
Captain Zerocooll

Character ID:1335735604469
Adventure Class:Разбойник (130)
First Tradeskill:Carpenter (130)
Secondary Tradeskills:
Tinkering (690/650)
Adorning (690/650)
Ascension Class : ElementalistLevel: 22
Ascension Class : EtherealistLevel: 22
Ascension Class : GeomancerLevel: 25 - Active
Ascension Class : ThaumaturgistLevel: 20
Alternate Advancements:0
Last Seen:06.10.24
Played:352 days
Guild:Musketeers (joined: 05.09.24)
Personal Status:531295057
Kills/Deaths Ratio:50.64
Max Melee Hit:79127738268673
Max Magic Hit:81253178934404
Collections Completed:1511
Items Crafted:27000
Quests completed:5592
Rare harvests:1252
Block:0 (135%)
Crit Chance:4495%
Crit Bonus:20513%
Ability Modifier:95481296
Hate Gain Modifier:-10
DPS Modifier:0
AE Autoattack:0%
Attack Speed:0
Double Attack:34%
Double Attack:0%
Weapon Auto Attack:0%
Weapon Attack Speed:0
Weapon Double Attack:0%
Weapon DPS:0
Weapon Flurry:0%
<br> В пылу традиций и амбиций<br> Забыта истина пути, <br> Что важно вовремя родиться<br> И трудно вовремя уйти<br> ......
AmmoBelted Royal Quiver
CharmGaleistria's Lucky Coin
CharmGaleistria's Harnessed Light
ChestUnbounded Spectrum-Hued Chestguard of the Labyrinth
CloakSti'Vyrn's Cloak of Persecution
DrinkPersimmon Quencher
EarDimensional Regailia of the Collector
EarRouk's Dangling Gemstones
Event SlotPrimeval Critical Plume of Darkpaw
FeetVibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged
FingerVaashkaani Ring of Skyward
FingerVaashkaani Ring of Ammolite
FoodDasheen and Persimmon Salad
ForearmsUnbounded Spectrum-Hued Chainmail Bracers of the Labyrinth
HandsUnbounded Vibrant Chainmail Gauntlets of the Labyrinth
HeadFelfeather Burglar's Hat [Rank V]
LegsDjinnblood Cirrus Chain Leggings
Mount Adornment
Mount Armor
NeckChoral Collar of the Songster
PrimaryFrozen Scepter of E'Ci [Rank V]
RangedErollisi Marr's Bow of the Hunt [Rank V]
SecondaryBlade of the Loving Huntress [Rank V]
ShouldersSovereign Chain Mantle of Vaashkaani
WaistDjinnblood-stained Wrap of the Pensive
WristDendritic Acuity Bangle
WristVedlys' Glowing Banded Cuff
ChestConvert of the Silver Reaper Robe
CloakBelted Leather Quiver Mirage
FeetTruespirit Slippers
ForearmsRing of Scale Brood Forearms
HandsSpirit of Arcanna'se Grasps
Mount Adornment
Mount Armor
PrimaryCrescent Etherblade
SecondarySpirit of Arcanna'se Luminous Dagger
690 / 690
10740 / 10740
10740 / 10740
Alcohol Tolerance:
650 / 650
49 / 49
99 / 99
49 / 49
10910 / 10910
10677 / 10677
0 / 0
650 / 650
0 / 0
650 / 650
880 / 880
99 / 99
10740 / 10740
880 / 880
880 / 880
600 / 650
49 / 49
49 / 49
880 / 880
0 / 0
0 / 0
10740 / 10740
10905 / 10905
650 / 650
10905 / 10905
650 / 650
49 / 49
650 / 650
44 / 650
10910 / 10910
0 / 0
650 / 650
49 / 49
690 / 690
650 / 650
857 / 857
880 / 880
100th Ranked Artisan:14.09.23
100th Season Adventurer:09.09.23
101st Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
102nd Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
103rd Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
104th Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
105th Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
105th Season Adventurer:09.09.23
106th Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
107th Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
108th Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
109th Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
10th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
10th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
110th Planar Adventurer:09.09.23
110th Ranked Artisan:01.10.23
110th Season Adventurer:09.09.23
120th Ranked Artisan:22.10.23
120th Season Adventurer:09.09.23
125th Ranked Artisan:22.10.23
125th Season Adventurer:24.09.23
130 Ballads of Zimara on the Achievement Wall:13.12.23
130th Ranked Artisan:14.12.23
130th Season Adventurer:13.12.23
20th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
20th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
300 Stakes Through the Heart:27.05.24
30th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
30th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
40th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
40th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
50th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
50th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
60th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
60th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
70th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
70th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
80th Ranked Artisan:25.09.09
80th Season Adventurer:25.09.09
85th Season Adventurer:07.12.11
90th Ranked Artisan:17.04.10
90th Season Adventurer:16.03.10
95th Season Adventurer:09.09.23
A Burghal in Our Midst:24.05.24
A Collector's Collector:30.11.23
A Day in the Life of Odus:27.05.10
A Dire Pyre is Made of Fire:30.09.24
A Foray a Day is Great:08.09.24
A Foray a Day is Mainly Okay:08.09.24
A Grizzled Veteran:28.10.10
A Jubilee Spectacularly II:
A Jubilee for You and Me II:
A Little Too Chaotic?:10.09.24
A Plethora of Plateaus:24.02.24
A Plethora of Pranks:04.04.24
A Rose by Any Other Name...:02.03.15
A Sea of Roses:22.09.23
A Shiny in Hand is Worth Two In the Bush:05.11.23
Aberrant Annihilator:
Aberrant Camp Remnants:25.02.24
Aberrant Destroyer:
Aberrant Equipment:13.11.23
Aberrant Executioner:
Aberrant Killer:14.12.23
Abyss Dragon Destroyer:24.11.09
Abyssal Lurkers:30.11.23
Accomplished Aberrant Hunter:13.08.24
Accomplished Aberrant Slayer:
Accomplished Adorner:29.09.10
Accomplished Aerakyn Hunter:
Accomplished Aerakyn Slayer:
Accomplished Akhevan Hunter:20.09.24
Accomplished Akhevan Slayer:
Accomplished Allu'thoa Hunter:13.09.24
Accomplished Allu'thoa Slayer:
Accomplished Aurai Hunter:08.12.23
Accomplished Aurai Slayer:17.02.24
Accomplished Aviak Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Aviak Slayer:19.10.10
Accomplished Bixie Hunter:
Accomplished Bixie Slayer:
Accomplished Brownie Hunter:26.11.23
Accomplished Brownie Slayer:
Accomplished Bugbear Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Bugbear Slayer:
Accomplished Cepholex Hunter:22.12.23
Accomplished Cepholex Slayer:
Accomplished Clockwork Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Clockwork Slayer:26.05.24
Accomplished Cursed Elddar Hunter:
Accomplished Cursed Elddar Slayer:
Accomplished Cyclops Hunter:04.07.24
Accomplished Cyclops Slayer:
Accomplished Defender of Innocents:
Accomplished Di'Zok Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Di'Zok Slayer:
Accomplished Djinn Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Djinn Slayer:19.12.23
Accomplished Droag Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Droag Slayer:28.05.10
Accomplished Drolvarg Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Drolvarg Slayer:
Accomplished Elemental Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Elemental Slayer:06.04.10
Accomplished Fairy Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Fairy Slayer:15.02.24
Accomplished Florphilim Hunter:
Accomplished Florphilim Slayer:
Accomplished Froglok Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Froglok Slayer:15.11.23
Accomplished Galorian Hunter:16.09.24
Accomplished Galorian Slayer:
Accomplished Giant Hunter:03.01.24
Accomplished Giant Slayer:
Accomplished Gnoll Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Gnoll Slayer:20.05.10
Accomplished Goblin Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Goblin Slayer:25.09.09
Accomplished Golem Hunter:22.09.23
Accomplished Golem Slayer:11.01.24
Accomplished Grimling Hunter:07.09.24
Accomplished Grimling Slayer:
Accomplished Harpy Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Harpy Slayer:25.09.09
Accomplished Hunter of Innocents:
Accomplished Immolated Hunter:13.09.24
Accomplished Immolated Slayer:
Accomplished Kobold Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Kobold Slayer:24.11.23
Accomplished Lizardman Hunter:12.09.23
Accomplished Lizardman Slayer:
Accomplished Maedjinn Hunter:05.12.23
Accomplished Maedjinn Slayer:06.01.24
Accomplished Marid Hunter:21.09.24
Accomplished Marid Slayer:
Accomplished Mephlin Hunter:25.02.24
Accomplished Mephlin Slayer:
Accomplished Nilborien Hunter:22.12.23
Accomplished Nilborien Slayer:
Accomplished Orc Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Orc Slayer:25.09.09
Accomplished Patchcraft Hunter:
Accomplished Patchcraft Slayer:
Accomplished Planar Elemental Hunter:10.12.23
Accomplished Planar Elemental Slayer:30.06.24
Accomplished Protector of Innocents:
Accomplished Ravasect Hunter:19.06.10
Accomplished Ravasect Slayer:
Accomplished Satyr Hunter:15.01.24
Accomplished Satyr Slayer:
Accomplished Shik'Nar Hunter:
Accomplished Shik'Nar Slayer:
Accomplished Shiny Hunter:
Accomplished Shissar Hunter:
Accomplished Shissar Slayer:
Accomplished Siren Hunter:12.08.24
Accomplished Siren Slayer:
Accomplished Slayer of Innocents:
Accomplished Slug Hunter:20.01.24
Accomplished Slug Slayer:
Accomplished Thought Horror Hunter:
Accomplished Thought Horror Slayer:
Accomplished Undead Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Undead Slayer:25.09.09
Accomplished Urzarach Hunter:
Accomplished Urzarach Slayer:
Accomplished Vampire Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Vampire Slayer:12.11.09
Accomplished Werewolf Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Werewolf Slayer:
Accomplished Wilder Hunter:05.09.24
Accomplished Wilder Slayer:
Accomplished Yha-lei Hunter:25.09.09
Accomplished Yha-lei Slayer:
Ace of Faydwer:02.10.09
Addicted to Quests:25.09.09
Adroit Adorner:21.09.10
Advanced Adventure Collector:
Advanced Dungeoneer:
Advancing Steadily:25.09.09
Adventure Andante:13.12.23
Adventure Rising:23.05.24
Aerakyn Annihilator:
Aerakyn Destroyer:
Aerakyn Executioner:
Aerakyn Killer:02.01.24
Aerie Accompaniment:18.12.23
Aerie Adagio:04.12.23
Aether Aria:13.12.23
Aether Delver: Part I:29.02.24
Aether Delver: Part II:11.03.24
Aether Delver: Part III:21.04.24
Aether Delver: Part IV:21.04.24
Agent of Antonica:25.09.09
Agent of Freeport:22.09.23
Aiden Assaulter:09.11.09
Akhevan Annihilator:
Akhevan Destroyer:
Akhevan Executioner:
Akhevan Killer:03.01.24
Alcazar Assailant: Part I:22.04.24
Alcazar Assailant: Part II:05.05.24
Alcazar Assailant: Part III:15.05.24
Alcazar Assailant: Part IV:05.09.24
Alcazar Assailant: Part V:05.09.24
All Dragon Slaying, All the Time:22.12.09
All Dusting and Busting:26.02.24
All Wrapped Up:17.12.23
Allu'thoa Annihilator:
Allu'thoa Destroyer:
Allu'thoa Executioner:
Allu'thoa Killer:02.01.24
Ally of Othmir:11.04.11
Ally of Ry'Gorr:12.04.11
Ally of Snowfang:09.04.11
Ally of Thurgadin:14.04.11
Ally of Thurgadin Crafters:21.03.11
Also Made in Aurelian Coast:
Amok in the Desert:29.02.24
An Air Apparent:
An Eye for an Eye...:03.03.10
Anashti Sul Annihilator:12.02.10
Ancient Artifacts and Figures:
Ancient Crown Stealer:25.09.09
Ancient Discoveries:28.04.24
Ancient Signature Pursuer:14.10.23
Ancient Signature Stalker:
Ancient Table Annihilator:03.10.09
Annihilator of Innocents:
Anniversary Artisan:30.04.24
Antiquities Exhibition:02.03.15
Antonican Adventurer:27.09.09
April: Child's Play:01.04.24
Arch Lich Eradicator:25.09.09
Arch Magistor Modrfrost's Demise:29.08.11
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise:11.01.24
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Challenge):11.01.24
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Challenge) (Sense of Urgency):11.01.24
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Sense of Urgency):11.01.24
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Solo):10.01.24
Arch-Necranaut Yolth's Demise (Solo) (Sense of Urgency):10.01.24
Archaeologist Anonymous:04.03.11
Argent Accelerando:18.02.24
Argent Allegretto:06.12.23
Argent Allegro:30.12.23
Arreken Skyward's Demise:12.01.24
Artisan's Soul:
Assisting the March:
At the Steps of Death:
August: Withered Lands and Makers Hands:03.08.24
Aurai Annihilator:
Aurai Destroyer:
Aurai Executioner:
Aurai Killer:04.12.23
Aurelian Coast Guard:
Avatar Assassin:07.10.09
Aviak Annihilator:
Aviak Destroyer:
Aviak Executioner:
Aviak Killer:25.09.09
Awuidor's Aww'right:18.08.24
Bad to the Crushbone:07.01.24
Badge of Heroics:16.11.23
Baelon of Thule's Demise:30.09.23
Baelon's Reprise:08.11.23
Bah'Dash Hope Dasher:25.09.09
Ballad of Antiquities:17.12.23
Ballads of Zimara:07.12.23
Balor the Primeval's Demise:13.01.24
Band of the Five Maws:17.12.23
Bannerman I:
Bannerman II:
Bannerman III:
Bannerman IV:
Bannerman IX:
Bannerman V:
Bannerman VI:
Bannerman VII:
Bannerman VIII:
Bannerman X:
Basic Understanding:25.09.09
Battle of Storm Gorge:23.02.11
Battlegrounds Conquest I:28.10.10
Battlegrounds Conquest II:28.10.10
Battlegrounds Conquest III:28.10.10
Battlegrounds Conquest IV:30.10.10
Battlegrounds Conquest IX:
Battlegrounds Conquest V:
Battlegrounds Conquest VI:
Battlegrounds Conquest VII:
Battlegrounds Conquest VIII:
Battlegrounds Conquest X:
Beast Wrangler:17.06.24
Beginner Adventure Collector:16.12.11
Beginner Collector:25.09.09
Beginner Dungeoneer:20.12.11
Beginner Quester:25.09.09
Belkreiz Blazeclaw's Demise:13.01.24
Biggest Loser:29.09.09
Biggest Winner:01.10.09
Birds of a Pink Feather:
Bite Your Thumb:
Bits and Baubles:17.06.24
Bixie Annihilator:
Bixie Destroyer:
Bixie Executioner:
Bixie Killer:28.09.23
Blackburrow Champion:25.09.09
Blaze a Trail:06.07.24
Blinding Write:
Boneafied Threat:
Bonegrinder Butcher:25.09.09
Bonesnapper Snapper:25.09.09
Both Hands on Deck!:
Bouncing the Bouncers:12.09.23
Brawn for hire:23.09.23
Breacher of Befallen:25.09.09
Breadth Cantata:07.12.23
Breadth of One's Brand:26.01.24
Break the Seal:01.03.10
Brendegor Bitelimb's Demise:19.12.11
Brendegor Bitelimb's Demise (Challenge):31.08.11
Bridged the Divide:08.03.11
Bringer of Blight:07.10.09
Bringer of Death:25.09.09
Broken Temple Sculptures:30.11.23
Brood Pool Samples:30.11.23
Brownie Annihilator:
Brownie Destroyer:
Brownie Executioner:
Brownie Killer:25.09.09
Brutal Warmonger:24.09.11
Bugbear Annihilator:
Bugbear Destroyer:
Bugbear Executioner:
Bugbear Killer:25.09.09
Buried Takish'Hiz Treasures:30.11.23
Burning Passions in a Frigid Land:
Burning, Burning, Burning:25.02.24
Butcherblock Beachcomber:27.09.09
Butcherblock Bloodhound:16.12.09
Buzzer Beater:
Can I have your autograph?:25.09.09
Can't Hold Their Liquor:10.03.24
Candy Crusher:18.10.23
Carpets Away:26.02.24
Cat Scratch:
Cazel's Conqueror:25.09.09
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor I:
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor II:
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor III:
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor IV:
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor V:
Celebrated Anashti Sul Contributor VI:
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor I:26.02.24
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor II:17.04.24
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor III:
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor IV:
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor V:
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VI:
Celebrated Bertoxxulous Contributor VII:
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor I:
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor II:
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor III:
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor IV:
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor V:
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor VI:
Celebrated Brell Serilis Contributor VII:
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor I:28.06.24
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor II:
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor III:
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor IV:
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor V:
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VI:
Celebrated Bristlebane Contributor VII:
Celebrated Contributor I:09.01.24
Celebrated Contributor II:20.01.24
Celebrated Contributor III:13.02.24
Celebrated Contributor IV:08.03.24
Celebrated Contributor IX:
Celebrated Contributor V:10.06.24
Celebrated Contributor VI:
Celebrated Contributor VII:
Celebrated Contributor VIII:
Celebrated Contributor X:
Celebrated Drinal Contributor I:23.09.24
Celebrated Drinal Contributor II:
Celebrated Drinal Contributor III:
Celebrated Drinal Contributor IV:
Celebrated Drinal Contributor V:
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VI:
Celebrated Drinal Contributor VII:
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor I:23.01.24
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor II:31.01.24
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor III:27.05.24
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor IV:
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor V:
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VI:
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VII:
Celebrated E'Ci Contributor VIII:
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor I:12.02.24
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor II:23.02.24
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor III:
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor IV:
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor V:
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VI:
Celebrated Erollisi Marr Contributor VII:
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor I:08.04.24
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor II:
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor III:
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor IV:
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor V:
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VI:
Celebrated Innoruuk Contributor VII:
Celebrated Karana Contributor I:
Celebrated Karana Contributor II:
Celebrated Karana Contributor III:
Celebrated Karana Contributor IV:
Celebrated Karana Contributor V:
Celebrated Karana Contributor VI:
Celebrated Karana Contributor VII:
Celebrated Mithaniel Marr Contributor I:
Celebrated Mithaniel Marr Contributor II:
Celebrated Mithaniel Marr Contributor III:
Celebrated Mithaniel Marr Contributor IV:
Celebrated Mithaniel Marr Contributor V:
Celebrated Mithaniel Marr Contributor VI:
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor I:
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor II:
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor III:
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor IV:
Celebrated Morell-Thule Contributor V:
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor I:09.01.24
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor II:22.01.24
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor III:
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor IV:
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor V:
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VI:
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VII:
Celebrated Tarew Marr Contributor VIII:
Celebrated Tribunal Contributor I:
Celebrated Tribunal Contributor II:
Celebrated Tribunal Contributor III:
Celebrated Tribunal Contributor IV:
Celebrated Tunare Contributor I:02.08.24
Celebrated Tunare Contributor II:
Celebrated Tunare Contributor III:
Celebrated Tunare Contributor IV:
Celebrated Tunare Contributor V:
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VI:
Celebrated Tunare Contributor VII:
Celestial Elementalist:20.10.23
Celestial Etherealist:20.10.23
Celestial Geomancer:20.10.23
Celestial Thaumaturgist:20.10.23
Cepholex Annihilator:
Cepholex Destroyer:
Cepholex Executioner:
Cepholex Killer:22.12.23
Cepholex Scraps:30.11.23
Champion Lore Hunter:
Champion of D'Lere:26.09.09
Champion of Innocents:
Champion of Renewal:
Champion of Ro:03.10.09
Champion of Tranquility:
Chaotic Cadence:30.12.23
Chaotic Cadenza:13.12.23
Chardok Prison Poisoner:25.11.09
Choral Concerto:20.01.24
Clam Shell Game:08.08.24
Clearing Sleeper's Tomb Unearthed:30.11.23
Cloaks of Norrathian Upper-Crusters:28.12.23
Clockwork Annihilator:
Clockwork Champion I:28.10.10
Clockwork Champion II:
Clockwork Champion III:
Clockwork Champion IV:
Clockwork Champion IX:
Clockwork Champion V:
Clockwork Champion VI:
Clockwork Champion VII:
Clockwork Champion VIII:
Clockwork Champion X:
Clockwork Constructor:15.09.10
Clockwork Destroyer:
Clockwork Dragon Crusher:10.10.11
Clockwork Executioner:
Clockwork Killer:25.09.09
Clues About Blues:20.04.24
Coast Verbose:
Coasting through the Hills:
Codexicon Crusher:25.09.09
Collection Hoarder:
Collection Master:25.09.09
Collection Obsessor:02.03.15
Collector's Paradise:02.03.15
Commander Mirrakar's Demise:10.01.24
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Challenge):11.01.24
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Challenge) (Sense of Urgency):11.01.24
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Sense of Urgency):10.01.24
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Solo):10.01.24
Commander Mirrakar's Demise (Solo) (Sense of Urgency):10.01.24
Commonlands Colonist:25.09.09
Commonlands Conqueror:25.09.09
Conniving Confections:04.04.24
Conundrum Keeper:
Corrupt Mechanics:30.11.23
Craft the Night Away:
Craft until you drop!:27.05.10
Craftkeeper Completionist:26.02.10
Crafty Cloak Collector:22.04.24
Crumbling the Forgotten Statue:01.12.23
Crush Crusher:07.10.09
Crypt Capturer:25.09.09
Cursed Elddar Annihilator:
Cursed Elddar Destroyer:
Cursed Elddar Executioner:
Cursed Elddar Killer:23.02.24
Custodian Culler:25.09.09
Cutting Straight Lines:24.03.24
Cyclops Annihilator:
Cyclops Destroyer:
Cyclops Executioner:
Cyclops Killer:25.09.09
D'Vinn Dethroner:27.09.09
Dagarn's Demise:13.01.24
Darathar's Reprise:08.11.23
Daredevil of Dawn:27.09.09
Daring Zoo Keeper:
Darklight Defender:25.09.09
Darklight Drifter:26.09.09
Darkpaw Ascends:
Dash the Dauntless:20.02.10
Dawn's Avenger:25.09.09
Dead Wringer:
Deathtoll Deathbearer:06.02.10
Deceiver Decimator:25.09.09
Dedication to the Arts:
Deep Dive:
Deep Thoughts:17.03.11
Deep in the Thicket of Things:
Deepforge Delver:
Defeating Aaranae Acrimae:30.08.11
Defeating Baroddas:13.09.23
Defeating Bastion:17.09.23
Defeating Botanist Heridal:11.05.24
Defeating Brutius the Skulk:28.04.24
Defeating Caerina the Lost:17.09.23
Defeating Charrid the Mindwarper:26.02.24
Defeating Chomp:15.05.24
Defeating Crohp the Mighty:26.02.24
Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper:28.04.24
Defeating Drels Ma'Gor:30.11.23
Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater:14.09.23
Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater (Challenge):14.09.23
Defeating Fitzpitzle:17.09.23
Defeating Gloust M'ra:30.11.23
Defeating Gorius the Gray:28.04.24
Defeating Hragdold the Frenzied:30.08.11
Defeating Jorik the Scourge:26.02.24
Defeating Karith'Ta:26.02.24
Defeating King Lockt:26.02.24
Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord:14.09.23
Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord (Challenge):14.09.23
Defeating Lieutenant Klaatuus:06.10.11
Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob:17.09.11
Defeating Lord Ghiosk:03.05.24
Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir:03.05.24
Defeating Malkonis D'Morte:12.12.23
Defeating Malkonis D'Morte (Challenge):12.12.23
Defeating Mazarine the Queen:30.11.23
Defeating Melanie Everling:17.09.23
Defeating Mrogr Bloodtaint:30.08.11
Defeating Mystikus Terrorwing:07.10.11
Defeating Ojuti the Vile:26.02.24
Defeating Oligar of the Dead:17.09.23
Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg:17.09.23
Defeating Othysis Muravian:12.12.23
Defeating Othysis Muravian (Challenge):12.12.23
Defeating Pharinich the Forlorn:13.09.23
Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl:14.09.23
Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl (Challenge):14.09.23
Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk:14.09.23
Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk (Challenge):14.09.23
Defeating Ragebourne Gregor Haldane:30.08.11
Defeating Sarinich the Wretched:13.09.23
Defeating Sath'Oprusk:26.02.24
Defeating Sentinel Primatious:15.05.24
Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger:11.05.24
Defeating Silis On'Va:30.11.23
Defeating Sorrn Dontro:30.11.23
Defeating Sullon Zek:06.09.11
Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun:14.09.23
Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun (Challenge):14.09.23
Defeating Tallon Zek:01.11.11
Defeating The Enraged Imp:03.12.23
Defeating The Fear Feaster:13.09.23
Defeating Tollen'Eod, Achen'Lomgill, Rhea'pla, and Lean'Odro:26.02.24
Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith:12.12.23
Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith (Challenge):12.12.23
Defeating Tuzerk:17.09.23
Defeating Tyrax Terrolus:10.10.11
Defeating Valigez, the Entomber:15.05.24
Defeating Wedge Tinderton:26.02.24
Defeating Ynonngozzz'Koolbh:26.02.24
Defeating Zylphax the Shredder:12.12.23
Defeating Zylphax the Shredder (Challenge):12.12.23
Defeating Zzalazziz:17.09.23
Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime:03.05.24
Defeating the Ancient Sentinel:30.11.23
Defeating the Black Reaver:02.05.24
Defeating the Captain of the Guard:02.05.24
Defeating the Construct of Souls:17.09.23
Defeating the Crystalline Queen:19.10.23
Defeating the Eidolon of Nanzata:30.11.23
Defeating the Eidolon of Tukaarak:30.11.23
Defeating the Generals:06.10.11
Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se:11.05.24
Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs:26.02.24
Defeating the Kly:29.04.24
Defeating the Lumpy Goo:28.04.24
Defeating the Memory of the Stolen:11.05.24
Defeating the Polliwog:26.02.24
Defeating the Strathbone Runelord:15.05.24
Defeating the ancient warders:
Delivery Ahoy:06.05.24
Delving Dead:
Demitrik's Demise:19.03.10
Depth Charge:08.08.24
Desert Researcher:22.02.24
Destiny of Velious Overachiever:
Destiny of Velious Vanquished:
Destiny of Velious Victor:15.03.11
Destroyer of Innocents:
Di'Zok Annihilator:
Di'Zok Destroyer:
Di'Zok Executioner:
Di'Zok Killer:25.09.09
Discovering Druid Rings: Faydwer:25.09.09
Discovering Druid Rings: Kunark:25.09.09
Discovering Druid Rings: Shattered Lands:25.09.09
Discovering the Withered Lands:
Divided We Fall:
Divine Relic Hunter II:01.02.24
Divine Relic Hunter III:10.02.24
Divine Relic Hunter IV:24.03.24
Divine Relic Hunter V:01.08.24
Divine Relic Hunter VI:
Djinn Annihilator:30.09.24
Djinn Destroyer:11.04.24
Djinn Executioner:
Djinn Killer:25.09.09
Djinn Master Demolisher:24.09.11
Do Not Throw Stones:
Doom Lord Doomer:25.09.09
Doomed Lovers:
Dozekar's Demise:13.01.24
Dozekar's Demise (Sense of Urgency):13.01.24
Dread Exarch Executor:25.09.09
Droag Annihilator:
Droag Destroyer:
Droag Executioner:
Droag Killer:25.09.09
Drolvarg Annihilator:
Drolvarg Destroyer:
Drolvarg Executioner:
Drolvarg Killer:25.09.09
Drowning in Quests:04.07.11
Drunder Raids Vanquished:
Drunk Level: Dwarf:10.03.24
Drusella's Downfall:14.12.09
Dungeon Hall of Famer:25.01.12
Dungeon Hall of Famer II:
Dungeon Hall of Famer III:
Dust, Dust, Dust:
Dwarven Supply Stocker:29.09.10
Eastern Wastes Quester:15.03.11
Echoes In a Cavernous World:
Efreeti Enslaver:07.10.09
Eidolon Expurgator:25.09.09
Eidolon of the Shattered Lands:25.10.09
Eirreen the Broken's Demise:29.08.11
Elemental Annihilator:
Elemental Destroyer:04.05.24
Elemental Executioner:
Elemental Foray:17.06.24
Elemental Killer:25.09.09
Emotion Commotion Notion:
Enchanted Lands Examiner:25.09.09
Enchanted Lands Excursionist:25.09.09
Escape from Klick'Anon:01.05.24
Eternally Enamored of Erollisi:15.02.24
Everfrost Espionager:25.09.09
Everfrost Explorer:25.09.09
Every Ensemble:20.12.23
Every Etude:11.12.23
Every Failure is a Learning Experience:12.12.23
Executioner of Innocents:
Exemplar of Retribution:17.12.23
Experimental Reconstruction:13.12.23
Expert Adventure Collector:
Expert Flawless: Defeating Botanist Heridal:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Brutius the Skulk:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Chomp:02.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Gorius the Gray:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Lord Ghiosk:29.04.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir:30.04.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Sentinel Primatious:02.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber:02.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime:29.04.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Amalgams of Order and Chaos:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Black Reaver:29.04.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Captain of the Guard:29.04.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Lumpy Goo:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Memory of the Stolen:03.05.24
Expert Flawless: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord:02.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Botanist Heridal:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Brutius the Skulk:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Chomp:02.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Gorius the Gray:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Lord Ghiosk:29.04.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir:30.04.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Sentinel Primatious:02.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber:02.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime:29.04.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Amalgams of Order and Chaos:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Black Reaver:29.04.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Captain of the Guard:29.04.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Lumpy Goo:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Memory of the Stolen:03.05.24
Expert Shorthanded: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord:02.05.24
Expert Victory: A Residual Slime:29.04.24
Expert Victory: A Residual Slime (Challenge):29.04.24
Expert Victory: A Spectral Beguiler:29.04.24
Expert Victory: A Spectral Beguiler (Challenge):29.04.24
Expert Victory: Caelan'Gael, Keeper of Growth:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Captain Vhankmin:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Chatizad:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Chatizad and Zannaska:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Colonel Gozier:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Dread Wraith:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Dread Wraith (Challenge):29.04.24
Expert Victory: General Janosz:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Grand Master Glox:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Haggle Baron Dalnir:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Iacopa'Lahah:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Izzak Sira:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Kael'Val:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Lachina, Defender of Magics:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Major Eghonz:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Merchant Caniz:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Naamah'Fah:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Nazkra:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Neh'Ashiir:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Neh'Ashiir (Challenge):29.04.24
Expert Victory: Ongnissim the Unseen:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Over-General Vihgoh:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Queshaun, Keeper of Pestilence:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Rector Droz'Kzar:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Sabellah'Xen Keeper of Fire:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Sentinel Goor:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Smithy Xzatik:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Sorceress Gwen'vae:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Tabor'Zaai:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Algae Fiend:29.04.24
Expert Victory: The Armor of Sul:29.04.24
Expert Victory: The Crystallized Construct:29.04.24
Expert Victory: The Enchanted Sword and Shield:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Frenzied Feeder:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Gooblin King:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Googantuan:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Kly:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Kly [Challenge]:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Rock Collector:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Sacrificed:03.05.24
Expert Victory: The Torsis Champion:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Tootooz the Cryptomaniac:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Triad Golems:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Tzirathk:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Tzirathk (Challenge):29.04.24
Expert Victory: War Baron Eator:30.04.24
Expert Victory: War Historian Kobl:30.04.24
Expert Victory: Wraith of Jaxion:29.04.24
Expert Victory: Xerxes'Kade:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Zaida'Rai, Keeper of Passions:03.05.24
Expert Victory: Zannaska:30.04.24
Expert: Defeating Botanist Heridal:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating Brutius the Skulk:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating Chomp:02.05.24
Expert: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating Gorius the Gray:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating Lord Ghiosk:29.04.24
Expert: Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir:30.04.24
Expert: Defeating Sentinel Primatious:02.05.24
Expert: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber:02.05.24
Expert: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime:29.04.24
Expert: Defeating the Amalgams of Order and Chaos:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating the Black Reaver:29.04.24
Expert: Defeating the Captain of the Guard:29.04.24
Expert: Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating the Lumpy Goo:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating the Memory of the Stolen:03.05.24
Expert: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord:02.05.24
Exploring the Eternal Broodlands:
Exploring the Ever Deep:
Exploring the Scourge Wastes [Solo]:
Exploring the Woods:07.05.24
Extinguish El'Arad:28.08.10
Eye of the Overlord:25.09.09
Fabled Time Traveler:04.03.24
Fairy Annihilator:
Fairy Destroyer:
Fairy Executioner:
Fairy Killer:25.09.09
Famed Phosphorescence:17.06.24
Far Seas Requisitioner:
Feather Plucker:02.05.11
February: Recipe Roundup:23.01.24
Feel the Burn:29.06.24
Feerrott Floater:25.09.09
Feerrott Informer:25.10.09
Felwithe Throne Reclaimer:24.07.24
Feral Things in the Thicket:10.09.24
Ferric Flat:13.12.23
Ferric Form:30.12.23
Ferric Fugue:18.02.24
Festive Furniture:10.03.24
Festive Spirit:29.07.10
Fight Firelords with Fire:25.09.09
Fighter Conquest I:28.10.10
Fighter Conquest II:28.10.10
Fighter Conquest III:28.10.10
Fighter Conquest IV:29.10.10
Fighter Conquest IX:
Fighter Conquest V:
Fighter Conquest VI:
Fighter Conquest VII:
Fighter Conquest VIII:
Fighter Conquest X:
Fighter of the Four:27.09.09
First in the Village:16.09.24
Fisherman Foiler:25.09.09
Flawless Aether Delver: Part I:29.07.24
Flawless Aether Delver: Part II:29.07.24
Flawless Aether Delver: Part III:29.07.24
Flawless Aether Delver: Part IV:08.08.24
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part I:22.04.24
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part II:26.08.24
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part III:28.08.24
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part IV:17.09.24
Flawless Alcazar Assailant: Part V:05.09.24
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part I:29.01.24
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part II:29.01.24
Flawless Prismatic Prison Break: Part III:29.01.24
Flawless Raid: Berik Bloodfist [Fabled]:14.09.24
Flawless Raid: Eriak the Fetid [Fabled]:14.09.24
Flawless Raid: Luminary Cohortis Emon:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Luminary Hertu Asundri:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Luminary Percontorius Felvin:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Pli Va Liako Vess:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Praetorian K'Tikrn :30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Rockhopper Pouncer:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Stonegrabber Colossus:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Tagrin Maldric [Fabled]:14.09.24
Flawless Raid: The Enraged War Boar [Fabled]:14.09.24
Flawless Raid: The Sambata Champion:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Thought Horror Overfiend:30.09.24
Flawless Raid: Xi Xia Xius:30.09.24
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Azure-Leafed Maneater:28.08.24
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Crimson-Leafed Maneater:05.09.24
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Emerald-Leafed Maneater:04.09.24
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Indigo-Leafed Maneater:17.09.24
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Smee the Iron Sprite:20.06.24
Flawless Sovereign Secrets: Smol the Golden Sprite:27.05.24
Flawless Victory: Absatalius:12.11.09
Flawless Victory: Adkar Vyx:10.11.09
Flawless Victory: Aereon:10.01.11
Flawless Victory: Aiden:17.10.10
Flawless Victory: Anashti Sul:18.03.10
Flawless Victory: Atrebe's Statue:13.12.09
Flawless Victory: Azara the Seer:11.05.10
Flawless Victory: Benach Aglebar:16.12.09
Flawless Victory: Byzola:10.10.10
Flawless Victory: Cadducian, Tartan, and Raamum:27.09.23
Flawless Victory: Captain Grush:16.12.09
Flawless Victory: Captain Ikalus:19.11.09
Flawless Victory: Dayakara:09.11.09
Flawless Victory: Demetrius Crane:06.02.10
Flawless Victory: Digg:09.11.09
Flawless Victory: Doomcoil:10.11.09
Flawless Victory: Dreadlord D'Somni:06.02.10
Flawless Victory: Druushk:14.12.09
Flawless Victory: Elder Ekron:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Energized Taehric Construct:22.09.23
Flawless Victory: Ernax Heridion:10.06.10
Flawless Victory: Erudin Palace:
Flawless Victory: Fabled Fitzpitzle:18.01.24
Flawless Victory: Fabled Yitzik the Hurler:18.01.24
Flawless Victory: Field General Uktap:24.03.10
Flawless Victory: Gelidus Ventus:13.10.10
Flawless Victory: Gozak:13.07.10
Flawless Victory: Gynok Moltor:24.11.09
Flawless Victory: Haephaus:22.09.23
Flawless Victory: Haggle Baron Klok:22.04.10
Flawless Victory: Haraakat the Seer:15.09.10
Flawless Victory: High Marus Alaric:17.08.10
Flawless Victory: Horraastaas:22.09.23
Flawless Victory: Hoshkar:13.12.09
Flawless Victory: Iilsaad's Barrier:27.05.10
Flawless Victory: Ilenee's Betrayal and Ilenee's Despair:22.04.10
Flawless Victory: Imperator Ignus:03.11.09
Flawless Victory: Imzok's Revenge:21.12.09
Flawless Victory: Iztapa Vyx:10.11.09
Flawless Victory: Kael:29.08.11
Flawless Victory: Kage-Zonn Prime Zoz:27.09.23
Flawless Victory: Kendis Parmare:11.06.10
Flawless Victory: Khost Alur:03.11.09
Flawless Victory: Kluzen the Protector:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Kodux and Zarda:09.10.10
Flawless Victory: Kpul D'Vngur:24.09.23
Flawless Victory: Kratulus:22.03.10
Flawless Victory: Kultak the Cruel:19.03.10
Flawless Victory: Kurn's Tower:
Flawless Victory: Leviathan:18.09.10
Flawless Victory: Lieutenant Buldoral:12.07.10
Flawless Victory: Ludmilla Kystov:17.04.10
Flawless Victory: Maalus Shadowfyre:24.11.23
Flawless Victory: Malevolence and Ire:15.12.09
Flawless Victory: Mandoril, Medorius, and Mikla:06.05.10
Flawless Victory: Mandoril, Medorius, and Mikla (Hard Mode):
Flawless Victory: Master P'Tasa:06.02.10
Flawless Victory: Melagrognan:17.08.10
Flawless Victory: Milyex Vioren:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Mosaasus:21.09.23
Flawless Victory: Munzok:13.07.10
Flawless Victory: Munzok's Material Bastion:13.07.10
Flawless Victory: Mynzak:18.03.10
Flawless Victory: Nexona:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Ozyk:29.04.10
Flawless Victory: Palace of the Ancient One:25.04.11
Flawless Victory: Pawbuster:13.12.09
Flawless Victory: Penda Parmare:01.07.10
Flawless Victory: Pentaclypse:18.03.10
Flawless Victory: Phara Dar:14.12.09
Flawless Victory: Prime Trajin Ghis:27.09.23
Flawless Victory: Qunard Ashenclaw:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Regulus and Regulas:22.09.23
Flawless Victory: Rise of Kunark:24.09.23
Flawless Victory: Ritualist Sqilak:14.10.10
Flawless Victory: Roehn Theer (Order):11.08.10
Flawless Victory: Saalax:21.09.23
Flawless Victory: Sara Greenheart:13.04.10
Flawless Victory: Selrach Di'Zok:13.12.09
Flawless Victory: Senior Loyalist Tilas:24.11.09
Flawless Victory: Sentinel's Fate:
Flawless Victory: Shard of Hate:24.09.23
Flawless Victory: Silverwing:14.12.09
Flawless Victory: Sir Rouland:15.11.09
Flawless Victory: Strange Stalker:30.11.09
Flawless Victory: Switchmaster Zaxlyz:18.03.10
Flawless Victory: Tairiza the Widow Mistress:18.09.10
Flawless Victory: Taskmaster Nichok:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Thanaraax:21.03.10
Flawless Victory: The Hole:
Flawless Victory: The Protector's Realm:17.04.10
Flawless Victory: The Scavanator:30.08.10
Flawless Victory: The Shadow Odyssey:25.04.11
Flawless Victory: The Temple of Kor'Sha:09.10.10
Flawless Victory: The Vigilant: Final Destruction:27.09.23
Flawless Victory: Thet-em-aua:19.11.09
Flawless Victory: Tomb of the Mad Crusader:30.11.09
Flawless Victory: Tower of Frozen Shadow:
Flawless Victory: Toxxulia:27.12.10
Flawless Victory: Toxxulia's Mound:27.12.10
Flawless Victory: Trajin Cedon:27.09.23
Flawless Victory: Trakanon:14.09.23
Flawless Victory: Travenro the Skygazer:14.12.09
Flawless Victory: Tyrannus the Dark:23.03.10
Flawless Victory: Tythus Tinzok:01.12.09
Flawless Victory: Ultaclypse:25.04.11
Flawless Victory: Umzok:29.04.10
Flawless Victory: Uthgar, Aaskas, and Maakat:21.09.23
Flawless Victory: Uzdrak the Invincible:09.10.10
Flawless Victory: Vaclaz:21.09.23
Flawless Victory: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs:
Flawless Victory: Veeshan's Peak:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Venril Sathir:13.12.09
Flawless Victory: Vernox the Insatiable:13.05.10
Flawless Victory: Vuulan:01.04.10
Flawless Victory: Ward of Elements:17.10.10
Flawless Victory: Wymbulu Vyx:10.11.09
Flawless Victory: Wyrmlord Zaos:19.03.10
Flawless Victory: Wyvernlord Tuluun:29.03.10
Flawless Victory: Xebnok the Wretched:30.11.09
Flawless Victory: Xilaxis the Explorer:17.06.10
Flawless Victory: Xygoz:21.04.10
Flawless Victory: Xythus Davian and Xythus Aransta:12.11.09
Flawless Victory: Ykesha:30.03.10
Flawless Victory: Ykesha's Inner Stronghold:30.03.10
Flawless Victory: Yzlak:23.04.10
Flawless Victory: Zarrakon:17.03.10
Flawless Victory: Zykluk Vyx:21.12.09
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part I:25.04.24
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part II:25.04.24
Flawless Wide Breadth: Part III:19.05.24
Flawless: Arch Magistor Modrfrost's Demise:29.08.11
Flawless: Arreken Skyward's Demise:12.01.24
Flawless: Baelon of Thule's Demise:30.09.23
Flawless: Balor the Primeval's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Belkreiz Blazeclaw's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Corpsemongering:30.03.11
Flawless: Crumbling the Forgotten Statue:01.12.23
Flawless: Dagarn's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Defeating Aaranae Acrimae:30.08.11
Flawless: Defeating Baroddas:13.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Bastion:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Botanist Heridal:11.05.24
Flawless: Defeating Brutius the Skulk:28.04.24
Flawless: Defeating Caerina the Lost:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Charrid the Mindwarper:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Chomp:15.05.24
Flawless: Defeating Crohp the Mighty:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper:28.04.24
Flawless: Defeating Drels Ma'Gor:30.11.23
Flawless: Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater:14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater (Challenge):14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Fitzpitzle:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Gloust M'ra:30.11.23
Flawless: Defeating Gorius the Gray:28.04.24
Flawless: Defeating Jorik the Scourge:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Karith'Ta:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating King Lockt:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord:14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord (Challenge):14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Lieutenant Klaatuus:06.10.11
Flawless: Defeating Lord Ghiosk:03.05.24
Flawless: Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir:03.05.24
Flawless: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte:12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte (Challenge):12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Mazarine the Queen:30.11.23
Flawless: Defeating Melanie Everling:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Mrogr Bloodtaint:06.10.11
Flawless: Defeating Ojuti the Vile:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Oligar of the Dead:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Othysis Muravian:12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Othysis Muravian (Challenge):12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Pharinich the Forlorn:13.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl:14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl (Challenge):14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk:14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk (Challenge):14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Sarinich the Wretched:13.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Sath'Oprusk:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Sentinel Primatious:15.05.24
Flawless: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger:11.05.24
Flawless: Defeating Silis On'Va:30.11.23
Flawless: Defeating Sorrn Dontro:30.11.23
Flawless: Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun:14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun (Challenge):14.09.23
Flawless: Defeating The Enraged Imp:03.12.23
Flawless: Defeating The Fear Feaster:13.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Tollen'Eod, Achen'Lomgill, Rhea'pla, and Lean'Odro:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith:12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith (Challenge):12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Tuzerk:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating Tyrax Terrolus:01.11.11
Flawless: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber:15.05.24
Flawless: Defeating Wedge Tinderton:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Ynonngozzz'Koolbh:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder:12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder (Challenge):12.12.23
Flawless: Defeating Zzalazziz :17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime:03.05.24
Flawless: Defeating the Ancient Sentinel:30.11.23
Flawless: Defeating the Black Reaver:02.05.24
Flawless: Defeating the Captain of the Guard:02.05.24
Flawless: Defeating the Construct of Souls:17.09.23
Flawless: Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se:11.05.24
Flawless: Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating the Kly:29.04.24
Flawless: Defeating the Lumpy Goo:28.04.24
Flawless: Defeating the Memory of the Stolen:11.05.24
Flawless: Defeating the Polliwog:26.02.24
Flawless: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord:15.05.24
Flawless: Eirreen the Broken's Demise:08.09.11
Flawless: Iilatus Frostbeard's Demise:21.04.11
Flawless: Ikatiar's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Imperator Kolskeggr's Demise:28.08.11
Flawless: King Tormax's Demise:29.08.11
Flawless: Kreegar Krikneck's Demise:29.08.11
Flawless: Kreegar Krikneck's Demise (Challenge):29.08.11
Flawless: Krelgrek Crag-Chair's Demise:14.09.23
Flawless: Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise:29.08.11
Flawless: Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise (Challenge):03.10.11
Flawless: Malteor Flamecaller's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage:22.09.11
Flawless: Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise:13.09.23
Flawless: Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise:24.04.11
Flawless: Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise (Challenge):13.09.11
Flawless: Redemption for Drinal:17.09.23
Flawless: Sargon the Destructor's Demise:12.01.24
Flawless: Sevalak of Storms' Demise:12.01.24
Flawless: Sevalor Gorescale's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Seven Years Bad Luck:22.04.11
Flawless: Story Time with Tserrina!:22.09.11
Flawless: Taaltak the Mighty's Demise:11.09.11
Flawless: Tel'koran Bloodmaw's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Tert Turganpuncher's Demise:29.08.11
Flawless: Tert Turganpuncher's Demise (Challenge):29.08.11
Flawless: The Butler Did It!:30.03.11
Flawless: The Tempest of Zek's Demise:17.09.23
Flawless: Theldek the Stinger's Demise:13.01.24
Flawless: Turning a Frown Upside Down:22.04.11
Flawless: Unmasking the Truth:22.04.11
Flawless: Venekor's Demise:13.09.23
Flawless: Xalgoti's Demise:30.03.11
Flawless: Zorglim the Departed's Demise:22.04.11
Flawlessly Successful Aether Delver [Cleared!]:
Flawlessly Successful Alcazar Assailant [Cleared!]:17.09.24
Flawlessly Successful Breadth Raider [Cleared!]:19.05.24
Flawlessly Successful Chamber Raider [Cleared!]:29.01.24
Florphilim Annihilator:
Florphilim Destroyer:
Florphilim Executioner:
Florphilim Killer:23.02.24
Flying Through Ro:30.11.23
Follower of the Shiny:04.07.24
Fordel Forgery:
Forsaken Forsaker:15.12.09
Foundations of Stone:
Friend to Odus:12.04.10
Friend to Quel'ule:08.04.10
Friend to the Craftkeepers:29.03.10
Friend to the Hua Mein:11.04.10
Friend to the Kerra:12.04.10
Froglok Annihilator:
Froglok Destroyer:
Froglok Executioner:
Froglok Freer:25.09.09
Froglok Killer:25.09.09
Frontier Fortune-hunter:27.03.10
Frontier Tamer:07.05.24
Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force:31.05.10
Frostfell Fanatic!:26.12.23
Frostfell Feast Delights:26.12.23
Frostfell Overdrive!:31.12.23
Full Dual Renewal:
Full Metal Domicile:17.06.24
Furiously Fast:10.06.24
Fyst Finisher:25.09.09
Gadabout in Greater Faydark:27.09.09
Gallant Hero of Guk:15.12.09
Galorian Annihilator:
Galorian Destroyer:
Galorian Executioner:
Galorian Killer:06.11.23
Garanel Garroter:01.10.09
Gardening Fanatic:23.04.24
Gathering Disruptor:25.09.09
Get a Loda This Kai:30.09.24
Get out of the Kitchen:
Ghost Dragon Destructor:25.09.09
Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire:
Giant Annihilator:
Giant Destroyer:
Giant Executioner:
Giant Killer:01.10.23
Glaufaye Memories:18.11.23
Glory Rising:23.05.24
Gnoll Annihilator:
Gnoll Destroyer:25.09.24
Gnoll Executioner:
Gnoll Killer:25.09.09
Gnolls No Bounds:25.09.24
Gnomachine Too Complicated:17.06.24
Gobblerock Godfather:03.10.09
Goblin Annihilator:17.04.24
Goblin Destroyer:27.03.10
Goblin Executioner:
Goblin Killer:25.09.09
Godking Aggressor:27.04.11
Golden Gliss:07.12.23
Golden Glissandi:30.12.23
Golden Glissando:18.02.24
Golem Annihilator:
Golem Destroyer:
Golem Executioner:
Golem Killer:14.09.23
Grandmaster Elementalist:19.10.23
Grandmaster Etherealist:18.10.23
Grandmaster Geomancer:16.10.23
Grandmaster Thaumaturgist:12.10.23
Great Candy Grabber:26.12.23
Great Space Coaster:
Greater Ascended:19.10.23
Greater Faydark Gumshoe:25.09.09
Green With Envy:11.04.24
Grimling Annihilator:
Grimling Destroyer:
Grimling Executioner:
Grimling Killer:01.11.23
Grolla Skullwielder's Demise:07.10.11
Gynok Moltor Mutilator:19.11.09
Habitual Flirt:22.11.09
Hackin' the Pack:25.05.24
Halfling Helper:21.10.09
Hallmark Hunter:25.09.09
Handcrafted Gifts to Give:26.12.23
Harla Dar Harasser:21.10.09
Harness Harnesser:26.04.11
Harpy Annihilator:
Harpy Destroyer:
Harpy Executioner:
Harpy Killer:25.09.09
Harvesting Hoopla:07.04.24
Harvesting in the Dark I:24.03.24
Harvesting in the Dark II:
Harvesting in the Dark III:
Harvesting in the Dark IV:
Harvesting in the Dark V:
Harvesting in the Dark VI:
Have Shiny, Will Travel:25.09.09
Heart of the Shattered Lands:01.04.24
Hearts Across Faydwer:
Herd Baron:
Herd Master:13.01.24
Herd Wrangler:
Here Comes the Cursed:15.03.24
Heritage Hound:
Hero of Halas:31.05.10
Hero of Innocents:
Hero of Karan:27.09.09
Hero of Shadows and Secrets:
Hero of the Far Seas Supply Division :05.10.10
Hero of the Odyssey:15.12.09
Heroic Harmonies:06.03.24
Heroic Hymns:20.02.24
Heroic: The Fabled Nizara Plunderer:26.10.23
Heroics in the Desert:02.04.24
Hexes, Charms, and Protections:14.12.23
High Planes Drifter:20.12.23
High Priest Implements:08.02.24
High Shaman Shamer:25.09.09
Higher Learning:
Highland Hiker:16.03.10
Historically Challenged:29.01.24
History Buff:25.09.09
Hive Hater:21.10.09
Hoarding Ancient Discoveries:
Holiday Lights:26.12.23
Honorary Gigglegibber:03.04.24
Hooluk Nest Hero:25.09.09
Hot and Cold:
I Most Certainly Shall Pass:14.10.23
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Shinies!:30.11.23
I gotta have more... quests?:25.09.09
I'll take that!:27.09.09
Icon of Kunark:27.09.09
Idol of Rallos Zek:06.04.11
If you know what makes them tick...:25.09.09
Iilatus Frostbeard's Demise:04.04.11
Ikatiar's Demise:13.01.24
Illustrious Signature Chaser:
Illustrious Signature Hunter:02.03.15
Immolated Annihilator:
Immolated Destroyer:
Immolated Executioner:
Immolated Killer:28.08.24
Immortal Highlander:28.02.10
Immortal Incinerator:25.09.09
Imperator Kolskeggr's Demise:28.08.11
Imperator Kolskeggr's Demise (Challenge):10.10.11
Imzok Immolator:25.09.09
In the Library with the Candlestick...:25.05.10
Infamous Signature Chaser:16.09.23
Infamous Signature Hunter:
Information Repository:04.03.11
Initiate Aberrant Hunter:26.02.24
Initiate Aberrant Slayer:
Initiate Aerakyn Hunter:
Initiate Aerakyn Slayer:
Initiate Akhevan Hunter:03.01.24
Initiate Akhevan Slayer:
Initiate Allu'thoa Hunter:02.01.24
Initiate Allu'thoa Slayer:
Initiate Aurai Hunter:04.12.23
Initiate Aurai Slayer:30.12.23
Initiate Aviak Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Aviak Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Bixie Hunter:26.11.23
Initiate Bixie Slayer:
Initiate Brownie Hunter:03.10.09
Initiate Brownie Slayer:
Initiate Bugbear Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Bugbear Slayer:24.11.23
Initiate Cepholex Hunter:22.12.23
Initiate Cepholex Slayer:
Initiate Clockwork Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Clockwork Slayer:24.09.11
Initiate Cursed Elddar Hunter:26.02.24
Initiate Cursed Elddar Slayer:
Initiate Cyclops Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Cyclops Slayer:
Initiate Defender of Innocents:15.03.24
Initiate Di'Zok Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Di'Zok Slayer:30.04.10
Initiate Djinn Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Djinn Slayer:19.09.11
Initiate Droag Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Droag Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Drolvarg Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Drolvarg Slayer:22.04.11
Initiate Elemental Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Elemental Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Fairy Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Fairy Slayer:01.12.09
Initiate Florphilim Hunter:23.06.24
Initiate Florphilim Slayer:
Initiate Froglok Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Froglok Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Galorian Hunter:16.09.24
Initiate Galorian Slayer:
Initiate Giant Hunter:15.10.23
Initiate Giant Slayer:
Initiate Gnoll Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Gnoll Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Goblin Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Goblin Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Golem Hunter:21.09.23
Initiate Golem Slayer:24.11.23
Initiate Grimling Hunter:01.11.23
Initiate Grimling Slayer:
Initiate Harpy Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Harpy Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Hunter of Innocents:
Initiate Immolated Hunter:06.09.24
Initiate Immolated Slayer:
Initiate Kobold Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Kobold Slayer:27.02.10
Initiate Lizardman Hunter:12.09.23
Initiate Lizardman Slayer:
Initiate Maedjinn Hunter:04.12.23
Initiate Maedjinn Slayer:15.12.23
Initiate Marid Hunter:13.08.24
Initiate Marid Slayer:
Initiate Mephlin Hunter:20.01.24
Initiate Mephlin Slayer:07.07.24
Initiate Nilborien Hunter:13.12.23
Initiate Nilborien Slayer:07.03.24
Initiate Orc Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Orc Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Patchcraft Hunter:
Initiate Patchcraft Slayer:
Initiate Planar Elemental Hunter:05.12.23
Initiate Planar Elemental Slayer:20.01.24
Initiate Protector of Innocents:
Initiate Ravasect Hunter:21.10.09
Initiate Ravasect Slayer:
Initiate Satyr Hunter:12.05.10
Initiate Satyr Slayer:
Initiate Shik'Nar Hunter:16.09.24
Initiate Shik'Nar Slayer:
Initiate Shissar Hunter:14.09.24
Initiate Shissar Slayer:
Initiate Siren Hunter:18.04.24
Initiate Siren Slayer:
Initiate Slayer of Innocents:
Initiate Slug Hunter:17.11.23
Initiate Slug Slayer:
Initiate Thought Horror Hunter:13.09.24
Initiate Thought Horror Slayer:
Initiate Undead Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Undead Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Urzarach Hunter:25.09.24
Initiate Urzarach Slayer:
Initiate Vampire Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Vampire Slayer:25.09.09
Initiate Werewolf Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Werewolf Slayer:21.01.24
Initiate Wilder Hunter:10.02.24
Initiate Wilder Slayer:
Initiate Yha-lei Hunter:25.09.09
Initiate Yha-lei Slayer:25.09.09
Innothule's Own:25.09.09
Ione's Lifetaker:22.04.10
Iron Shatterer:03.10.09
Ironclad Raptor:15.01.24
Is Another Man's Treasure:
Is Any Body There? There?:30.09.24
Is it need or is it greed?:01.11.09
It Takes a Village:16.09.24
It's Over 9000!:
It's So Magical!:18.12.23
It's a City Way to Go:
It's a Rumble:16.09.24
It's an Expansive Expanse:
Items of the Past:
Jarsath Journeyman:25.09.09
Jarsath's Javelin:25.09.09
Journeyman Elementalist:09.10.23
Journeyman Etherealist:12.10.23
Journeyman Geomancer:16.10.23
Journeyman Thaumaturgist:12.10.23
July: Crafty Sentinels:02.07.24
June: Essential Equipment:09.06.24
Jungle Carnage:
Just being friendly!:
Just gotta keep on Questin'!:25.09.09
Kella Caffeinated:07.05.24
Kerran Krafter:12.03.10
Killer of Innocents:
King Drayek's Killer:26.04.11
King Tormax's Demise:29.08.11
Klak'Anon King Killer:25.09.09
Knee Deep in Quests:04.09.10
Knowledge Hunter:25.09.09
Kobold Annihilator:
Kobold Destroyer:
Kobold Executioner:
Kobold Killer:25.09.09
Kraytoc's Demise:29.08.11
Kreegar Krikneck's Demise:25.04.11
Kreegar Krikneck's Demise (Challenge):29.08.11
Krelgrek Crag-Chair's Demise:14.09.23
Kunark Ascending:07.05.24
Kunark Cavern Crawler:14.12.09
Kunzar Wanderer:25.09.09
Kunzar's Edge:25.09.09
Kurpep Killer:25.09.09
Kylong Wayfarer:27.09.09
Kylong's Katana:25.09.09
Laboratory Liberator:11.06.10
Lathena Lacerator:28.03.11
Lavastorm Lover:25.09.09
Lavastorm Nomad:25.09.09
Leechy Keen:13.09.24
Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise:12.04.11
Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise (Challenge):02.09.11
Legend of Kunark:10.10.10
Legendary Lore Hunter:
Lesser Faydark Falconer:25.09.09
Lesser Faydark Vagabond:02.10.09
Let's Go Antiquing:23.02.11
Level 10 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 15 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 20 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 25 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 30 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 35 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 40 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 45 Overseer:19.11.23
Level 5 Overseer:05.09.23
Level 50 Overseer:16.01.24
Level 55 Overseer:31.05.24
Level 60 Overseer:25.08.24
Leviathan Lacerator:25.09.09
Links to the Past:23.02.11
Live Free or Sky Hard:13.12.23
Living Tomb Entomber:25.09.09
Lizardman Annihilator:
Lizardman Destroyer:
Lizardman Executioner:
Lizardman Killer:12.09.23
Loping Plains Pilgrim:25.09.09
Loping Plains Pursuer:25.09.09
Lord of Faydwer:27.03.10
Lord of the Dice:29.03.11
Lord of the Quests:12.03.10
Lore Delver in Terrors of Thalumbra:
Lost Dwarven Caravan:28.10.23
Lost Gnemlin Remains:30.11.23
Lost Travelers' Gear:23.02.24
Love Is Eternal:
Love Is Magic in the Planes of Prophecy:
Love Is Such a Beautiful Chaos:
Love Renewed:
Love on the Shattered Seas:
Love's Avenger:30.09.09
Lullaby for Wyrmkind:02.05.11
Luminous Flora and Fauna:31.10.23
Lunar Harvester I:
Lunar Harvester II:
Lunar Harvester III:
Lunar Harvester IV:
Lunar Harvester V:
Lunar Harvester VI:
Maedjinn Annihilator:
Maedjinn Destroyer:28.06.24
Maedjinn Executioner:
Maedjinn Killer:04.12.23
Mage Conquest I:28.10.10
Mage Conquest II:28.10.10
Mage Conquest III:28.10.10
Mage Conquest IV:28.10.10
Mage Conquest IX:
Mage Conquest V:
Mage Conquest VI:
Mage Conquest VII:
Mage Conquest VIII:
Mage Conquest X:
Magnificent Signature Pursuer:
Magnificent Signature Stalker:30.11.23
Magnum Opus:21.02.24
Maj'Dul Madcap:25.09.09
Maj'Dul Monitor:08.10.09
Majora's Misery:25.09.09
Make That A Bouquet:02.03.15
Maldura Daily Essentials:17.10.23
Malduran Forge Ruins:10.06.24
Malduran Lost Possessions:20.12.23
Malteor Flamecaller's Demise:13.01.24
Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage:31.03.11
March: Nature's Bounty:12.04.24
Marcus Masher:25.09.09
Marid Annihilator:
Marid Destroyer:
Marid Executioner:
Marid Killer:08.08.24
Marks of Heracyne:30.11.23
Marsh Mud Samples:30.11.23
Marshlands Molto:06.12.23
Marshlands Mosso:30.11.23
Masquerades of Divinity: Anashti Sul [Contested]:09.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Anashti Sul [Instanced]:26.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Bertoxxulous [Instanced]:18.03.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Brell Serilis [Instanced]:09.06.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Bristlebane [Contested]:01.08.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Bristlebane [Instanced]:30.05.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Cazic-Thule [Contested]:27.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Cazic-Thule [Instanced]:27.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Drinal [Contested]:01.10.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Drinal [Instanced]:16.06.24
Masquerades of Divinity: E'Ci [Contested]:12.05.24
Masquerades of Divinity: E'Ci [Instanced]:12.02.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Erollisi Marr [Contested]:20.06.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Erollisi Marr [Instanced]:29.02.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Innoruuk [Contested]:17.06.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Innoruuk [Instanced]:01.04.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Karana [Instanced]:26.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Mithaniel Marr [Instanced]:01.08.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Morell-Thule [Contested]:01.08.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Morell-Thule [Instanced]:01.08.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Prexus [Contested]:10.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Prexus [Instanced]:10.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Solusek Ro [Contested]:15.08.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Solusek Ro [Instanced]:26.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Tarew Marr [Contested]:18.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Tarew Marr [Instanced]:19.02.24
Masquerades of Divinity: The Tribunal [Instanced]:26.09.24
Masquerades of Divinity: Tunare [Instanced]:10.06.24
Master Aberrant Hunter:
Master Aberrant Slayer:
Master Aerakyn Hunter:
Master Aerakyn Slayer:
Master Akhevan Hunter:
Master Akhevan Slayer:
Master Allu'thoa Hunter:
Master Allu'thoa Slayer:
Master Aurai Hunter:15.12.23
Master Aurai Slayer:09.07.24
Master Aviak Hunter:25.09.09
Master Aviak Slayer:27.02.24
Master Bixie Hunter:
Master Bixie Slayer:
Master Brownie Hunter:
Master Brownie Slayer:
Master Bugbear Hunter:25.09.09
Master Bugbear Slayer:
Master Cepholex Hunter:26.09.24
Master Cepholex Slayer:
Master Clockwork Hunter:07.10.09
Master Clockwork Slayer:
Master Collector of Shinies:
Master Cursed Elddar Hunter:
Master Cursed Elddar Slayer:
Master Cyclops Hunter:
Master Cyclops Slayer:
Master Defender of Innocents:
Master Di'Zok Hunter:25.09.09
Master Di'Zok Slayer:
Master Djinn Hunter:25.09.09
Master Djinn Slayer:29.01.24
Master Droag Hunter:25.09.09
Master Droag Slayer:10.01.24
Master Drolvarg Hunter:28.10.10
Master Drolvarg Slayer:
Master Elemental Hunter:25.09.09
Master Elemental Slayer:29.09.11
Master Elementalist:19.10.23
Master Etherealist:12.10.23
Master Fairy Hunter:25.09.09
Master Fairy Slayer:
Master Florphilim Hunter:
Master Florphilim Slayer:
Master Froglok Hunter:25.09.09
Master Froglok Slayer:
Master Galorian Hunter:
Master Galorian Slayer:
Master Geomancer:16.10.23
Master Giant Hunter:17.04.24
Master Giant Slayer:
Master Gnoll Hunter:25.09.09
Master Gnoll Slayer:09.04.24
Master Goblin Hunter:25.09.09
Master Goblin Slayer:25.09.09
Master Golem Hunter:23.10.23
Master Golem Slayer:10.07.24
Master Grimling Hunter:10.09.24
Master Grimling Slayer:
Master Harpy Hunter:25.09.09
Master Harpy Slayer:
Master Hunter of Innocents:
Master Immolated Hunter:25.09.24
Master Immolated Slayer:
Master Kobold Hunter:25.09.09
Master Kobold Slayer:
Master Lizardman Hunter:13.09.23
Master Lizardman Slayer:
Master Maedjinn Hunter:10.12.23
Master Maedjinn Slayer:14.02.24
Master Marid Hunter:
Master Marid Slayer:
Master Mephlin Hunter:30.06.24
Master Mephlin Slayer:
Master Nilborien Hunter:26.01.24
Master Nilborien Slayer:
Master Orc Hunter:25.09.09
Master Orc Slayer:20.02.10
Master Patchcraft Hunter:
Master Patchcraft Slayer:
Master Planar Elemental Hunter:17.12.23
Master Planar Elemental Slayer:
Master Protector of Innocents:
Master Ravasect Hunter:
Master Ravasect Slayer:
Master Satyr Hunter:02.04.24
Master Satyr Slayer:
Master Shik'Nar Hunter:
Master Shik'Nar Slayer:
Master Shiny Hunter:
Master Shissar Hunter:
Master Shissar Slayer:
Master Signature Pursuer:
Master Signature Stalker:10.09.24
Master Siren Hunter:08.09.24
Master Siren Slayer:
Master Slayer of Innocents:
Master Slug Hunter:02.07.24
Master Slug Slayer:
Master Strike Master:25.09.09
Master Thaumaturgist:12.10.23
Master Thought Horror Hunter:
Master Thought Horror Slayer:
Master Undead Hunter:25.09.09
Master Undead Slayer:25.09.09
Master Urzarach Hunter:
Master Urzarach Slayer:
Master Vampire Hunter:25.09.09
Master Vampire Slayer:23.12.23
Master Werewolf Hunter:12.12.23
Master Werewolf Slayer:
Master Wilder Hunter:
Master Wilder Slayer:
Master Yha-lei Hunter:25.09.09
Master Yha-lei Slayer:
Master no more this master of yore...:22.09.23
Master of Faydwer:07.10.09
Master of Lore and Legends!:10.12.09
Master of Mara:25.09.09
Master of Marus:03.04.10
Master of Miragul's Phylactery:25.09.09
Mauling Maulhammer:06.09.11
May: Collecting Mounts:02.05.24
Medley of the Lost:17.12.23
Meldrath Miner:25.09.09
Menagerie Magnate:
Menagerie Master:21.04.24
Mental Floss:
Mephlin Annihilator:
Mephlin Destroyer:
Mephlin Executioner:
Mephlin Killer:10.12.23
Mercenary Mouth to Mouth:12.12.11
Miragul Mauler:17.05.10
Mischeva's Champion:08.11.23
Mission Controller:
Mission Critical:
Mission Impeccable:
Mission Imperceivable:
Mission Implausible:14.06.24
Mission Impossible:20.01.24
Mission Improbable:21.04.11
Missions Accomplished:
Mistmoore's Marauder:25.09.09
Mistmoore's Murderer:25.09.09
Monumental Signature Chaser:
Monumental Signature Pursuer:18.04.24
Monumental Signature Stalker:
More Brawn for hire:
More Shinies Than Are Dreamt Of...:14.12.23
Much Seru About Nothing:07.09.24
Mullok Masher:25.09.09
Munzok Mangler:28.04.10
Museum Now Opening!:25.09.09
Myconid Traces:03.11.23
Mystery Solver:21.03.10
Mythical Brandisher:17.02.10
Mythical Signature Hunter:02.03.15
Mythical Signature Pursuer:
NOW who's the Dummy?:27.05.10
Nathsarian Blade:25.09.09
Nathsarian Rambler:27.09.09
Native Soil:
Neighborhood Watch:
Nektropos Annoyance:25.09.09
Nektropos Nuisance:15.11.09
Nektropos Round Two: Ready, FIGHT!:30.09.09
Nektulos Forest Flatfoot:25.09.09
Nektulos Forest Mercenary:26.09.09
New Soles for the March:02.03.15
Night Voyager:27.09.09
Nights of the Dead Devotee:
Nilborien Annihilator:
Nilborien Destroyer:
Nilborien Executioner:
Nilborien Killer:04.12.23
No Love Lost Here:02.03.15
No Quest for the Weary:
No one expects the Grand Restoration:13.04.11
Norrath Raconteur :
Norrath's Fate:24.12.09
Norrath's Hope:25.09.09
Norrathian Air:23.02.11
Novice Adventure Collector:
Novice Dungeoneer:
Obol Seeker:
Obsessive Collector:
Obsessive Compulsive:25.02.24
Obsessive Questing Disorder:10.06.24
Obulus Artisan:21.04.24
Ocean Madness:08.08.24
Octagorgon Assassin:25.09.09
Odds on Your Side:
Odus Operandi:27.03.10
Odusian Overachiever:28.08.10
Of Duty and Fate: Closing the Loop:05.09.24
Of Duty and Fate: Lineage of the Felfeathers:29.01.24
Of Duty and Fate: My Brother's Keeper:30.01.24
Of Duty and Fate: Prepared for the Worst:01.02.24
Of Duty and Fate: The Imprint of Balance:30.01.24
On Wings of Love:15.02.24
One Man's Trash...:
Onus of Odus:
Orc Annihilator:
Orc Destroyer:29.11.23
Orc Executioner:
Orc Killer:25.09.09
Orcish Wastes Opportunist:25.09.09
Orcish Wastes Spy:25.09.09
Origins of the Felfeather: Mindful Metals:
Ortallius Undertaker:03.10.09
Out Sweat the Sweatshop:07.07.24
Over Achiever:25.09.09
Over the Moon:
Overking Overthrower:25.09.09
Overlord of the Overrealm:27.09.09
Palace Dragon Polisher:31.10.09
Panda People Person:16.03.10
Pantrilla Patronizer:22.04.10
Passions of Kunark:
Patchcraft Annihilator:
Patchcraft Destroyer:
Patchcraft Executioner:
Patchcraft Killer:03.04.24
Patience is Also a Virtue I:04.03.24
Patience is Also a Virtue II:04.03.24
Patience is Also a Virtue III:07.03.24
Patriae Pounder:25.09.09
Pawbuster Pounder:25.09.09
Perceptive Collector:25.09.09
Perfect Raid: Aurelian Coast: The Emergent Eclipse:30.09.24
Perfect Raid: Blood of Luclin:
Perfect Raid: Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches:
Perfect Raid: The Blinding: Twisted Vista:
Perfect Raid: The Fabled Flames of War:
Permafrost Pruner:26.10.09
Phylactery Praetor's Plague:25.09.09
Piercing the Darkness:07.11.23
Pillars of Flame Pioneer:25.09.09
Planar Elemental Annihilator:
Planar Elemental Destroyer:
Planar Elemental Executioner:
Planar Elemental Killer:28.09.23
Planar Signature Chaser:
Play with Fire:02.07.24
Plunderer of Blood of Luclin:
Poet's Palace Provoker:25.09.09
Portal Repairman:05.04.10
Praefectus Kriegr's Demise:24.03.11
Prevail over Prime Trajin Ghis:17.08.10
Priest Conquest I:28.10.10
Priest Conquest II:28.10.10
Priest Conquest III:28.10.10
Priest Conquest IV:29.10.10
Priest Conquest IX:
Priest Conquest V:
Priest Conquest VI:
Priest Conquest VII:
Priest Conquest VIII:
Priest Conquest X:
Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise:13.09.23
Primogen Punisher:25.09.09
Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise:14.04.11
Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise (Challenge):02.09.11
Prismatic Prison Break: Part I:29.01.24
Prismatic Prison Break: Part II:29.01.24
Prismatic Prison Break: Part III:29.01.24
Private Eye of the Pillars of Flame:25.09.09
Protect the Water:26.02.24
Pub N' Suds:10.03.24
Public Crusader:
Public Duty:09.03.24
Public Quest: Battlement Bound:08.05.24
Public Quest: Ill Omen:08.05.24
Public Quest: Long Live the Emperor!:14.10.23
Public Quest: Shade of the First Brood:08.05.24
Publicity Stunt:
Pumpkin Pulper:04.10.23
Put Your Quest Foot Forward:
Quartermaster Quarterer:27.09.09
Queen Crusher:03.12.10
Queen Quieter:01.12.09
Quel'ule Quester:11.03.10
Quest 'Em All:27.09.09
Quest Ascension in Kunark:
Quest For Glory:
Quest Obsessed:
Quest Over-Achiever in Scourge Wastes [Solo]:
Quest Over-Achiever in the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]:
Quest Side Story:
Raid: Berik Bloodfist [Fabled]:14.09.24
Raid: Blood of Luclin Sense of Urgency:
Raid: Eriak the Fetid [Fabled]:14.09.24
Raid: Luminary Cohortis Emon:30.09.24
Raid: Luminary Hertu Asundri:30.09.24
Raid: Luminary Percontorius Felvin:30.09.24
Raid: Pli Va Liako Vess:30.09.24
Raid: Praetorian K'Tikrn :30.09.24
Raid: Rockhopper Pouncer:30.09.24
Raid: Stonegrabber Colossus:30.09.24
Raid: Tagrin Maldric [Fabled]:14.09.24
Raid: The Enraged War Boar [Fabled]:14.09.24
Raid: The Sambata Champion:30.09.24
Raid: Thought Horror Overfiend:30.09.24
Raid: Xi Xia Xius:30.09.24
Raising Your Potential:30.09.23
Ravasect Annihilator:
Ravasect Destroyer:
Ravasect Executioner:
Ravasect Killer:25.09.09
Razing Rallentando:18.02.24
Razing Ritenuto:23.12.23
Razing Rondo:04.12.23
Redemption for Drinal:17.09.23
Ree Rapturer:07.10.09
Reformed Deformer:25.09.09
Reign of Heroics I:30.09.24
Reign of Heroics II:
Reign of Heroics III:
Reign of Heroics IV:
Reign of Heroics V:
Reign of Shadows:10.09.24
Reign of Solos I:13.09.24
Reign of Solos II:
Reign of Solos III:
Reign of Solos IV:
Reign of Solos V:
Relentless Sky Righter:13.12.23
Relic Collector:25.09.09
Remnants of Evacuation:13.11.23
Renewal Fuel Too:
Renewal of the Desert:30.11.23
Repulse Roehn Theer:18.05.10
Requisition Acclamation:05.04.24
Rescuer of Innocents:23.12.23
Researcher's Helper I:29.03.24
Researcher's Helper II:
Researcher's Helper III:
Researcher's Helper IV:
Researcher's Helper V:
Researcher's Helper VI:
Researching 10 Recipes:14.11.23
Researching 100 Recipes:
Researching 1000 Recipes:
Researching 25 Recipes:17.12.23
Researching 5 Recipes:10.10.23
Researching 50 Recipes:07.03.24
Researching 500 Recipes:
Researching Coach C:14.11.23
Researching Coach D:29.09.24
Researching Coach L:18.10.23
Researching Coach M:
Researching Coach V:10.12.11
Researching Coach X:19.12.11
Researching Coach XXV:04.10.23
Resplendent Signature Chaser:07.12.23
Resplendent Signature Hunter:
Resplendent Signature Stalker:
Restorer of Life:30.11.23
Rhoen Rampager:11.06.10
Rodnan's Requiem:27.03.10
Roehn Theer's Reprise:08.11.23
Romeo's Got Nothin' on Me:28.10.23
Rude Guest of Castle Mistmoore:27.03.10
Rujark Ransacker:03.10.09
Ruler Over Rulers:25.09.09
Ruler of Ruination I:30.10.10
Ruler of Ruination II:
Ruler of Ruination III:
Ruler of Ruination IV:
Ruler of Ruination IX:
Ruler of Ruination V:
Ruler of Ruination VI:
Ruler of Ruination VII:
Ruler of Ruination VIII:
Ruler of Ruination X:
Rulgax Rusher:03.10.09
Rumbly in my Tumbly:16.09.24
Rusted Battle Relics:30.11.23
Sabaron's Demise:19.09.11
Sacred and Safe:26.02.24
Sailing the Phantom Sea:
Sailing the Tranquil Sea:
Sargon the Destructor's Demise:12.01.24
Sathir Slayer:25.09.09
Satyr Annihilator:
Satyr Destroyer:
Satyr Executioner:
Satyr Killer:25.09.09
Savior of Innocents:
Savior of Ro:24.09.11
Savior of the Odyssey:17.05.10
Scornfeather Scorner:25.09.09
Scornridden Scorcher:27.09.09
Scout Conquest I:28.10.10
Scout Conquest II:28.10.10
Scout Conquest III:28.10.10
Scout Conquest IV:29.10.10
Scout Conquest IX:
Scout Conquest V:
Scout Conquest VI:
Scout Conquest VII:
Scout Conquest VIII:
Scout Conquest X:
Season 2 Overseer:05.09.23
Season 3 Overseer:05.09.23
Season 4 Overseer:05.09.23
Season 5 Overseer:05.09.23
Season 6 Overseer:09.04.24
Secret Agent:06.03.10
Seeker of Knowledge:
Seeker of the Past:25.09.09
Seer's End:26.09.10
Seneschal Slayer:02.10.09
Sense of Urgency Raid: Aurelian Coast: The Emergent Eclipse:30.09.24
Sense of Urgency: Anchor of Bazzul:03.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Baelon of Thule's Demise:30.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Cavern of the Afflicted:09.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Chelsith:27.02.10
Sense of Urgency: Crumbling the Forgotten Statue:01.12.23
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Lord Dolg... Doljona... Da... Bob:17.09.11
Sense of Urgency: Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg:17.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs:26.02.24
Sense of Urgency: Emperor's Athenaeum:07.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Arcane Research Halls:07.03.10
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Library:25.05.10
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Raid:18.05.10
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Raid (Hard Mode):
Sense of Urgency: Erudin Royal Palace:28.08.10
Sense of Urgency: Evernight Abbey:29.04.10
Sense of Urgency: Frenetic Seeker of the Sentinel's Fate:28.08.10
Sense of Urgency: Halls of the Fallen:01.12.09
Sense of Urgency: Halls of the Forsaken:10.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Here Comes the Cursed:15.03.24
Sense of Urgency: Heroic Harbinger of the Odyssey:19.03.24
Sense of Urgency: King Tormax's Demise:29.08.11
Sense of Urgency: Kraytoc's Demise:29.08.11
Sense of Urgency: Krelgrek Crag-Chair's Demise:14.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Kurn's Tower:22.04.10
Sense of Urgency: Kurn's Tower: Breaching the Void:01.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Maiden's Chamber:14.12.09
Sense of Urgency: Mauling Maulhammer:06.09.11
Sense of Urgency: Miragul's Planar Shard:17.05.10
Sense of Urgency: Mistmyr Manor:17.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Munzok's Material Bastion:08.07.10
Sense of Urgency: Najena's Hollow Tower:03.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Necrotic Asylum:16.12.09
Sense of Urgency: No one expects the Grand Restoration:18.04.11
Sense of Urgency: Nu'Roga:19.03.24
Sense of Urgency: Obelisk of Ahkzul:03.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Palace of Ferzhul:24.09.10
Sense of Urgency: Palace of Sabaron:19.09.11
Sense of Urgency: Praefectus Kriegr's Demise:24.03.11
Sense of Urgency: Prime Magnate Mrelg's Demise:13.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Prime Necromunger Maxl:14.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Prime Necromunger Maxl (Challenge):14.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Ravenscale Repository:12.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Redemption for Drinal:17.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Rise of Kunark:10.10.10
Sense of Urgency: Risk Taker of the Rise of Kunark:27.02.10
Sense of Urgency: Runnyeye: The Gathering:10.02.10
Sense of Urgency: Scion of Ice:01.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Sentinel's Fate:
Sense of Urgency: Shard of Hate:10.10.10
Sense of Urgency: Spectral Librarian Emiida:12.09.11
Sense of Urgency: The Anathema:01.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Chamber of Destiny:15.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Court of Korucust:25.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Crucible:01.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Crypt of Agony:18.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Deep Forge:01.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Executioner's Throne Room:13.12.09
Sense of Urgency: The Fabled City of Kor'Sha:18.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Hole: Demitrik's Bastion:15.06.10
Sense of Urgency: The Hole: Spirit's Resonance:12.06.10
Sense of Urgency: The Hole: The Outer Vault:15.06.10
Sense of Urgency: The Lower Corridors:18.10.10
Sense of Urgency: The Protector's Realm:09.02.10
Sense of Urgency: The Shadow Odyssey:
Sense of Urgency: The Tempest of Zek's Demise:17.09.23
Sense of Urgency: The Temple of Kor'Sha:09.10.10
Sense of Urgency: The Tomb of Thuuga:15.11.09
Sense of Urgency: The Vigilant: Final Destruction:27.09.23
Sense of Urgency: The Vigilant: Incursion:26.03.10
Sense of Urgency: The Vigilant: Infiltration:03.04.10
Sense of Urgency: The Vigilant: Rescue:03.04.10
Sense of Urgency: Tomb of the Mad Crusader:26.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Tower of Frozen Shadow:
Sense of Urgency: Toxxulia's Lair (Hard Mode):12.08.10
Sense of Urgency: Toxxulia's Mound:11.03.10
Sense of Urgency: Trakanon's Lair:24.12.09
Sense of Urgency: Tribunus-Prime Hagandr's Demise:12.04.11
Sense of Urgency: Twin Idols of Zek:03.01.24
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Laboratory:17.03.10
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs (Hard Mode):02.09.10
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Conservatory:20.02.10
Sense of Urgency: Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella:17.03.10
Sense of Urgency: Vaults of Eternal Sleep:07.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Veeshan's Peak:21.04.10
Sense of Urgency: Veksar: The Invasion:15.12.09
Sense of Urgency: Veksar: The Sunken Theater:22.11.09
Sense of Urgency: Venekor's Demise:13.09.23
Sense of Urgency: Venril Sathir's Lair:13.12.09
Sense of Urgency: Ward of Elements:13.10.10
Sense of Urgency: Xalgoti's Demise:30.03.11
Sense of Urgency: Ykesha's Inner Stronghold:21.07.10
Sense of Urgency: Ykesha's Outer Stronghold:24.09.10
Sense of Urgency: Zarrakon's Abyssal Lair:30.03.10
September: Moors Mayhem:01.09.24
Sepulcher Slaughterer:25.09.09
Serilian Essentials:30.11.23
Serilian Offerings:30.11.23
Sevalak of Storms' Demise:12.01.24
Sevalak of Storms' Demise (Sense of Urgency):12.01.24
Sevalor Gorescale's Demise:13.01.24
Seven Years Bad Luck:30.03.11
Sextet Symphonies:21.02.24
Shade Overshadower:25.09.09
Shadow Dungeon Crawler:
Shadow of the Night:25.09.09
Shadows Stalker:
Shik'Nar Annihilator:
Shik'Nar Destroyer:
Shik'Nar Executioner:
Shik'Nar Killer:05.11.23
Shin Swashbuckler:26.09.09
Shinies Beneath the Moonlight:02.03.15
Shiny Hunter:25.09.09
Shipyard Savior:05.10.10
Shissar Annihilator:
Shissar Destroyer:
Shissar Executioner:
Shissar Killer:06.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Luminary Cohortis Emon:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Luminary Hertu Asundri:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Luminary Percontorius Felvin:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Pli Va Liako Vess:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Praetorian K'Tikrn :30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Rockhopper Pouncer:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Stonegrabber Colossus:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: The Sambata Champion:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Thought Horror Overfiend:30.09.24
Shorthanded Raid: Xi Xia Xius:30.09.24
Shorthanded Victory: Absatalius:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Adkar Vyx:10.11.09
Shorthanded Victory: Aereon:22.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Aiden:13.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Anashti Sul:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Atrebe's Statue:09.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Azara the Seer:12.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Benach Aglebar:13.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Byzola:10.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Cadducian, Tartan, and Raamum:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Captain Grush:13.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Captain Ikalus:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Dayakara:13.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Demetrius Crane:12.05.10
Shorthanded Victory: Digg:13.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Doomcoil:10.11.09
Shorthanded Victory: Dreadlord D'Somni:12.05.10
Shorthanded Victory: Druushk:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Elder Ekron:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Energized Taehric Construct:22.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Ernax Heridion:24.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Erudin Palace:
Shorthanded Victory: Fabled Fitzpitzle:18.01.24
Shorthanded Victory: Fabled Yitzik the Hurler:18.01.24
Shorthanded Victory: Field General Uktap:29.07.10
Shorthanded Victory: Gelidus Ventus:13.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Gozak:23.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Graden:21.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Gynok Moltor:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Haephaus:22.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Haggle Baron Klok:29.09.10
Shorthanded Victory: Haraakat the Seer:07.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: High Marus Alaric:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Horraastaas:22.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Hoshkar:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Iilsaad's Barrier:06.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Imperator Ignus:13.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Imzok's Revenge:16.01.10
Shorthanded Victory: Iztapa Vyx:10.11.09
Shorthanded Victory: Kael:29.08.11
Shorthanded Victory: Kage-Zonn Prime Zoz:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Kendis Parmare:12.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Khost Alur:17.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Kluzen the Protector:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Kodux and Zarda:09.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Kpul D'Vngur:10.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Kratulus:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Kultak the Cruel:19.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Kurn's Tower:
Shorthanded Victory: Leviathan:18.09.10
Shorthanded Victory: Lieutenant Buldoral:11.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Ludmilla Kystov:16.01.10
Shorthanded Victory: Maalus Shadowfyre:22.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Malevolence and Ire:12.05.10
Shorthanded Victory: Mandoril, Medorius, and Mikla:27.05.10
Shorthanded Victory: Master P'Tasa:12.05.10
Shorthanded Victory: Master Syfak:14.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Master Yael:22.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Melagrognan:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Milyex Vioren:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Mosaasus :21.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Munzok:28.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Munzok's Material Bastion:28.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Mynzak:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Nexona:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Ozyk:23.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Palace of the Ancient One:25.04.11
Shorthanded Victory: Pawbuster:24.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Penda Parmare:12.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Pentaclypse:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Perah'Celsis:03.06.10
Shorthanded Victory: Phara Dar:26.09.10
Shorthanded Victory: Prime Trajin Ghis:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Qunard Ashenclaw:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Regulus and Regulas:22.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Rise of Kunark:24.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Ritualist Sqilak:01.11.10
Shorthanded Victory: Roehn Theer (Order):27.05.10
Shorthanded Victory: Saalax:21.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Sara Greenheart:24.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Selrach Di'Zok:09.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Senior Loyalist Tilas:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Sentinel's Fate:
Shorthanded Victory: Shard of Hate:10.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Silverwing:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Strange Stalker:19.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Switchmaster Zaxlyz:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Tairiza the Widow Mistress:18.09.10
Shorthanded Victory: Taskmaster Nichok:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Tharanaax:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: The Hole:
Shorthanded Victory: The Protector's Realm:16.01.10
Shorthanded Victory: The Scavanator:28.05.10
Shorthanded Victory: The Shadow Odyssey:25.04.11
Shorthanded Victory: The Temple of Kor'Sha:09.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: The Vigilant: Final Destruction:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Thet-em-aua:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Tomb of the Mad Crusader:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Tower of Frozen Shadow:22.09.11
Shorthanded Victory: Toxxulia:19.12.10
Shorthanded Victory: Toxxulia's Mound:19.12.10
Shorthanded Victory: Trajin Cedon:27.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Trakanon:07.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Travenro the Skygazer:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Tyrannus the Dark:23.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Tythus Tinzok:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Ultaclypse:25.04.11
Shorthanded Victory: Umzok:23.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Uthgar, Aaskas, and Maakat:21.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Uzdrak the Invincible:09.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Vaclaz:21.09.23
Shorthanded Victory: Vasty Deep:
Shorthanded Victory: Veeshan's Peak:26.09.10
Shorthanded Victory: Venril Sathir:02.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Vernox the Insatiable:24.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Vuulan:11.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Waansu:12.07.10
Shorthanded Victory: Ward of Elements:17.10.10
Shorthanded Victory: Wymbulu Vyx:10.11.09
Shorthanded Victory: Wyrmlord Zaos:11.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Wyvernlord Tuluun:11.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Xebnok the Wretched:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Xilaxis the Explorer:12.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Xygoz:21.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Xythus Davian and Xythus Aransta:18.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Ykesha:30.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Ykesha's Inner Stronghold:29.07.10
Shorthanded Victory: Yzlak:23.04.10
Shorthanded Victory: Zarrakon:17.03.10
Shorthanded Victory: Zykluk Vyx:10.11.09
Shorthanded: Arch Magistor Modrfrost's Demise:29.08.11
Shorthanded: Arreken Skyward's Demise:12.01.24
Shorthanded: Balor the Primeval's Demise:13.01.24
Shorthanded: Belkreiz Blazeclaw's Demise:13.01.24
Shorthanded: Brendegor Bitelimb's Demise:19.12.11
Shorthanded: Brendegor Bitelimb's Demise (Challenge):27.09.11
Shorthanded: Dagarn's Demise:13.01.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Aaranae Acrimae:09.09.11
Shorthanded: Defeating Baroddas:13.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Bastion:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Botanist Heridal:11.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Brutius the Skulk:28.04.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Caerina the Lost:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Charrid the Mindwarper:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Chomp:15.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Crohp the Mighty:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Danariun, the Crypt Keeper:28.04.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Drels Ma'Gor:30.11.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater:14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Ereorg the Bug Eater (Challenge):14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Fitzpitzle:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Gloust M'ra:30.11.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Gorius the Gray:28.04.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Hragdold the Frenzied:06.09.11
Shorthanded: Defeating Jorik the Scourge:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Karith'Ta:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating King Lockt:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord:14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Kradon the Drake Lord (Challenge):14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Lieutenant Klaatuus:14.12.11
Shorthanded: Defeating Lord Ghiosk:03.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Lord Rak'Ashiir:03.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte:12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Malkonis D'Morte (Challenge):12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Mazarine the Queen:30.11.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Melanie Everling:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Mrogr Bloodtaint:09.09.11
Shorthanded: Defeating Mystikus Terrorwing:15.12.11
Shorthanded: Defeating Ojuti the Vile:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Oligar of the Dead:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Omugra, Thazurus, and Vuzalg:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Othysis Muravian:12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Othysis Muravian (Challenge):12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Pharinich the Forlorn:13.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl:14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Prime Necromunger Maxl (Challenge):14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk:14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Prime Temple-Blocker Grudk (Challenge):14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Ragebourne Gregor Haldane:25.10.11
Shorthanded: Defeating Sarinich the Wretched:13.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Sath'Oprusk:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Sentinel Primatious:15.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Shanaira the Powermonger:11.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Silis On'Va:30.11.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Sorrn Dontro:30.11.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Sullon Zek:24.10.11
Shorthanded: Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun:14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Swarm Keeper Zazun (Challenge):14.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating The Enraged Imp:03.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating The Fear Feaster:13.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Tollen'Eod, Achen'Lomgill, Rhea'pla, and Lean'Odro:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith:12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Treyloth D'Kulvith (Challenge):12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Tuzerk:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Valigez, the Entomber:15.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Wedge Tinderton:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Ynonngozzz'Koolbh:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder:12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Zylphax the Shredder (Challenge):12.12.23
Shorthanded: Defeating Zzalazziz :17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating a Gyrating Green Slime:03.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Ancient Sentinel:30.11.23
Shorthanded: Defeating the Black Reaver:02.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Captain of the Guard:02.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Construct of Souls:17.09.23
Shorthanded: Defeating the Generals:01.11.11
Shorthanded: Defeating the Guardian of Arcanna'se:11.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Iron Forged Constructs:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Kly:29.04.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Lumpy Goo:28.04.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Memory of the Stolen:11.05.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Polliwog:26.02.24
Shorthanded: Defeating the Strathbone Runelord:15.05.24
Shorthanded: Eirreen the Broken's Demise:02.10.11
Shorthanded: Iilatus Frostbeard's Demise:21.04.11
Shorthanded: Ikatiar's Demise:13.01.24
Shorthanded: Imperator Kolskeggr's Demise:28.08.11
Shorthanded: King Tormax's Demise:29.08.11
Shorthanded: Kraytoc's Demise:02.10.11
Shorthanded: Kreegar Krikneck's Demise:11.09.11
Shorthanded: Kreegar Krikneck's Demise (Challenge):31.10.11
Shorthanded: Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise:29.08.11
Shorthanded: Legatus Prime Milkill's Demise (Challenge):02.09.11
Shorthanded: Malteor Flamecaller's Demise:13.01.24
Shorthanded: Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise:28.08.11
Shorthanded: Primus Pilus Gunnr's Demise (Challenge):02.09.11
Shorthanded: Sargon the Destructor's Demise:12.01.24
Shorthanded: Sevalak of Storms' Demise:12.01.24
Shorthanded: Sevalor Gorescale's Demise:13.01.24
Shorthanded: Taaltak the Mighty's Demise:22.09.11
Shorthanded: Tel'koran Bloodmaw's Demise:13.01.24
Shorthanded: Tert Turganpuncher's Demise:02.09.11
Shorthanded: Tert Turganpuncher's Demise (Challenge):31.10.11
Shorthanded: Theldek the Stinger's Demise:13.01.24
Sight But No Vision:
Sign on the dotted line...:25.09.09
Signature Grandmaster:23.02.11
Silence the Scalekeeper:12.06.10
Silent City Silencer:28.04.11
Sinking Sands Scrutinizer:25.09.09
Sinking Sands Settler:25.09.09
Siren Annihilator:
Siren Destroyer:
Siren Executioner:
Siren Killer:23.11.23
Skeleton Crew:
Sky Another Day:13.12.23
Skyshrine Savior:13.01.24
Skyshrine Souvenir Spotter:12.01.24
Skyshrine: City of Dracur:10.01.24
Slug Annihilator:
Slug Destroyer:
Slug Executioner:
Slug Killer:22.09.23
Snack Attack:03.04.24
Solo Sonatas:15.12.23
Solo: The Fabled Nizara Plunderer:26.10.23
Sovereign Secrets: Escape the Labyrinth of Colors:16.05.24
Sovereign Secrets: Friend to the Golden Merchants Guild of the Alcazar:24.06.24
Sovereign Secrets: Friend to the Iron Merchants Guild of the Alcazar:09.06.24
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Azure-Leafed Maneater:15.05.24
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Crimson-Leafed Maneater:23.05.24
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Emerald-Leafed Maneater:19.05.24
Sovereign Secrets: Monstrous Indigo-Leafed Maneater:30.05.24
Sovereign Secrets: Smee the Iron Sprite:20.06.24
Sovereign Secrets: Smol the Golden Sprite:05.05.24
Spectral Librarian Emiida:23.03.11
Spire Flier:
Spirit Swords:07.01.24
Splendor Sky Signatures:26.01.24
Splitiron Mining Equipment:05.11.23
Spoor of Clan Barkgut:16.11.23
Stable Hand:13.10.10
Star Destroyer:06.04.11
Star of Ro:25.09.09
Steamfont Searcher:25.09.09
Steamfont Secret Service:25.09.09
Stormer of Stormhold:21.10.09
Strungstone Sempre:30.12.23
Strungstone Senza:18.02.24
Strungstone Sonata:05.12.23
Subdue Perah'Celsis:17.05.10
Successful Aether Delver [Cleared!]:
Successful Alcazar Assailant [Cleared!]:05.09.24
Successful Breadth Raider [Cleared!]:28.02.24
Successful Chamber Raider [Cleared!]:29.01.24
Sundered Frontiersman:12.03.10
Svarni Scrawl:
Swimming Under The Influence:25.09.09
Symbols of the Temple:03.11.23
T'Lon's Trasher:25.09.09
Taaltak the Mighty's Demise:26.04.11
Taaltak the Mighty's Demise (Challenge):31.10.11
Tag, You're It... I:
Tag, You're It... II:
Tag, You're It... III:
Tag, You're It... IV:
Tag, You're It... IX:
Tag, You're It... V:
Tag, You're It... VI:
Tag, You're It... VII:
Tag, You're It... VIII:
Tag, You're It... X:
Tairiza Trouncer:25.09.09
Talented Tinkerer:02.03.10
Tall Tale Protagonist:02.04.24
Tarnished Tacet:15.12.23
Tarnished Tempo:21.02.24
Tarnished Tonality:19.02.24
Tel'koran Bloodmaw's Demise:13.01.24
Tempered by Flame:28.06.24
Temple Vestiges:30.11.23
Tender Traps in Obulus Frontier:
Tending to the Scar:
Tenebrous Tangle Trailblazer:25.09.09
Tert Turganpuncher's Demise:29.08.11
Tert Turganpuncher's Demise (Challenge):29.08.11
Thagglor Thrasher:25.09.09
Thalumbra Lovers Do It Deep:
The Arcanna'se Crafter:22.04.24
The Ascended:19.10.23
The Avatar of Shinies:28.09.24
The Butler Did It!:30.03.11
The Collection Agent:
The Collection Chaser:
The Collection Curator:
The Crocodile Hunter:11.06.10
The Djinn Master's Reprise:08.11.23
The Doctor is In:06.03.10
The Fabled Bonesnapper Snapper:26.10.23
The Fabled Feather Plucker:26.10.23
The Fabled Spirit Hunter:02.01.24
The Fabled Turtle Dragon Thrasher:26.10.23
The Fire is Dire, the Pyre is Higher:10.09.24
The Frillik Tide:07.05.24
The Gist of Things:
The Great Brewday Pub Crawl:10.03.24
The Lion Sleeps Tonight:
The Long Dark:22.03.24
The Mission is the Mission:
The Raffik Tide?:09.01.24
The Ring War:23.02.11
The Shining Example:
The Shiny Eyed Monster:03.01.24
The Shiny Stalker:
The Sparkle Spotter:26.04.24
The Sparkling Success:
The Spills of Battle:03.11.23
The Task of Tome:21.03.24
The Tempest of Zek's Demise:17.09.23
The Year of Darkpaw Crafter:
Theldek the Stinger's Demise:13.01.24
There Can Be Only One:
This Achievement will self-destruct in five seconds.:09.11.09
Thought Horror Annihilator:
Thought Horror Destroyer:
Thought Horror Executioner:
Thought Horror Killer:24.03.24
Through the Belly of the Beast:20.03.24
Through the Blinding Light:
Thundering Steppes Scout:26.09.09
Thundering Steppes Sleuth:25.09.09
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise:12.01.24
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Challenge):12.01.24
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Challenge) (Sense of Urgency):12.01.24
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Sense of Urgency):12.01.24
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Solo):10.01.24
Tigloth the Conqueror's Demise (Solo) (Sense of Urgency):10.01.24
Till Death Do They Part:
Time Liquidator:06.10.09
Time Saver:
Time Traveler:24.03.11
Timorous Deep Detective:25.09.09
Timorous Deep Traveler:27.09.09
Tinkerer's Trial Terminated:
Tip the Sentinel of Balance (Hard Mode):
Tools of the Dark Gears:09.11.23
Tower Guard I:
Tower Guard II:
Tower Guard III:
Tower Guard IV:
Tower Guard IX:
Tower Guard V:
Tower Guard VI:
Tower Guard VII:
Tower Guard VIII:
Tower Guard X:
Trakanon's Reprise:08.11.23
Trakanon's Tormenter:24.12.09
Trapper of Twilight:25.09.09
Traverse the Corrupted Forest:
Traverse the Divide:12.03.11
Traverse the Eidolon Jungle:13.09.23
Traverse the Obol Plains:23.01.24
Traverse the Wastes:10.03.11
Treasure Quester:25.09.09
Tribunus-Prime Hagandr:06.04.11
Trifecta Trampler:01.12.09
Trinket Pursuer:25.09.09
Trinket Tinkerer:25.09.09
Triumph: Aether Wastelands:15.01.24
Triumph: Ancient Annihilator:
Triumph: Aurelian Coaster:16.09.24
Triumph: Blame It on the Reign:
Triumph: Blight Upon the Badlands:26.02.24
Triumph: Blinding Destroyer:16.09.24
Triumph: Blindingly Killing:16.09.24
Triumph: Brilliant Butcher:
Triumph: Brutal Coaster:16.09.24
Triumph: Brutally Wracked!:04.10.24
Triumph: Cavern Caper:
Triumph: Complete all Ballads of Zimara Collections:06.03.24
Triumph: Couplet Cacophony:19.02.24
Triumph: Darkside Explorer:
Triumph: Decimation of Kunark (Tier 1):
Triumph: Decimation of Kunark (Tier 2):
Triumph: Decimation of Kunark (Tier 3):
Triumph: Decimation of Terror (Tier 1):
Triumph: Decimation of Terror (Tier 2):
Triumph: Decimation of Terror (Tier 3):
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Raid Bosses:
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 1 Raid Bosses:29.01.24
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 2 Raid Bosses:22.04.24
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 3 Raid Bosses:20.06.24
Triumph: Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 4 Raid Bosses:
Triumph: Echo K.O.:
Triumph: Excursions in the Dark:
Triumph: Expert Decimation:
Triumph: Fabled Deathtoll:
Triumph: Flawless all Raid encounters:
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Raid Bosses:
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 1 Raid Bosses:29.01.24
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 2 Raid Bosses:29.07.24
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 3 Raid Bosses:17.09.24
Triumph: Flawlessly Defeat all Ballads of Zimara Tier 4 Raid Bosses:
Triumph: Gnoll Holds Barred [Heroic II]:
Triumph: Gnoll Pain, Gnoll Gain [Heroic]:
Triumph: Gnoll Place Like Home [Solo]:29.09.24
Triumph: Hunting the Planes:
Triumph: I Know Iamb:30.12.23
Triumph: Just Deserts:
Triumph: Lights Out!:
Triumph: Lightside Explorer:
Triumph: Lyrical Decomposition:
Triumph: Master of Vetrovia:
Triumph: Memory Serves [Solo]:29.01.24
Triumph: Menagerie Madness [Solo]:
Triumph: Moon Lander:04.10.24
Triumph: Night of the Microknights:
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Expert]:
Triumph: Planar Punisher [Heroic]:
Triumph: Platinum Punisher [Challenge]:
Triumph: Raggedy Rhapsody:15.01.24
Triumph: Reign of Refrain:
Triumph: Reign on Their Parade:
Triumph: Reign or Shine:
Triumph: Remnant Rampager:
Triumph: Rhyme Slayer:
Triumph: Right as Reign:
Triumph: Ro, Ro, Ro Your Gloat [Solo]:
Triumph: Silencing the Scourge [Solo]:
Triumph: Solo Spelunker:05.05.24
Triumph: Sovereign Secrets - Monstrous Maneaters:30.05.24
Triumph: Splendor Sky Kablooey:05.12.23
Triumph: Stanza Bonanza:15.12.23
Triumph: Stick It Thicket:
Triumph: Terror of Trimeter:19.02.24
Triumph: The Blood Seeker:04.10.24
Triumph: The Fabled Flames of War:
Triumph: Trial Run [Solo]:
Triumph: Unburied Usurper:
Triumph: Unrest Assured [Solo]:28.01.24
Triumph: Unrest in History:
Triumph: Walking on the Moon!:
Triumph: When It Reigns It Pours:
Triumph: Wherever I May Roam:
Triumph: Wieldy Weald:
Triumph: Woe is Plateaus:24.02.24
Triumph: Won't Pack Down:
Triumph: Wracked!:04.10.24
Triumph: Zimara's Last Breadth:08.12.23
Triumph: Zimaran Notary:27.01.24
Triumphant Champion of Faydwer:
Trounce Toxxulia (Hard Mode):26.07.10
Turning a Frown Upside Down:31.03.11
Turtle Dragon Thrasher:25.09.09
Twelfth Anniversary Celebration:03.09.23
Twin Idols of Zek:03.01.24
Udder Contempt for Trophies:03.09.23
Unblemished Oeuvre:
Undead Annihilator:26.10.23
Undead Destroyer:25.09.09
Undead Executioner:20.11.23
Undead Killer:25.09.09
Underfoot Mementos:23.07.24
Underpaws Rising:04.10.24
Undivided Attention to Detail:23.02.11
United We Stand:
Unmasking the Truth:30.03.11
Untamed Lands For One:
Up, Up, and Away!:02.03.15
Urzarach Annihilator:
Urzarach Destroyer:
Urzarach Executioner:
Urzarach Killer:02.01.24
Usurper I:28.10.10
Usurper II:28.10.10
Usurper III:
Usurper IV:
Usurper IX:
Usurper V:
Usurper VI:
Usurper VII:
Usurper VIII:
Usurper X:
Valdoon Vanquisher:25.09.09
Vale Overture:04.12.23
Vale Vivace:30.12.23
Valtith's Thirsting Tome:13.12.23
Vampire Annihilator:
Vampire Destroyer:
Vampire Executioner:
Vampire Killer:25.09.09
Vanquish Vuulan:11.03.10
Vanquish the Vice Vigoth:07.03.10
Varsoon Vanquisher:18.11.09
Vault Raider:25.09.09
Veeshan's Champion:
Veeshan's Crusader:31.10.09
Veeshan's Peak Vindicator:20.11.09
Venekor's Demise:13.09.23
Vetrovia is for Lovers:
Vhodeka Prime's Demise:10.01.24
Victor of Vetrovia:
Victor over Vark:25.09.09
Victor: Count Valdoon Kel'Novar [Heroic]:12.12.23
Victorious Campaign I:28.10.10
Victorious Campaign II:30.10.10
Victorious Campaign III:
Victorious Campaign IV:
Victorious Campaign IX:
Victorious Campaign V:
Victorious Campaign VI:
Victorious Campaign VII:
Victorious Campaign VIII:
Victorious Campaign X:
Victory: A Greater Lightcrawler:16.09.24
Victory: A Residual Slime:02.05.24
Victory: A Residual Slime (Challenge):02.05.24
Victory: A Spectral Beguiler:02.05.24
Victory: A Spectral Beguiler (Challenge):02.05.24
Victory: Abin'Ebi the Awkward:11.12.23
Victory: Albusat Alsihriu:26.02.24
Victory: Alisha:16.09.24
Victory: Aluarenon:16.09.24
Victory: Ancient Spectre:15.09.24
Victory: Anima of Gashok:25.09.24
Victory: Anima of Snarlip:22.09.24
Victory: Anima of Vixra:16.09.24
Victory: Anirath Andirin:26.02.24
Victory: Aqile Akalay:26.02.24
Victory: Ashnu:07.12.23
Victory: Askibin the Darklord:10.09.23
Victory: Baka:26.02.24
Victory: Balimon:13.12.23
Victory: Barlanka:18.02.24
Victory: Baron Bromz:17.06.24
Victory: Bashida the Blade:26.02.24
Victory: Blackbane:04.12.23
Victory: Bloodcomb:04.12.23
Victory: Bluster:28.09.23
Victory: Bolagehera:18.02.24
Victory: Bolguwak:26.02.24
Victory: Botheal:23.02.24
Victory: Brenick of the Brine:08.08.24
Victory: Broxum the Frolicsome:26.02.24
Victory: Brucko the Brutal:19.05.24
Victory: Brulk Skullcrusher:30.08.24
Victory: Brunkor the Big:23.02.24
Victory: Brutal Bloodbath:09.09.24
Victory: Burnard Backbreaker:30.06.24
Victory: Burunk the Boundless:04.03.24
Victory: Caelan'Gael, Keeper of Growth:10.05.24
Victory: Canta Slug:02.04.24
Victory: Captain Twoshanks [Challenge]:25.02.24
Victory: Captain Tzzz:28.09.23
Victory: Captain Vhankmin:28.04.24
Victory: Captain of Fire:10.09.23
Victory: Carrionpicker:26.02.24
Victory: Chatizad:05.05.24
Victory: Chatizad and Zannaska:05.05.24
Victory: Chief Broglyn:13.09.24
Victory: Chief Gadzuuks:30.09.24
Victory: Clobberock:05.11.23
Victory: Cluster:15.09.24
Victory: Colonel Gozier:05.05.24
Victory: Corrupted Construct:08.09.24
Victory: Count Valdoon Kel'Novar [Advanced Solo]:12.12.23
Victory: Cracklebones:21.09.24
Victory: Cragnok:15.12.23
Victory: Crisj'Jen the Bold:30.12.23
Victory: Crogyn:28.01.24
Victory: Darkbeak:23.03.24
Victory: Darkmarr:10.09.23
Victory: Davi'Th:26.02.24
Victory: Deathpetal:16.09.24
Victory: Defeat the Master Clockwork Protocol [Heroic]:12.12.23
Victory: Dendrae and Hederae:23.02.24
Victory: Derussah the Deceptive:19.02.24
Victory: Dhalzzom:07.12.23
Victory: Divinhild Malkyr :06.09.24
Victory: Divinhild Malkyr :28.08.24
Victory: Doda K'Bael:23.12.23
Victory: Dread Wraith:02.05.24
Victory: Dread Wraith (Challenge):02.05.24
Victory: Dreadhusk:04.12.23
Victory: Droseraceae:18.12.23
Victory: Dustpaw Devil:25.09.24
Victory: Eaglovok:04.12.23
Victory: Edani Sanien and Lianfel Goden:23.02.24
Victory: Edrigen:04.03.24
Victory: Elder Furdock [Challenge]:25.02.24
Victory: Elemy Elmonnier:29.06.24
Victory: Emberclaw:11.07.24
Victory: Emperor D'Vinn [Advanced Solo]:01.12.23
Victory: Emperor D'Vinn [Heroic]:01.12.23
Victory: Enexen the Exhumed:24.02.24
Victory: Ercel Bloodpaw:16.09.24
Victory: Ernst Boarg:25.09.24
Victory: Esodeax the Entrenched:09.08.24
Victory: Etosh the Electrifying:13.12.23
Victory: Exorax:26.02.24
Victory: Fabled Fitzpitzle:18.01.24
Victory: Fabled Yitzik the Hurler:18.01.24
Victory: Farid:26.02.24
Victory: Farzun the Forerunner:30.12.23
Victory: Felgream the Fist:07.11.23
Victory: Felnir the Shadow Prowler:30.09.24
Victory: Ferroc:24.10.23
Victory: Firethrone:07.12.23
Victory: Fireye:30.06.24
Victory: Forblarg the Foul:09.09.24
Victory: Fothios Foragious:25.02.24
Victory: Fridget:04.03.24
Victory: Frindel Sporemiser:30.09.24
Victory: Frosta Kalkyr :04.10.24
Victory: Frosta Kalkyr :13.09.24
Victory: Frosta Kalkyr :13.09.24
Victory: Frostok the Frigid and Iceclaw:25.09.24
Victory: Fuejenyrus:05.12.23
Victory: Fungus King Cremini:09.09.24
Victory: Ganadan:26.02.24
Victory: Gazu'Taz the Gradual:30.12.23
Victory: Gelda Glintswift [Challenge]:25.02.24
Victory: General Janosz:05.05.24
Victory: General Ra'Zaal:06.12.23
Victory: Ghest Roppep:16.09.24
Victory: Gilded Back Demolisher:18.02.24
Victory: Gildilisk:11.01.24
Victory: Ginbal:05.12.23
Victory: Glag the Gut:21.09.24
Victory: Glimmerclaw:04.12.23
Victory: Glisterfist Prime:20.12.23
Victory: Globjowls:04.10.24
Victory: Gloomclaw:04.12.23
Victory: Glorglan the Hammer:07.09.24
Victory: Golgon:23.02.24
Victory: Gorlon the Goner:09.04.24
Victory: Grand Master Glox:12.05.24
Victory: Greeneyes:10.09.24
Victory: Grenhuud the Fierce:23.02.24
Victory: Gribbick:23.02.24
Victory: Grimalda Goodhand [Challenge]:25.02.24
Victory: Grimhop:04.12.23
Victory: Grotglutton:10.04.24
Victory: Grrrunk the Trunk:16.09.24
Victory: Grugnop, the Guard:16.09.24
Victory: Grumpy Jack:06.11.23
Victory: Haggle Baron Dalnir:14.10.23
Victory: Hakri Heartwood:24.02.24
Victory: Halcyon:28.09.23
Victory: Hamlet:19.05.24
Victory: Hasira the Hawk:30.12.23
Victory: Haska the Hacker:22.09.24
Victory: Heerbagha:07.11.23
Victory: Hezodhan:07.12.23
Victory: High Shaman Rakada Darkpaw:19.05.24
Victory: Honibuzz:23.02.24
Victory: Hopper the Blood-Drenched:10.09.24
Victory: Iacopa'Lahah:11.05.24
Victory: Idol of Caedor:23.02.24
Victory: Inquez the Ignited:06.07.24
Victory: Ironrot:04.12.23
Victory: Isos:30.12.23
Victory: Izzak Sira:04.05.24
Victory: Jopageri:23.03.24
Victory: Jopal Darkbriar:02.04.24
Victory: Kael'Val:11.05.24
Victory: Kapuji-bashi Haakhaz:18.12.23
Victory: Katakir the Cruel:18.02.24
Victory: Kerem B'ayet:26.02.24
Victory: Khadra Chatt:26.02.24
Victory: Khaiza:17.12.23
Victory: Khazinehdar Zuhraasa:18.12.23
Victory: Khiron Spiritwind:28.09.23
Victory: Khosrow Al'Vaz:20.12.23
Victory: Killclaw:08.10.23
Victory: Killer Quack:02.04.24
Victory: Killmaster Kayzen:30.09.24
Victory: Killmodo:08.09.24
Victory: Kinmaster Kipp:21.09.24
Victory: Klechin Darkfist:06.11.23
Victory: Klesula, the Scorched:04.10.24
Victory: Klubber and Tundo:26.09.24
Victory: Korrosk the Exiled:25.09.24
Victory: Kragstag the Craggy:24.02.24
Victory: Kreigor:25.02.24
Victory: Krogon:22.02.24
Victory: Krullock Poisonhands:13.09.24
Victory: Kujex:22.02.24
Victory: Kuklik:26.02.24
Victory: Kurixtho:07.12.23
Victory: Kusala'Din:04.12.23
Victory: Kwillix Quickshot:30.09.24
Victory: Lachina, Defender of Magics:10.05.24
Victory: Liegess Lavalle [Challenge]:25.02.24
Victory: Lord Frost:04.03.24
Victory: Lungfire Fiend:21.03.24
Victory: Madpaw Mixl:16.09.24
Victory: Magmalatorr:30.12.23
Victory: Magmus Hoptimus:29.06.24
Victory: Major Eghonz:28.04.24
Victory: Malachiel Caedor:26.02.24
Victory: Malblaze:04.12.23
Victory: Malius Crum:20.12.23
Victory: Malkrit:22.02.24
Victory: Manifestation of Ilk:29.01.24
Victory: Manifestation of Nurturing:29.01.24
Victory: Margog, the Destroyer:04.10.24
Victory: Marsun Ledar:07.11.23
Victory: Master of Elemental Dawn:29.01.24
Victory: Master of Elemental Dusk:29.01.24
Victory: Maulok:04.12.23
Victory: Mayofdir:01.11.23
Victory: Mazrid the Mistrider:25.02.24
Victory: Melted Malachiel:23.02.24
Victory: Merchant Caniz:02.05.24
Victory: Metalloid:13.12.23
Victory: Miasmasula:04.12.23
Victory: Moracar, the Fiend:25.02.24
Victory: Morbigog:09.09.24
Victory: Morgelon, the Wilder:25.02.24
Victory: Mouth of Metals:29.01.24
Victory: Mustapha Droughtbringer:26.02.24
Victory: Naamah'Fah:11.05.24
Victory: Naeweth Valanel:23.02.24
Victory: Nazkra:04.05.24
Victory: Neh'Ashiir:02.05.24
Victory: Neh'Ashiir (Challenge):02.05.24
Victory: Nerjehl Khaneh:18.12.23
Victory: Nerobahan:16.09.24
Victory: Nezri En'Sallef:07.12.23
Victory: Nimble Rodderick:30.09.24
Victory: Novilog:07.11.23
Victory: Nremum:06.11.23
Victory: Ongnissim the Unseen:02.05.24
Victory: Oseaniska Salkyr :06.09.24
Victory: Oseaniska Salkyr :28.08.24
Victory: Oseaniska Salkyr :28.08.24
Victory: Over-General Vihgoh:28.04.24
Victory: Ozani:17.06.24
Victory: Palovina Vodlak:09.10.23
Victory: Perilaxous:09.09.24
Victory: Phironae:23.02.24
Victory: Pillowpaw:31.08.24
Victory: Pirelia the Pale:08.08.24
Victory: Platimus:31.12.23
Victory: Psamtic the Sour:15.12.23
Victory: Purpyron and Mrokor:16.09.24
Victory: Pyrefist, Dark Guardian:25.02.24
Victory: Quartermaster Hamid:26.02.24
Victory: Queen Era'selka:04.12.23
Victory: Queshaun, Keeper of Pestilence:10.05.24
Victory: Ra-Sekjet, the Molten:26.02.24
Victory: Ragehorn:05.12.23
Victory: Ragnarock:07.12.23
Victory: Rector Droz'Kzar:04.05.24
Victory: Repungus:29.09.24
Victory: Revenant Sthzzzizt:04.10.24
Victory: Rilesurge:13.09.24
Victory: Ripperback:15.09.24
Victory: Ripperclaw:08.08.24
Victory: Rockskin:16.09.24
Victory: Ropscion Mindeye:16.09.24
Victory: Rotbeak:28.09.23
Victory: Roughbeak:22.02.24
Victory: Rubblethrong:05.12.23
Victory: Ryryrd of the Wind:16.09.24
Victory: Sabellah'Xen Keeper of Fire:10.05.24
Victory: Saian the Submariness:17.06.24
Victory: Sansobog and Akharys:18.02.24
Victory: Satashi the Staggering:30.12.23
Victory: Savretta Seyzon:29.06.24
Victory: Sawclaw:17.06.24
Victory: Sawmaw:19.05.24
Victory: Scyphodon:08.09.24
Victory: Sentinel Goor:12.05.24
Victory: Shadowed Abomination:16.09.24
Victory: Shadowphage:08.09.24
Victory: Shanrazad the Spared:18.02.24
Victory: Shik'Nar Attendant:05.11.23
Victory: Shik'Nar Imperiatox:16.09.24
Victory: Shik'Nar Warlord:05.11.23
Victory: Shiroth Avinox:26.02.24
Victory: Shred of Tashakhi:10.09.24
Victory: Sina A'rak:18.02.24
Victory: Sinistrad:20.12.23
Victory: Skyggind Shalkyrr :28.08.24
Victory: Skyggind Shalkyrr :28.08.24
Victory: Skyggind Shalkyrr :06.09.24
Victory: Slippadeedoodah:04.03.24
Victory: Smeltga Falkyr :28.08.24
Victory: Smeltga Falkyr :28.08.24
Victory: Smeltga Falkyr :06.09.24
Victory: Smiley:04.10.24
Victory: Smithy Xzatik:12.05.24
Victory: Soku'Aos the Sturdy:30.12.23
Victory: Solvag the Voracious:04.03.24
Victory: Sorceress Gwen'vae:10.05.24
Victory: Spikeberg:04.03.24
Victory: Spinewidow:28.09.23
Victory: Spiriza, Flogine and Riandrix:23.02.24
Victory: Sporefiend Zugu:08.09.24
Victory: Sporky:16.09.24
Victory: Steena Dragonflyer:30.09.24
Victory: Stonehand:07.11.23
Victory: Syadun:30.12.23
Victory: Sytrax:11.01.24
Victory: Tabor'Zaai:11.05.24
Victory: Taja Verath:30.09.24
Victory: Takaboom and Hakapow:04.03.24
Victory: Takka and Tejja Kevad:05.05.24
Victory: Takujo:26.02.24
Victory: Tarsisk the Tainted:15.12.23
Victory: Tazir Tanziri:06.12.23
Victory: Team Terratha:26.02.24
Victory: Terranus:26.02.24
Victory: Terrorclaw:01.11.23
Victory: The Algae Fiend:02.05.24
Victory: The Armor of Sul:10.05.24
Victory: The Blooming Devourer:24.02.24
Victory: The Bonecleaver:20.12.23
Victory: The Brack Fish:08.08.24
Victory: The Crystallized Construct:10.05.24
Victory: The Dazzlefly:23.02.24
Victory: The Drudge Lord:16.09.24
Victory: The Enchanted Sword and Shield:14.10.23
Victory: The Fabled Halls of Fate:18.01.24
Victory: The Fabled Lord Vyemm and Alzid Prime:18.01.24
Victory: The Fabled Vaults of El'Arad:24.05.24
Victory: The Frenzied Feeder:10.05.24
Victory: The Frightening of Fidello:23.02.24
Victory: The Gooblin King:04.05.24
Victory: The Gooey Gobdrop:20.12.23
Victory: The Googantuan:10.05.24
Victory: The Grand Manus:15.01.24
Victory: The Haunting of Tualanan:26.02.24
Victory: The Hemogorgon:14.01.24
Victory: The Kly:04.05.24
Victory: The Kly [Challenge]:04.05.24
Victory: The Magmalgam:23.02.24
Victory: The Master Clockwork Protocol [Advanced Solo]:12.12.23
Victory: The Master's Reflection:04.03.24
Victory: The Meld of Haze:02.05.24
Victory: The Meld of Vapor:02.05.24
Victory: The Mist Reaver:02.05.24
Victory: The Needlite Queen:08.09.24
Victory: The Poached Poacher:10.09.24
Victory: The Prophets Three:19.05.24
Victory: The Rock Collector:04.05.24
Victory: The Sacrificed:04.05.24
Victory: The Shadow Overlord:16.09.24
Victory: The Spelobanzeothitem:09.09.24
Victory: The Storm Mistress:18.02.24
Victory: The Terranaught:21.09.24
Victory: The Torsis Champion:02.05.24
Victory: Theliphon:04.12.23
Victory: Theya Shen'Safa:13.12.23
Victory: Thraxinae:10.09.24
Victory: Thunji'Mok:26.02.24
Victory: Tickrupt:22.02.24
Victory: Tidalax:17.06.24
Victory: Tigrok:26.02.24
Victory: Timberlake:28.09.23
Victory: Tinchela:04.12.23
Victory: Tishtish the Prankish:26.02.24
Victory: Tkesh'Tura:04.12.23
Victory: Tootooz the Cryptomaniac:14.10.23
Victory: Triad Golems:04.05.24
Victory: Twotooth:16.09.24
Victory: Tzirathk:02.05.24
Victory: Tzirathk (Challenge):02.05.24
Victory: Uah'Lu the Unhallowed:30.12.23
Victory: Ulosi and Ulcine Nacisroc:10.09.24
Victory: Undertaker Zemilox:13.09.24
Victory: Urgsela, the Malign:04.10.24
Victory: Va Din Ra:10.04.24
Victory: Va Dyn Kar:16.09.24
Victory: Vashtu the Volatile:30.12.23
Victory: Vencine and Vincenz Kovari:10.09.24
Victory: Vinzerah Ral'moor:08.09.24
Victory: Virsyk Dalkyr :07.09.24
Victory: Virsyk Dalkyr :07.09.24
Victory: Vmork The Voracious:09.04.24
Victory: War Baron Eator:15.05.24
Victory: War Historian Kobl:15.05.24
Victory: Warhelm:04.10.24
Victory: Wilhelm the Elm:23.02.24
Victory: Wraith of Jaxion:02.05.24
Victory: Xerxes'Kade:11.05.24
Victory: Xi Xaui:16.09.24
Victory: Xias Dos Xan:16.09.24
Victory: Xogerarda:28.09.23
Victory: Xukon:04.12.23
Victory: Xuxuquaxul:06.12.23
Victory: Xuzut:24.02.24
Victory: Xylox the Poisonous:16.09.24
Victory: Yipyap:25.09.24
Victory: Yorgen Stonechipper:17.09.24
Victory: Zaida'Rai, Keeper of Passions:10.05.24
Victory: Zakir-Sar-Ussur:18.12.23
Victory: Zannaska:05.05.24
Victory: Zox:07.12.23
Victory: Zozklaw:08.12.23
Void Voyager:18.11.09
Volcano Invader:07.10.09
Vox Vivisector:24.11.09
Vying For Growth:
Vyskudra the Ancient's Demise:12.01.24
Vyskudra the Ancient's Demise (Flawless):12.01.24
Vyskudra the Ancient's Demise (Shorthanded):12.01.24
Wake the Dead:18.10.23
Walking on Air:
Wallop the Wyrm (Hard Mode):07.07.10
Warlord Ykesha Waster:30.03.10
Wasting Away in the Wastes:
Waterworks Spare Parts:12.05.24
We Want a Shrubbery:
Weald Write:
Weapon Wrecker:25.09.09
Welcome to the Jungle:
Welcome, Overseer.:20.09.23
Werewolf Annihilator:
Werewolf Destroyer:
Werewolf Executioner:
Werewolf Killer:25.09.09
Which Were, Where?:22.10.23
Wide Breadth: Part I:29.01.24
Wide Breadth: Part II:01.02.24
Wide Breadth: Part III:28.02.24
Wide Breadth: Part IV:08.05.24
Wild Wild Quest:
Wilder Annihilator:
Wilder Destroyer:
Wilder Executioner:
Wilder Killer:28.12.23
Will Break for Shinies:25.09.09
Will Wipe Groups for Shinies!:14.10.23
Wing and A Prayer:
Wisdom's Waltz:15.12.23
Wisdom's Waltzers:15.12.23
Wonderous Wild Weald:
Wrack Hands:
Wrack and Field Star:
Wracked Exploration:
Wreckrock Ruiner:21.10.09
Wrought Written:27.01.24
Wuoshi Whacker:04.10.09
Wyrm Twynk:17.03.10
Xalgoti's Demise:30.03.11
Xalgoz Exterminator:25.09.09
Yha-lei Annihilator:
Yha-lei Destroyer:
Yha-lei Executioner:
Yha-lei Killer:25.09.09
Ykeshan Trekker:25.09.09
You Jelly?:02.04.24
You can learn how to take them down!:25.09.09
Your mission is...:06.10.09
Zhvari Savage:07.11.09
Zimara to Love:21.02.24
Zoo Keeper:20.03.24
Zorglim the Departed:30.03.11
Zraxth Zapper:15.12.09
Zynos Slaughterer:25.09.09
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Bobbin' For Goblins:12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Gob Stopper:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Goblin Gobbler:12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Raucous Rampager (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Righteous Rioter (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Triumph: Unruly Ruler (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Boarkeeper Malleg:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Boarkeeper Malleg (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Boarkeeper Malleg (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Boarkeeper Malleg (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Burrtoe the Gorged:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Burrtoe the Gorged (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Burrtoe the Gorged (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Burrtoe the Gorged (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Kanar:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Kanar (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Kanar (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Kanar (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Siltsea:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Siltsea (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Siltsea (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Chieftain Siltsea (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: High Shaman Vohan:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: High Shaman Vohan (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: High Shaman Vohan (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: High Shaman Vohan (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Mayka Rukus:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Mayka Rukus (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Mayka Rukus (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Mayka Rukus (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Memnmamar Marrowgut:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Memnmamar Marrowgut (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Memnmamar Marrowgut (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Memnmamar Marrowgut (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Slamhammer:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Slamhammer (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Slamhammer (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Slamhammer (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Snok Eyegouger:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Snok Eyegouger (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Snok Eyegouger (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Snok Eyegouger (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Xorxx:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Xorxx (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Xorxx (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: Xorxx (T3):12.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: a Golden Scarab:06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: a Golden Scarab (T1):06.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: a Golden Scarab (T2):09.08.24
[Fabled Runnyeye] Victory: a Golden Scarab (T3):12.08.24
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Decimate Hate:
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 1):
[Heroic SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 2):
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Horb:11.11.23
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Morg:11.11.23
[Heroic SoH] Victory: Skimp the Imp:11.11.23
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Decimate Hate:
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 1):
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 3):
[Solo SoH] Triumph: Eliminating the Enmity (Part 5):
[Solo SoH] Victory: Anarchic Obscenity:11.11.23
[Solo SoH] Victory: Fuel of Hatred:11.11.23
[Solo SoH] Victory: Gluglug:11.11.23
[Solo SoH] Victory: Head of Hate:11.11.23
Chaos Tongue
Death's Whisper
Words of Shade
Zerocooll's Stronghold1 Justice Road
Zerocooll's Everfrost Summer HomeEverfrost Portal
Zerocooll's Maj'Dulan affluent Maj'Dul residence
Zerocooll's Lavastorm Winter RetreatLavastorm Portal
Zerocooll's Sands of Renewal HomeSands of Renewal Home
Zerocooll's Residence of the BladesResidence of the Blades Portal
Zerocooll's Isle of Refuge Prestige HomeIsle of Refuge Prestige Home
Zerocooll's EstateMistmoore Crags Estates
Zerocooll's Mara Estate HomeMara Estate
Agents of Neriak:22500
Arcanists of Tunaria:-50000
Bastion of the Tranquil:50000
Bathezid's Watch:50000
Bazzt Bzzt Bixie Brood:-50000
Bloody Tooth Clan:47000
Broken Toe Clan:-17000
Caertaxian Legion:-44450
City of Paineel:50000
Clan Brokenskull:-49750
Clan Crushbone:-50000
Clan Grobb:50000
Clan Ry'Gorr:50000
Clan Skleross:50000
Clan Smokehorn:-37200
Clan Stormshield:45000
Clan Thrael'Gorr:50000
Claws of Veeshan:38500
Crusaders of Greenmist:-20000
Dalnir's Wheel Taskmasters:50000
Deepforge Founders:8000
Defenders of the Seal:-1200
Disciples of Wu:150
Disciples of the Circling Destiny:50000
Doomwing Legion:-50000
Drednever Expedition:50000
Exiles of Droga:41475
Far Seas Supply Division:50000
Fell Blade:50000
Fordel Midst Trade Commission:30000
Forgemasters of Thurgadin:50000
Frogloks of Krupp:-50
Gazers of the Overrealm:-50000
Gloompall Fairies:-50000
Goblins of Fire Peak:-50000
Goblins of Nurga:-18000
Golden Merchants Guild of the Alcazar:50000
Guardians of the Underfoot:-50000
Guktan Guard:50000
Hidden Plunderers' Camp:50000
Hizite Nomads of Ro:13500
House Vahla:-50000
House Yrzu:44000
Hua Mein:50000
Hua Mein Craftsmen:50000
Iceclad Pirates:20000
Iron Merchants Guild of the Alcazar:-50000
Isles of Wisdom:50000
Kerra Isle:50000
Kerra Isle Outfitters:50000
Kunzar Jungle Villagers:50000
Legion of Danak:48900
Maj'Dul Citizens:44550
Mountain Throms of Mok Island:10000
New Tunarian Citizens:-50000
Nuknok Clan:-50000
Nybright Family:3400
Open Hand:50000
Order of Flame:50000
Othmir Artisans:29550
Othmir of Velious:50000
Outer Sebilis Residents:50000
Pirates of Gunthak:-50000
Pride Pakiat:-50000
Rallos Zek:0
Researchers of Quel'ule:50000
Residents of Teren's Grasp:50000
Ry'zilk's Renegades:50000
Scions of the Deepwater Knights:50000
Seekers of the Dark Truth:50000
Shields of Maldura:1000
Sky Watcher Sodality:50000
Snowfang Gnolls:50000
Sootfoot Talent Society:-10000
Survival Accord:50000
Synod Reet:50000
Tabernacle of Pain:50000
The Academy of Arcane Science:49900
The Alliz Raef Ew:-49450
The Anaz Mal Gnolls:-49650
The Aravu Naga:50000
The Ashen Disciples:7510
The Ashen Order:-12040
The Asilian Fairies:-1900
The Bellywhumpers:50000
The Blackshield Smugglers:-50000
The Blacktalon:-50000
The Bloodskull Orcs:-50000
The Celestial Watch:450
The Char'Gin:-34540
The Chronomancers:50000
The Circle of the Unseen Hand:50000
The City of Freeport:40000
The City of Gorowyn:-15000
The City of Jinisk:50000
The City of Kelethin:-50000
The City of Neriak:5150
The City of New Halas:-40000
The City of Qeynos:-50000
The City of Thurgadin:50000
The Coalition of Tradesfolke:50000
The Concordium:1480
The Court of Al'Afaz:-30000
The Court of Truth:30000
The Court of the Blades:50000
The Court of the Coin:30000
The Court of the Master Djinn:-50000
The D'Vinnian Court:-50000
The Deathfist Orcs:-50000
The Dervish Cutthroats:-50000
The Dismal Rage:49235
The Dreadguard:-100
The Dreadnaughts:-17350
The Enchanted Reapers:-50000
The Evol Ew Lizardmen:-50000
The Far Seas Trading Company:50000
The Forsaken City:50000
The Freeport Militia:49700
The Fugutr Tribe :-15280
The Great Herd:45100
The Green Hoods:50000
The Guardians of Thyr:-50000
The Guardians of the Vale:50000
The Gwalnax Brigade:8000
The Ironforge Exchange:10055
The Irontoe Brigade:50000
The Kaentrik Bards:50000
The Kromise:-50000
The Krulkiel Bugbears:-44700
The League of Freethinkers:41700
The Lost Children of Marr:50000
The Lyrech:50000
The Marked:-50000
The Minions of Fear:-50000
The Muckflick Goblins:-44700
The Myntr Tribe :-15280
The Mystic Guardians:49900
The Nizari:-50000
The Order of Marr:20000
The Order of Rime:47400
The Order of the Blade:-50000
The Ortallians:-6940
The Qeynos Guard:0
The Ree Orcs:-50000
The Royal Antonican Guard:-19950
The Rujarkian Orcs:-50000
The Runnyeye Goblins:-50000
The Sabertooth Gnolls:-47550
The Sandscrawlers:-49050
The Seafury Buccaneers:49500
The Seamist Faeries:50000
The Sel'Nok Brigade:50000
The Spirits of Marr:-50000
The Steppes Settlers:27700
The Strifewing:-50000
The Sullian Fairies:650
The Swiftrider Mercenaries:34550
The Tae Ew Lizardmen:-50000
The Thexians:-50000
The Tunarian Alliance:750
The Watchers of Timorous:33000
The Whistling Fists Clan:-9300
The Windgazer:50000
The Windsisters:-50000
The Yarpsnarl Kobolds:-44700
Thulian Knights:-50000
Tizmak Clan:-50000
Zakir Rish:-50000
 Critical Chance:4495%
 Casting Speed:82%
 Reuse Speed:202%
 Recovery Speed:0%
 Myth Buff:Epic Repercussions Completed
 Singular Focus:Singular Focus Obtained
 Alternate AdvancementTotal # AA Points350
 PrestigeTotal # Prestige Points70
 Arcane Resists:Minimum Requirement = 2,001,871
 Noxious Resists:Minimum Requirement = 2,002,131
 Elemental Resists:Minimum Requirement = 2,002,456
Equipped FoodDasheen and Persimmon Salad
Equipped DrinkPersimmon Quencher

DKP Информация

Показать информацию очков для этого персонажа

Название группы локаций Получено Потрачено Изменение Текущее значение Рейдов (за 30 дней) Рейдов (за 60 дней) Рейдов (за 90 дней) Рейдов (за всё время)
ДКП 176 90 -4 82 0% (0/6) 0% (0/17) 0% (0/30) 26% (22/86)
... записей найдено: 1

История участия в рейдах

Дата Название Примечание Значение
29.01.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
01.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
05.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
08.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
12.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Ёська 8
15.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Expanse 8
19.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber + Марр 8
22.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] 8
26.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
28.02.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Эролизя 8
29.02.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Chamber 8
04.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Delves 8
07.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] 8
11.03.24 [BoZ] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid] + Берт 8
14.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Берт 8
18.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Delves + Берт 8
21.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] 8
28.03.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Delves 8
01.04.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] + Иннорук, Марр, Эролизя 8
03.04.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Эролизя 8
08.04.24 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] + Chamber 8
10.04.24 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] 8
... записей найдено: 22

История индивидуальных изменений

Дата Причина Значение
10.04.24 Ранний уход -2
28.02.24 Поздний приход -2
... записей найдено: 2
Иконка Событие Рейдов (за всё время)
Эпическое Тайное Укрытие Вольнодумцев (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Эпическое Тайное Укрытие Вольнодумцев
0.00% (0/0)
Эпический Небесный Пьедестал
0.00% (0/0)
Эпический Мутант-изгой
0.00% (0/0)
Эпические Принцы
0.00% (0/0)
Эпическая Призма Повелителя Джиннов
0.00% (0/0)
Эпическая Обитель Смерти
0.00% (0/0)
Эпическая Лаборатория Лорда Виемма
0.00% (0/0)
Шпиль Суллон (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Шепчущие Острова: Владения Драазака
0.00% (0/0)
Храм Шшраеза: Эхо Времени
0.00% (0/0)
Храм Раллоса Зека: Каменный Фундамент (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Храм Неба: Предательство в Глубинах
0.00% (0/0)
Святилище Виишан: Пасть Ужасной Чешуи
0.00% (0/0)
Святилище Виишан: Обитель Стража
0.00% (0/0)
Расцвет Дракура: Пробуждение Севалака
0.00% (0/0)
Расцвет Дракура: Вискудра Древняя
0.00% (0/0)
Пропасть Могущества
0.00% (0/0)
Проклятое Святилище
0.00% (0/0)
Паром Трепета: Короли пиратов
0.00% (0/0)
Оссуарий: Собор Костей
0.00% (0/0)
Оссуарий: Алтарь Злобы
0.00% (0/0)
Нет определенной локации
0.00% (0/13)
Нагорная крепость: Бескровное вторжение
0.00% (0/0)
Нагорная Твердыня: Пощады не будет
0.00% (0/0)
Мир войн
0.00% (0/0)
Край Мучений
0.00% (0/0)
ЗавитЛоа: Магмовые Озера
0.00% (0/0)
Грот Сирен: Нисхождение
0.00% (0/0)
Гробница Спящего: Раскопки
0.00% (0/0)
Гробница Спящего: Прыжок во времени
0.00% (0/0)
Винокурня Далеких Морей: Нищие и попрошайки
0.00% (0/0)
Бухта Череполомов: Ярость Проклятых
0.00% (0/0)
Башня Валлона (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Бастион Таллона (Сложный режим)
0.00% (0/0)
Арена Богов
0.00% (0/0)
Алтарь Гнусности
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon95 [VoV] The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon96 [VoV] The Fabled Trakanon's Lair [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon90 [VoV] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon89 [VoV] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon91 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon93 [VoV] Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon92 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon94 [VoV] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon85 [RoS] Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon87 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon88 [RoS] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Challenge Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon84 [RoS] Shadeweaver Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon86 [RoS] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon83 [RoS] Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon99 [RoR] Takish Badlands: The Boundless Gulf [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon102 [RoR] Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon98 [RoR] Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon97 [RoR] Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Hunt [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon101 [RoR] Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon100 [RoR] Buried Takish'Hiz: Emergence from Stone [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] The Fabled Ykeshas Inner Stronghold
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Solusek Ros Tower: Citadel of the Sun
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Shard of Hate: Reignited Hatred
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Plane of Innovation: The Wasteyards
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Plane of Disease: Virulent Insurrection
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate
0.00% (0/0)
[PoP] Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Vaedenmoor: Realm of Despair
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Vaedenmoor: Heart of Nightmares
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Lost City of Torsis: Ashirian Court (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Lost City of Torsis: Ashirian Court
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Chamber of Rejuvenation
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Arcannase Spire: Order and Chaos (Expert)
0.00% (0/0)
[KA] Arcannase Spire: Order and Chaos
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Vegarlson: Upheaval
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Reef of Coirnav
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Ragrax, the Sepulcher of The Twelve
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid]
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon74 [CD] Fabled Throne of Storms: Hall of Legends
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon72 [CD] Eryslai: The Aether Vale
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Doomfire: The Molten Caldera
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon73 [CD] Doomfire: The Broken Throne
0.00% (0/0)
[CD] Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths (Contested)
0.00% (0/0)
[CD-LU] Castle Mischief
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon104 [BoZ] Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid]
64.00% (9/14)
eventicon106 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid]
3.00% (1/29)
eventicon103 [BoZ] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid]
61.00% (11/18)
eventicon105 [BoZ] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid]
8.00% (1/12)
eventicon79 [BoL] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon75 [BoL] The Blinding: Twisted Vista
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon80 [BoL] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon77 [BoL] Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon78 [BoL] Fordel Midst: Remembrance
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon76 [BoL] Aurelian Coast: The Emerging Eclipse
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon82 [BoL-RtF] The Fabled Plane of War
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon81 [BoL-RtF] Solusek's Eye: The Calling
0.00% (0/0)
Zek, the Scourge Wasters: The Siege
0.00% (0/0)
The Fabled Xuxlaios Roost
0.00% (0/0)
The Fabled Antechamber of Fate
0.00% (0/0)
Stygian Threshold: Edge of the Underfoot
0.00% (0/0)
Maldura: Forge of Ashes
0.00% (0/0)
Kralet Penumbra: The Hive Mind
0.00% (0/0)
... записей найдено: 104



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