Triumph: One With the Wind: | 01.04.19 |
Triumph: Paid in Blood, Sweat, and Tears: | 09.08.22 |
Triumph: Pall of All of Vex Thal: | |
Triumph: Pall of Vex Thal [Challenge]: | |
Triumph: Pall of Vex Thal [Heroic II]: | 23.04.21 |
Triumph: Pall of Vex Thal [Heroic I]: | 04.04.21 |
Triumph: Pall of Vex Thal [Solo]: | 03.04.21 |
Triumph: Pinnacle of Perfection: | 14.08.22 |
Triumph: Planar Explorer: | 23.11.18 |
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Expert]: | 21.07.19 |
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Heroic]: | 23.11.18 |
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Solo]: | 17.11.18 |
Triumph: Platinum Punisher [Challenge]: | 27.05.22 |
Triumph: Plundering the Planes (Tier 1): | 17.01.18 |
Triumph: Plundering the Planes (Tier 1) Flawlessly : | 24.05.18 |
Triumph: Plundering the Planes (Tier 2): | 28.03.18 |
Triumph: Plundering the Planes (Tier 2) Flawlessly : | 20.08.18 |
Triumph: Plundering the Planes (Tier 3): | 26.09.18 |
Triumph: Plundering the Planes (Tier 3) Flawlessly : | |
Triumph: Plundering the Planes (Tier 4): | |
Triumph: Power Raider (Tier 1): | 06.08.18 |
Triumph: Power Raider (Tier 2): | 23.08.18 |
Triumph: Public Knowledge: | 16.12.18 |
Triumph: Purge of the Scourge: | |
Triumph: Quest Mega-Achiever in Scourge Wastes: | 02.05.16 |
Triumph: Raggedy Rhapsody: | |
Triumph: Ready... Round 1: | 31.07.18 |
Triumph: Ready... Round 2: | 03.07.18 |
Triumph: Ready... Round 3: | 11.07.18 |
Triumph: Ready... Round 4: | 11.07.18 |
Triumph: Ready... Round 5: | 23.08.18 |
Triumph: Ready... Round 6: | 19.10.18 |
Triumph: Reign of Refrain: | 02.04.24 |
Triumph: Reign on Their Parade: | 18.12.20 |
Triumph: Reign or Shine: | 24.12.20 |
Triumph: Remnant Rampager: | 01.07.23 |
Triumph: Rhyme Slayer: | 02.04.24 |
Triumph: Right as Reign: | 24.12.20 |
Triumph: Ro, Ro, Ro Your Gloat [Solo]: | 03.12.22 |
Triumph: Rocky Roads: | 23.12.24 |
Triumph: Roil and Rumble: | 18.08.21 |
Triumph: Salt in the Wounds: | 24.11.24 |
Triumph: Save it for Desert [Heroic III]: | 25.03.23 |
Triumph: Saving Grace [Solo]: | 04.01.23 |
Triumph: Scab Rat: | 29.11.24 |
Triumph: Scarchipelago: | |
Triumph: Scourge Keep Seized: | |
Triumph: Scourge Silencer: | 26.05.16 |
Triumph: Seize the Keep [Advanced Solo]: | 03.05.16 |
Triumph: Seize the Keep [Heroic]: | |
Triumph: Set Light to Experts: | 28.06.20 |
Triumph: Silencing the Scourge [Heroic]: | 24.05.16 |
Triumph: Silencing the Scourge [Solo]: | 26.05.16 |
Triumph: Silver Slayer [Heroic I]: | 12.04.22 |
Triumph: Solo Spelunker: | 01.07.23 |
Triumph: Sovereign Secrets - Monstrous Maneaters: | 22.08.24 |
Triumph: Splendor Sky Kablooey: | |
Triumph: Stanza Bonanza: | 05.12.23 |
Triumph: Step Above the Unrest [Heroic III]: | 16.04.24 |
Triumph: Stick It Thicket: | 12.02.21 |
Triumph: T. K. Ro [Heroic II]: | 28.12.22 |
Triumph: Temple of Veeshan: | |
Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Halls of the Betrayer: | 20.05.14 |
Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Laboratory of Mutation: | 31.07.14 |
Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Outer Halls: | 25.09.14 |
Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - The Dreadscale's Maw: | |
Triumph: Terror of Trimeter: | 12.12.23 |
Triumph: The Antiquity Ubiquity: | 01.07.23 |
Triumph: The Blood Seeker: | 25.02.20 |
Triumph: The Fabled Flames of War: | 26.01.21 |
Triumph: The Gods Must Be Crazy II!: | 06.11.24 |
Triumph: The Gods Must Be Crazy!: | 31.10.24 |
Triumph: The Merchant Murders: | 27.05.22 |
Triumph: The Quest for Perfection!: | |
Triumph: The Quicker Picker-Upper: | 29.11.24 |
Triumph: Tilt the Scales: | 23.12.24 |
Triumph: To the Monolith, Forthwith!: | 14.08.22 |
Triumph: Tough Ro to Hoe [Heroic I and II]: | 28.12.22 |
Triumph: Towering Over the Tower: | 25.10.22 |
Triumph: Trial Run [Heroic II]: | 10.08.21 |
Triumph: Trial Run [Heroic I]: | 12.08.21 |
Triumph: Trial Run [Solo]: | 12.08.21 |
Triumph: Unburied Usurper: | 15.04.23 |
Triumph: Unmeltable!: | 29.01.19 |
Triumph: Unrest Assured [Solo]: | 24.09.23 |
Triumph: Unrest in History: | 16.04.24 |
Triumph: Unrest in Pieces [Heroic III]: | 07.04.24 |
Triumph: Vaunted Archivist: | |
Triumph: Vetrovian Traveler: | 05.12.21 |
Triumph: Vetrovian Vandalizer: | 11.01.22 |
Triumph: Vetrovian Vindicator: | 01.01.22 |
Triumph: Vetrovian Visionary: | 14.12.21 |
Triumph: Visions of Valor [Solo]: | 06.12.21 |
Triumph: Visions of Vehemence [Heroic I and II]: | 28.12.21 |
Triumph: Visions of Victory [Solo, Heroic I and II]: | 28.12.21 |
Triumph: Visions of Violence [Heroic II]: | 28.12.21 |
Triumph: Visions of Virtue [Heroic I]: | 12.12.21 |
Triumph: Void Where Prohibited: | 25.10.22 |
Triumph: Waiting is the Hardest Part: | 25.03.23 |
Triumph: Walking on the Moon!: | 11.01.20 |
Triumph: Wastes Removal: | |
Triumph: Weathering the Upheaval: | 27.03.19 |
Triumph: When It Reigns It Pours: | 10.07.21 |
Triumph: Wherever I May Roam: | 26.11.18 |
Triumph: Wieldy Weald: | 14.02.21 |
Triumph: Woe is Plateaus: | 04.12.22 |
Triumph: Won't Pack Down: | 12.05.24 |
Triumph: Wracked!: | 20.12.19 |
Triumph: Yet Another Tier Above: | 12.02.19 |
Triumph: Zimara's Last Breadth: | |
Triumph: Zimaran Notary: | 22.03.24 |
Triumphant Champion of Faydwer: | |
Truffle Hunter: | 15.11.14 |
Tunare (Avatar): | 16.03.14 |
Tunare (Contested Avatar): | 20.10.14 |
Turncoat Cutthroat: | 08.01.15 |
Turning a Frown Upside Down: | 04.02.14 |
Twelfth Anniversary Celebration: | |
Tyrannus the Dark: | 07.08.18 |
Udder Contempt for Trophies: | 25.10.22 |
Unblemished Oeuvre: | |
Uncharted Waters: | 21.11.18 |
Undaunted: | 30.03.15 |
Undead Annihilator: | 12.08.18 |
Undead Destroyer: | 27.05.14 |
Undead Executioner: | 07.12.18 |
Undead Killer: | 02.01.14 |
Underdepths Saga: | 20.11.15 |
Underfoot Mementos: | 05.02.16 |
Underfoot Memories: | 21.01.16 |
Underpaws Rising: | 07.10.24 |
Undivided Attention to Detail: | |
Unforgotten: | 27.01.16 |
United We Stand: | 08.11.19 |
Unleash the Beast: | 03.02.14 |
Unlock: Audience with the Gods: | 12.02.19 |
Unlock: Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate Access: | 27.08.18 |
Unlock: Plane of Disease: Virulent Insurrection Access: | 08.01.18 |
Unlock: Plane of Innovation: The Wasteyards Access: | 01.12.17 |
Unlock: Solusek Ro's Tower: Citadel of the Sun Access: | 11.01.18 |
Unlock: The Mythic Adventure: | 11.01.19 |
Unlock: Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge Access: | 10.01.18 |
Unmasking the Truth: | 04.02.14 |
Unraveling Webs: | 18.12.20 |
Untamed Lands For One: | 24.12.20 |
Up, Up, and Away!: | 02.01.14 |
Urzarach Annihilator: | |
Urzarach Destroyer: | |
Urzarach Executioner: | |
Urzarach Killer: | 12.11.14 |
Usurper I: | |
Usurper II: | |
Usurper III: | |
Usurper IV: | |
Usurper IX: | |
Usurper V: | |
Usurper VI: | |
Usurper VII: | |
Usurper VIII: | |
Usurper X: | |
Vale Overture: | 30.11.23 |
Vale Vivace: | 06.12.23 |
Valtith's Thirsting Tome: | 06.12.23 |
Vampire Annihilator: | 27.01.22 |
Vampire Destroyer: | 16.12.21 |
Vampire Executioner: | 30.04.22 |
Vampire Killer: | 05.08.14 |
Vanquishing the Chaos Descending: | 15.11.18 |
Vantage Point: | 24.01.16 |
Vaunted Knowledge [Solo]: | 03.12.22 |
Veeshan's Crusader: | |
Veeshan's Peak Vindicator: | 14.02.14 |
Vegarlson Vandalizer: | |
Venekor's Demise: | 29.01.17 |
Very Successful Raj'Dur Raider: | 31.05.23 |
Vetrovia is for Lovers: | |
Vhodeka Prime's Demise: | 09.04.14 |
Victor of Vetrovia: | 04.12.21 |
Victor: Count Valdoon Kel'Novar [Heroic]: | 23.06.15 |
Victorious Campaign I: | 23.01.14 |
Victorious Campaign II: | 15.05.17 |
Victorious Campaign III: | 26.05.17 |
Victorious Campaign IV: | 09.06.17 |
Victorious Campaign IX: | |
Victorious Campaign V: | |
Victorious Campaign VI: | |
Victorious Campaign VII: | |
Victorious Campaign VIII: | |
Victorious Campaign X: | |
Victory on the brink of death: Prime Vigoth Ansleborg and her Aman: | 31.08.16 |
Victory on the brink of death: The Blood Iron Eater: | 05.05.16 |
Victory on the brink of death: Thrug: | 11.06.16 |
Victory over the Vicars: | 06.10.21 |
Victory: A Greater Lightcrawler: | 22.12.19 |
Victory: A Residual Slime: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: A Residual Slime (Challenge): | 24.12.16 |
Victory: A Spectral Beguiler: | 23.11.16 |
Victory: A Spectral Beguiler (Challenge): | 24.12.16 |
Victory: Abin'Ebi the Awkward: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Abyssral: | 19.11.15 |
Victory: Accursed Custodian: | 22.02.14 |
Victory: Acinox: | 18.11.15 |
Victory: Adherent Custodian: | 07.03.14 |
Victory: Adolara Xien: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Aegaeon, the Violent: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Aelero and Velos Skywing: | 21.11.18 |
Victory: Aga-Yagaba: | 06.12.21 |
Victory: Ageless Custodian: | 22.02.14 |
Victory: Aggregahn: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Agmork the Almighty Angler: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: Agrodemus and Sumedorga: | 28.12.21 |
Victory: Ahrmatal the Scorcher: | 09.02.14 |
Victory: Ahuttam the Sword's Breeze: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Akamizu: | 16.12.24 |
Victory: Akoto Limbbreaker: | 19.12.24 |
Victory: Akur the Great Con: | 30.07.14 |
Victory: Akuzut: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: Albusat Alsihriu: | 12.12.22 |
Victory: Alisha: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Alkorahil the Slicer: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Alkrahgok Spinepiercer: | 10.01.25 |
Victory: Aluarenon: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Amalgam of Carnage: | 08.12.24 |
Victory: Amatheon: | 18.01.23 |
Victory: An'Kaas Fer'Zethon: | 23.12.20 |
Victory: Ancient Clockwork Prototype: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Ancient Spectre: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Andreis the Culler: | 28.05.14 |
Victory: Anima of Gashok: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Anima of Snarlip: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: Anima of Vixra: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Anirath Andirin: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Anisopt: | 07.02.21 |
Victory: Antalflik: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Anzarion: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Apocrita: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Aqile Akalay: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Arachlord Dyrraga: | 12.04.22 |
Victory: Arachlord Dyrraga [Challenge]: | 27.05.22 |
Victory: Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune and his disciples: | 07.12.14 |
Victory: Arch Nemesis Rhag'Nazza: | 22.12.19 |
Victory: Arch Nemesis Rhag'Nazza [Challenge]: | 25.05.20 |
Victory: Archmage Yaranni: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Archon of Death: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Archon of Death [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Archon of Life: | 30.12.19 |
Victory: Archon of Life [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Argh the Anvil: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Arkanak: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Arkose: | 08.12.17 |
Victory: Ashnu: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Askibin the Darklord: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Atramonox: | 20.11.21 |
Victory: Atreyes: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Auliffe Chaoswind: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Aurorax: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Avatar of the Sun: | 07.12.17 |
Victory: Bagarash: | 18.11.15 |
Victory: Bahglira: | 19.12.24 |
Victory: Baka: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Balimon: | 03.12.23 |
Victory: Balrezu: | 06.12.17 |
Victory: Bandak and Partak: | 30.04.16 |
Victory: Barlanka: | 12.12.23 |
Victory: Baron Bromz: | 05.06.23 |
Victory: Bartus Morrand: | 12.12.21 |
Victory: Bashida the Blade: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Bazaar Baron Brixwald: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Bazaar Baron Brixwald [Challenge]: | 19.02.20 |
Victory: Beaknik: | 18.11.18 |
Victory: Beefcake: | 12.04.22 |
Victory: Beefcake [Challenge]: | 09.05.22 |
Victory: Beresk the Bejeweled: | 22.12.24 |
Victory: Bhaly Adan: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Bhigboz: | 03.12.23 |
Victory: Black Bolt: | 22.11.15 |
Victory: Blackbane: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Blackgut the Promised: | 13.12.24 |
Victory: Blackgut the Rewarded: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Bladetooth: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: Bleakblood the Corpse Blaster: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Blighthorn: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Blistersnag: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Bloodclaw: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Bloodcomb: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Bloodlord Durogan: | 06.12.21 |
Victory: Bloodmaiden Syvanti: | 13.12.21 |
Victory: Blurcille Croubis: | 10.06.20 |
Victory: Bluster: | 19.11.18 |
Victory: Bolagehera: | 12.12.23 |
Victory: Bolgin Serilis: | 08.01.14 |
Victory: Bolguwak: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: Boneblob: | 13.03.21 |
Victory: Borahaz: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Bosin: | 13.12.22 |
Victory: Bosun's Private Stock: | 07.12.14 |
Victory: Botheal: | 13.04.23 |
Victory: Brenick of the Brine: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Briargrim in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic II]: | 17.12.24 |
Victory: Briargrim in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Briargrim in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Victory: Broxum the Frolicsome: | 03.05.23 |
Victory: Brucko the Brutal: | 19.04.24 |
Victory: Brulk Skullcrusher: | 19.04.24 |
Victory: Brunkor the Big: | 14.04.23 |
Victory: Brutal Bloodbath: | 22.12.20 |
Victory: Brutish Brog: | 21.07.14 |
Victory: Brutto Ucot [Heroic]: | 16.04.20 |
Victory: Brutto Ucot [Solo]: | 14.04.20 |
Victory: Bulbrusk the Bulbous: | 01.07.23 |
Victory: Bull McCleran: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: Burnard Backbreaker: | 03.07.22 |
Victory: Bzzkill the Honeymonger: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Caden and Keplin: | 09.03.14 |
Victory: Caelan'Gael, Keeper of Growth: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Cannibrea: | 03.12.21 |
Victory: Canta Slug: | 05.04.24 |
Victory: Captain Berlon Bilgewater: | 13.11.14 |
Victory: Captain Krasnok the Immortal: | 28.11.14 |
Victory: Captain Terrasque Kel'Avar: | 30.01.21 |
Victory: Captain Twoshanks: | 14.04.22 |
Victory: Captain Twoshanks [Challenge]: | 01.05.22 |
Victory: Captain Tzzz: | 18.11.18 |
Victory: Captain Vhankmin: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: Captain of Fire: | 22.11.18 |
Victory: Carrionpicker: | 12.12.22 |
Victory: Celadon in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic II]: | 17.12.24 |
Victory: Celadon in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Celadon in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Victory: Cer'matal the Gatekeeper: | 29.10.14 |
Victory: Cerio Vallain: | 26.12.19 |
Victory: Cerio Vallain [Challenge]: | 15.02.20 |
Victory: Ceroth: | 11.04.23 |
Victory: Champion of E'ci: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Champion of Marr: | 18.11.18 |
Victory: Champion of the Veiled One: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Chaperon of Nightmares: | 28.05.14 |
Victory: Charex the Cheat: | 16.04.23 |
Victory: Charred Lemange Quartet [Heroic I]: | 11.01.25 |
Victory: Charred Lemange Sextet [Heroic II]: | 14.12.24 |
Victory: Charred Lemange Trio [Heroic II]: | 10.12.24 |
Victory: Charred Lemange Trio [Heroic I]: | 10.01.25 |
Victory: Charred Lemange [Heroic I]: | 19.12.24 |
Victory: Chatizad: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Chatizad and Zannaska: | 21.11.16 |
Victory: Chebura: | 27.01.21 |
Victory: Cherack the Decimator: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Chief Babagoosh: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: Chief Broglyn: | 09.07.21 |
Victory: Chief Dunesea: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: Chief Gadzuuks: | 26.06.21 |
Victory: Chieftain Yagnag: | 19.02.21 |
Victory: Chitinfire: | 22.12.24 |
Victory: Choir of T'vyl: | 15.03.15 |
Victory: Cindrax: | 06.12.17 |
Victory: Cleavespine: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: Clobberock: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Clockwork Scrounger XVII: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: Cluster: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Colonel Gozier: | 29.11.16 |
Victory: Consumer of Bones: | 25.09.14 |
Victory: Controller Ervin and Pyrelord Kullis: | 24.06.14 |
Victory: Coppernicus: | 22.03.24 |
Victory: Corpse Couple: | 02.12.21 |
Victory: Corpsescrone Urgta: | 15.02.21 |
Victory: Corpsetalon: | 09.12.21 |
Victory: Corrupted Construct: | 21.12.20 |
Victory: Council of Four: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Count Valdoon Kel'Novar [Advanced Solo]: | 24.06.15 |
Victory: Crabominated Arms of the Behemoth: | 19.12.24 |
Victory: Cracklebones: | 11.05.24 |
Victory: Cragnok: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Crisj'Jen the Bold: | 07.12.23 |
Victory: Crogyn: | 29.09.23 |
Victory: Crogyn, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 12.04.24 |
Victory: Crusader Palaendor: | 07.03.23 |
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle Combined: | 22.12.15 |
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle I: | 22.12.15 |
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle II: | 04.12.15 |
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle III: | 03.12.15 |
Victory: Cugdava and Gavitzle IV: | 20.11.15 |
Victory: Culdakar: | 16.12.24 |
Victory: Curfang: | 30.04.21 |
Victory: Cyclono: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Daedalus the Sunbird: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Daishani: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Darkbeak: | 13.02.21 |
Victory: Darkmarr: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Darwol Adan: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Davi'Th: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Deathbone: | 01.12.17 |
Victory: Deathpetal: | 18.12.19 |
Victory: Dedroz the Decomposer: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Defeat the Master Clockwork Protocol [Heroic]: | 24.06.15 |
Victory: Dendrae and Hederae: | 11.04.23 |
Victory: Derig the Prime Executioner: | 13.05.14 |
Victory: Derussah the Deceptive: | 12.12.23 |
Victory: Dichromanus: | 18.12.19 |
Victory: Dichromanus [Challenge]: | 15.02.20 |
Victory: Direfang: | 23.12.24 |
Victory: Dirtchomp: | 30.04.21 |
Victory: Divine Prophet Buffo II: | 18.12.19 |
Victory: Divine Prophet Buffo II [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Divinhild Malkyr : | 10.10.24 |
Victory: Divinhild Malkyr : | 31.08.24 |
Victory: Divinhild Malkyr : | 31.08.24 |
Victory: Do'om Calamitus: | 23.12.20 |
Victory: Doda K'Bael: | 07.12.23 |
Victory: Dominus Gandrrig: | 02.11.19 |
Victory: Doomfire Reaver: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Draazak the Ancient: | 04.10.14 |
Victory: Dragoon Z'Koz: | 23.11.15 |
Victory: Dread Lady Vezarra: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: Dread Wraith: | 28.11.16 |
Victory: Dread Wraith (Challenge): | 07.05.17 |
Victory: Dreadhusk: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Dreamscale: | 14.03.21 |
Victory: Drekarn the Dreaded: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Dremaera Forsaken: | 03.12.21 |
Victory: Droseraceae: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Durtung the Arm of War: | 24.08.16 |
Victory: Dustpaw Devil: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Eaglovok: | 01.12.23 |
Victory: Edani Sanien and Lianfel Goden: | 16.04.23 |
Victory: Edrigen the Empowered: | 17.03.23 |
Victory: Eegut Stonegut: | 11.01.20 |
Victory: Eegut Stonegut [Challenge]: | 05.02.20 |
Victory: Elder Furdock: | 15.04.22 |
Victory: Elder Furdock [Challenge]: | 03.05.22 |
Victory: Elemy Elmonnier: | 12.07.23 |
Victory: Elga Upo [Heroic]: | 16.04.20 |
Victory: Elga Upo [Solo]: | 14.04.20 |
Victory: Elif Whitewind: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Emberclaw: | 08.05.24 |
Victory: Emperor D'Vinn [Advanced Solo]: | 23.06.15 |
Victory: Emperor D'Vinn [Heroic]: | 23.06.15 |
Victory: Enexen the Exhumed: | 12.05.23 |
Victory: Enforcer Yisith: | 03.07.21 |
Victory: Eom Va Zethon: | 03.04.21 |
Victory: Ercel Bloodpaw: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Ercel Bloodpaw [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Ernst Boarg: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Erodonia R'tal: | 06.01.25 |
Victory: Escargore: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Esmerelda Everghast: | 12.12.21 |
Victory: Esodeax the Entrenched: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Essedara and Jalkhir: | 08.03.14 |
Victory: Estryxia: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Etosh the Electrifying: | 05.12.23 |
Victory: Etrigon Icefist: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Evocatus Tutr: | 01.11.19 |
Victory: Exor the Exhumer: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Exorax: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Faber Jonenry: | 31.08.19 |
Victory: Fabled Amorphous Drake: | 25.02.17 |
Victory: Fabled Fitzpitzle: | 24.02.17 |
Victory: Fabled Venekor: | 22.06.16 |
Victory: Fabled Yitzik the Hurler: | 29.06.14 |
Victory: Famyra the Biblioghost: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Famyra the Biblioghost [Challenge]: | 05.02.20 |
Victory: Farid: | 09.12.22 |
Victory: Farzun the Forerunner: | 08.12.23 |
Victory: Fazplaka Akka: | 04.03.21 |
Victory: Felazhor Khan: | 10.12.21 |
Victory: Felgream the Fist: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Felkruk: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Felnir the Shadow Prowler: | 26.06.21 |
Victory: Fergul the Protector: | 23.05.16 |
Victory: Ferroc: | 24.09.23 |
Victory: Ferroc, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 12.04.24 |
Victory: Festersore: | 30.04.21 |
Victory: Fherin the Ancient: | 11.01.14 |
Victory: Fiery Effigy of Clotl'thoa: | 18.11.14 |
Victory: Fiery Spirit Phoenix Lord: | 28.11.18 |
Victory: Financier Fendilix: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Financier Fendilix [Challenge]: | 19.02.20 |
Victory: Fire Monger Baltar: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Fire Monger Baltar [Challenge]: | 26.01.20 |
Victory: Firemonger Rosnarga: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Firethrone: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Fireye: | 03.07.22 |
Victory: Fixit Megatock: | 09.02.18 |
Victory: Fixit Microtock: | 27.02.18 |
Victory: Fixit Omegatock: | 09.02.18 |
Victory: Flame Overlord: | 18.11.18 |
Victory: Flitter and Flutter: | 15.04.23 |
Victory: Florafang: | 11.12.22 |
Victory: Forblarg the Foul: | 17.12.20 |
Victory: Fothios Foragious: | 16.04.23 |
Victory: Frenek the Far Lancer: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Frigid Shatter: | 23.02.18 |
Victory: Frindel Sporemiser: | 21.12.20 |
Victory: Frosta Kalkyr : | 31.08.24 |
Victory: Frosta Kalkyr : | 30.08.24 |
Victory: Frosta Kalkyr : | 07.09.24 |
Victory: Frosthowl in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic II]: | 17.12.24 |
Victory: Frosthowl in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Frosthowl in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Victory: Frostok the Frigid and Iceclaw: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Frostward: | 09.12.17 |
Victory: Fuejenyrus: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Fungus King Cremini: | 03.07.21 |
Victory: Fushuga and Hargan: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: Gahilga the Ingrate: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Galadoon: | 26.08.20 |
Victory: Gallopagus: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: Galremos: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Ganadan: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Gangel the Resurrected: | 09.01.14 |
Victory: Garlahk: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Gastroplodder: | 22.12.18 |
Victory: Gatekeeper Karatil: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Gaukr Sandstorm: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Gazu'Taz the Gradual: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Gearclaw the Collector: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: Gelda Glintswift: | 12.04.22 |
Victory: Gelda Glintswift [Challenge]: | 02.05.22 |
Victory: Gemmed Guardian: | 15.11.18 |
Victory: General Graknus: | 07.01.14 |
Victory: General Janosz: | 20.11.16 |
Victory: General Ra'Zaal: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Gerarda T'ancred: | 09.02.21 |
Victory: Gereden Lorebrand: | 29.04.23 |
Victory: Gerid, Harin, and Merig: | 19.06.14 |
Victory: Gharaka: | 02.12.21 |
Victory: Gharitsnel: | 21.11.18 |
Victory: Ghest Roppep: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Ghest Roppep [Challenge]: | 06.02.20 |
Victory: Gilded Back Demolisher: | 10.12.23 |
Victory: Gildilisk: | 13.09.23 |
Victory: Gildilisk, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 12.04.24 |
Victory: Ginbal: | 05.12.23 |
Victory: Glag the Gut: | 18.04.24 |
Victory: Glaucos of the Sink: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Glimmerclaw: | 03.12.23 |
Victory: Glimmerstone: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Glisterfist Prime: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Glitched Cell Keeper: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Globjowls: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Gloombeast Azrinax: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Gloombeast Azrinax [Challenge]: | 08.02.20 |
Victory: Gloomclaw: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Gloomscale Ssyssyx: | 03.04.21 |
Victory: Glorglan the Hammer: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Glorok, of the Mud: | 25.11.18 |
Victory: Glorpa the Ancient: | 24.11.18 |
Victory: Glutterous Klag: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Gnawbone: | 27.05.14 |
Victory: Goldan: | 02.04.24 |
Victory: Goldfeather: | 24.03.24 |
Victory: Golgon: | 11.04.23 |
Victory: Gorecarve: | 14.12.24 |
Victory: Goretilla: | 10.07.21 |
Victory: Gorgorah the Shadowmanic: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Gorgorah the Shadowmanic [Challenge]: | 08.11.20 |
Victory: Gorlon the Goner: | 19.04.24 |
Victory: Grand Cruciator Typhenon: | 18.12.19 |
Victory: Grand Cruciator Typhenon [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Grand Master Glox: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Granight and Company: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Grawl Bakka: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Greeneyes: | 03.07.21 |
Victory: Grelzmok the Destroyer: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Grendish: | 20.05.14 |
Victory: Grenhuud the Fierce: | 11.04.23 |
Victory: Gribbick: | 15.04.23 |
Victory: Grimalda Goodhand: | 12.04.22 |
Victory: Grimalda Goodhand [Challenge]: | 02.05.22 |
Victory: Grimcrawl: | 03.12.23 |
Victory: Grimhop: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Grimror: | 08.12.17 |
Victory: Grobnor the Elder Orb: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Grogmaga: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: Grogmogo: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: Grotglutton: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: Growlfear: | 13.02.21 |
Victory: Grrrunk the Trunk: | 05.01.20 |
Victory: Grrrunk the Trunk [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Grugnop, the Guard: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Grugnop, the Guard [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Grukblug Fireflinger: | 07.02.21 |
Victory: Grulk the Ruthless: | 30.04.14 |
Victory: Grumblecrumble: | 20.01.21 |
Victory: Grumblugtin and Friends: | 02.12.21 |
Victory: Grumpy Jack: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Grundleer: | 24.11.24 |
Victory: Grungrina the Mad: | 20.02.21 |
Victory: Gryme: | 07.12.17 |
Victory: Gudre Blackhand: | 23.11.14 |
Victory: Haggle Baron Dalnir: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: Haggle Baron Klok [Group]: | 31.08.22 |
Victory: Haggle Baron Klok [Raid]: | 31.08.22 |
Victory: Hakri Heartwood: | 22.04.23 |
Victory: Halcyon: | 05.12.18 |
Victory: Halgar the Horrible: | 26.02.21 |
Victory: Hamlet: | 18.04.24 |
Victory: Harkor Longdraw: | 05.05.16 |
Victory: Harmok the Hammer: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Hasira the Hawk: | 08.12.23 |
Victory: Haska the Hacker: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: Heaper: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Heerbagha: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Herbwitch Eepkie: | 24.02.21 |
Victory: Hezodhan: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: High Dragoon V'Aliar: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: High Shaman Rakada Darkpaw: | 19.04.24 |
Victory: High Shikari Olyxa: | 02.12.21 |
Victory: Hinokawu: | 28.12.21 |
Victory: Hirpo the Frosted Spine: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Hoardron: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Honibuzz: | 14.04.23 |
Victory: Hopper the Blood-Drenched: | 03.07.21 |
Victory: Horrot the Horrific: | 30.04.14 |
Victory: Hortu the Scorched: | 26.08.20 |
Victory: Hreidar and Torstien: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Iacopa'Lahah: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Idol of Caedor: | 12.04.23 |
Victory: Igarn the Insurmountable and Winx the Unmountable: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Ilenee's Betrayal and Despair [Group]: | 10.09.22 |
Victory: Ilenee's Betrayal and Despair [Raid]: | 10.09.22 |
Victory: Ilhona the Relentless: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Inquez the Ignited: | 08.07.22 |
Victory: Inquisitor Barol: | 03.12.17 |
Victory: Insider Treachery: | 07.12.14 |
Victory: Interrex Grankr: | 01.11.19 |
Victory: Ione the Lifebringer [Group]: | 10.09.22 |
Victory: Ione the Lifebringer [Raid]: | 10.09.22 |
Victory: Irkales: | 30.01.21 |
Victory: Ironbane: | 11.12.23 |
Victory: Ironrot: | 12.12.23 |
Victory: Ironscourge: | 13.12.23 |
Victory: Iso'Topes Hexad: | 13.12.23 |
Victory: Isos: | 08.12.23 |
Victory: Izanahm the Rooted: | 19.11.18 |
Victory: Izzak Sira: | 28.11.16 |
Victory: Jabloz: | 28.11.18 |
Victory: Jaled Dar: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Jardin the Conqueror: | 21.05.14 |
Victory: Jennre Warsinger: | 09.08.22 |
Victory: Jiva: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Jopageri: | 28.01.21 |
Victory: Jopal Darkbriar: | 05.04.24 |
Victory: Jynhadar the Solid: | 30.04.21 |
Victory: Kaasssrelik the Afflicted: | 07.03.14 |
Victory: Kael'Val: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Kahblamo: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Kamara Zar: | 21.11.18 |
Victory: Kapuji-bashi Haakhaz: | 05.12.23 |
Victory: Karadine: | 07.02.21 |
Victory: Karophel: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Kartur: | 04.12.21 |
Victory: Katakir the Cruel: | 10.12.23 |
Victory: Kavis Set'Ra: | 05.12.14 |
Victory: Keeper of Past Lore: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Kelingar Bel'Lahr: | 24.11.24 |
Victory: Kerem B'ayet: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Ket'Burak: | 08.12.24 |
Victory: Khadra Chatt: | 09.12.22 |
Victory: Khaiza: | 04.12.23 |
Victory: Khap: | 07.01.20 |
Victory: Khazinehdar Zuhraasa: | 05.12.23 |
Victory: Khiron Spiritwind: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Khosrow Al'Vaz: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Kigara the Blazewing and Kelana the Frostwing: | 21.03.14 |
Victory: Kigathor Stonebark: | 11.12.22 |
Victory: Killclaw: | 13.09.23 |
Victory: Killclaw, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 05.04.24 |
Victory: Killer Quack: | 04.04.24 |
Victory: Killmaster Kayzen: | 20.12.20 |
Victory: Killmodo: | 16.12.20 |
Victory: Kinmaster Kipp: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: Klandicar: | 31.07.14 |
Victory: Klechin Darkfist: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Klesula, the Scorched: | 25.02.20 |
Victory: Klubber and Tundo: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Kodobon: | 18.12.24 |
Victory: Koni Ferus and Pete Bog: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Kor Va Xian: | 09.01.20 |
Victory: Kor Va Xian [Challenge]: | 08.11.20 |
Victory: Korrosk the Exiled: | 30.10.24 |
Victory: Kragstag the Craggy: | 13.05.23 |
Victory: Kralalach: | 22.11.24 |
Victory: Kreelit, the Caller of Hounds: | 26.05.16 |
Victory: Kreigor: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Krejian Krusher: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Krel Korek Mal: | 10.12.21 |
Victory: Krelburn: | 19.12.21 |
Victory: Krinas Bledso: | 12.12.21 |
Victory: Krogon: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Krogrock the Earthcrasher: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Kromdak the Stormmage: | 05.01.25 |
Victory: Krullock Poisonhands: | 12.01.21 |
Victory: Ku'Thorx: | 13.12.22 |
Victory: Kujex: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Kuklik: | 13.12.22 |
Victory: Kurixtho: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Kusala'Din: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Kwillix Quickshot: | 21.12.20 |
Victory: Lachina, Defender of Magics: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Lady Karkona: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Lady Mirenilla: | 03.11.14 |
Victory: Lady Warglave: | 09.01.20 |
Victory: Lady Warglave [Challenge]: | 15.02.20 |
Victory: Laef Windfall: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Lagrecia Vyl'Tayne: | 10.12.21 |
Victory: Lavec Conun'Stah: | 06.12.21 |
Victory: Lazzoss: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: Leafjaw: | 11.12.22 |
Victory: Legatus Skarl: | 19.09.19 |
Victory: Lesha Needleleaf: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Liegess Lavalle: | 15.04.22 |
Victory: Liegess Lavalle [Challenge]: | 08.05.22 |
Victory: Lopik Runtbottom: | 11.12.22 |
Victory: Lord Feshlak: | 13.11.14 |
Victory: Lord Kargurak: | 26.08.20 |
Victory: Lord Tarinax: | 22.11.24 |
Victory: Lord Triskian Seru: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Lord Triskian Seru [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Lord Ulvaxazoviak: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Lord Vleecan F'Ele: | 19.09.20 |
Victory: Lucanic Wraithknight Fontus Vess: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Luminox Prime: | 06.01.14 |
Victory: Lungfire Fiend: | 12.02.21 |
Victory: Lynhillig and Stoneskin: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: Lysander Mistmoore: | 04.12.21 |
Victory: Ma'Gathra: | 13.12.22 |
Victory: Madpaw Mixl: | 18.04.24 |
Victory: Magmalatorr: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Magmus Hoptimus: | 12.07.23 |
Victory: Major Eghonz: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: Malachiel Caedor: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Malachiel Caedor, again: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: Malavork: | 20.11.18 |
Victory: Malblaze: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Malius Crum: | 24.09.23 |
Victory: Malius Crum, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 05.04.24 |
Victory: Malkrit: | 04.12.22 |
Victory: Manacrush: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Mandee and Mannee Quin: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Mandee and Mannee Quin [Challenge]: | 19.02.20 |
Victory: Manifestation of Ilk: | 12.09.23 |
Victory: Manifestation of Nurturing: | 13.09.23 |
Victory: Margog, the Destroyer: | 25.02.20 |
Victory: Marsun Ledar: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Master of Elemental Dawn: | 22.09.23 |
Victory: Master of Elemental Dusk: | 13.09.23 |
Victory: Matri Marn: | 08.03.14 |
Victory: Matron of Blood: | 01.05.21 |
Victory: Maulok: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Mawz Harak: | 18.11.15 |
Victory: Mayofdir: | 14.02.21 |
Victory: Mayong Mistmoore: | 05.12.21 |
Victory: Mazrid the Mistrider: | 30.04.23 |
Victory: Mean Green and Company: | 02.12.21 |
Victory: Mejana Kovari: | 05.03.21 |
Victory: Melacckk: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Melted Malachiel: | 12.04.23 |
Victory: Memory of Povar: | 23.02.18 |
Victory: Merchant Caniz: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Metalloid: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Miasmasula: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Migral Strongfeet: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: Mister Tickster: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: Mittendar Alabatr: | 01.11.19 |
Victory: Mittendarius Resven: | 31.08.19 |
Victory: Mixxy the Tricksy: | 26.04.23 |
Victory: Mo'iana the Ravenous: | 17.11.14 |
Victory: Moggtu the Mad: | 18.12.19 |
Victory: Moggtu the Mad [Challenge]: | 15.02.20 |
Victory: Moracar, the Fiend: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Morbigog: | 17.12.20 |
Victory: Morgelon, the Wilder: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Mouth of Metals: | 22.09.23 |
Victory: Mrwar, the Destroyer: | 29.11.15 |
Victory: Mudmartigan: | 20.11.18 |
Victory: Mungo the Misshapen: | 10.03.23 |
Victory: Mustapha Droughtbringer: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Mustygut: | 19.12.24 |
Victory: Mystvayne: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Naamah'Fah: | 18.11.16 |
Victory: Naeweth Valanel: | 25.04.23 |
Victory: Nakka Nakka: | 06.12.21 |
Victory: Nazkra: | 23.11.16 |
Victory: Nebulous Neb: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Neh'Ashiir: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: Neh'Ashiir (Challenge): | 07.05.17 |
Victory: Nehalenea Frostbringer: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Nenmioseh the Night's Eye: | 08.03.23 |
Victory: Neocorus-Prime Torldr: | 19.09.19 |
Victory: Nerjehl Khaneh: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Nerobahan: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Nerobahan [Challenge]: | 06.02.20 |
Victory: Nev Dax'Thall: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Nev Dax'Thall [Challenge]: | 08.02.20 |
Victory: Nexion the Warmind and Zevorg the Warmonger: | 14.08.22 |
Victory: Nezri En'Sallef: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Nimble Rodderick: | 23.12.20 |
Victory: Nogrovska Vodlak: | 12.08.21 |
Victory: Nok Hakka: | 17.12.20 |
Victory: Novilog: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Novinctus the Unleashed: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: Nremum: | 18.12.19 |
Victory: Nugget: | 13.03.24 |
Victory: Obscura Zun'Xakra: | 03.07.21 |
Victory: Oceanus the Titan: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Ohmzok: | 14.12.23 |
Victory: Okrolohk in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic II]: | 17.12.24 |
Victory: Okrolohk in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Okrolohk in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Victory: Old Witherby: | 19.12.19 |
Victory: Old Witherby [Challenge]: | 26.01.20 |
Victory: Onakoome: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: Ongnissim the Unseen: | 09.12.16 |
Victory: Onok: | 01.05.16 |
Victory: Onyxum: | 16.04.23 |
Victory: Oororr the Corrupted: | 05.12.21 |
Victory: Orok the Overbearing: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Oseaniska Salkyr : | 31.08.24 |
Victory: Oseaniska Salkyr : | 07.09.24 |
Victory: Oseaniska Salkyr : | 30.08.24 |
Victory: Oveld Stormwaker: | 24.02.18 |
Victory: Over-General Vihgoh: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: Overseer Razzak: | 05.05.14 |
Victory: Ozani: | 05.06.23 |
Victory: Pall of Oograll: | 30.03.21 |
Victory: Palovina Vodlak: | 11.08.21 |
Victory: Parvazt the Handler: | 03.08.14 |
Victory: Patroller Goonpa: | 17.02.21 |
Victory: Peraxum the Preposterous: | 16.12.24 |
Victory: Perilaxous: | 03.05.24 |
Victory: Perisha, the Mistress of Flies: | 06.12.21 |
Victory: Phinoshia: | 15.04.23 |
Victory: Phironae: | 27.04.23 |
Victory: Pillowpaw: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: Pirelia the Pale: | 16.08.22 |
Victory: Platimus: | 05.12.23 |
Victory: Pontis Aqueous: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Pork Chop: | 05.05.16 |
Victory: Portia Rumuffin: | 30.04.15 |
Victory: Portia Rumuffin [Challenge]: | 01.05.15 |
Victory: Potroxxious: | 20.11.18 |
Victory: Powered Mechanization: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: Praefectus Ptor: | 01.11.19 |
Victory: Prime Vigoth Ansleborg and her Aman: | 05.05.16 |
Victory: Primis Arkend: | 19.10.19 |
Victory: Proloc: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Prolovok: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Prosperon the Tempest: | 22.11.18 |
Victory: Prysmerah, Arx Patrona: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Prysmerah, Arx Patrona [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Psamtic the Sour: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Pterrordax: | 05.12.21 |
Victory: Purpyron and Mrokor: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Purpyron and Mrokor [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Pygmy Cannibal Trio: | 03.12.21 |
Victory: Pyreduke Surtaug: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: Pyrefist, Dark Guardian: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Qaaron the Usurper: | 26.08.20 |
Victory: Quarez: | 20.11.18 |
Victory: Quartermaster Hamid: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Quartermaster Stvens: | 01.11.19 |
Victory: Queen Asima in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic II]: | 17.12.24 |
Victory: Queen Asima in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic I]: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Queen Asima in Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Solo]: | 24.11.24 |
Victory: Queen Era'selka: | 01.12.23 |
Victory: Queen Meacidaris: | 05.01.14 |
Victory: Queen Millidreex: | 13.04.23 |
Victory: Queshaun, Keeper of Pestilence: | 18.11.16 |
Victory: Ra-Sekjet, the Molten: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Radir Fireshower: | 30.04.21 |
Victory: Ragnarock: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Raizyl Pajdu: | 18.12.19 |
Victory: Raizyl Pajdu [Challenge]: | 15.02.20 |
Victory: Rakirith the Reanimated: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Rakmolar: | 19.12.24 |
Victory: Ralakahan: | 07.01.25 |
Victory: Rallius Rattican: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Rancine: | 07.12.17 |
Victory: Rarthek the Swiftclaw: | 16.03.14 |
Victory: Rath'Girosz and Rath'Argoth: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Rath'Girosz and Rath'Argoth [Challenge]: | 08.11.20 |
Victory: Rector Droz'Kzar: | 27.11.16 |
Victory: Repair Bot 5000: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: Repungus: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Retribution of Ro: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Revenant Sthzzzizt: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Rhag'Sekez: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Rhag'Sekez [Challenge]: | 13.02.20 |
Victory: Rhag'Voreth: | 03.01.20 |
Victory: Rhag'Voreth [Challenge]: | 25.05.20 |
Victory: Ribcracker: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Rilesurge: | 20.01.21 |
Victory: Rimetooth: | 22.12.24 |
Victory: Rinis the Everslaved: | 13.05.16 |
Victory: Ripperback: | 22.12.19 |
Victory: Ripperclaw: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Riptide: | 23.02.18 |
Victory: Rockskin: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Rohnny Jongi: | 24.05.20 |
Victory: Ropscion Mindeye: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Ropscion Mindeye [Challenge]: | 06.02.20 |
Victory: Roseblood and Thornblood: | 04.12.21 |
Victory: Rotbeak: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Roughbeak: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Rubblethrong: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Rune Protector Gorok: | 12.12.21 |
Victory: Ryryrd of the Wind: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Ryryrd of the Wind [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Sabellah'Xen Keeper of Fire: | 18.11.16 |
Victory: Sacrificer Buran: | 08.03.14 |
Victory: Saian the Submariness: | 05.06.23 |
Victory: Sanctifier Goortuk: | 03.10.16 |
Victory: Sanctifier Kilug: | 02.05.16 |
Victory: Sanctifier Maknok and Captain Vulis: | 06.05.16 |
Victory: Sanctifier Yegigoth and the Spirit Princes: | 29.04.16 |
Victory: Sanctus Eternus: | 21.12.19 |
Victory: Sanctus Eternus [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Sansobog and Akharys: | 09.12.23 |
Victory: Sanum Ordast: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Sardna the Fierce: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Satashi the Staggering: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Savretta Seyzon: | 12.07.23 |
Victory: Sawclaw: | 05.06.23 |
Victory: Sawmaw: | 10.05.24 |
Victory: Scabclot: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Scald: | 27.08.20 |
Victory: Scarfeather: | 07.12.21 |
Victory: Scyphodon: | 16.12.20 |
Victory: Sea Dog Doogan and Mr. Bilge: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: Seket the Sightless: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Sentinel Goor: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Sergio [Heroic]: | 17.04.20 |
Victory: Sergio [Solo]: | 14.04.20 |
Victory: Sesria and Denani: | 07.03.14 |
Victory: Shade of Ssraeshza: | 23.04.21 |
Victory: Shade of Vyzh'dra: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Shade of Vyzh'dra [Challenge]: | 08.02.20 |
Victory: Shadow Rhozth Ikeshzi: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Shadow Rhozth Ikeshzi [Challenge]: | 08.02.20 |
Victory: Shadowed Abomination: | 06.01.20 |
Victory: Shadowed Abomination [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Shadowphage: | 16.12.20 |
Victory: Shadowscum: | 07.03.23 |
Victory: Shanrazad the Spared: | 10.12.23 |
Victory: Shazzak: | 17.01.14 |
Victory: Shelsishaazzz: | 03.02.21 |
Victory: Shield of Yothshaval: | 13.02.16 |
Victory: Shik'Nar Attendant: | 07.01.20 |
Victory: Shik'Nar Imperiatox: | 13.02.20 |
Victory: Shik'Nar Warlord: | 07.01.20 |
Victory: Shiroth Avinox: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Short Shift: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Short Shift [Challenge]: | 19.02.20 |
Victory: Shraks the Axe: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Shred of Tashakhi: | 17.12.20 |
Victory: Sina A'rak: | 10.12.23 |
Victory: Sinistrad: | 17.09.23 |
Victory: Sinistrad, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 05.04.24 |
Victory: Sir Rouland [Group]: | 09.09.22 |
Victory: Sir Rouland [Raid]: | 09.09.22 |
Victory: Skulkor: | 11.12.21 |
Victory: Skurge: | 04.05.14 |
Victory: Skyggind Shalkyrr : | 07.09.24 |
Victory: Skyggind Shalkyrr : | 30.08.24 |
Victory: Skyggind Shalkyrr : | 07.09.24 |
Victory: Skyshadow: | 30.04.21 |
Victory: Sludgebile: | 06.02.21 |
Victory: Slurpgaloop: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Smeltga Falkyr : | 07.09.24 |
Victory: Smeltga Falkyr : | 30.08.24 |
Victory: Smeltga Falkyr : | 07.09.24 |
Victory: Smiley: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Smithy Xzatik: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: So'Valiz: | 09.12.17 |
Victory: Soku'Aos the Sturdy: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Sontalak: | 02.03.14 |
Victory: Sorceress Gwen'vae: | 18.11.16 |
Victory: Sotek: | 24.12.20 |
Victory: Soul Eater Muhg: | 03.12.21 |
Victory: Spikesnot the Gall: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Spinetongue: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Spinewidow: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: Spirit Lord Cinder Toad: | 24.11.18 |
Victory: Spiritist Karina: | 17.12.20 |
Victory: Spiriza, Flogine and Riandrix: | 12.04.23 |
Victory: Sporefiend Zugu: | 16.12.20 |
Victory: Sporky: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: Steena Dragonflyer: | 23.06.21 |
Victory: Stenkan, the Monster: | 12.12.21 |
Victory: Sterek: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Stonehand: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Stormy Withers: | 05.03.23 |
Victory: Subsistent Custodian: | 07.03.14 |
Victory: Sustainer of Yothshaval: | 15.01.16 |
Victory: Sven the Exactor: | 28.08.19 |
Victory: Syadun: | 08.12.23 |
Victory: Sypheria the Shackled: | 09.12.21 |
Victory: Sytrax: | 13.09.23 |
Victory: Sytrax, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 12.04.24 |
Victory: T'valla Rilayne: | 26.12.21 |
Victory: Tabor'Zaai: | 18.11.16 |
Victory: Tabricky: | 18.11.18 |
Victory: Taja Verath: | 23.12.20 |
Victory: Tajara the Vengeful: | 22.12.24 |
Victory: Takka and Tejja Kevad: | 01.07.23 |
Victory: Takujo: | 04.12.22 |
Victory: Tarsisk the Tainted: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Taskmaster's Echo: | 15.12.14 |
Victory: Taskmistress Devioth: | 13.12.21 |
Victory: Tavekalem: | 14.05.14 |
Victory: Tavvi Ticky: | 21.11.24 |
Victory: Tawerek: | 11.12.22 |
Victory: Tazir Tanziri: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Team Terratha: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Telrisa, of the Trees: | 24.11.18 |
Victory: Telvorsinn and Thovalakk: | 12.08.22 |
Victory: Terranus: | 12.02.23 |
Victory: Terrorclaw: | 13.02.21 |
Victory: Terrormane: | 10.12.23 |
Victory: Tethys All-Mother: | 23.11.18 |
Victory: The Abandoned Labomination: | 12.08.21 |
Victory: The Abandoned Labomination [Challenge]: | 18.08.21 |
Victory: The Aerakyn Commanders: | 28.05.14 |
Victory: The Algae Fiend: | 09.12.16 |
Victory: The Ancient Void-Touched Wumpus: | 11.08.22 |
Victory: The Architect of Ruin: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: The Architect of Ruin [Challenge]: | 08.11.20 |
Victory: The Armor of Sul: | 18.11.16 |
Victory: The Aurum Outlaw: | 12.03.24 |
Victory: The Black King: | 12.12.21 |
Victory: The Blood Iron Eater: | 29.04.16 |
Victory: The Bloodpack: | 11.04.15 |
Victory: The Blooming Devourer: | 15.04.23 |
Victory: The Bonecleaver: | 07.04.24 |
Victory: The Bonecleaver, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 07.04.24 |
Victory: The Bonepicker: | 22.11.24 |
Victory: The Brack Fish: | 16.08.22 |
Victory: The Carrion Walker: | 08.12.17 |
Victory: The Carrion and Malarian Larvae: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: The Chamber Warden: | 17.01.14 |
Victory: The Crumbling Emperor: | 08.03.14 |
Victory: The Crystallized Construct: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: The Dazzlefly: | 12.04.23 |
Victory: The Deadly Dapperling: | 11.01.20 |
Victory: The Deadly Dapperling [Challenge]: | 05.02.20 |
Victory: The Delving Departed: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: The Desolator: | 10.07.21 |
Victory: The Dino Duo: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: The Drudge Lord: | 24.12.19 |
Victory: The Drudge Lord [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: The Embodiment of Gore: | 27.11.14 |
Victory: The Enchanted Sword and Shield: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: The Eye of Fear: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: The Fabled Den of the Devourer: | 03.02.14 |
Victory: The Fabled Halls of Fate: | 05.02.14 |
Victory: The Fabled Lord Vyemm and Alzid Prime: | 28.02.14 |
Victory: The Fabled Mutagenic Outcast: | 18.09.14 |
Victory: The Fabled Three Princes: | 10.10.14 |
Victory: The Fabled Vaults of El'Arad: | 09.02.14 |
Victory: The Flesh Eater: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: The Frenzied Feeder: | 27.11.16 |
Victory: The Frightening of Fidello: | 12.04.23 |
Victory: The Glitched Guardian 10101 : | 30.11.17 |
Victory: The Glutton: | 05.05.16 |
Victory: The Gobbler: | 02.12.22 |
Victory: The Gooblin King: | 23.11.16 |
Victory: The Gooey Gobdrop: | 15.09.23 |
Victory: The Gooey Gobdrop, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 05.04.24 |
Victory: The Googantuan: | 20.11.16 |
Victory: The Grand Manus: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: The Great Gravelly One: | 22.11.18 |
Victory: The Grimling Zero: | 12.03.21 |
Victory: The Harrower: | 11.12.22 |
Victory: The Haunting of Tualanan: | 09.12.22 |
Victory: The Hemogorgon: | 16.09.23 |
Victory: The Hemogorgon, sans Ulteran Urgency: | 16.04.24 |
Victory: The Hurricane: | 03.12.17 |
Victory: The Invaders Three: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: The Invisible Swordsman [Heroic]: | 16.04.20 |
Victory: The Invisible Swordsman [Solo]: | 14.04.20 |
Victory: The Iron Widow: | 25.08.20 |
Victory: The Joro Siblings [Heroic]: | 17.04.20 |
Victory: The Joro Siblings [Solo]: | 14.04.20 |
Victory: The Junk Beast: | 04.12.17 |
Victory: The Key to Knowledge: | 10.12.22 |
Victory: The Kly: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: The Kly [Challenge]: | 08.05.17 |
Victory: The Legionnaires: | 07.03.14 |
Victory: The Magmalgam: | 11.04.23 |
Victory: The Manaetic Behemoth: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: The Master Clockwork Protocol [Advanced Solo]: | 24.06.15 |
Victory: The Matron of Mists: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: The Meld of Haze: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: The Meld of Vapor: | 22.11.16 |
Victory: The Mist Reaver: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: The Molten Behemoth: | 06.12.17 |
Victory: The Monstrous Mudwalker: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: The Needlite Queen: | 16.12.20 |
Victory: The Poached Poacher: | 23.12.20 |
Victory: The Priestess and her Corpse: | 18.12.21 |
Victory: The Prophets Three: | 19.04.24 |
Victory: The Protector of Stone: | 07.03.14 |
Victory: The Red Corsair: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: The Rock Collector: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: The Sacrificed: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: The Shadow Overlord: | 24.12.19 |
Victory: The Shadow Overlord [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: The Spelobanzeothitem: | 07.07.21 |
Victory: The Storm Mistress: | 11.12.23 |
Victory: The Stowaways [Advanced Solo]: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: The Stowaways [Challenge]: | 05.05.15 |
Victory: The Stowaways [Heroic]: | 01.05.15 |
Victory: The Terranaught: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: The Torched Twosome: | 26.08.20 |
Victory: The Torsis Champion: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: The Tunnelgorger: | 21.07.14 |
Victory: The Umbral Warden: | 01.04.21 |
Victory: The Vengeful Elder: | 24.11.15 |
Victory: The War Committee: | 27.05.14 |
Victory: The Werewolf Trio: | 26.12.21 |
Victory: Theliphon: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Theya Shen'Safa: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Thraxinae: | 03.07.21 |
Victory: Thread Baron: | 28.12.22 |
Victory: Thresinet: | 29.11.14 |
Victory: Thrott: | 30.04.14 |
Victory: Thrug: | 01.05.16 |
Victory: Thunji'Mok: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: Tickrupt: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: Tidalax: | 05.06.23 |
Victory: Timberlake: | 17.11.18 |
Victory: Tinchela: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Tishtish the Prankish: | 25.04.23 |
Victory: Tkesh'Tura: | 30.11.23 |
Victory: Toa the Shiny: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Tog Voil: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Tog Voil [Challenge]: | 05.02.20 |
Victory: Tongusk the Terrible: | 30.04.14 |
Victory: Tootooz the Cryptomaniac: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: Torrent of Awuidor: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Trade Baroness Elsindir: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Trade Baroness Elsindir [Challenge]: | 19.02.20 |
Victory: Tremorax the Unearthed: | 04.05.14 |
Victory: Triad Golems: | 16.11.16 |
Victory: Trillicor: | 01.05.21 |
Victory: Twin Tyranodons: | 18.11.14 |
Victory: Twotooth: | 09.05.24 |
Victory: Tychron the Exsulator: | 19.09.19 |
Victory: Typhon: | 03.12.23 |
Victory: Tzirathk: | 28.11.16 |
Victory: Tzirathk (Challenge): | 07.05.17 |
Victory: Uah'Lu the Unhallowed: | 08.12.23 |
Victory: Ugweepai and Corrupted Embodiments: | 02.12.21 |
Victory: Ulosi and Ulcine Nacisroc: | 17.12.20 |
Victory: Ultarana: | 22.12.24 |
Victory: Umbral Lord Yzo: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: Umbral Lord Yzo [Challenge]: | 08.02.20 |
Victory: Undertaker Zemilox: | 21.12.20 |
Victory: Ungreka: | 13.12.22 |
Victory: Unhilynd: | 01.01.20 |
Victory: Unhilynd [Challenge]: | 14.02.20 |
Victory: Urasi the Unvarnished: | 29.11.24 |
Victory: Urgsela, the Malign: | 25.02.20 |
Victory: Urzzra-Uzulu: | 22.11.15 |
Victory: Urzzra-Uzulu (Challenge): | 20.11.15 |
Victory: Va Din Ra: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Va Dyn Kar: | 24.12.19 |
Victory: Va Dyn Kar [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Valahal Den: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Valdimus V'Derun: | 19.11.14 |
Victory: Valgan: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: Vampire Dragon Leftovers: | 17.12.21 |
Victory: Vaniki the Vile: | 10.12.24 |
Victory: Vashtu the Volatile: | 06.12.23 |
Victory: Vasszhin Zeom: | 02.04.21 |
Victory: Vaynon the Underdrake: | 23.11.24 |
Victory: Veldahn Keyven: | 05.12.21 |
Victory: Vencine and Vincenz Kovari: | 17.12.20 |
Victory: Vendeen: | 30.04.14 |
Victory: Vengeance of Ro: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Venomess Tshakez: | 24.12.20 |
Victory: Verdadon: | 19.12.24 |
Victory: Verlixa: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Vesshtri the Swordfang: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Vesshtri the Swordfang [Challenge]: | 08.11.20 |
Victory: Viktor Vodlak: | 12.08.21 |
Victory: Vilepox: | 18.11.18 |
Victory: Viletooth: | 02.05.16 |
Victory: Vinzerah Ral'moor: | 21.12.20 |
Victory: Virsyk Dalkyr : | 04.09.24 |
Victory: Virsyk Dalkyr : | 31.08.24 |
Victory: Virsyk Dalkyr : | 22.09.24 |
Victory: Vleecan Fele [Heroic]: | 18.04.20 |
Victory: Vleecan Fele [Solo]: | 14.04.20 |
Victory: Vmork The Voracious: | 21.04.24 |
Victory: Vokk: | 13.12.22 |
Victory: Voltorak Razorclaw: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Vorigan Mistmoore: | 09.12.21 |
Victory: Vulgrat Vilebones: | 10.08.21 |
Victory: Vurgal the Gutter: | 03.05.16 |
Victory: Wa'la'kra'na and Pri'ki'ori'ki: | 05.03.23 |
Victory: War Baron Eator: | 23.11.16 |
Victory: War Historian Kobl: | 23.11.16 |
Victory: War Master Ryzon: | 02.01.20 |
Victory: War Master Ryzon [Challenge]: | 26.01.20 |
Victory: Warhelm: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Warlock Ren Bolor: | 05.12.21 |
Victory: Warlord Kurn Machta [Group]: | 25.10.22 |
Victory: Warlord Kurn Machta [Raid]: | 25.10.22 |
Victory: Watcher of Yothshaval: | 14.01.16 |
Victory: Wavadozzik Adan: | 30.11.17 |
Victory: Wilhelm the Elm: | 16.04.23 |
Victory: Wraith of Jaxion: | 25.11.16 |
Victory: Wrath of Ro: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Wrathflame the Chosen: | 14.11.18 |
Victory: Wretched Francine: | 10.08.21 |
Victory: Xacx-Kahda: | 26.11.15 |
Victory: Xanora Ghostmoon: | 20.02.21 |
Victory: Xavaree: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Xerxes'Kade: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Xi Xaui: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Xias Dos Xan: | 08.01.20 |
Victory: Xilniov of Dismay: | 01.05.21 |
Victory: Xochéntula: | 21.11.18 |
Victory: Xogerarda: | 16.11.18 |
Victory: Xoth, the Ever Rending: | 01.12.15 |
Victory: Xothox and Zothoz: | 30.04.14 |
Victory: Xukon: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Xuxuquaxul: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Xuzl: | 09.12.17 |
Victory: Xuzut: | 01.12.22 |
Victory: Xylox the Poisonous: | 05.01.20 |
Victory: Xylox the Poisonous [Challenge]: | 04.02.20 |
Victory: Yallessulich: | 09.05.16 |
Victory: Yelloweyes: | 20.12.19 |
Victory: Yelloweyes [Challenge]: | 05.02.20 |
Victory: Yevrah Ti'Rizeth: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Yipnik: | 29.04.15 |
Victory: Yipyap: | 11.05.24 |
Victory: Yorgen Stonechipper: | 04.05.24 |
Victory: Yothshaval, Acolyte of Penumbra: | 27.01.16 |
Victory: Yveti Stormbrood: | 03.12.17 |
Victory: Yynzik the Scornridden: | 09.08.22 |
Victory: Z'Kara the Dreaded: | 28.05.14 |
Victory: Zaag the Unburied: | 03.12.21 |
Victory: Zabrina Selymes: | 05.12.21 |
Victory: Zaida'Rai, Keeper of Passions: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Zakir-Sar-Ussur: | 05.12.23 |
Victory: Zannaska: | 19.11.16 |
Victory: Zazhim Zal-Zamadi: | 17.06.23 |
Victory: Zeraxyl: | 26.11.24 |
Victory: Zhakull the Chooser: | 28.05.14 |
Victory: Zodan: | 03.12.22 |
Victory: Zox: | 02.12.23 |
Victory: Zozklaw: | 15.03.24 |
Victory: Ágilan and Háribon: | 28.12.21 |
Vindicator Soren's Demise: | 04.06.15 |
Visionary Dungeon Master: | 04.12.21 |
Visions of Vacrul: | 14.11.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part I: | 31.03.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part II: | 04.04.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part III: | 05.04.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part IV: | 06.04.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part IX: | 18.05.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part V: | 11.05.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part VI: | 11.05.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part VII: | 12.05.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part VIII: | 18.05.22 |
Visions of Vacrul Part X: | 14.11.22 |
Visions of Vetrovia: | 04.12.21 |
Voidwrought Chaos: | 25.03.19 |
Vying For Growth: | 13.12.22 |
WEEEEEE!!!: | 05.04.15 |
Walk the Plank: | 14.11.14 |
Walking on Air: | 23.11.18 |
Warlord Ykesha Waster: | 30.08.18 |
Warmaster Deynka Packlasher's Demise: | 02.02.14 |
Warmaster Korok Hai's Demise: | 02.02.14 |
Wasting Away in the Wastes: | 05.12.21 |
Waterworks Spare Parts: | 21.01.16 |
Wayward Souls: | 20.12.19 |
Wayward We Wander: | 11.01.20 |
We Need a Flawless Hero: | 07.04.21 |
We Need a Hero: | 07.04.21 |
We Want a Shrubbery: | |
Weald Will Rock You!: | 18.12.20 |
Weald Write: | |
Weathering the Darkness: | 11.10.21 |
Welcome to the Jungle: | |
Welcome, Overseer.: | 18.12.19 |
Werewolf Annihilator: | |
Werewolf Destroyer: | |
Werewolf Executioner: | |
Werewolf Killer: | 23.06.15 |
What About Bhoughbh: | 24.07.20 |
What a Concoctive Octave: | 05.12.22 |
What a Waste of Alcohol!: | 23.05.15 |
What's Behind Door Number...Oh Forget it!: | 29.04.15 |
What's Sambata With You?: | 22.12.19 |
What's the Grey Matter?: | 23.12.19 |
Which Were, Where?: | 02.12.21 |
Whiff, Whiff: | 16.11.18 |
Whiff, Whiff, Whiff: | 17.11.18 |
Whirling Dervish: | 18.12.20 |
Whoosh, Whoosh: | 21.11.18 |
Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh: | 25.11.18 |
Whose Vault Was it?: | 02.01.20 |
Wide Breadth: Part I: | 29.01.24 |
Wide Breadth: Part II: | 01.02.24 |
Wide Breadth: Part III: | 28.02.24 |
Wild Wild Quest: | |
Wilder Annihilator: | |
Wilder Destroyer: | |
Wilder Executioner: | |
Wilder Killer: | 14.11.18 |
Will Break for Shinies: | 02.05.15 |
Will Wipe Groups for Shinies!: | 01.05.16 |
Wilt Trip: | 21.12.19 |
Win 10 Proving Grounds matches: | 17.05.17 |
Win 100 Proving Grounds matches: | 30.05.17 |
Win 20 Proving Grounds matches: | 20.05.17 |
Win 30 Proving Grounds matches: | 23.05.17 |
Win 40 Proving Grounds matches: | 23.05.17 |
Win 5 Proving Grounds matches: | 17.05.17 |
Win 50 Proving Grounds matches: | 26.05.17 |
Win 75 Proving Grounds matches: | 28.05.17 |
Win a Proving Grounds match: | 14.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe: | 14.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 10 times: | 17.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 100 times: | 31.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 20 times: | 26.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 30 times: | 26.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 40 times: | 27.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 5 times: | 17.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 50 times: | 28.05.17 |
Win the Battle for Felwithe 75 times: | 30.05.17 |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas: | 19.05.17 |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 10 times: | 21.05.17 |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 100 times: | |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 20 times: | 23.05.17 |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 30 times: | 02.06.17 |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 40 times: | |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 5 times: | 20.05.17 |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 50 times: | |
Win the Battle upon the High Seas 75 times: | |
Wing and A Prayer: | 07.01.14 |
Wisdom's Waltz: | 06.12.23 |
Wisdom's Waltzers: | 02.12.23 |
Wolf in Wolf's Clothing: | 18.12.20 |
Wonderous Wild Weald: | 20.12.20 |
Wrack Em Up: | 24.12.19 |
Wrack Hands: | 07.01.20 |
Wrack and Field Star: | 20.12.19 |
Wracked Exploration: | 23.12.19 |
Wrangler: | 12.03.15 |
Wrek Shop: | 15.11.14 |
Write as Snow: | |
Wrought Written: | 22.03.24 |
Wuoshi Whacker: | 04.02.14 |
Wyrm Twynk: | 03.01.14 |
Xalgoti's Demise: | 04.02.14 |
Xalgoz Exterminator: | 11.10.16 |
Yha-lei Annihilator: | |
Yha-lei Destroyer: | |
Yha-lei Executioner: | |
Yha-lei Killer: | 12.02.14 |
Ykeshan Trekker: | |
You Shall Not Crossbones: | 04.12.21 |
You can learn how to take them down!: | 11.09.14 |
You're Thunderstruck: | 28.12.22 |
Your Fiends Don't Trance: | 04.12.21 |
Your mission is...: | 08.01.14 |
Zealot Betrayal III: | 25.05.21 |
Zimara to Love: | |
Zombie Bomb Squad: | 11.06.15 |
Zombie Bomb Squad [Challenge]: | 20.06.15 |
Zombie Door Stop: | 26.08.15 |
Zoo Keeper: | 08.06.22 |
Zorglim the Departed: | 04.02.14 |
[Fabled Guk] Amok in Guk: | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Corridor Killer (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Corridor Killer (T1): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Corridor Killer (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Corridor Killer (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Fall of the Fallen (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Fall of the Fallen (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Fall of the Fallen (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Fall of the Fallen (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Arcanum (T1): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Arcanum (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Arcanum (T3): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Strongest of The Stronghold (T1): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Strongest of The Stronghold (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Strongest of The Stronghold (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Triumph: Toadal Destruction: | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Anathraxxis Fetidspine (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Anathraxxis Fetidspine (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Anathraxxis Fetidspine (T3): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Aruze Vleese (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Aruze Vleese (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Aruze Vleese (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Aruze Vleese (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Deathbone Lord Krasick (T1): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Deathbone Lord Krasick (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Deathbone Lord Krasick (T3): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Ferhustr Frupdor & Lunchmeat (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Ferhustr Frupdor & Lunchmeat (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Ferhustr Frupdor & Lunchmeat (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Froppit the Everliving (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Froppit the Everliving (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Froppit the Everliving (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Froppit the Everliving (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Furdip (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Furdip (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Furdip (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Furdip (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Gorscha Gahh (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Gorscha Gahh (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Gorscha Gahh (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Gorscha Gahh (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Gruuper Groo (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Gruuper Groo (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Gruuper Groo (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Hoptor Thagglor (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Hoptor Thagglor (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Hoptor Thagglor (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Hoptor Thagglor (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: King Vroak Vriipp (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: King Vroak Vriipp (T1): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: King Vroak Vriipp (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: King Vroak Vriipp (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Krell Vruup (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Krell Vruup (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Krell Vruup (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Krell Vruup (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Lord Kurpep (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Lord Kurpep (T1): | 02.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Lord Kurpep (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Lord Kurpep (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Molinap the Destructor (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Molinap the Destructor (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Molinap the Destructor (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Molinap the Destructor (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Mrogold Minosk (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Mrogold Minosk (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Mrogold Minosk (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Rhee'Gor (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Rhee'Gor (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Rhee'Gor (T3): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Rideepa the Prideful (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Rideepa the Prideful (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Rideepa the Prideful (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Rideepa the Prideful (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Treskar Throatpuncher (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Treskar Throatpuncher (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Treskar Throatpuncher (T3): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Trogoldon Greck (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Trogoldon Greck (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Trogoldon Greck (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Zraxth (T1): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Zraxth (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: Zraxth (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Ghoul Usurper (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Ghoul Usurper (T1): | 02.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Ghoul Usurper (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Ghoul Usurper (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Reanimated Hand (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Reanimated Hand (T1): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Reanimated Hand (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: a Reanimated Hand (T3): | 08.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: an Ancient Fungoid (Solo): | 01.08.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: an Ancient Fungoid (T1): | 06.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: an Ancient Fungoid (T2): | 05.12.18 |
[Fabled Guk] Victory: an Ancient Fungoid (T3): | 07.12.18 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Bobbin' For Goblins: | |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Gob Stopper: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Goblin Gobbler: | |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Raucous Rampager (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Boarkeeper Malleg: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Boarkeeper Malleg (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Burrtoe the Gorged: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Burrtoe the Gorged (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Kanar: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Kanar (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Siltsea: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Siltsea (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: High Shaman Vohan: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: High Shaman Vohan (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Mayka Rukus: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Mayka Rukus (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Memnmamar Marrowgut: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Memnmamar Marrowgut (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Slamhammer: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Slamhammer (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Snok Eyegouger: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Snok Eyegouger (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Xorxx: | 17.03.19 |
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Xorxx (T1): | 17.03.19 |
[Flawless] Akashic Accomplishment Part I: | 13.04.22 |
[Flawless] Akashic Accomplishment Part III: | 13.04.22 |
[Flawless] Akashic Accomplishment Part V: | 26.04.22 |
[Flawless] Akashic Accomplishment Part VII: | 27.04.22 |
[Flawless] Forlorn Foundations Part I: | 11.08.22 |
[Flawless] Forlorn Foundations Part V: | 31.03.22 |
[Flawless] Investigating the Infestation Part I: | 19.01.22 |
[Flawless] Investigating the Infestation Part III: | 10.03.22 |
[Flawless] Messing with the Nest Part I: | 14.02.22 |
[Flawless] Messing with the Nest Part III: | 25.01.22 |
[Flawless] Messing with the Nest Part V: | 27.07.22 |
[Flawless] Raid: Amohn: | 10.05.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Arlyxir: | 10.07.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Bling: | 22.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Brundin of the Guard: | 02.05.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Construct Automaton: | 03.04.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Corpulus: | 20.08.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Dyronis, Harbinger of E'ci: | 30.08.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Dysperitia: | 24.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Eindride Icestorm: | 08.05.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Erech Eyford: | 26.03.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Eurold, Harbinger of Povar: | 28.08.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Ferris: | 29.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Gearbox the Energy Siphon: | 03.04.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Guardian and Protector of Dresolik: | 28.03.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Junkyard Mawg: | 14.06.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Karnah of the Source: | 14.02.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Kuanbyr Hailstorm: | 27.08.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Manaetic Prototype IX: | 08.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Manaetic Prototype XI: | 08.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Meldrath the Malignant: | 27.09.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Meldrath the Mechanized: | 30.03.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Nightlure the Fleshfeaster: | 10.10.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Operator Figl: | 02.08.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Plaguen the Piper: | 14.05.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Rankle: | 17.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Resnak and Rythrak: | 24.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Rheumus, Harbinger of Tarew Marr: | 22.10.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Rizlona: | 22.10.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Sandstorm, Steelthorn, Sutherland, and Stormseer: | 25.04.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Thangbrand and Valbrand: | 12.03.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: The Junk Beast: | 17.04.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Thundercall and Cyclone: | 27.08.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Thunderclap and Skyfury: | 20.08.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Tin Overseer Alpha: | 15.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Tin Overseer Omega: | 15.01.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Veleroth and Zrexul: | 01.02.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Wretch: | 21.03.18 |
[Flawless] Raid: Wybjorn: | 17.01.18 |
[Flawless] Visions of Vacrul Part I: | 28.04.22 |
[Flawless] Visions of Vacrul Part II: | 28.04.22 |
[Flawless] Visions of Vacrul Part III: | 23.06.22 |
[Flawless] Visions of Vacrul Part IX: | 24.05.22 |
[Flawless] Visions of Vacrul Part VI: | 02.06.22 |
[Flawless] Visions of Vacrul Part VII: | 20.07.22 |
[Flawless] Visions of Vacrul Part VIII: | 06.06.22 |
[Herd SoH] Triumph: Decimate Hate: | 11.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 1): | 04.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 2): | 24.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 3): | 06.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 4): | 10.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 5): | 11.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Anarchic Beefsteak: | 04.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Aquaticow: | 05.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Bovaug the Bull: | 11.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Bovine and Boviness: | 22.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Chief Bovine Paz'Ture: | 23.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Cowtankerous Triumvirate: | 11.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Domestica: | 06.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Gruesome Moosome: | 10.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Hateful Steak: | 05.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Loin: | 24.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Lord of Moos: | 05.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Moo the Cow: | 04.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Moogidooshi: | 04.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Steer of Hatred: | 05.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Taur'Us'Vex: | 07.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Taurine the Spiteful: | 20.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: The Corralled: | 23.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: The Domesticated Evangelist: | 06.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: The Head of Flanks: | 05.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: The Moosic Maker: | 05.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Top Sirloin: | 20.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Topsir: | 24.06.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Trapped Taurus: | 06.07.18 |
[Herd SoH] Victory: Vilemoo: | 23.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Decimate Hate: | 15.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 1): | 11.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 2): | 07.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 3): | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 4): | 11.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 5): | 12.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Anarchic Obscenity: | 11.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Baron and Baroness: | 27.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Cantankerous Triumvirate: | 12.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Chief Librarian Py'Tyz: | 27.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Estir the Spiteful: | 26.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Fuel of Hatred: | 11.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Gluglug: | 11.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Gruesome Twosome: | 11.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Hateful Plate: | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Head of Hate: | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Helestia: | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Horb: | 25.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Igidishi: | 11.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Lord of Pain: | 29.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Morg: | 25.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Morghorb: | 25.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Skimp the Imp: | 25.05.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: The Damned: | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: The Organ Donor: | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: The Telekinetic Evangelist: | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Trapped Bellhop: | 10.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Ulvaug the Bloodfang: | 15.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Vilegore: | 07.06.18 |
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Ze'Vlu'Vex: | 11.06.18 |
[Sense of Urgency] Raid: Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate : | 22.10.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Amohn: | 28.03.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Bling: | 17.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Construct Automaton: | 15.03.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Corpulus: | 12.04.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Dysperitia: | 10.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Ferris: | 11.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Gearbox the Energy Siphon: | 15.03.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Junkyard Mawg: | 03.08.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Karnah of the Source: | 14.02.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Manaetic Prototype IX: | 11.12.17 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Manaetic Prototype XI: | 12.12.17 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Meldrath the Mechanized: | 15.03.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Operator Figl: | 02.08.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Plaguen the Piper: | 12.04.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Rankle: | 10.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Resnak and Rythrak: | 10.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Sandstorm, Steelthorn, Sutherland, and Stormseer: | 08.05.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Thangbrand and Valbrand: | 11.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: The Junk Beast: | 15.02.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Tin Overseer Alpha: | 13.12.17 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Tin Overseer Omega: | 08.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Veleroth and Zrexul: | 11.01.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Wretch: | 05.04.18 |
[Shorthanded] Raid: Wybjorn: | 11.01.18 |
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Decimate Hate: | |
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 1): | |
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 2): | |
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 3): | |
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 4): | |
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 5): | |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Chief Librarian Py'Tyz: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Estir the Spiteful: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Fuel of Hatred: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Gluglug: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Head of Hate: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Lord of Pain: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Morg: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Skimp the Imp: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: The Telekinetic Evangelist: | 27.05.18 |
[Solo SoH] Victory: Ze'Vlu'Vex: | 27.05.18 |