Дата |
Покупатель |
Название |
Рейд |
Группа предметов |
Стоимость |
28.11.22 |
Richards |
Mayong's Vampiric Bracers of the Bloodrite |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid] |
default |
240 |
16.05.22 |
Richards |
Allogata Skyspear |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] |
default |
150 |
23.01.25 |
Richards |
Sommumun's Fathomed Earring of Domination |
[SoD] Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes |
default |
150 |
15.11.22 |
Richards |
Monolithic Gear - Plate Pauldrons |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
150 |
23.02.22 |
Richards |
Unbounded Tides Tower Shield |
[VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] |
default |
120 |
24.06.21 |
Richards |
Heroically Plundered Sash |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
100 |
21.04.22 |
Richards |
The Bloodtender's Massive Bludgeoner |
[VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] |
default |
100 |
25.05.21 |
Richards |
Stolen Ssraeshzian Plans - Heartpiercer |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
100 |
13.09.23 |
Richards |
Wall of the Boundless Titan |
[RoR] Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn [Raid] |
default |
100 |
03.10.22 |
Richards |
Pearlescent Silvered Earring |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
100 |
03.02.22 |
Richards |
Vetrovian Weapon Crate |
[VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] |
default |
100 |
23.02.22 |
Richards |
Gargantaur's Bone Bracelet |
[VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] |
default |
70 |
15.02.24 |
Richards |
Aurous' Banishment Crux |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] |
default |
50 |
02.02.22 |
Richards |
Fading Night Vanguard Breastplate |
[VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] |
default |
50 |
11.05.22 |
Richards |
Vorigan's Insatiable Hunger |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] |
default |
50 |
12.02.24 |
Richards |
Vibrant Krayte Wrap |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] |
default |
50 |
18.04.24 |
Richards |
Galeistria's Harnessed Light |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
50 |
27.02.23 |
Richards |
Shiny Bangle of the Simian Troupe |
[RoR] Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid] |
default |
50 |
13.09.23 |
Richards |
Boundless Titan Platemail Spaulders |
[RoR] Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn [Raid] |
default |
50 |
29.03.23 |
Richards |
Colorful Plume |
[RoR] Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Hunt [Raid] |
default |
50 |
17.02.22 |
Richards |
Forsaken Light Vanguard Spaulders |
[VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] |
default |
50 |
29.09.22 |
Richards |
Hoshkar's Voltaic Cuirass |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
50 |
19.01.22 |
Richards |
Fading Night Vanguard Helmet |
[VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] |
default |
50 |
28.06.21 |
Richards |
Crystallized Shadow Pearl Earring |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
35 |
14.02.23 |
Richards |
Locked Parcel: Standing Storm |
[RoR] Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid] |
default |
30 |
13.02.23 |
Richards |
Locked Parcel: The Hunt |
[RoR] Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid] |
default |
30 |
01.02.24 |
Richards |
Earring of the Krayte Titan |
[BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] |
default |
30 |
08.03.21 |
Richards |
Grieg's Band of Disguise |
[RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] |
default |
25 |
22.03.21 |
Richards |
Lazeratus, Sacred Spirit |
[RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] |
default |
25 |
04.04.22 |
Richards |
Captain Bloodrite's Weighted Jade Ring |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] |
default |
20 |
20.05.21 |
Richards |
Living Embodiment of Shadow |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
20 |
28.04.22 |
Richards |
Vacrul Plate Armored Vambraces |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] |
default |
20 |
06.04.21 |
Richards |
Shadowed Tyranny Vanguard Cuirass |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
15 |
11.03.21 |
Richards |
Unseen Phantomsnatcher's Barbute |
[RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] |
default |
10 |
01.08.24 |
Richards |
Djinnblood Cirrus Greaves |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
10 |
16.11.22 |
Richards |
Phara's Fingerbone Club |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
10 |
03.10.22 |
Richards |
Skygazing Scalemail Greaves |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
10 |
01.02.24 |
Richards |
Vibrant Platemail Sabatons of the Breadth |
[BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] |
default |
5 |
25.10.23 |
Richards |
Merchant's Price Slasher |
[RoR] Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn [Raid] |
default |
5 |
26.02.25 |
Richards |
Sodden Swamp Earring of Grime |
[SoD] Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes |
default |
5 |
29.01.24 |
Richards |
Shroud of the Chromon Titan |
[BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] |
default |
5 |
05.12.24 |
Richards |
Alcazar of Zimara - Plate Shoulders Pattern |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Royal Halls [Raid] |
default |
5 |
08.02.24 |
Richards |
Vibrant Platemail Gauntlets of the Judged |
[BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] |
default |
5 |
12.02.24 |
Richards |
Vibrant Platemail Bracers of the Judged |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] |
default |
5 |
26.02.25 |
Richards |
Haunted Helix Dreaded Gage |
[SoD] Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes |
default |
5 |
07.08.24 |
Richards |
Vanguard Bracers of the Crushing Fall |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
5 |
21.03.24 |
Richards |
Vibrant Plate Greaves of the Judged |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] |
default |
5 |
25.03.24 |
Richards |
Spectrum-Hued Sabatons of the Delves |
[BoZ] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid] |
default |
5 |
28.03.24 |
Richards |
Vibrant Platemail Sabatons of the Judged |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] |
default |
5 |
08.04.24 |
Richards |
Vibrant Cuirass of the Delves |
[BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] |
default |
5 |
05.12.24 |
Richards |
Sti'Vyrn's Cloak of Persecution |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Royal Halls [Raid] |
default |
5 |
11.11.24 |
Richards |
Djinnblood-stained Belt of the Pensive |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
5 |
06.11.24 |
Richards |
Cloak of the Vaashkaani Legion |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
5 |
06.11.24 |
Richards |
Platemail Sabatons of the Vaashkaani Legion |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
5 |
28.08.24 |
Richards |
Imperfect Mirror Shard |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
5 |
07.08.24 |
Richards |
Platemail Bracers of the Vaashkaani Legion |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
5 |
01.08.24 |
Richards |
Platemail Sabatons of the Vaashkaani Legion |
[BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] |
default |
5 |
18.02.21 |
Richards |
Plated Cinder Bracer |
[RoS] Shadeweaver Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid] |
default |
5 |
28.08.23 |
Richards |
Plundered Takish'Hiz Platemail |
[RoR] Buried Takish'Hiz: Emergence from Stone [Raid] |
default |
5 |
26.04.22 |
Richards |
Gravecover of the Akashic Mother |
[VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] |
default |
5 |
22.03.21 |
Richards |
Sabatons of the Nibbler |
[RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] |
default |
5 |
15.04.21 |
Richards |
Tyrannical Deathblade |
[RoS] Shadeweaver Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid] |
default |
5 |
28.04.21 |
Richards |
Unseen Darkprowler's Gauntlets |
[RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] |
default |
5 |
29.04.21 |
Richards |
Shadowed Tyranny Vanguard Barbute |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
5 |
20.05.21 |
Richards |
Shadowed Tyrrany Vaunguard Gauntlets |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
5 |
03.06.21 |
Richards |
The Hero's Plated Bracers |
[RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] |
default |
5 |
21.06.21 |
Richards |
Grimlock's Shadestomper Tonlets |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
5 |
24.06.21 |
Richards |
Beyond Shadeplate Greaves |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
5 |
24.06.21 |
Richards |
Shadowed Tyranny Plate Gauntlets |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
5 |
01.07.21 |
Richards |
Signet of the Grimling Hero |
[RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] |
default |
5 |
14.10.21 |
Richards |
Domain of Earth (Master) |
[RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] |
default |
5 |
14.04.22 |
Richards |
Dreadfell Raven Spear |
[VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] |
default |
5 |
11.05.22 |
Richards |
Gleeful Ire |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] |
default |
5 |
04.05.23 |
Richards |
Aged Stone Battlehammer |
[RoR] Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Hunt [Raid] |
default |
5 |
18.05.22 |
Richards |
Sanguine Bloodguard's Steel Spaulders |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid] |
default |
5 |
19.05.22 |
Richards |
Sanguine Vacrulian Vanguard Helmet |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] |
default |
5 |
06.06.22 |
Richards |
Lacerator of the Bloodbound |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid] |
default |
5 |
15.06.22 |
Richards |
Sanguine Dragonbone Plate Bracers |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid] |
default |
5 |
27.06.22 |
Richards |
The Butcher's Guarding Tower |
[VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] |
default |
5 |
11.08.22 |
Richards |
Fabled Enduring Wall |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
5 |
22.08.22 |
Richards |
'Blood of ' collection |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
5 |
19.09.22 |
Richards |
Skygazer's Voltaic Wall |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
5 |
19.09.22 |
Richards |
Silverwing's Scale |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
5 |
04.03.21 |
Richards |
Hes Banded belt |
[RoS] Shadeweaver Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid] |
default |
5 |
31.10.22 |
Richards |
Fabled Stormbringer Bulwark of the Unstoppable |
[VoV] The Fabled Trakanon's Lair [Raid] |
default |
5 |
21.11.22 |
Richards |
Bloodbound Rune: Ascension of Love |
[VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid] |
default |
5 |
06.04.23 |
Richards |
Sandstone Bow of Force |
[RoR] Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid] |
default |
5 |
26.02.25 |
Richards |
Haunted Helix Formidable Sabatons |
[SoD] Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes |
default |
5 |